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Arkash's Vision

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:40 pm
by Arkash

N P C: A S M O D E I

Age: 67
Race: Avialae (Kathar)
Height: 7'10"
Weight: 460 lbs

NPC Type: Companion NPC
Influence: 6
Relation to Arkash: Caretaker/Mentor

Blades: Greatsword - 60
Bodybuilding - 50
Teaching - 50
Negation - 40
Sigilic Pyromancy - 25
Smithing - 25

Personality: Despite appearances, Asmodei is normally quite calm under most circumstances. He's easygoing, fair, and holds his tongue if there's nothing nice to say. That being said, he can snap, but never severely so. He's disciplined, rigid in his ideals, and immovable in his loyalties. He holds a sort of formal, tactful air about him in most interactions, but isn't entirely incapable of letting himself be loose and enjoying a joke or two. Around those he's unfamiliar with, his walls are high. For a select few, those walls come down completely. Beneath all his armor, thick skin and dense muscle is a tender heart that seeks to belong.

Appearance: Tall, dark and silent. His wings are skin to that of a crow's with dark, charcoal plumes that stand stark from his armor. His skin (or what is visible of it) is a light tan complexion with few scars, almost flawless, even. Even so, he doesn't shy away in the face of adversity, and instead stands firm. There's a fire in his eyes that betrays a bitter hatred for those that abuse their power. beneath his helm, his dark hair is always either cut short or tied back to keep it from getting in his eyes. He's not one to care for presentation but still makes sure to maintain his hygiene well.

History: Asmodei hailed from rare circumstances. Like all kathar, he was born in Lorien, but the typical life of a child so special did not wait for him. He was Nameless; the product of a skipped generation or two. He knew not the details of his family's eternal punishment but knew that one of his ancestors had committed high treason to sentence his bloodline to an eternity of poverty. He didn't stay in Lorien long, as his mother passed to common illness with no hope of affording the medicine. He became homeless at the age of ten and dug through bins and feeding troughs for his meals in outer Nivenhain for the next two months of his life.

It was only when a group of giant travelers found him scavenging for food that his luck began to turn around. The leader of the three men saw potential in the boy and offered to take him back with them to the free cities. He had nothing in Lorien, so he accepted with ease, and left his old life behind from the back of a wagon. In his new life, he trained and grew among the Jastai. He wasn't particularly tall compared to most of them, but he fought with as much ferocity as a natural-born elemental all the same. Though he tried to embrace the craft and the hunting culture, he didn't settle in right. At the age of 33, he left the free cities to wander the world in search of a purpose.

He'd grown into a man, but still didn't know what sort of life awaited beyond the reaches of the Jastai tribes. He ventured south to Atinaw for some time, where he continued to test his mettle against the monsters of the wilds and took on mercenary work there in search of a cause to commit himself to. He spent years working as a mercenary in the mountainous region of Atinaw and continued to grow and develop as a warrior until he was 55. Mercenary work was fun, but unfulfilling. He sought a purpose, a righteous cause. Eventually, he did find it. He wandered into his next life-altering event and encountered a band of monsters posing as humans known as the Dranoch. They were working some human trafficking business around the dark alleys of Alfsos. Asmodei had stumbled into their operation while searching for a missing person.

Ultimately, he failed to save the missing person and found himself defeated by the monsters and their vile magics. Before the finishing blow could be dealt, a band of fire-wielding warriors, who later identified themselves as the Black Remedy, stormed their stronghold and saved the last of the living captives, as well as Asmodei. At once, the Avialae took an interest in their cause and deemed it noble. He pleaded the group's leader, A Siltori by the name of Eindar Dal'Balsalor, to join their effort and swore loyalty to her there. Though he couldn't hold his own against her in a duel, he wasn't entirely void of talent. So, she agreed to bring him back to Sil-Elaine to become an official member of the Remedy.

He'd learned a little of the Siltori's plight on the journey there, and the final underground train ride into the city, but he couldn't have imagined an entire city of oppression. The dranoch were strong there, and ruled without opposition, save for the black remedy. The elves below them were cattle, a mere source of food that could never leave their parasitic overlords. Asmodei felt their rage from the moment he set eyes on their city, and his resolve and commitment only strengthened. He took the oath and accepted the black sigil. He studied and trained hard to learn his magic, but always fell behind Eindar, his mentor. The two grew close in his training, and she recognized that the Avialae would always struggle against magically adept opponents. So, she took the chance to initiate him in negation, and his body accepted the rune. As she'd expected, the Kathar took far better to learning the arcane discipline than he did sigilic pyromancy.

