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Re: Latham's Plot Notes

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:59 pm
by Taelian Edevane

N P C: W E N D E L L - V E N G E R

Name: Wendell Venger von Klade
Age: 32
Race: Human
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 197 lbs

Title: Member of the Covenant, Chancellor to Count Duncan of Kastran
NPC Type: Personal NPC
Influence: 3
Relation to Taelian: Husband

Artifice (Master), Politics (Expert), Rhetoric (Journeyman), Persuasion (Journeyman), Business (Journeyman), Finance (Journeyman), Negotiation (Apprentice), Tactics (Apprentice), Logistics (Apprentice), Law (Apprentice)

Description: Wendell was born into House Venger, a Celebrant family in Lorien of fairly low standing compared to most. When he was young, his father committed an act considered blasphemous upon the Kindred, seemingly influenced by the teachings of the Omen of Ulendreaism rather than the Rien sect. He publicly declared them to be demons in the form of crows, seducers and manipulators diverting the hearts and minds of the Rien people away from the truth. Shortly afterwards he was executed, as was his wife, and his first three children. The House of Venger would have been all but demolished had there not been one member spared -- a three year old boy, Wendell, who was allowed to carry on the name of a destitute family wracked with blood and shame.

These events carried on with Wendell for the rest of his life. Always did he have a hatred for the Kindred, an anguish and regret on the part of his family, and a wallflower-like distance stemmed from isolation. He had been largely secluded from the high life of the Celebrant due to his nature as part of a shamed house, others fearing what proximity to him might do to them in the eyes of the Omen and their Kindred overlords. Yet through a sufficient enough amount of time, Lord Venger managed to acquire influence through Artifice, as well as through his knowledge and skill as a statesman. Rising through Kastran, his home county, in prominence... he joined with the Covenant through their outpost in Brandt, and with a hand extended from them he came into the favor of the Count.

Wendell is a man who is firm and willful, but one with a good heart. He cares for the fate of his people and serves what he believes to be the greater good. In the Year 4620, he was connected to Taelian as a sort of retainer and ally of his while he engages in tasks for the Covenant in Lorien, the two intending to benefit from one another. Quickly after meeting, with a palpable attraction and interest in one another, the two married for the sake of mutual benefit as well as the potential for romance.

Re: Latham's Plot Notes

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:00 pm
by Tyranny


Chromatic, rigid and bright, Emrik's Mark of Brand presents itself within a brilliant and blinding array of colors. Crystalline and brimming with light, this visual representation forms much of how his Rune itself manifests and operates within his aether-channeled weaponry.

Rune Location: The Velsign's Mark of Brand is present atop his scalp, hidden by his hair.

Opaline Radiance - Apprentice
All of Emrik's Arms become prismatic in hue and brilliance, shifting their interior color to that of an opalescent quartz which radiates a wide, chromatic array. He is capable of manipulating this light with aether, using a small amount of aether to dim or illuminate his weapons, up to the point where they might project a powerful light that is difficult to peer into. In addition, the man's eyes have been instilled with a chromatic refractor for light, allowing him to observe and endure much brighter forms of light without being blinded or disadvantaged.

Primythesis - Journeyman
Emrik's skin cells change, storing and reproducing chloroplasts within their plasma membrane. Each of these chloroplasts tend to be fairly small, and rather than one individual color, carry a blended, chromatic quality to them. In most cases, this change is entirely unnoticeable, but in the face of direct sunlight will result in a very faint chromatic sheen along the contours of his skin, particularly when flexing to reflect light. The result of this effect, aside from the very faint and circumstantial physical change, is that Emrik can receive direct nutrients from sunlight. While only occasionally useful, this allows him to labor, exercise, fight and fly for extended periods of time if beneath the sun, increasing his stamina as the sunlight supplies him energy throughout.

Darkscorned - Expert
Emrik becomes terrified by the dark, his Rune instilling in him a deep and unsettling anxiety when trapped in darkness. He must always sleep with at least a small light available to him, feels utter terror in the face of lightless caverns, and frequently manifests the intense need to conjure Arms if only to radiate their light, which soothes him from the unknown terrors of surrounding darkness. If Emrik remains in high levels of darkness overlong, he will become increasingly paranoid, reluctant and irrational, eventually culminating in a state of utter, deranged panic.

Darkscorned II: Wilt - Master
As a Master, Emrik's weakness to darkness worsens. Playing on the chloroplasts within his cells, darkness appears to directly inhibit his cell respiration, slowly draining the man of stamina while within high levels of darkness. His skin will look visibly wilting as this effect worsens, to the point where it will appear slightly shriveled, the hue changing to deeper shades of brown, grey and even black. If accidentally exposed to high levels of darkness while sleeping, this can result in Emrik awaking absolutely drained, forcing him to expose himself to the sun for hours at a time to recover.

Prismatic Shrike - Master
Emrik's Velsign wings become permanently crystallized, an array of bladed Arms materializing along the wingspan, which appears to be of a crystalline texture and (unsurprisingly) prismatic hue. There are four sets of these blades, each of which counts as an individual weapon manifesting, the two corresponding blades on each end needing to move and launch together. During flight, these weapons will oscillate, precisely steering his aerial movements as well as increasing his speed, his stopping and his acceleration power dramatically above the Velsign norm. As each weapon comes off of the wings to be wielded in Myriad or Devise, Emrik's flight will decline in speed and fine manipulation, his wings becoming roughly equivalent to the Velsign norm at one set of blades. Upon reaching zero weapons, the wingspan will become barren, and Emrik will only be capable of utilizing his wings for the purpose of gliding.

Launching and manipulating the sets of blades attached to the wing costs considerably less aether than materializing Arms, or Devise, enabling him to consistently manipulate these blades at the expense of his ability for fine-tuned and accelerated flight. Emrik may also re-attach blades to his wingspan, the weapons merely returning to the radius. In addition, this ability allows for Emrik's wings to be re and dematerialized, though at the expense of aether, as all attached sets of Arms must be appended or extricated with it.