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Kayleth's Library

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:23 pm
by kayleth


Nurin (Nu-rin)

Nurin is a town a few days' journey east by horseback from Lanbridge.
Situated East of Landbridge near the end of the river. As such its management falls to one of the [Earls NPC]. The town also has Tilema a much greater distance to its south that some trade does happen and occasionally travelers stop by on their way to the Grand City of Lanbridge. The village was established along an offshoot of the [Nied?] where it could be accessed through a small transport. Mainly the location was chosen to do to the many surrounding flat planes and good soil nestled up to the ridge of a sizable forest. The buildings are mainly compromised of wood save for a single one built of stone. The river water is drinkable but a well located at the center of town provides for the small village of one hundred and fifty people. The majority of their fields are grain with a small few for seasonal vegetables or personal use. Much of the town is bled dry to support the affluence of the aristocratic city of Lanbridge. The people there struggle to make ends meet for themselves but, are resolute in their survival and tend to their job with pride and self-satisfaction. They are a proud people and tend to be weary of travelers as a whole.
(Please include where the location is.)

Amber Fields: The Major export of Nurin is grain, hay, and flour
Lumbermill: On the opposite side of the river is a logging facility. They primarily provide lumber and not any of its sub uses
Taigh: A small inn highly underutilized

Created by Kayleth AKA. Broodboy.

Re: Kayleth's Library

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:15 am
by kayleth

Re: Kayleth's Library

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:39 pm
by kayleth

Arin Thorn

Race: Human
Age: 42
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 240

Occupation: Reeves
Relation to PC: Aquaintance
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: Reeves Arin Thorne was a tall and muscular man, with piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline. He was fiercely loyal to the gentry of Radenor, and was determined to prove his worth as the governor of Nurin. Arin was born into a noble family and had always dreamed of rising through the ranks and eventually becoming a powerful Earl or even Kyng. He had worked hard to earn his position as the governor of Nurin and was determined to do whatever it took to solidify the town's resource output and bring prosperity to the people under his charge Arin is a man of conviction, with a strong sense of loyalty to the gentry and the Kyngdoms of Radenor. He values order and discipline, and expects the same from those under his authority. He can be gruff and stern with those who do not meet his expectations, but he is also fair and just, and will listen to the concerns of his subjects. Despite his loyalty to the gentry, Arin is not completely indifferent to the plight of the peasants. He recognizes that the town's resource output is vital for the survival of all its inhabitants, and is willing to work with both nobles and commoners to ensure the prosperity of Nurin. However, he also believes that the natural order of society must be maintained, and will not tolerate any challenges to the authority of the gentry. Despite his sometimes-cold exterior, Arin was deeply committed to the people of Nurin, and was determined to do everything in his power to help them thrive. He had strong political ties within the gentry and was well-respected by his peers for his dedication and determination.


Bain Breac

Race: Human
Age: 34
Height: 6ft 4in
Weight: 240

Occupation: Farmer
Relation to PC: Aquaintance
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: Bain Breac is a large man who has worked the land with his family for generations. Their family is responisble for most of the Eastern Fields and through the years devloped cultivation methods knowing only to them resulting in higher quality grain thant the others in Nurin. Most likely a key factor as to why no one has been able to reproduce the Breac family sourdough. Well developed muscles ar stacked on a frame larger than a normal man. A short pony tail of dirty blond hair sits utop a head with hooded eyes and lightly beareded face. He is a quiet man who is cautious of almost everyone. Prides himself on the ability to take care of his family and thinks that it is the measure of a man. Like many in the village he is not easily warmed up to but his wife, Ciara, is able to warm his cold exterior. Devoted to his wife he would easily kill for her. He holds an air of intimidation but, that comes with his size. He is soft harted like his wife however, much more reserved with his feelings.

Unarmed Combat

Ciara Breac

Race: Human
Age: 29
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 160

Occupation: Cook/Baker
Relation to PC: Aquaintance
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: Ciara Breac is a short, stout, curvy, well endowed woman. Solid msucles hide beneath a layer of plump fat over her body made sturdy from years of bread making. She has fiery red hair with hazel eyes. She most often is seen wearing a rag over her hair, a briwn approan snatched at the waist, and linen shirts rolled up to the elbows. A simple woman who knows not much more than how to provide for her family and survive. Loud and boistrous he home is filled with plenty of yelling towards her four children. Three boys and one girl, who she dotes on more than the others. A smile as warm as the bread she makes, and a heart just as pure. She will give out loaves to those who have nothing to trade as that is just her nature. A mothering energy to say the least. Her family has been in Nurin shince she was a little girl and her mothers mother before her. The Breac's are famous for their sourdough in Nurrin. Many have tried to recreate it but the secret is a close guarded family treasure. Their home is smallShe is married to Bain Breac. Their Home has the word bread written in charcoal on the front. The house has a large room on teh ground floor with two large stone hearths for baking. It smelles sweet with hits of charcoal and with the windows open it was quite lit. Attached to the house is a small room in which the family all fit intimately for sleeping. It is quite warm with the heat growing in intensity the farther into the house you stepped.


