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Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 10:58 am
by Taelian Edevane


Tyranic is at the heart of Veravend’s structure of power. Supposedly, he was once a powerful Ald’norai mage who contracted with her against the will of his kin, betraying his race to serve the will of his Goddess, whatever her intentions may have been. He fought with her against Lotheric and the other Elven Gods, though the long and grueling war between the Elves and their rogue God ultimately culminated in Veravend’s humiliating defeat. With Tyranic’s ship shattered and the Elf submerging near-death into the ocean’s depths, he was pulled into a barren void deep within the Mists, where he found his Goddess reforging herself under the scalpel of Thultu’s divine eminence.

Tyranic himself has been carved mightily by the nighttime world he was sent to, a purgatory never ending in which his mind was tested and retrained to think of nothing else but service to the mighty Queen. Veravend twisted his form over time and made him something new — grotesque and malleable, an Endir like herself but with the pragmatism of an Aldir. He was made into a wildly, nearly fifty foot tall giant, with a thin form that sprouts several additional arms. He is melded to a levitating throne of flesh that acts as his sole outlet of mobility, made of his own discarded Elven form and his darkly powers.

The Qe’zhod has fleshy wings that emerge from his back, though they do not function for flight. Instead, they channel and direct his spiritual powers, flaying his foes with the razing touch of the Mists.

Tyranic is a deceptive and mystifying creature, capable of appearing as a floating black eel with many amber colored eyes. He can even take this form in combat. Tyrnac speaks to both Summoners and others always with queries on their desires, how they intend to achieve them; what, in the living world, they ultimately want. He is not assertive or aggressive or cruel, or the inverse of these things. Tyranic is pragmatic and obedient, offering the Summoner the bargain they paid for, though often he will seek to further understand their ambitions and various goals.

A powerful Qe’zhod class Archetype, Tyranic is highly detrimental to the Summoner’s arcane stamina when summoned, though most would argue his value regardless. He contracts with the Summoner for a period of twelve hours, though this extends to sixteen for an Intermediary.

While the Archetype has little to no offensive physical capabilities, he is among the most powerful of Archetypes in wielding destructive magic. Tyranic’s powers can only be described as degenerative, his abilities all seeped with a corrosive, burdensome weight that cripples those oppressed by their impact. These attacks - often black-indigo, abyssal rays - degrade the equipment, flesh, bones and even the magic used to defend their victims, over time. These are emitted from his two usable index fingers, often in a casual manner; they will barely lift from the armrest of his throne. Rays are a constant form of aggression by Tyranic, and they tend to be quite powerful, capable of corroding virtually anything with enough focus.

He has more abilities along this strand, calling on portals to the Mists to bring them forth: the ability to create voidstorms by focusing his mind and leaning his head towards the field, encapsulated in large radiuses; pillars of black rays, thirty feet in diameter, risen from the ground; explosions that spawn from portals, flung to the ground at a high velocity in the form of a chaotic black ball. Tyranic is an immensely powerful sorcerer, able to put a great deal of pressure on a master Mage.

Tyranic is also able to control the field with great influence, directing his abyssal rays onto structures and terrain in order to create large, degenerative wells, numbering three total. These are black in color and visibly seething with volatile energy in the form of rising magenta-colored energy and dark purple vines that cord along the surface of the pool. He can willfully expand these degenerative fields over the course of battle, each well growing through time and beginning at a diameter of one hundred feet and growing rapidly at nearly thirty additional feet in diameter per minute, up to two hundred and fifty feet. Around these pools, a number of dark-colored apparitions stalk prey from within the wells, unseen. They tether to nearby enemies and not only act to guide the wells toward them, but occasionally rise to attack their foes or draw them into the pools with incredible force.

These entities are fairly vulnerable to damage, but reform incredibly quickly, making evasion the best strategy.

In general, it is agreed by enemies of Veravend that the best method of counter-attack against Tyranic is either evasion or the targeting of the Qe’zhod himself, as his primary self defense mechanism is surrounding himself in one of these mobile wells and fending off attacks with his abyssal rays. Every minute or so he is capable of forming a powerful spiritual barrier with his wings as he charges the roots drawn along their length, sheathing his form for a few brief seconds and allowing him the chance to gain distance. He is considerably less durable than other Qe'zhod, and can be banished by inflicting enough damage to his form. As a note, Tyranic's wells are incapable of damaging the Summoner and those designated by them as allies.

This Archetype, as a Qe'zhod, is for Taelian's use alone.

