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Daravinic NPC Approval Thread
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:18 am
by Tyranny
Daravinic NPC Approval
Here, players can submit NPCs for approval. Here's how to:
- First, create the NPC sheet and post it as a new thread in the subforum. Please use the template below in order to do so!
- When you think your NPC is done, post an approval request linking that thread so Staff can review it. If necessary, they will guide you to correct any possible issues or mistakes.
- If the NPC is ready, Staff will approve it and mark that NPC thread as [Approved]. After that, players can include that NPC in their threads (As long as it's not a Story NPC). Enjoy!
Notes and Rules
1. Please keep in mind the NPC Guide when submitting NPCs.
2. Players can only submit Local, Faction and Story NPCs here.
3. You cannot submit a Montese or higher here; these are determined only by the moderators of Daravin.
4. Once your NPC(s) are approved here, please create their own thread tagged [Local], [Faction] or [Story].
Re: Daravinic NPC Submission Thread
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:18 am
by Tyranny
N P C: N A M E H E R E
Title: (Delete if none)
NPC Type: Local
Influence: (0, 1 or 2)
(Be realistic, but there are no specific restrictions)
Description: Description of NPC here.
Code: Select all
[style=margin: 20px auto 20px auto; width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #000000; border-right: double 6px #000000; border-bottom: double 6px #000000; border-left: double 6px #000000; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #ece8e8; background-image: url(]
[center][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/center]
[style2=margin: auto; width: 700px; padding: 35px 0px 30px 0px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-size: 108%]
[size=200][center][googlefont=Cormorant SC]N P C: N A M E H E R E [/center][/size][/googlefont]
[googlefont=Cinzel][size=120][color=#342926][u][b]Details[/b][/u][/color][/googlefont][googlefont=Cormorant Garamond]
[b]Title:[/b] (Delete if none)
[b]NPC Type:[/b] Local
[b]Influence:[/b] (0, 1 or 2)
(Be realistic, but there are no specific restrictions)
[b]Description:[/b] Description of NPC here.
Re: Daravinic NPC Approval Thread
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:01 pm
by Khaori
Zoron Cretia
Age: 44
Race: Human
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 230lbs
Occupation: Mayor
NPC Type: Local
Influence: 0
- Mount(40)
-Tactics (40)
Description: Zoron is the mayor of a tiny town along the river that borders Couronne and Indoríes. He is most definitely a Veir, that much is confirmed, however no one can truly determine his lineage considering the civil wars over the years. Zoron isn’t even too sure himself and he doesn’t care to hold on to it considering he is most definitely the last of his line. He is a selfish man that would rather keep the town under his thumb than pass it on to a successor or heir. The Veir can be considered a somewhat cruel person with all and every intention to do what’s right for himself. That is why part of his land has been dedicated to the omen in hopes that if whatever wrongdoings come to light, he can always beg the omen for forgiveness and hold on to his position. Zoron isn’t one for mingling either, showing his face at gatherings every few years or so to show people that he is still alive. But even at these gatherings, he makes it clear that he wants no parts in whatever schemes the other Veir or entente are cooking up.
Re: Daravinic NPC Approval Thread
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 8:49 pm
by Vassilios
Re: Daravinic NPC Approval Thread
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:06 am
by Salen
Re: Daravinic NPC Approval Thread
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:14 pm
by Vassilios
Age: 33
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 132 lbs
Occupation: Blacksmith
Title: Ebon Valkyrie
NPC Type: Personal
Influence: (2)
Sigilic Pyromancy - Expert
Blades - Journeyman
Axes - Journeyman
Lances - Journeyman
Smithing - Journeyman
Survival - Journeyman
Unarmed Combat - Apprentice
Thrown Weapons - Apprentice
Description: A member of Snake Eyes. A shrew with a sharp tongue, she is never without a single weapon - and her talent in the forge and her pieces are remarkable. A former Ebon Knight denounced her company after her last hunt for another life. Now, she ‘plays around’ as a blacksmith, a much-delayed dream of hers. She spends so much time with her weapons, earning her the nickname “Ebon Valkyrie.”
Re: Daravinic NPC Approval Thread
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:36 am
by Arkash
N P C: F R E I D A
Age: >400, but it's not known.
Race: None.
Height: Bust: 2'5"
Weight: Bust: 150 lbs
Occupation: Artificer
NPC Type: Local
Influence: (This should be deleted from the template)
Artificing: 100
Clockwork: 100
Smithing: 100
Appraisal: 100
Engineering: 80
Biology: 90
Hunting: 70
Unarmed Combat: 80
Ranged Weaponry: 80
Description: Freida appears to be built into a small stone building titled "Freida's Corrective Services" in Rustbucket. They have no arms or legs and stand as an introductory bust to the services that the facility provides. Though they cannot open their mouth, they speak through the phonal instrument perched atop their head in a presumably pre-recorded child-like voice.
Typically, they will welcome those that approach them and offer the opportunity to pay for past service or new prosthetic services for a nominal fee. If the customer accepts, Freida goes through a number of questions related to the prosthetic being made: namely its location, material, quality, functionality & aesthetic. If the customer asks for an ill-advised specification, Freida will warn them of the complications - such as using too heavy a material for an arm or too brittle a material for a leg. After confirming that they have sufficient materials in stock for the commission, Freida will ask if the customer wants to pay for the service now or later. She will then open a repository beside her for DF and declare the cost of the prosthetic service, or forgo the opening of the DF receptacle and advise them that payment is due in 30 days without exceptions. From there, the customer is directed to a large iron door on the side of the building, within which is an operating table and chair. Freida's voice will then direct the customer to the table; once staged, the customer is then measured by a variety of calipers that extend from a number of mechanical arms within hidden panels in the walls. Freida will then warn the customer to hold and begin operating; from there the customer is able to watch as their new prosthetic is built from the skeleton up.
Freida is the entirety of that stone building; everything there is artificed onto their central nexus and acts as an extension of Freida. Freida commands a number of elite, combat-ready tier-five golems to transport DF, materials, and repossessed prosthetics to and from the shop. There was once a biological aspect to Freida, which has long since died. The machine churns on, caught in an unguided, programmed loop.
It's well known that Freida will repossess any unpaid services, usually in a violent fashion as customers aren't often willing to part with their prosthetic limbs. An appropriate number of well-armed tier-five golems will hunt and track the customer after the 30-day grace period has elapsed (appropriate to guarantee the retrieval of the artificed goods) as Freida measured the capabilities of the customer while establishing the prosthetic.
Freida does not engage in conversation outside of business and will divert to a cold, corporate "sorry, we don't provide that service" when asked for anything outside of prosthetic enhancements.
(Interactions with Freida are typically in the same ballpark as an answering machine)
Freida offers a 90-day money-back guarantee and free servicing on their prosthetics for natural wear and tear, but charges extra for repairs due to misuse.