Re: Kayleth's Library

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 4:50 pm
by kayleth

Fragmenting, or Fragmentia, is the worldly arcana of manipulating and incorporating Arcanacrags - a crystalline alloy composed of divinity and raw ether harvested from spirits - into a wide variety of mediums. Fragmenters utilize these magical batteries in the creation of tools for World Magic, the study of the Arcanacrag itself, and the creation of any derived techno-arcana.
The importance of Fragmenting is hotly debated, not only for its hand in industrial-ecological disasters, but for leaving the scientific community financially hamstrung; the convenience of the Arcanacrag has economically invalidated the need to invest in new innovations.


The Ald'Norai were the first to crack the secrets of Fragmenting. They discovered brass alloy perfectly conducted the etheric energies that Arcanacrags produced. This sparked a revolution for the Ald’Norai, who quickly learned to shape, cut, and meld these Arcanacrags together. Even with few Fragmentia Forges within Indorin, the Ald’Norai swiftly conquered their neighbors.
The boom of Fragmenting saw a rush to collect this finite resource of limitless potential. The Ashen Elves preyed upon the Noradac on a scale never before seen in history, inventing arcane contraptions that still have yet to be replicated in the current age. When the Ald’Norai fell, their secrets were lost with them, and Fragmenting itself vanished from the world.
Fragmenting resurfaced followed the bleeding of Venedak, transforming the new world in its image within fifty short years, and this was spurned by the butchering of countless Noradac spirits to that end. Fragments once considered to be indestructible could again be manipulated and altered utilizing arcane tools and brass. The supply for Arcanacrags further skyrocketed as Arch Hollows were discovered, and smitheries capable of shaping this magical alloy have become so common within the halls of rulership that entire wars and conflicts are justified over this pursuit. The world continues to revive processes once known to the Ald’Norai, and Fragmenting remains an active field of study for scholars across the world.


The tools of Fragmentia are created by manipulating brass alloy and the Arcanacrag; this feat is nigh-impossible to recreate without utilizing a pre-existing set, as attempting to do so without them would necessitate several years of trial and error. Some are also immobile fixtures, requiring a workshop to be built to fully ply the trade. All Fragmenting tools are purchased in full sets for this reason, and some are included with the workshop.

Shaping Bench: A table-sized anvil of black iron, the Shaping Bench is used to reshape Arcanacrags. When plied with the Frag Hammer or Dividing Rod, it may be used to shape and cut fragments using the pedal beneath its bench.

Frag Hammer: A large, brass-cored hammer of dark iron, the Frag Hammer is used to shape Fragments or weld them together. The hammer is short with a larger flathead and spiraling brass engravings lining its surface.

Dividing Rod: The Dividing Rod is used to cut Arcanacrags into smaller pieces upon a Shaping Bench. This heavy, black iron chisel with a brass core is engraved such that the brass shines through in intricate patterns. A small dial - used to alter the time that the loop cut it produces remains active - is affixed to the head of the chisel.
Channeling Wand: A tapering rod of dark iron ending in a pointed, finely engraved scoop, the Channeling Wand simultaneously pushes apart metals to engrave up to an inch in depth and a quarter inch in width if operated at an angle. As it carves, it oozes energetically charged brass that solidifies within the channels for the purpose of Routing.

Fixing Glass: Taking the form of a spyglass or a form of headwear, the Fixing Glass is a bright, fluorescent green lens rimmed with brass. The tool allows for Fractals to be seen within a settled Arcanacrag for the purpose of Refraction.

Lensing Gun: The Lensing Gun fires a flash of light that allows Fractals within a settled Arcanacrag to be manipulated for the purpose of Refraction. It is composed of dark iron and engraved with brass spiraling towards a tip of concentric mirrors.

Lightbasin: Bathing an Arcanacrag in the Lightbasin subjects it to Pristination provided certain conditions are met, bleeding off Magithermal Isotope into the surrounding waters. The resultant byproduct, Lightwater, is used by Sunderers to temper Relics.

Harmonizing Lapper: This spinning brass plate upon the end of a spiral-engraved dark iron gun is used with Convergence. The plate is set upon the face of a Convergence Nexus as the Fragmenter alters active Routing circuits using their Channeling Wand. It hums discordant melodies the closer one gets to bridging multiple energies correctly as it rapidly spins.

