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The Irothar

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:06 am
by Tyranny



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Re: The Irothar

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:38 pm
by Mystic


Caru are a small bird Archetype, no larger than the average parakeet. Covered perpetually in flame and with fire occupying the space of their sclera, with the interior of their body a thin obsidian-glass. Caru have been around for thousands of years, once documented as an animal species due to their wide spread and their familial nature. However, they are spirits, one of the more common and benevolent ones. Rather than starting forest fires as one might expect them to, Caru actually help to manage and reduce their scope, capable of absorbing the heat and flame from trees in or near the place of their residence. They served to protect the integrity of the forests they lived in, though since the Sundering they have largely been confined to the Mirrorlands, and have focused themselves on a new goal: ridding their region on the rot of their land, the Dranoch.

Caru are friendly and curious creatures, often perching on their Summoner's (or other Irothar's) shoulder and observing the world. They cannot really communicate with their Summoner, only capable of chirping, but they do appear to understand their Summoner and are keen on following their commands and heeding their words. In Sil-Elaine, where they live, the Caru will often protect travelers by colliding with Dranoch and beasts in order to defend them, even at the cost of their own lives.

Among Vrannik, the Caru are highly inexpensive Archetypes to summon, expending slightly more ether than a Nahl. Their contract duration is twenty four hours, but they rarely ever last this long, given their purpose. Caru appear to be easier and quicker to Bind, making the usage of Reminiscence generally unnecessary on them.

The Caru only really have one purpose, and it is to combust. They are effectively living grenades, flying after opponents and then exploding. The explosions they cause (leading to their banishment) expand outwards in a radius of nearly twenty-feet, though rather than expanding outward with vast kinetic force and pressure as typical explosions do, the resulting explosion is purely one of flame. The flame will also immediately lessen and subside after the Caru is banished, around one to two seconds after the explosion. For this reason, their combustion is possible to survive, though mundane warriors will likely be burnt into cinders.

Caru also have one less frequently utilized ability; they can communicate with Irothar, who can then communicate with the Summoner. This means that they can be used as watchers considering their very low costs, protecting a Summoner from ambush or scouting for information.

These are for public use. Created by Taelian.

Re: The Irothar

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:42 pm
by Mystic


Irokai, sometimes called 'Glass Elementals', are beings made of highly textured glass that often appears similar to brass and other metals. They are among the most common of Tyrnac's Archetypes, representing the standard of glass-Irothar, and they are eminently common in the Mirrorlands of Sil-Elaine. Irokai are tall, standing at around eight to nine feet (with male-structured Irokai leaning towards nine), and typically levitating slightly above the ground. Frequently called upon by Irothar-Summoners in war, they make excellent ground troops particularly for dealing with non-mages, for reasons that will be made clear below.

The Irokai are obedient to their Summoner, though they hold the same disdainful elegance as most other Irothar. They always hold their head high, maintain a reserved posture and seem to integrate a sort of style into their fighting technique. Unlike many Archetypes they do communicate verbally with their Summoners, and with each other, forming cohesive squadrons with one another even if called by different Summoners - so long as they're on the same side. They tend to defer either to their Summoners or higher ranking Irothar, and as they are disciplined and tactically-minded, they (as made clear earlier) work excellently in groups.

The common Irokai are Vrannik-class Archetypes, and will contract with the Summoner for thirty six hours.

The Irokai don't have any particularly special abilities. They can levitate about a foot off of the ground at-will, but aside from this their application tends to be mostly focused on their skills in melee combat. The Irokai are, as glass-Irothar, highly durable. They maintain a palpable resistance to most forms of physical damage and a slight resistance to magic, making them difficult to contend with for common soldiers, even groups of them. They are also flexible and while not incredibly fast, their weapons-use tends to be very agile and precise. They often have bladed legs, heels or soles, as well as weapons they can release from their palms, knuckles and other parts of their body (such as their breast or their shoulder-blades), though the Irokai cannot manifest more than six blades at once. Though they cannot contend with a skilled expert or master bladesman, the Irokai's maneuverability and unpredictable fighting style makes them highly lethal in sustained engagements.

Further, Irokai are capable of projecting glass shields from their elbows (drawing from their six-weapon limit), more durable than their own bodies, and are skilled at using them. Many will focus on brutishly repressing their foes with shield bashes and deflections while other of their kin finish them off.

These are for public use. Created by Taelian.