Finally, he was deployed on missions to gather intelligence and strike specific targets under the supervision and aid of Eindar. He'd tasted victory against the Dranoch a few times before he met a Siltori woman in the streets. Her name: Fayeth Ela'Dalana. Asmodei had never considered a comfortable life with a family of his own, he'd never known anything of the sort. But after his first meeting with Fayeth, his heart convinced him it was possible. As if it were decided by fate, the two continued to meet by chance on the moonlit streets of Silfanore before he finally asked to meet her outside of the city on a planned date, and she accepted.

They met between his arcane studies and missions for a quaint picnic that he'd organized himself. The food wasn't particularly good, but she claimed to appreciate the effort all the same. There, they spoke of their lives. Asmodei told stories of the lands he'd visited, and the creatures he'd encountered on his journeys. The Siltori found his experiences in the world beyond fascinating, but she had few stories to tell him of her own. Instead of telling him the truth, she told him of her interest in the arcane, and the magics she studied under her unnamed master. Even so, she claimed to possess no magical ability, unlike Asmodei. Asmodei soon discovered that he couldn't hold a candle to her intellect, but that only fascinated him more. When Asmodei beheld his runes, Fayeth was overjoyed, if not a little distracted by her interests.

In their meetings to come, he discovered more of her life, and how she studied the politics of foreign nations; including Lorien. But not everything had been told, and she still kept her secrets. Asmodei found the time in his own head to encompass her more and more. Before long, it was undeniable. He loved her unconditionally. He saw a future between them in which they were inseparable, away from Sil-Elaine and its darkness. When he told her of this, however, the truth was revealed. Fayeth was an envoy of the Dranoch. She acted as a mouth for the court of dusk, especially concerning their campaign against the Aldrin. Her master, a Cardinal Dranoch, had gifted her with a lost magic (blood magic) in secret and expressed his interest in making her his progeny many times. Her heart opened to Asmodei, and she spoke of how she resented the dranoch for their lies and manipulations; lies that she had helped weave in the form of propaganda.

The Kathar, of course, had his reservations on whether or not what they had was true, given that she worked for the people the Remedy sought to destroy. But he was not one to become disillusioned. He loved her regardless of the deceit, and understood, in a way. He asked her, then, to leave with him. Gratefully, she accepted. It was decided that Asmodei would make preparations for the trip while she cut ties with her master, on the basis that she feared they would be hunted if she were to suddenly disappear.

He returned to the Elainian Darklands, made his preparations, then awaited Fayeth at the place of their first date, but she did not come. The longer Asmodei waited, the more his heart weighed with dread and fear. He began to expect the worst before he finally turned away, and returned to the compound. In the coming days, without hearing from her, he was given a mission to dispatch of a fresh botchling with Eindar. The fresh Botchling was considered dangerous due to its ravenous blood sickness, and so, Eindar was to accompany him. Asmodei knew in his heart what was coming, and it twisted his stomach into knots. When at last the mentor and the student found the fresh Dranoch, his fears were realized.

There, standing over a mangled couple, was a gore-plastered Fayeth. her master had turned her regardless of her plea. Eindar readied her sigilic pyromancy to dispatch the monster. Fayeth cried for help. All of a sudden, Asmodei was caught between two worlds. he could not skim the two and had to commit to either one of the other. And with a push of his hand, he chose. Asmodei's gauntlet pushed the throwing hand of his mentor aside, and her flamelance missed the botchling. Though Eindar was angered and Bewildered, she listened to what her student had to say. When the full truth came out, her disappointment was clear, but she asked if he truly meant to leave the remedy for his love. And without hesitation, Asmodei answered yes. She explained that he would be hunted by the remedy if he pursued this course of action. And though Asmodei didn't know how to overcome that, he stood firm in his decision. He would figure it out.

What followed was a long silence, and Eindar couldn't bring herself to look at the Avialae, nor the monster his love had become. When she came to a decision, she opened a perfect portal for the two; a one-way ticket out of Sil-Elaine. Eindar declared that she would lie, claim that there was more than one Dranoch and that Asmodei was slain. But for that, she needed his weapon. Asmodei thanked her, and handed over his blade, but Eindar could barely hide her disgust. She wouldn't forgive him, but some part of her understood. Fayeth was still shaken, but with Asmodei's hand to guide her, they left the wretched city forever.