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:45 pm
by Taelian Edevane


Kyrbrec is a creature spoken of in Elven myths, Hytori legends of old that speak of Tyrnac's companion, supposedly a small glass bird with an obsidian beak that remained perched upon his shoulder. Over time as Tyrnac's domain grew and his archetypal family expanded, Kyrbrec grew in prominence and in later tales he was described as an immense vulture-like being surrounded by searing flame, wearing it like a blanket over its glass form. In the slave revolts that Tyrnac once repressed, and in the many wars against human insurgents during the fall of Silor, Kyrbrec was frequently employed onto the battlefield to lay waste to the formation of enemy armies. If not for the early Clockwork Empire's mages, who contracted with Aldir from the Choir of Fog, it is said that the avian and the Irothar he commanded would've crushed the initial human armies. Unfortunately, since the fall of Silor he has scarcely been seen, dwelling somewhere in the deep of the Mirrorlands.

Kyrbrec is a very large Archetype, with a wingspan of nearly two hundred feet, and a length of a bit over half of that. Beneath the immolation that surrounds it is its true form; clear glass, in the simple but muscular shape of a bird, with long arms leading out into razor sharp talons. Its head appears to be constructed of highly durable obsidian and it wields a sharp beak, the entity known for its alacrity and precision.

Kyrbrec is mostly a simple creature, following the will of his summoner, and Tyrnac. He resides mostly in the Mirrorlands while not conjured, and tends to avoid interaction with others. The Archetype has been hunted by the Dranoch for years, and for this reason tends to prefer accompanying Tyrnac and hiding within his form, so the two can mutually protect one another. In terms of his personality, he is somewhat regal and discerning like other Irothar, and tends to treat his Summoner more as a companion than as a commanding force. Even an Intermediary is largely viewed as his 'equal', and he tends to operate freely without receiving or following commands.

Kyrbrec is a Qe'zhod of Tyrnac, and thus is very expensive albeit powerful. Unlike virtually any other Archetypes, it can only be called for a total of four hours. As an Intermediary, this extends to six.

Kyrbrec is an immensely powerful Archetype. Even among Qe'zhod he is considered powerful, and given his veritably limited Contract duration, this is no surprise. He even appears to consume more aether from the mage calling him than most other Qe'zhod, and as the mage summoning him cannot recover their aether in the interim before calling him and a fight (due to his shortened duration), this means he takes a considerable amount of a mage's aether to channel and conjure. The reasons for this are, however, made eminently clear.

Kyrbrec is capable of releasing the fire of his form below him, falling like a curtain over the battlefield. Considering how massive he is, this super-heated flame will immediately cover a large area after falling, and is likely to quickly spread. Further, Kyrbrec can call this fire (or any fire) back to its form, surrounding itself once again in this layer of flame so that the carpet burning of areas beneath it can be continued repeatedly. In lieu of any present fire - such as if it is somehow suffocated or dispelled - it can super-heat the air around it and create fire from the heated oxygen, coating itself in the flame once more. Further, Kyrbrec is capable of releasing the fire of its body in more direct ways, such as directing it to an enemy from above as a torrent, or releasing condensed blasts that will rain from above and explode once hitting the ground.

Aside from this, it is fast, proportionate to its great size. Kyrbrec is also very durable. Unlike most Irothar it is not fire or glass, but both, and beneath the flames are its highly enduring glass body. If it does determine that it should descend from the sky and assault a foe on the ground, its dense and highly agile form poses an incredible threat. Kyrbrec's tail, which normally follows after it with the appearance of ribbon-like flames, is a collection of several flexible glass tendrils that move at high speeds and can pursue others ruthlessly.

Finally, Kyrbrec's breath is incredibly hot, the air around it searing and simmering. Exposure to it can cause serious burns on skin and flesh, and it appears to spread through the air almost like a mist.

This Archetype, as a Qe'zhod, is for Taelian's use alone.

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:44 pm
by Taelian Edevane


Caru are a small bird Archetype, no larger than the average parakeet. Covered perpetually in flame and with fire occupying the space of their sclera, with the interior of their body a thin obsidian-glass. Caru have been around for thousands of years, once documented as an animal species due to their wide spread and their familial nature. However, they are spirits, one of the more common and benevolent ones. Rather than starting forest fires as one might expect them to, Caru actually help to manage and reduce their scope, capable of absorbing the heat and flame from trees in or near the place of their residence. They served to protect the integrity of the forests they lived in, though since the Sundering they have largely been confined to the Mirrorlands, and have focused themselves on a new goal: ridding their region on the rot of their land, the Dranoch.