The Demiurge: An incredibly rare artifact of ancient Ald’Norai origin, only a handful of Demiurges have been rediscovered. The staff functions as a remote Channeling Wand, capable of repairing Routed circuitry from up to a hundred feet away, and more spectacularly it may deduce Convergence harmonies without subjecting oneself to Mageblight. Only operable by a Master, these staves are often magnificently ornate in design.
A Shaping Bench and Lightbasin cannot be carried on one’s person; a Fragmenting kit is not something to be taken from one’s home without a vehicle to carry it.

The four qualities of an Arcanacrag are size, clarity, color, and cut.

Size: The size of an Arcanacrag refers to its physical dimensions and is an important factor in determining its power potency. A larger Arcanacrag will generally be more powerful than a smaller one. The scale of size quality ranges from tiny, which is considered trash, to large, which is considered perfect.

Clarity: The clarity of an Arcanacrag refers to the presence of inclusions or defects within the crystal. An Arcanacrag with few inclusions will be more transparent and able to transfer its magical energies more efficiently, while an Arcanacrag with many inclusions will be less transparent and have a lower energy transfer efficiency. Clarity is divided into three grades: murk, frost, and diamond. An Arcanacrag with murk clarity is considered trash, one with frost clarity is considered average, and one with diamond clarity is considered perfect.

Color: The color of an Arcanacrag refers to the frequencies of light it absorbs and reflects. Different colors are associated with different magical effects, and a Fragmenter can alter an Arcanacrag's color during the heating process slightly. The seven colors and their effect are seen in the table below. The scale of color quality ranges from dull, which is considered trash, to vibrant, which is considered perfect.
  • • Blue: Aqualite Arcanacrags are associated with electrical energy and can be used to generate electricity, channel electrical energy through a circuit, or manipulate electrical fields.
    • Orange: Solarianite Arcanacrags are associated with kinetic energy and can be used to increase or decrease the speed or momentum of an object, manipulate gravity, or affect the kinetic energy of particles.
    • Red: Pyrope Arcanacrags are associated with thermal energy and can be used to generate heat, absorb or release heat, or manipulate the temperature of an object.
    • Yellow: Aurite Arcanacrags are associated with electromagnetic energy and can be used to generate or manipulate magnetic fields, generate or manipulate electromagnetic waves, or affect the charge of an object.
    • Green: Viridianite Arcanacrags are associated with chemical energy and can be used to manipulate chemical reactions, store chemical energy, or affect the chemical properties of a substance.
    • Violet: Amethystine Arcanacrags are associated with radiant energy and can be used to generate or manipulate light, absorb or release light, or affect the radiant energy of an object.
Cut: The cut of an Arcanacrag refers to its shape and the alignment of its fractals during the refraction process. A well-cut Arcanacrag will have its fractals perfectly aligned, allowing for more precise manipulation of its magical energies. The scale of cut quality ranges from poorly cut, which is considered trash, to expertly cut, which is considered perfect.
Overall, an Arcanacrag with all four qualities at the highest end of the scale (large size, diamond clarity, vibrant color, and expertly cut) would be considered a perfect Arcanacrag, while an Arcanacrag with all four qualities at the lowest end of the scale (tiny size, murk clarity, dull color, and poorly cut) would be considered trash.

  • Tier 0 Arcanacrags:
    • These arcanacrags are the weakest of the four tiers and are primarily used for minor enchantments and basic energy manipulation, such as powering a small electrical device with a Blue Tier 0 Arcanacrag or accelerating the growth of plants in a small garden with a Green Tier 0 Arcanacrag.
    Tier 1 Arcanacrags:
    • These arcanacrags are more powerful than Tier 0 arcanacrags and can be used for more complex enchantments and energy manipulation, such as generating a small amount of heat with a Yellow Tier 1 Arcanacrag or creating a minor explosion with a Red Tier 1 Arcanacrag.
    Tier 2 Arcanacrags:
    • These arcanacrags are even more powerful than Tier 1 arcanacrags and can be used for advanced enchantments and energy manipulation, such as creating a powerful barrier with a Violet Tier 2 Arcanacrag or manipulating the kinetic energy of objects with an Orange Tier 2 Arcanacrag.
    Tier 3 Arcanacrags:
    • These arcanacrags are the most powerful of the four tiers and are primarily used for powerful enchantments and advanced energy manipulation, such as accelerating the growth of plants to an extreme extent with a Green Tier 3 Arcanacrag or powering a large electrical device such as a generator with a Blue Tier 3 Arcanacrag.


Arcanacrags are volatile and sensitive, with the most corrupt variants exploding on contact with so much as a warm breath. The processes below should be read with a mind for safety. In-depth study of both the Arcanacrags themselves and the correct timings and tolerances allowed by the tools are required before more advanced concepts can be considered safe.
Any gross oversight of Fragmenting's lore - or abuse of the open progression system - will be subject to moderator intervention.