A lot happened in the years to follow. Fayeth's blood sickness was particularly harsh, maddening even. Asmodei turned to cull outlaws and travelers in an attempt to quell her insatiable hunger for the first six months. Afterward, it was a bit more manageable. With the new freedom they were given, the dranoch continued to feed, but only enough to stay alive. She gained the chance to study new magics in person on their travels, and even took on some new runes. Ultimately though, she discovered that her passion for magic was lost. All the two wanted after the horrors they'd seen and suffered was to live out the rest of their days together.

Despite everything, Asmodei stuck by her. He'd given everything for her, and would continue to sacrifice his honor and values for the sake of their futures. Fayeth refused to bear children of her own, though she was unsure if she could or not. She hated the dranoch and would not produce another, even if the two truly wanted a child. He wanted to marry her, but the SIltori custom for doing so involved transfusion of blood, and she didn't want to turn him into a Dranoch inadvertently. Asmodei had lived among a number of cultures in his lifetime. And while he knew nothing of the Avialae, he did know of typical human marriage customs. So, he bought her a ring and asked her to marry him. Familiar with the customs of humanity, she accepted. They spoke their vows and became husband and wife; there was no soul bond or celestial tie of any sort, but the two were happy all the same.

Eventually, they returned to the Kathar's birthplace to settle down, but quickly, the two came to believe they'd moved from one oppressive, self-sustaining regime for another. From birth, grand leaders had failed Asmodei while smaller bands always came through to his rescue. Governments and monarchies had steadily turned green and vile in his eyes, and no matter where he looked, he couldn't unsee his new view of the world. He shared his thoughts with his wife, and she agreed to an extent. But what could they do? They were two nameless lost in the slums of a grand city.

Fayeth returned from her feeding one day, somewhat shaken. She claimed a Rathari had seen her murder two nameless in an Alley, but she didn't feed to conceal her true identity. She hadn't killed him out of pity but feared that he might speak. Asmodei knew the Argent wouldn't care for two bodies turning up in the gutters of Lower Nivenhain, especially nameless, but tracked down the Rathari in question all the same. The one he found was some sort of lizard, living with his sickly father. He needed to know if the Rathari would break in face of the law, so he impersonated an Argent Knight and asked him a series of questions regarding the murders that had taken place. The boy put on quite the show, an almost perfect lie, and cried as he spoke of the horrors he'd seen after the fact, but denied seeing anyone at all. It was in that moment that the Rathari earned Asmodei's trust.

In the following weeks, Asmodei and Fayeth both watched the Rathari and his struggles. He was beaten, robbed, scarred, and all sorts. Having been nameless himself, Asmodei deeply empathized with the Rathari. Fayeth saw an opportunity; another soul that had been trampled by those that held themselves above him on birthright alone. To some extent, Asmodei saw the same. They decided to take him under their wing, recruit him and give him a chance at a better life just as the traveling Jastai had for Asmodei so many years ago. Only, when they arrived at his house in the dead of night, they found a smoldering ruin with a charred human body inside. Their search turned frantic, and they followed the roads he normally took but found nothing. Later, the screeches of hollows echoed and the two ran to the source. At their destination, the found the Rathari crushed, slashed, and impaled by the beasts. Before the golems could land another strike, Asmodei struck one of them with his flamelance, then charged into battle on his wings with Fayeth to finish them off.

They'd saved him, but barely. The cold of the night coupled with his coma saw his blood loss and oxygen usage drastically fall, so they brought him to a makeshift hideout, and began to conscript healers that might save him.

Re: Arkash's Vision

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 8:58 pm
by Arkash


Arkash's coma was induced by blunt force trauma to the head with no penetration.
  • Initial GCS of 5.
  • Total coma length: 42 days/6weeks. (Longer than most comas)
  • Outcome: GOS of 5, which has roughly a 10% chance of occurring. Minor disabilities are normal following recovery from a coma, and I will list them here for now.

Neurological disorders:
  • A twitch that occurs seemingly at random; forces a shrug on his left side.
  • Difficulty swallowing/prone to choking. (Doesn't really affect him unless he's swallowing something abnormally large or eating in humanoid form due to his reptilian rathari traits.)