Caru are friendly and curious creatures, often perching on their Summoner's (or other Irothar's) shoulder and observing the world. They cannot really communicate with their Summoner, only capable of chirping, but they do appear to understand their Summoner and are keen on following their commands and heeding their words. In Sil-Elaine, where they live, the Caru will often protect travelers by colliding with Dranoch and beasts in order to defend them, even at the cost of their own lives.

Even among Nahl, the Caru are inexpensive Archetypes to summon. Their contract duration is twenty four hours, but they rarely ever last this long, given their purpose. Caru appear to be easier and quicker to Bind, making the usage of Reminiscence generally unnecessary on them.

The Caru only really have one purpose, and it is to combust. They are effectively living grenades, flying after opponents and then exploding. The explosions they cause (leading to their banishment) expand outwards in a radius of over twenty-feet, and tend to carry immense kinetic force and pressure, as well as the heat and fire expanding from them. As such, they are more lethal than most mundane explosions.

Caru also have one less frequently utilized ability; they can communicate with Irothar, who can then communicate with the Summoner. This means that they can be used as watchers considering their very low costs, protecting a Summoner from ambush or scouting for information.

These are for public use.

 ! Message from: Mystic

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:41 am
by Taelian Edevane


Irokai, sometimes called 'Glass Elementals', are beings made of highly textured glass that often appears similar to brass and other metals. They are among the most common of Tyrnac's Archetypes, representing the standard of glass-Irothar, and they are eminently common in the Mirrorlands of Sil-Elaine. Irokai are tall, standing at around eight to nine feet (with male-structured Irokai leaning towards nine), and typically levitating slightly above the ground. Frequently called upon by Irothar-Summoners in war, they make excellent ground troops particularly for dealing with non-mages, for reasons that will be made clear below.

The Irokai are obedient to their Summoner, though they hold the same disdainful elegance as most other Irothar. They always hold their head high, maintain a reserved posture and seem to integrate a sort of style into their fighting technique. Unlike many Archetypes they do communicate verbally with their Summoners, and with each other, forming cohesive squadrons with one another even if called by different Summoners - so long as they're on the same side. They tend to defer either to their Summoners or higher ranking Irothar, and as they are disciplined and tactically-minded, they (as made clear earlier) work excellently in groups.

The common Irokai are Vrannik-class Archetypes, and will contract with the Summoner for thirty six hours.

The Irokai don't have any particularly special abilities. They can levitate about a foot off of the ground at-will, but aside from this their application tends to be mostly focused on their skills in melee combat. The Irokai are, as glass-Irothar, highly durable. They maintain a palpable resistance to most forms of physical damage and a slight resistance to magic, making them difficult to contend with for common soldiers, even groups of them. They are also flexible and while not incredibly fast, their weapons-use tends to be very agile and precise. They often have bladed legs, heels or soles, as well as weapons they can release from their palms, knuckles and other parts of their body (such as their breast or their shoulder-blades), though the Irokai cannot manifest more than six blades at once. Though they cannot contend with a skilled expert or master bladesman, the Irokai's maneuverability and unpredictable fighting style makes them highly lethal in sustained engagements.

Further, Irokai are capable of projecting glass shields from their elbows (drawing from their six-weapon limit), more durable than their own bodies, and are skilled at using them. Many will focus on brutishly repressing their foes with shield bashes and deflections while other of their kin finish them off.

These are for public use.

 ! Message from: Mystic

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:53 pm
by Taelian Edevane


Pathfinder is a small creature that appears to be mostly crafted with wisps of fire. It has a glass-like transparent frame, with embers stoking within. Its arms and legs, as well as its face, horns and tail appear to be perpetually immolated, though it can recede these characteristics to appear as a sort of beige aethereal entity. The Vestige is named as it is because of its curiosity and its nimbleness, able to quickly glide around before returning to perch upon Taelian's shoulder or back, tending to stay near to him until delegated to fight.

However Pathfinder evolves, it is always capable of switching through its forms.