The first process a beginner Fragmenter learns is to heat an Arcanacrag. This is accomplished by placing the Fragment upon the Shaping Bench before pressing upon the pedal to quickly accumulate heat, the magical material changing in hue towards a molten amber to reflect its readiness to be Cut.
When the Fragment is heated to its near maximum temperature, it will display a thin blurry outline of charged air circulating around the object necessary for Shaping. The pedal must be managed carefully through the process to keep the heat at an ideal level to maintain this.
If too much heat is applied, brilliant streaks of blurring light will erupt from fractures in the Fragment. It will rattle and may eventually leak corruption, and there is a significant delay between actions on the pedal and the adjustment of heat that makes this difficult to control. Heating is learned at Novice.

Provided the Fragment is a molten amber, the Fragmenter is able to gently tap the glowing hot material with the tip of the Dividing Rod and gently tug it to form a constricting band of ether around a section of the Fragment dependent upon the direction they drag. This will always create a perfect loop along the surface, connecting around the other side.
Upon the Dividing Rod is a dial the Fragmenter may twist to finely angle the orientation of the band before lifting the rod. If too much time passes, the band will dissipate, or the Fragmenter may tap the band a second time to safely cut the fragment all the way through.
Once cut, an Arcanacrag must be heated again before it may be cut once more, and each part is fractionally as powerful as the whole. Fragments may only be cut to an inch in diameter before they lose their power entirely, and should the Fragment be cut while the charged air current is present, it will explode in a catastrophic burst of power. Cutting is learned at Novice.

Shaping is performed by striking the charged air with the Frag Hammer until the Fragment beneath the swirling energies deforms into the desired shape. This is a time of great caution; striking the Arcanacrag too hard can release chaotic bursts of energy, and doing so too softly will yield a finished product with imperfections in the form of cracks and uneven surfaces. It takes true skill to understand how striking at this swirling mass will translate the impact to the volatile material.
Every Fragment has a tolerance for how much it may be worked. Unlike metal, a Fragment will bleed its energies and begin to settle its air current if worked too harshly or heated for too long, becoming resistant to further tampering. For this reason, they cannot often be reused and tend to be impervious beneath the hammer when salvaged from existing works, even when heated to extremes. Cutting away a third of the Fragment recontextualizes its energies and thus allows the air current to form again, but with thinner and more volatile margins; there will be less time and less material for subsequent attempts. Shaping is learned at Novice.

Routing is used to circulate power throughout an object or structure, outputting the energy for various functions and manipulations based on the type of Arcanacrag powering a network of brass engravings.
An Arcanacrag must be mounted within an inlay connected to brass rods, veins, or roots that each extend to more accessible engravings of the same material that swoop and run the length of a larger surface. Sheltering the Arcanacrag is recommended, as a direct strike runs the risk of detonating the crystalline battery. The object may also be rendered inoperable should any of its brass channeling be damaged.
Engraving is accomplished through the use of a Channeling Wand, digging trenches through metal, and leaving rivers of brass behind that direct the flow of energy towards fine points or vents in the material. An endpoint in the circuitry will detonate its charge through anything that it comes into contact with, and the size and number of these endpoints determine how much of the Arcanacrag charge may be dispensed at once.
The Engravings may be further altered with constraints and commands through Runic Script from the discipline of Artificing, and Artificers have been known to work closely with Fragmenters to produce logically intelligent networks of energy to operate important infrastructure or weaponry. Routing is available at Apprentice.

To Refract an Arcanacrag is to improve its stability and efficiency. This is accomplished by ordering the structure of Fractals with the Fixing Glass and then manipulating them with a Lensing Gun. Arcanacrags with disordered Fractals are highly volatile and generate corruption during their use in the form of Magithermal Isotopes.
When the Fragmenter looks into the body of a settled Arcanacrag through the lens of a Fixing Glass, they will see a series of Fractals frozen in place. These Fractals consist of small spherical shapes that are joined by webs of straight lines. The brass rim of the Fixing Glass can then be twisted like a dial, remotely aligning the Fractals seen within Arcanacrags.
To edit the structure and render this alignment permanent, a Lensing Gun must be used to strike the Fractals with highly energetic Magithermal Light, bending their lines and irregularities into place until all webbing and Fractal sides are equilateral to one another, but not so much that the lines snap and lash out with violent energies upon the Fragmenter. There is a specific Fractal pattern to be understood for each type of Arcanacrag, and this process can take hours if not days as the largest of them can possess hundreds of Fractals. Tier 1 Refraction is available to the Journeyman, but only the Master is capable of perfect Tier 3 Refraction.