Psychological disorders:
  • PTSD. (will begin experiencing signs and symptoms around the 40th of Ash~)
    • Re-experiencing symptoms: Flashbacks of the attack, vivid nightmares.
    • Avoidance symptoms: Avoids hollows and the place of the attack.
    • Arousal and reactivity symptoms: Easily startled, feeling tense or “on edge”, difficulty sleeping, angry outbursts.
    • Cognition and mood symptoms: Trouble remembering key features of the traumatic event, Negative thoughts about oneself or the world.
  • Depression.
    • Anxiety, general discontent, hopelessness, excessive crying, restlessness, loss of appetite, thoughts of suicide.


Re: Arkash's Vision

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:29 am
by Arkash


Race: Sil'Norai, Dranoch Cardinal
Age: 83
Height: 6'4
Weight: 170 lbs

Relation to PC: Mentor, Guardian
NPC Type: Personal NPC
Influence: 4

An imposing Sil'Norai of unusually pale complexion and dyed black hair. Her eyes are deep crimson, and grant her a piercing predatory stare. She seldom smiles and treats nearly all presented situations with unwavering seriousness. Stubborn and prone to anger, most quickly learn to hold themselves at a higher standard than they normally would in her presence.

Her story begins in Sil-Elaine. It was there that she worked as an envoy for the court of dusk in their political affairs. She maintained their image and built propaganda to convince the Sil'Norai of the evils that the newly-formed Black Remedy hid in their shadows. Despite her talent in painting Silfanore's only hope as villains and stirring uncertainty in the hearts of the herd, it was without foundations. In secret, she met with Asmodei, an Ebonknight who dotted on her. He, a foreigner, filled her head with dreams of seeing the world beyond the reach of Dranoch clutches, and soon convinced her to leave with him to Daravin.

Before she could leave, however, her master forced his curse upon her. She'd brought him a great deal of success and showed great promise in the magics he'd taught her in secret; he saw it as a means to control her and reel in her ambitions. In her transformation, she broke into a wild blood rage and took to the streets of SIlfanore to sate her unbearable hunger. It was there that Asmodei found her, plastered in the gore of her victims. Barely able to compose or control herself, she begged for death. Asmodei refused and stayed his own mentor's flamelance. He convinced the ashwraith to allow them both to leave, and for reasons unknown to her, the ashwraith accepted Asmodei's plea to fake his death and abandon the revolution. The bridge between Asmodei and his mentor was damaged irreparably when he took Fayeth through the portal the ashwraith had fashioned him, and they were alone in the world for some time.

In the wilderness, dishonored and disgraced, Asmodei fed Fayeth unsuspecting travelers and the like on the road. They spoke more on their philosophies and came to the agreement that governments, monarchies, and institutes alike were the cause for the evils in the world. The court of dusk would have no sway over Sil-Elaine if it weren't for the masses of dranoch that followed in their wake. The oppressive nobility of Asmodei's birthplace would be nothing without their argent and their caste system. In their eyes, institutional power was a power that should not exist, and they agreed to work against it in Lorien.

It was there that she learned to rein in her hunger and targetted criminals and brutes to feed herself. Their strength became hers, and she descended in her curse to Cardinal status. Years later, she met with Arkash by chance and took interest in his bravery. She continued to follow his story until the sky fell on him, then saved him from execution by hollow with her husband and helped nurse him back to health. Since then, she's served as a guide and a sort of maternal figure, pouring her ideals into his head and teaching him the right way to think.

Her hatred for the dranoch has led her to refuse all intimacies with Asmodei and even denies her the option to make him her Arlaed. This is because she hates the dranoch and refuses to spread her curse despite desperately wanting a family of her own in her mortal life. Now that Arkash has neglected to save himself from lethal infection, she must give up her ideals and break the code she's lived by to save the closest thing she has to a son.

Politics: Master
Tactics: Master
Blades: Expert
Acrobatics: Expert
Intimidation: Expert
Transposition: Expert
Squall: Journeyman
Teaching: Journeyman
Throwing Weapons: Journeyman

Re: Arkash's Vision

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:58 am
by Arkash
Old inventory
[*] 1 linen Underwear.
[*] 1 Black linen Tunic.
[*] 1 pair of Black linen Pants.
[*] 1 Brown leather Belt.
[*] 1 Black linen Cowl.
[*] Animal skin bag.
[*] Leather-bound book written by Cojack and Liu.
[*] Bloodied backpack.
[*] Serrated Steel Jastai Shortsword.
[*] Flintlock pistol
[*] Spyglass
[*] Wrogon Piglet
[*] Leather Riding Boots
[*] Superfine wool Breeches
[*] Superfine wool Doublet
[*] Leather Jacket
[*] Fine Wool Undergarments
[*] Eyepatch
[*] 1oz Cologne
[*] 4oz toothpaste
[*] 1 Toothbrush
[*] Waterskin of lamp-oil.
[*] Blood-shaped lockpick.
[*] Clothing: leather, monstrous -fur-trimmed:
[*] Trousers
[*] Tunic
[*] High boots
[*] Coif
[*] Cloak made of black raven feathers.
[*] Dranoch blood-shaped Shortsword

