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Salen's Chamber

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:10 pm
by Salen
The Beginning's of Salen's Journey

Upon initiation as a Corvo, Salen had met his fellow Corvae who would together fulfill the whim's of Brazim's Vanity. Dahlia would become a mastermind to many auspicious and elegant plots that are executed perfectly within her ruthless attempt to sabotage other Veir as a competition to obtain one of the Montese seats. She is known for her adept ability in spycraft as other Veiren and even Monteses' will come to her for her services. She is the type of woman who would keep her friends close but her enemies even closer.

Furthermore, she wants power and control over her dominion. Salen displays a sense of strong will and the ability to chose for himself which bothers Dahlia. She views his straight forward nature as a danger to her works and keeps a tag on his dreamscape. She is responsible for damaging half of his memories to the point where they were not recoverable unless a Master Remnomancer was there to fix them as a way of gaining control over him.

She chose the memories of his time with his lover, Tiberius who bonded with him on the day he was initiated. They had a relationship for a while, for which she chose to shatter his memories over those moments. Now Salen lives in perturbation and is known to close off, not expressing love as an emotion because Dahlia had broken that moment for him. Salen now lives under her shadow as the fall guy. Their relationship exceedingly grows more toxic as Dahlia continues her works of manipulation upon him to break him into her puppet.

Frost 4621

Dahlia Senerite has been an influence over Salen's mind for many years; making him do her bidding. However, he saw an opportunity to break the cycle after meeting with an old friend, Degare Socorro; who years ago had been influenced to purge into Degare's memories to find and erase the knowledge about Dahlia. Given his experience in Remnant at the time, he was unable to fulfill this.

Degare had recently gained the blight that would become one of his kind. A Corvo. Dahlia gave Salen a task to fulfill. He was to assassinate Degare as she realises he knows everything about her, including her secrets and the downfall of her twin sister, Cordelia which caused her alleged exile. Knowing Salen has a chance to break his chains, he would do so at a price that Dahlia would go to the ends of the earth to hunt him.

Now he was her biggest threat, but she knew he didn't have any power in Daravin's courts. However, he appeared to be holding too many secrets and with his current skillset and alliance with Degare, it was proving that he would need to be exposed off. Degare has become a valuable ally to Salen, but yet the secrets she knew could be uncovered so easily with her uses of Remnant to secure knowledge from others.

Glade 4622

To be written.


Re: Salen's Chamber

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:10 pm
by Salen

N P C: Dahlia Senerite

Race: Sil'Norai (Corvo)
Age: 137
Height: 5"6
Weight: 150lbs

Occupation: Information Broker
Relation to PC: Mentor
NPC Type: Personal
Influence: 3

She's a secretive woman, not much is known about her only that she had been a member of the Daravinic Entente for many years. She had seen political scandal and amorality from all of her peers. She was selected by Brazim on the cusp of her true ambition which would never come. Instead, she would be responsible for passing on information at the highest price. Information that may cause the downfall of an Entente family, or much worse. Since then, she has become a mentor to the newly fledged Corvo within her sect in Daravin. She believes Brazim's chosen are the future of building this world into a place of beauty, love and tranquility; something that Brazim would've wanted despite his corruption.

NOTE: Vesper is also allowed to use this NPC, if needed.

Remnant - Master
Resonance - Expert
Bane - Journeyman
Spycraft - Expert
Stealth - Journeyman
Politics - Journeyman
Poison - Journeyman
Blades - Journeyman


The thematic motif of these mutations focus on the illusions of one’s self. The preservations of Salen’s perception of self will entangle between his and other’s mindscapes. The founding concept for this motif is known as the Mirror. As Salen progresses through Remnomancy, his understanding of illusions and dreams becomes a vivid, but dangerous journey.

Mark Location: Salen’s Mark of Remnant is located on his scalp, hidden between his locks of hair.


The Mirror - Apprentice
The Mirror is the foundation of Salen’s mindscape. It becomes factored within a hallway of mirrors. The mirrors are the empty spaces of engrams waiting to be filled with knowledge that Salen has acquired. By interacting with an object that is affected by Pervade, he is able to store memories that he has acquired into the selected mirror, ensuring that they are easily remembered. At Apprentice, it will be difficult to find the memory, through the shifting changes in the mindscape and it’s development to the concepts. As Salen progresses, the Hall of Mirrors will evolve, eventually becoming easier to navigate.