An Arcanacrag is impure; it is an engine that bleeds corruption into the surrounding air as a byproduct, and Pristination is the process of nullifying this dangerous Magithermal Isotope. This can only be done once the Arcanacrag has been Refracted to a suitable degree, as the amount of Pristination that can be achieved is directly tied to how equivalent and ordered its Fractals are. Without Pristination, impure Arcanacrags must routinely bleed corruption into the wilderness or else risk Magithermal Meltdown. Pristination cuts this necessity down tenfold at Tier 1 Refraction and removes the concern entirely for a Tier 3 Perfectly Refracted Arcanacrag.
Pristination is performed with the Lightbasin. By placing the object within, the Magithermal Isotope will bleed into the surrounding waters over a period of days, causing them to retain the entropy as a form of Mageblight Isotope-laced light until a Pristine Arcanacrag is the result. The glowing and irradiated byproduct from this, Lightwater, must be stored within cold iron barrels for use in Sundering, or else disposed of in coordination with local governance. Pristination is available at Journeyman.

Tempering is a process that involves the use of a Lensing Gun to focus a concentrated beam of light onto an Arcanacrag, causing it to harden and become more resistant to damage. The process is based on the principles of Refraction, which involves manipulating the light waves that are reflected or refracted by an object. When a beam of light is directed onto an Arcanacrag, it causes the fractals within the crystal to lock its fractals into place, hardening them as well as preventing them from being manipulated again.
The process of Tempering is used to enhance the strength and durability of an Arcanacrag, making it more resistant to damage and wear. This can be useful in a variety of applications, such as in the creation of magical tools or artifacts that are intended to be used in rough or demanding environments. For example, a tool that is made with a Tempered Arcanacrag would be less prone to breaking causing an explosion or worse magithermal meltdown.
The process of Convergence is to Route the energies of multiple Arcanacrags towards a Convergent Nexus carefully carved with the Channeling Wand. If any of the Arcanacrags are Fractally disordered or undergoing Magithermal Meltdown, the channeled energies will collide and annihilate one another, resulting in an explosion. If they are compatible and delivered at the proper frequency however, a new form of energy will be produced capable of unique miracles dependent on the power and type of differing Arcanacrags. Many small Arcanacrags of the same type may act as redundancies towards a larger output in this way, allowing for massive, stationary siege weapons of unfathomable power.
The composite engravings must be alternated with differing swoops and bends alongside one another until the Harmonizing Lapper begins to hum when operated above the Nexus, signifying that all converging energies are resonating at the same frequency. The resultant merged energies must be tested to confirm their effects. Some combinations are thought to be so esoteric in function that their ability can never be deduced.
Converging more than two types of Arcanacrags is only possible for the Master Fragmenter. Only mages of Resonance or Relics of Blaryl are capable of true understanding without working from example, and every attempt to understand just one of the composite frequencies will incur feedback in the form of light Mageblight upon the Fragmenter. Convergence is available at Expert. Unless working from a formula listed on the wiki, the result is determined and recorded by an Architect. Please request a result through the Help Desk or Support Forum linking to the thread where a new Convergence was created.

A Novice Fragmenter has just begun to explore the very fringes of the trade. They will spend much of their time learning about Arcanacrags and their properties, as well as the Shaping Table, the Frag Hammer, and the Dividing Rod. At this stage, they are still getting comfortable with Heating, Shaping, and Cutting Arcanacrags. They must contend with great risk, as a single misstep may prove fatally disastrous.
Apprentice Fragmenters begin to understand and apply the Channeling Wand within the process of Routing. They have a better understanding of Heating, Shaping, and Cutting, but now they must consider fostering other skills to ply their rudimentary Tier 0 Arcanacrags with.
As one progresses into the role of a Journeyman, the Fragmenter begins to learn Refraction and Pristination via the Fixing Glass, Lensing Gun, and Light Basin. They are known to amplify and stabilize their Arcanacrags, purifying them to make them safer while manufacturing valuable Lightwater. They may now purify Tier 0 Refracted Arcanacrags into Tier 1 Pristine Arcanacrags which are more powerful and bleed Magithermal Isotope into the surrounding air at a rate 1/10th of normal.
An Expert in the field of Fragmenting begins to understand and explore the vagaries of Convergence, merging energies together with the Convergence Nexus and a Harmonizing Lapper to form unique effects. They may now experiment to discover more such combinations, even replicating certain World Magic tools, but they are still limited to merging just two energies together. The Expert may purify Tier 0 Refracted Arcanacrags into Tier 2 Pristine Arcanacrags which are more powerful and bleed Magithermal Isotope into the surrounding air at a rate 1/100th of normal.
The Master Fragmenter is seen as indispensable to any society, and they should take care that they are not strong armed into serving despots. A World Mage of this caliber is capable of manufacturing powerful, perfectly Refracted Tier 3 Pristine Arcanacrags that no longer bleed corruption into the air, and they may even begin to study three, four, or five pointed Convergences. The Master may manufacture or replicate almost any World Magic tool provided they know the proper Convergence formula. Should the Fragmenter ever discover the Ald’Norai Demiurge, they may wield it to great effect