Re: Arkash's Vision

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 2:07 am
by Arkash

I S A B E L L E - I N E S

Race: Human
Age: 31
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs

Occupation: Sunderer
Relation to PC: Friend
NPC Type: Companion

Isabelle Ines (Izzy) was born to the entente, some would say by mistake. The Ines family hailed from Arlain; a small family shouldered by two Veir. Sir Mateo Ines was its patriarch, and Lucia Ines was the lady of the house.

Miguel Ines was first born to them, followed by Isabelle a few years apart. Both were initiated in Brand on birth, and blessedly, both were successful. Isabell was six when she was initiated in Oath, and her brother was on to his third mark, Mentalism. Though they shared blood, their affinity for magic differed immensely.

Miguel was a prodigy and seldom failed to perform the abilities of his three marks; he knew his limits and how to push them, and mageblight only twice struck him. Isabelle couldn't seem to perform novice abilities with consistency, potency, or efficiency. It was often that she burned through her ether and overstepped, which set her back months of progress with sickness and unease.

It's not often that siblings see eye to eye on many subjects, some siblings even bicker and fight tooth and nail. Miguel and Isabelle shared none of these behaviors. To Miguel, Isabelle was a blight on the house: a lazy, stupid little girl that didn't even try to progress the gifts bestowed upon her. So, he simply pretended she didn't exist.

Mateo and Lucia did supposedly support her in those years, but only behind closed doors. In public, she was often wafted behind the curtains while Miguel was put on a pedestal for display.

She knew shame, inadequacy, and such became the association of her Marks. She withdrew even further from her training, failed to practice in her free time, and sought other venues to fill her time. Whenever the old hag fell asleep, she snuck out and mixed with the children of society's lowest echelons. Among them were the orphaned children of blasphemers, foreigners, and some who were supposedly born in the imperial badlands to the east.

It took time to build the trust of the other children, and they often teased her for her origins with nicknames like princess and posh, but it was all in good fun, and she found her place among them.

Inevitably, it came to light that she often snuck away and that she mingled with the city's gutter trash. It was then that Mateo and Lucia had to double down on her training; there was no room for such marred outward appearances. They sought the help of magical scholars for answers to her ineptitude, and though most suggested that it was normal for children so young to shy away from such powers, Mateo was relentless in his search until finally, it was suggested, that she might have more luck practicing Nightfall for its fluidity and simplicity.

So, they arranged for her to be initiated in the magic of umbralplasm at the age of nine. It was there that everything changed for the worse.

Isabelle failed the initiation; she survived, but the umbralplasm she ingested blocked her magic, permanently.

She became an ugly stain upon their family, even to Mateo and Lucia. Miguel was made to train harder, to push himself even further in a desperate effort to draw attention away from their failure in Isabelle.

Such shame continued for years, and it eventually came to be that Mateo and Lucia wouldn't so much as look in her direction. The Valran of the house still fed her, and some even took pity on her.

When Miquel finally pushed his magic too far and violently overstepped, Isabelle happened to see him in his room in the company of Lucia and a number of Valran. His eyes, nose, and ears were bloody, and his lip was dark with ejected corruption. The pressure was killing him, and the hate that he held in his gaze when their eyes met was so tangible it frightened her. Lucia saw her too, for the first time in weeks, and she looked at her with disgust.

Fearful for her safety, she fled the estate that evening and returned to her friends. All the urchins feared for her safety when she told the story, and convinced her that Miguel was going to kill her. And so Jacob, a boy from the Imperial Badlands, presented an option.

That option beheld the shape of an engraved ice pick with an odd gem at the hilt. It was a weapon that could stop any mage, and reduce them to powerful crystals. Isabelle, holding no love for her brother, took the pick.

That night, she crept into Miguel's room, climbed atop him to aim for the heart, and woke him in the process. Isabelle was smaller and weaker than him, but Miguel was ravaged by magithermal entropy. He turned the pick on her and shallowly stabbed her left eye with the pick. The adrenaline was enough that she overpowered him, and plunged the pick into his heart.

