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House Celamyrsa

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:23 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

House Celamyrsa


House Celamyrsa has been in the regions of Skaven and Ludren since humans first migrated to the region. The stories go that they and other old families in Ludren were the first to settle what would become Lorien and they got the prime spot along the border at the edge of the ever frost. Family folklore is filed with stories of this age. What the recorded history states is that the Celamyrsa house were local lords when the first King united the country of Lorien. The Celamyrsa house and its people had defended the border lands for a while by then and while not happy with the new king, by the time he was at the boarders of their lands they saw the writing on the walls and joined the newly United Kingdom.

At the time they were only made Barons over Skaven and the surrounding lands. The younger son of an Alderset was made Count of Ludren. As the years moved by this line of Alderset had only daughters and the heir was married to the Celamyrsa Baron of Skaven, there by elevating Celamyrsa to position of Count of Ludren.

The family continued in their position as Counts over the centuries. They found themselves in a unique position as the king would transplant soldiers to the boarder to help protect the boarders against southern aggression. The Celamyrsa welcomed these new comers and helped them make a home. Many grew loyal to the area and the count. Many of them stopped thinking of it as a punishment but a wonderful opportunity.

By the time of the civil wars Ludren had a loyal force that made them a force to be contended with. They also had the less heavy influence of the Kindred. No one is sure if it’s because Ludren is so far from the center of the kingdom or maybe because the county sits beyond the ever frost that makes it so there are less Kindred in the area.

As the centuries continued the family grew more secure and began to have ambitions as despite the fewer Kindred they too have had their own whispering from the Kindred. It was at this point that the Alderset made a promise that if the Counts helped them ascend to the throne they would become their own Duchy.

The Celamyrsa house has continued to protect the boarder and watch and play the civil unrest game.

Titles and Resources

The House Celamyrsa are the Counts of Ludren with the Barony of Skaven always belonging to the Count or sometimes his direct Heir. About one third of the baronies within the county belong to the count and can be grant to someone for up to the duration of the current Count’s life or the favored individuals life. Another third belong to lesser branches of the family and the last third to longtime lesser allied families.

Ludren’s greatest resource is food. Being the only part of the country with four seasons they have the best growing season, and between the Hollow and the fields, both in the valleys and terraced into the hills, they produce food for the country. It also offers combat training because despite the Hollows the memory of times when they stood as the wall against invasion still remains.

Diplomatic Ties

Being a county they are on friendly terms with the other counties in the West End. Due to their food growth other families and counties also seek thei good will. They are closely connected to House Alderset, both as their Duke and through historical marriages. The county of Branderbren in Brandt is also a close ally to the house and the family working towards closer connections with the house of Galbrecht.


The Symbol of House Celamyrsa is the Rooster. There colors are also green and yellow. There colors and symbol are to represent the fact that they have green fields but also that they are the first warning to the country against outside danger.

The house motto is “For the Strength of the Hills”

Octavian Celamyrsa


Octavian Celamyrsa

Age: 41st of Searing, Year 72 - 48
Race: Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 178 lb

Occupation: Noble/Soldier
Title: Count
NPC Type: Story
Influence: 0

Leadership - 80
Politics - 70
Tactics - 50
Blades - 50
Agriculture - 50
Logistics - 25
Running - 25
Dancing - 10

Description:Octavian Celamyrsa is a family man first and foremost. After his own's father rather tyrannical rule Octavian firm but understanding tenure as Count has managed to smooth many hurt feelings and united the mainline and the branches in these troubled times. Like any good Celamyrsa he tries to balance his duties between having a understand of how to defend his County as it sits on the boarder, and keeping it productive. While Octavian lives in luxury he isn't a person who pushes a luxurious life style. He maintains the homes and grands that he inherited, but hasn't expanded upon them. His Barons, the local Argents have found him to be fair and firm. Even the powerful among Lustrians and Savants have found him approachable.

Nyvene Celamyrsa


Nyvene (Alderset) Celamyrsa

Age: 11th of Frost, Year 75 - 45
Race: Human
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 162 lb

Occupation: Noble/Accounting
Title: Countess
NPC Type: Story
Influence: 0

Finance - 80
Negotiation - 70
Deception - 50
Psychology - 50
Leadership - 30
Dancing - 30
Painting - 20

Description: Nyvene Celamyrsa was raised as an Alderset but was married into Celamyrsa family. She has a talent with the numbers and between her skills Octavian's frugalness she has managed to keep the Celamyrsa in the green. She is a fairly haughty personality, though with her family she is much nicer and her family see's that she does love them. She does struggle to admit when she is wrong, but her and her husband do actually love each other and found a way to work with each other. She works mostly behind the scene or with her husband as he helps smooth over her stand off nature.


Re: House Celamyrsa

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:57 am
by Tyranny
This is approved! Happy to see a player-made house, and I look forward to seeing your plots with them. :D