Re: Kayleth's Library

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:59 pm
by kayleth
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Tarnishstone (Venakun): Tarnishstone is the primary stone left behind by Venadak's Noradac. Commonly found as a geode due to the arcanacrags influence over gravitational forces. Inside are clusters of different-sized mineral deposits On the surface they are purple as a graduate to plack in the center. Within a swirling mass of energy hums softly. When mined it is often variable as some geodes way less than a few pounds whereas others can way a few hundred. The level of gravitational energy in each stone affects how it feels in one's hand. The tarnished stone has a set amount of gravitational force stored inside of it depending on size, cut, clarity ect. When refined and utilized it can absorb a set amount of mass or transfer some of its gravitational force to increase or decrease the mass of objects affecting its gravitational pull and the amount of force required to move it. Additionally, this force can also be used to generate etheric fields of force in specified shapes that can deflect or absorb attacks. With its manipulation of gravitational force, it also influences the inertia of things its linked to allowing it to accelerate or decelerate at will and ignoring the effects of gravity to a degree.
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Brightseed (Shendral): Brightseed is the primary stone left behind Y'shendra's Noradac. The raw form of Brightseed is jagged and rough, with a shimmering surface that reflects the light in a dazzling spectrum of greens. It has a vine-like central stalk that emanates a soft, jade-like color in the dark. It grows in the shape of a long vine with crystalline, teardrop-shaped gem-clusters sprouting from the tips like grapes on a vine. It is often found deep within the earth, radiating a warm, life-giving energy that causes plants and animals to flourish in its vicinity. When mined, the gemstone exudes a thick, luminescent fog that envelops the area around it, dyeing the miner's skin a leafy green color for up to a week. When refined and planted in soil, nearby flora will grow their roots towards the ethereal energy pouring out from the Brightseed into the soil, which will accelerate the growth and improve the vitality and longevity of flora whose roots marinate in its potent ethereal flow. The same principle can be used on mortals to achieve a healing factor that aids in the overall rate of recovery, though mortals (due to their soul) can experience over-exposure to Brightseed, causing Magithermal radiation in the face of long-term, direct exposure (such as if an individual attempts to use Brightseed to extend their lifespan, or permanently improve upon their natural regeneration). Brightseed is usually given in doses, to increase the speed of recovery and overall health and well-being.
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Huntstone (Nathcrag): Hunstone is the primary stone left behind by Azunath's Noradac. It grows in a bell-shaped crystalline structure. At its base, it emanates a pale pink hue that fades to translucent. The arcanacrag shimmers white light pulses in the presence of living things with the intensity of it being brighter and more frequent the more powerful or dangerous something is. Creatures often congregate around these stones as a detection warning for prey or other living beings as a warning sign. While its energies are concentrated it can be used to assess the health, strength, and ailments of a particular living being. Additionally, the stones can be imprinted by holding the stone against the object or person to include parts of them you want it to locate something and when hovered over a map will roll to the location that it is located, washing the stone with Lightwater can remove the imprint allowing it to be replaced.
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Firelight (Vendrax): Firelight is the secondary stone left behind by Venadak's Noradac.It grows in pillar-like crystal veins with a translucent body. From inside hues of yellow and orange radiate out in corpuscular rays sometimes reflected off angles in unnatural ways. Special care is needed when harvesting as it can be too bright to look at directly as well as exposure to the rays can cause severe sunburn if exposure is too long. When refined it has a variety of uses such as the control of the light intensity, color, and direction. Depending on the fractal alignment it may also alter the properties of the light wavelength into other spectrums like infrared and x-ray. The ability to control how light is reflected and refracted in whatever the stone is mounted in or linked to allows for the obscurity of things but is not true invisibility and is only the bending of light.