He became paralyzed while Isabelle held her bleeding, blind eye. And though she quietly wept, she stayed to watch the fear in his eyes as death claimed him, and his body turned to crystal. When he broke apart, she pried the Sunderscrap from his chest and fled the estate forever.

She went with Jacob and his family to the wasteland, where they bought her a new artificed eye, and strickened it with her brother's sunderscrap; the mark of Brand. From there, she proved her worth in hunting magic users and even helped the family at the forge and strickening chains. She became a Sunderer, and with her eye, she quickly paid off her debt to the family and made her own way with the skills they taught her.

Sundering: 55
Gunslinging: 45
Mount: Chariot: 50
Unarmed combat: 25
Tracking: 25
Survival: 25
Rhetoric: 10
Brand: 10
Oath: 5

Re: Arkash's Vision

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:51 am
by Arkash


Malefaction: No
Sunderscrap: Brand
Donor Mage: Journeyman
Acquisition Link: N/A

Object Description
A prosthetic eye created through Artificing, damaged during flaying. The object is made of brass, glass, and colored sand. Using Artificing's Receivers, it's meant to be able to translate the visible spectrum into a primitive image that the optic nerve can read, but this process was damaged during flaying and it no longer functions as intended.

Relic Description
The Relic reads and translates the presence of ether to the optic nerve, allowing the user to see ambient worldly ether as well as personal ether. The Relic can illuminate magic users, Relics, places of rich ether, and etheric beings like Noradac and Kindred.

Relic Failure Conditions
The Relic illuminates greater sources of ether with greater brightness, and an excessive amount of ether can overload the eye and temporarily incapacitate the user. Masters of multiple magics, master-level abilities, and ascended mages all have this effect.

Relic Details
Creation link: viewtopic.php?p=7449#p7449
Sunderer: Created by an unlicensed journeyman Sunderer in the Imperial Badlands
Flaying: Yes
Darkforging: No

Re: Arkash's Vision

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:13 am
by Arkash

Re: Arkash's Vision

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:54 am
by Arkash
Motif: Overhaul

Arkash has a stormy relationship with the mark of lucence as it imposes a set of moral principles that he does not share. Arkash will frequently overstep in the prolonged initiation and reject the mark for some time as he continues to develop with the imposed order. As such, the mutations he manifests are heavily weighed on the concept of order, as the Mark evolves to compensate for Arkash's chaotic nature.

The Dranoch blight affects all magics with the aesthetic of blood, and so Arkash's abilities will manifest atypically. The mark of Lucence will appear as a deep scarlet engraving in the center of his back with a malevolent red glow. All the light he produces will appear darker with a clearly red tint. The three order abilities will make his veins bulge for the duration of their effects, and anything he creates will be covered in coursing red vessels in a similar design to veins and will shed clumps of coagulated blight.

Apprentice: Amelioration
The mark of lucence has a debilitating initiation that lasts until the mage reaches journeyman proficiency. The mark coerces the mage into committing acts of violence against those that act with cruelty toward others, and then punishes them with overstepping if they act on those compulsions. This mutation will extend the initiation process until Arkash Masters Lucence. Only when Arkash has fully grasped morality and the responsibility of his power will the mark loosen its leash on him.

Journeyman: Restoration
Any alteration that Arkash tries to make to his body with Necromancy will be gradually undone by this mutation. The mark accomplishes this by very slowly (over a period of months) restoring Arkash to the design specific to his genetic template. This can also bolster his body's ability to recover from wounds, as over a period of seasons he will be able to grow back lost limbs and other horrific injuries. This regeneration is very slow and, unaided, will take an entire year to regrow a lost limb.

Expert: Elevation
Lucence retains the kernel of divinity that lays laced with the magic and manifests its will over Arkash's body. Wings grow from his back and change appropriately with his form, his eyes shine with a subtle glow befitting their color, and he naturally holds himself with poise and austerity. He becomes unable to intimidate those of a lawful nature, but appears more imposing and dangerous to those who oppose order. The wings he grows are functionally the same as Velsign and have no magical or supernatural properties.

Master: Exemplification
The mutation is the apex of the mark's will and only manifests once Arkash has fully embraced the light. His body will become the paragon of what it can naturally manifest with the perfect composition and distribution of muscle and fat. His senses heighten to become exceptional, and his reflexes become as fast as any rathor of his breed can develop. Arkash effectively becomes a paragon within the bounds of nature, which marginally bolsters the supernatural strength, dexterity and perception of his Blight.

Image source.