The Connection - Journeyman
As Salen traverses the different mindscapes and memory palaces, he often finds a connection between them. The Mnemonic Impression that he leaves often builds a foundation between the attachment created within the Reverie by creating a mirror within the mindscape of others, reflecting it back to his mindscape.

This allows to feel an empathic presence of dreamers he has visited. This brings a connection to reality meaning that he can sense the presence of a particular dreamer that he’s interacted with within the Reverie. The connection allows Salen to track dreamers that are nearby within a fifty feet radius. His Mark of Remnant will indicate this through an intense emotional stimulant that helps him decipher those between friend and foe through their experiences. These experiences are often filled with a brimming uncertainty that makes Salen more empathetic or vindictive, depending on his experience with the particular dreamer.

The Reflection - Expert
The Reflection is tapping into the illusory capabilities of the Hall of Mirrors; The Mask is a unique addition to Salen’s arsenal of deception as it allows him to use his own vanity as both a tool of espionage and a deadly weapon. The epitome of this mutation lies within the illusory components of the mirror’s reflection in Salen’s mindscape as he is able to project versions of himself onto reality.

To create this effect, The Mask is broken down into two phantasmal clones of Salen’s image, before being able to display the clones onto reality through the use of Phantasmal Reckoning. They are real, tangible versions of Salen who would do his bidding in regards to what he is thinking. However, clouded and negative thoughts can ensure these clones can turn on him. At this stage of Remnomancy he can either become his own best friend or his own worst enemy.

The Superiority Complex - Master
The Hall of Mirrors evolve into a City of Mirrors; the dreamscape is identical to the dream of Amurlain that he had experienced during his initiation as a Corvo. In the dreamscape he is a king, surrounded by servants and knights who are identical to his own self-image. The mirror city is created after the Hall of Mirrors destroys itself and restructures its engramic structure, connecting the synapses together, becoming a vivid dream world of Salen’s own vanity and creativity.

Even so, Salen’s grandiosity is interlocked in his dreamscapes, but he never forgets one thing, his life experiences and where he came from and whom he will become. Because of these traits, he grows callous to those who have a nature to dominate the power balance; he finds enjoyment in enforcing this on other people as his tendencies grow more sadistic in nature. This is shown in a deeper and darker side of his dreamscape.

The Gladiator’s Pit. When Trial is activated, his victims are sent there to fight versions of his own self-image. These versions are deadly armed warriors, knights and bloodthirsty warlords who take pride in. They will keep coming until they are all defeated leaving Salen to gamble for his life to a fight to the death as his ether drains.

Re: Salen's Chamber

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 5:34 pm
by Salen

The Status of Character Relationships


Relationship: Pretty Tense, I mean it'll get better I hope, but surely she should learn to read maps more.
Combative Skills: Mentalist, Explorer
Supportive Skills: Map Reader (Questionable...) Adventurer, Travels around with her sister, Joop.


Relationship: Pretty Neutral, although he tries to get into my core sometimes...
Combative Skills: Dividi, Strong Fighter.
Supportive Skills: Encouraging Teacher, Supportive, Dividi can bolster allies as well as aligning himself with other magics


Relationship: Pretty Neutral, we don't talk but he seems cheerful... Maybe too cheerful when he's high...
Combative Skills: Grave and Baptism mage, pretty strong as a mage.
Supportive Skills: He doesnt seem much of a fighter, although he tries to focus his energy towards healing others.


Relationship: Tense, he caused alot of trouble for me recently... I hope he can dig himself out.
Combative Skills: A Very Strong Mentalist
Supportive Skills: A Remnomancer can be very supportive in acquiring knowledge and diverting attention
















Re: Salen's Chamber

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:01 pm
by Salen


The Mirror has evolved within Salen’s Mindscape into a foundation world of the present, but it has also broadened his mind in a state of strong will. Salen’s transition into a Dreamwalker intensifies his illusory applications, understanding the deeper concepts in his and others reality, creating illusions to either benefit allies or deceive and cull foes.