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Chemspark (Gevakun): Chemspark is the primary stone left behind by Gevala's Noradac. In its raw and unrefined form, Chempark is a vibrant emerald-green mineral with a unique crystalline structure. It is composed of thin, needle-like crystals that grow together in intricate patterns, creating a shimmering and mesmerizing effect. Deep within its facets energy bubbles like a pot of water as it reflects the light to the surface. Its energies seep into the environment it dwells in and often harden the natural minerals around it making harvesting more difficult without specialized tools. Chemspark can enhance the properties of potions, liquids, and elixirs. By infusing the mineral into the mixture, the user can alter the chemical reactions occurring within the mixture, resulting in increased potency, and increased effectiveness. Chemspark can also be used to enhance the flavor of foods and drinks, adding a subtle yet distinct taste that is highly prized by gourmet chefs and connoisseurs. Many countries covet the Chemsparl for its ability to merge the properties of two or more materials together, combining their physical and chemical properties to create a new substance. This can be used to create new and unique materials, such as combining the strength of steel with the elasticity of rubber to create a new material that is both strong and flexible. However, it is important to note that only one property can be added to the resulting substance, as adding more can cause instability and potentially dangerous consequences. Due to its reactivity, it also has the ability to purify substances of toxins, and poisons, rendering the substance safe for consumption or use.
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Harmonite (Gevatrax): Harmonite is the secondary stone left behind by Gevala's Noradac. It is found in large clusters of jagged shards that resemble broken glass, with silver streaks corrugating through the translucent shards. The surface of the mineral is rough and uneven, with deep cracks and fissures running across its surface. The mineral is highly reflective sending flashes of silver in various directions. It has silver streaks corrugated through the translucent shards. It is also highly fragile, and can easily shatter or break if struck or dropped. When handled, Harmonite emits a faint humming or vibrating sound that can be heard by those with sensitive hearing The environment they are found in is usually extremely quiet save for a telltale hym the vibrating crystals make. Once refined a fragmenter can extract its powers over sound. Holding the stone and recalling a sound, be it a voice or a noise, will allow the wielder to replicate it perfectly. Another property the mineral exudes is an ability to absorb and dampen ambient sound in its localized area with more powerful stones being able to cover a larger area. Lastly, the stones themselves can communicate with one another over long distances so long as the fractal patterns of each stone are set to mimic the other.
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Aquasphere (pronounced aqua-sfur) (Blevcrag): Aquasphere is a stunning mineral with a vibrant ocean blue and teal color scheme. In its raw and unrefined form, it is found in small, crystalline formations that resemble sparkling hollow bubbles. The surface of the mineral is smooth and polished, with a shimmering sheen that catches the light.One of the most distinctive features of Aqualite is its unique ability to create and sustain bubbles. The mineral is infused with a special gas that is lighter than air, which forms into tiny bubbles that are trapped within the crystal. These bubbles are constantly shifting and moving, creating a mesmerizing and hypnotic effect. More often than not Aqualite is found in uinderwater caves or a cave that was previously underwater. Water condenses in the air around this mineral generating light fog and condensation. Once refined the stone imparts one with the ability to breath underwater for longer periods of time not natural to mortals. Additionally, it seems to have power of boyancy. One Fragmenter was rumored to have performed the calucaltions well enough that they could walk on water. Depending on the alignment of its fractals the crag will manipulate the humidity and water density in an area. This can easily be turned into a water source if set up correctly or for a green house to maintain proper moisture levels in an area.