Apprentice: At this point in Pathfinder's development, it effectively acts as little more than a scout. However, in this regard it is very successful. Pathfinder is capable of producing 'embers' from its form, egg-like constructs similar to amber in color and texture. The composition of these embers is not biological; each ember is aethereal and, as a result, can be placed within solid physical objects. After a few minutes within an object, the ember will begin to mature, sprouting from the object as a fiery-colored eye with a solid black slit through the center. When Pathfinder closes its eyes, it can peer through any embers that have bloomed, so long as they are within a mile of it. He can report what he sees to Taelian by sending images into his mind, and impressions. Pathfinder can only lay up to eight embers at a time.

At this point, Pathfinder has virtually no combat potential. It is capable of climbing very well, making long jumps and gliding from high places. It can twirl and wisp through the air, acting as a slow-moving firebolt. If it hits an enemy, it is capable of burning them severely, but due to Pathfinder's slow gliding pace this is unlikely and difficult.

Journeyman: The appearance of the Pathfinder remains the same at this point in its evolution. Pathfinder is now much more capable in combat; its ability to glide has been dramatically enhanced, as it is capable of gliding much faster and for far longer distances, barely losing elevation as it does so. The way it does this is by creating jets of fire from its upper back, steering its body to control its propulsion. Pathfinder is also capable of a few minor abilities now: for one, Pathfinder is now capable of drawing glass from its form and wielding it like a weapon or armor. This glass is often heated whilst being highly durable. Additionally it can now completely coat itself in an aura of fire, before rapidly accelerating its speed in repeated forward-lunges, changing its movement trajectory via traction after making a dash.

Expert: At this point in time, Pathfinder acquires a new form, along the process of its evolution. This form -- in many ways a dramatic expansion to its original appearance -- is that of a long, sleek, red and black colored being with a withered torso almost covered by that which appears to be cords. Pathfinder is heavily armored now, and it is also tremendously agile.

Pathfinder's changes upon obtaining this form are great. It is now a highly durable fighter, skilled in melee combat, with exceptional resources and agility. Its entire body is something of a weapon, allowing it to weave elbow-strikes, tail-swipes, claw attacks, headbutts and even rolls into its attacks. Due to its incredible speed it will alternate its attack patterns frequently, fighting erratically. It is also capable of two new magical abilities: one, it may lay ashen fields upon the floor, super-heated cindered grounds that will rapidly spread from their center to cover a radius of around eight feet. After around three seconds, a pillar of flame will rise from the ashen field, immolating anything within. These pillars are somewhat difficult to land against agile foes due to their small radius and ramp-up period, but they can be used to effectively crowd foes into individual areas as well as reinforce Pathfinder's flank and rear. It can lay three of these fields at any given time, and can extend their duration if necessary, making the fields a mainstay of its fighting capabilities as it wields them in its defense. Secondarily, Pathfinder can now breathe beam-like rays of fire, precise but short-lasting bursts that quickly sear through most materials they touch.

Master: The appearance of the Pathfinder remains the same at this point in its evolution, though it becomes clear what the black sections of its body are colored by: mold. As Taelian's third Archetypal family was that of the Mirdun, of Ridhain, Pathfinder is highly influenced by Ridhain and it is his powers that form the bulk of the Vestige's master abilities.

Pathfinder is capable of infiltrating and infecting the body of a dead or heavily damaged entity; it does this by clawing open its form, before transmitting itself into the body via aether. As Pathfinder is entirely constructed of aether, its form can become malleable if necessary, though only now does that ability become fully realized. The way it does this is by becoming a mass of mold, filling the body with the disgusting bile as it assumes control of its functions. Once it does this, it will begin to meld the being with its own features, the body erupting with spikes, flame-like veins and a fiery eye upon its torso similar to the Vestige's original ability. The Vestige, while inside of this other form, will use it as a sort of armor in order to fight without risking damage to itself. The body it transfers to will be given superhuman agility, might and endurance, similar to that of the Vestige itself. It will mainly fight with its talons and spikes, which it will be capable of ejecting from its body and rapidly re-growing. Once this temporary body is slain, it will erupt in a flurry of spikes and Pathfinder will emerge, often using this opportunity to make a surprise strike.

The Vestige's second ability is known as the 'muck' to Taelian, a pool of horrendously-scented mold that will leak and spread from Pathfinder's form before crawling to nearby dead bodies. It will begin to infiltrate them as Pathfinder does over the course of time, infecting them before assuming control. After this, their body will appear partly coated in mold, and will drip with it constantly as they move. Over time, the mold becomes better at commanding whatever body it has infiltrated, but more complex beings can never be efficiently operated. Even if the mold operates a very powerful being, it may be so incapable of managing its motor functions that it will effectively act as a scarcely moving husk. For this reason it tends to take on smaller animals and mortal races; larger beings are inherently more complex. This only lasts for as long as Pathfinder is active and once he is dismissed, all bodies will immediately drop to the floor, deceased. The more creatures controlled by Pathfinder's mold this way, the more disorganized they will become. Eight creatures may be mostly easy to command, but twenty will operate as a scattered band, acting little more intelligibly than blithering undead, never given directive.