Illusions are merely a tool of cunning, subterfuge and espionage as the powers of a Dreamwalker are awakened, drawing on the concepts of the inner truth and fabricated reality. The games that an illusionist plays with the mind are of either mere benefit or spiteful malediction as the Ascended Remnomancer is able to draw on the elements of the game itself. A game that will alter the fabric of one's reality.

Mark Location: Salen’s Mark of Remnant is located on his scalp, hidden between his locks of hair.


The Spire of Dreams (Ascended) - Apprentice
Salen’s Memory Palace has evolved from a Hall of Mirrors into a city landscape that’s similar to the place of birth; where Salen was conceived in Cisperant, Bardona, this appears to be the foundation of the bridge as other mindscapes that he has become familiar with. The mindscapes in question will remain afloat in the air around his memory palace. Upon visiting Salen’s mindscape, the dreamer may find clonal versions of Salen performing various tasks in the city; they are seemingly false representations of Salen that protect the mindscape.

Salen’s domain in his memory palace is known as the Spire of Dreams; a large tower that sits in the middle of the city, which appears to be a combination of the palaces of Ardenserat and the fairytale castle that Brazim resides in within the realm, Amurlain. This is his domain where his deep and most protected memories are kept as a Remnomancer. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to get into the Spire of Dreams as they must go through various tests and trials to access the darkest secrets of Salen’s mind.

The Prodigy (Ascended) - Journeyman
The Prodigy is an advancement of the Connection, whilst he maintains his psychometric qualities, Salen is able to further influence minds around him, holding a strong presence over the mindscapes he is familiar with; this comes with the improvement to Salen’s cognition allowing him to obtain information easily from an autobiographical perspective, equipping him with the ability to become a quicker and stronger learner as well as being able to retain information at an esoteric level compared to any other Remnomancer.

The Decoy (Ascended) - Expert
The Decoy is an advanced trait of the Reflection, allowing Salen to conjure Clones of his own reflection by employing the use of the ability, Phantasmal Reckoning. These clones are able to copy Salen’s intellectual and mundane skills as well as his own physical appearance, including weaponry in hand.

The Clones are no longer created through the phantasmal split of the Mask, instead they are conjured straight from the memory palace that has mutated within Salen’s mind. These clones are designed to provide an illusory squad to deceive or utilize in battle. Salen’s Ascension allows him to summon more clones, depending on his ether reserves meaning the more clones that Salen conjures, the more difficult it is to control and maintain them.

Furthermore, Salen can increase his vision range and see through the eyes of his illusions by Voyaging into his mindscape and finding the clone that’s projected onto reality. The clone in question will have a glittery prismatic aura around them and their reality is completely changed.

Kyrikaric Transcendence (Ascended) - Master
Salen’s appearance greatly changes upon ascending; his skin becomes perfectly tanned and exotic, his eyes a dreamy turquoise blue and his hair turns from his dark roots to a shining celestial white that appear to show glints of prismatic light. The transition from Remnomancer to Dreamwalker is an almost god-like ascension as a glittery, prismatic aura is around Salen’s body at all times, meaning the only way of hiding it is through the application of the Mask.

The Game of Illusions becomes available as a tool of subterfuge and indirect manipulation. As Salen understands his newly fledged mind he will begin to gain new tools for manipulating the mind; a giant crystal globe followed by a chessboard with pieces that symbolize the illusory events that occur whilst playing the game.

The game can be played for both malevolent and beneficial reasons, either to protect or destroy a foe through the power of illusions. Firstly, the Remnomancer must be actively dreaming within their own memory palace, whilst the dreamer is mind merged to Salen’s mindscape through Mind Collision.

Once Salen has received the direct imprint to the mind, he will be able to manipulate the fabric of his or her reality by viewing using the chess pieces on the board to either construct an illusory narrative of events to come or altering the fabric of their reality for their benefit.

NOTE: These are an evolutionary change from Remnant to Dreamwalker Ascension, therefore I am quoting the previous mutations here