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Re: Kayleth's Library

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:31 pm
by kayleth
Governor Arin Thorne was a tall and muscular man, with piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline. He was fiercely loyal to the gentry of Radenor, and was determined to prove his worth as the governor of Nurin.

Arin was born into a noble family, and had always dreamed of rising through the ranks of the adeleich and eventually becoming a powerful Earl or even Kyng. He had worked hard to earn his position as the governor of Nurin, and was determined to do whatever it took to solidify the town's resource output and bring prosperity to the people under his charge.

Despite his loyalty to the gentry, Arin was not without his own motivations. He was ambitious and always looking for ways to advance his own position, even if it meant making sacrifices or taking risks. He was known for his calculating nature, and was not afraid to make tough decisions in order to achieve his goals.

In terms of demeanor, Arin was a strict but fair leader. He expected the best from those around him, and was not afraid to hold people accountable for their actions. He was known for his strong work ethic, and often led by example. However, he was also known to be somewhat aloof and distant, and was not one to easily show emotion or vulnerability.

Despite his sometimes cold exterior, Arin was deeply committed to the people of Nurin, and was determined to do everything in his power to help them thrive. He had strong political ties within the gentry, and was well-respected by his peers for his dedication and determination.

Re: Kayleth's Library

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:09 pm
by kayleth

James Schmidt

Race: Human
Age: 40
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 230 lb

Occupation: Instructor
Relation to PC: None
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: James is a man who commands respect and attention in any room he enters. Despite his large, heavy-set frame, he moves with a grace and confidence that belies his size. His long hair is a wild and unruly mane that he keeps tied back in a ponytail, with uneven ends that are the result of countless mishaps on the job. His arms are covered in a multitude of scars, testament to the dangerous nature of his work. But it's the scar on his neck that draws the most attention. A jagged, white line that runs from just below his ear to the base of his throat, it's a constant reminder of a near-fatal accident that occurred early in his career. He keeps it covered with a high collar, but it's still visible, a testament to his resilience and determination.
James is a man of simple tastes, and his wardrobe reflects that. He's often seen in a white shirt and black pants, a combination that is practical and functional, but also exudes a sense of authority. The clothes are often worn and torn, the result of his students' mishaps, but he wears them with a sense of pride.
There's one feature of his physique that stands out as particularly unusual. On his otherwise hairy chest, there's a large hairless spot that looks out of place. It's rumored that this is the result of a bad injury that permanently damaged the area, and sometimes when he works and affects that area, he winces. But he never speaks of it, and it's a mystery that's only known to a select few.
Despite all the scars and injuries, James is a man who's seen it all, and his students know that they're in safe hands. He's a master of his craft, and his reputation precedes him. He's a force to be reckoned with, and his students know that they have much to learn from him.

Clockwork: Journeyman
Artificing: Journyman
Jewel smithing: Apprentice
Appraisal: Expert
Weight-lifting: Journyman
Intimidation: Apprentice
Teaching: Expert


The Academy of Artificng

Simply put The Academy of Artificing is a large area where Artificing is taught. Lessons are led by James Schmidt, a human with many decades of experience in the craft. Dozens of other low-level workers are employed to help things run smoothly and acquire the necessary materials to facilitate proper teaching and construction of golems. This location is not owned by any one entity. Instead, it is a shared place of learning, funded by many of the gentry who support top educational institutions in Landbridge and TIlema. There is an ever-present desire to train more artificers in Radenor, but because of magic’s scrutiny there simply are not enough students to justify every university having its own artificing location. On top of that, there aren’t many people experienced enough and willing teach it when they’d make more money focusing on production.

Learning artificing is not cheap and it certainly isn’t free. The typical charge is only 500 df per season of attendance since classes are subsidized by the Kyngdom. Further discounts may be had if one chooses to work at this location (speak to a mod). If your character is currently attending one of the universities in Landbridge or Tilema full time, then the costs of taking lessons here are considered covered by your school tuition. Characters of Noble class or higher (as it pertains to income) can consider the costs negligible and do not have to pay.
Anything built using this facility technically belongs to the Kyngdom, so students are unable to claim ownership of anything built here. James ultimately decides whether creations will be torn down into spare parts or sent elsewhere to be put to good use.

1. The Dining Hall: The heart of the Academy, the dining hall is a large, open space filled with long wooden tables and benches. The walls are adorned with intricate carvings of gears and clockwork, and the air is always filled with the aroma of delicious food. Here, students gather to share meals and discuss their progress on their latest projects. Small golems designed to shuttle food back and forth from the kitchens and dirty dishes to the pot washer.
2. The Dwelling Quarters: Simple but comfortable, the student dormitories are located on the upper floors of the Academy. Each room is equipped with a bed, a desk, and a small fireplace for warmth. The dormitories are separated by gender, and students are expected to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and respect for their fellow students. All the beds come equipped with manual arms as if the entire bed is a golem itself designed to make it every morning.
3. The Bathrooms and Showers: Located on the ground floor, the bathrooms and showers are always kept clean and well-stocked. The bathrooms are equipped with toilets, sinks, and mirrors, while the showers are large and spacious, with plenty of room for students to wash and freshen up after a long day of classes. Broom, maps, and other cleaning golems routinely maintain the high level of sanitation needed for the school.
4. The Workshop: The workshop is where the magic happens. Here, students learn the art of crafting golems, gears, and other magical constructs. The workshop is a large, open space filled with tools, machinery, and materials. The air is always filled with the sounds of hammering and the smell of metal and oil.
5. The Lecture Hall: The lecture hall is a large, dimly-lit room where students gather to learn from James and his team of instructors. The walls are adorned with intricate diagrams and illustrations, and the room is always filled with the sound of James's deep, commanding voice as he explains the intricacies of artificing. The large black board mechanically erases it self as small legged brushes wipe away the board for the day.
6. The Outdoor Weightlifting: Located just outside the Academy, this small outdoor area is where students can go to work out and get some fresh air. It is equipped with a variety of weightlifting equipment, including barbells, dumbbells, and resistance bands. This is a great spot for students to release some steam, work on their physical fitness, and bond with their classmates.

Created by Kayleth AKA. Broodboy And Luna

Re: Kayleth's Library

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:05 pm
by kayleth
OPeration Squeaky Wheel AKA Nurin's Wind/Grain Mill

Strong fabric
Animal fat maybe for lubrication
some metal work
man power to lift and hoist all this (school projects could be to help with this with golems)