Eidolon: At this stage, Pathfinder becomes the powerful Eidolon, harmonizing with all six members of the Eldhan Weald. Becoming larger, broader and more durable, the Eidolon's inherent characteristics make it a truly devastating melee fighter; a terror upon the field. It gains only one new ability: the ability to fly, with all other expansions to its might appearing in the form of its six operable paradigms.

Only one paradigm can be active at a time. As per Summoning's guidelines, switching consumes a minor amount of Taelian's aether.

Vesj'vakar: In the Vesj'vakar paradigm, the Eidolon is capable of melding with shadow and hiding in darkness. In order to attack it must cast off its shadowy veil, but with it, it is essentially invisible. This can only be maintained in darkness, with Pathfinder effectively becoming a chameleon with the dark. Once it leaves its shadowy form, it is given a momentary burst in speed and is empowered to make a far-reaching and rapid lunge, striking out from the darkness to murder its prey. While within the Vesj'vakar paradigm, Pathfinder's arms become longer with wider claws. The Eidolon himself becomes slimmer, with a longer body, black with a sort of chromatic purple-midnight blue armor across his form.

Irothar: Pathfinder's most comfortable form is perhaps his Irothar paradigm, wherein he becomes coated in a thick, reflective armor of glass. The glass across his form appears to be somewhat prismatic, though mostly in light it will reflect warm colors such as white, orange or gold. This paradigm is the only one in which the Eidolon's entire body is coated in armor, and it is indisputably the most durable. The armor is dense, but vulnerable to high-impact strikes, particularly more blunt damage. Taelian must expend aether in order to repair Pathfinder's armor. Pathfinder's most effective method of attack while within this paradigm comes from his wings, which are shaped somewhat like bent crescents with a veil descending down from them, covering much of the upper part of the Eidolon's form. These wings can be extended by arm-like tendrils, at which point they can be gripped by his arms and wielded like blades if he wishes to use them as weapons. They can also launch horizontal volleys of sharp glass projectiles every thirty seconds or so. These fling forward almost like individual cleaves, only with a scattered width of individual crystals. These projectiles require a slight amount of Taelian's aether to regrow, for each volley.

Mirdun: The Eidolon can become malleable this way, shifting and altering its shape by transforming into a monster of mold. With its body flexible and difficult to define, it can alternate limbs into weapons and shift and weave to avoid certain projectiles and attacks. This is most effective when fighting numerous foes, as it can adapt its form to effectively deal with being surrounded. This cannot change the Eidolon's mass; he will always be large, and shifts tend to occur over a few seconds and therefore cannot be used to instantaneously transform to evade or defend. Shifts occur gradually, meaning Pathfinder can weave them into one another: for example, he can cut a gash across a foe mid-way into transforming his arm into a hammer, immediately cleaving off the sundered sections using pressure and their vulnerability. Each shift uses a very small amount of Taelian's aether.

Viddashan: Pathfinder can invoke the Viddashan paradigm in order to become a creature capable of operating within the seas, its wings effectively becoming fins for gliding within the water. This also changes all of Pathfinder's fire abilities into scalding water ones, though their effects remain roughly the same. This paradigm is one of the more transformative to his regular appearance, as he will become a more aquatic-looking creature. His spikes will become that of razor-sharp coral, which he is capable of launching from his body and quickly regrowing. This coral is highly poisonous, killing most animals within minutes.

Cordreyn: While within this paradigm, Pathfinder is capable of planting pods filled with spores that will transmit through nearby air once they are activated, typically as a result of living beings wading too close to them. If these spores hit a target directly -- therefore being breathed in in massive quantities -- they will likely fall asleep within seconds, and will become direly poisoned, likely never waking from their sleep. If breathed in small amounts, they will become poisoned to the point of near-delirium and they will find that their body feels weighed down, their movements difficult. This delirium will also make casting spells less effective, as their diluted focus will lessen their ability to efficiently bind aether. These pods expend some of Taelian's aether to plant, but remain there even if Pathfinder switches paradigms. Their spores will generally expand outwards up to twenty feet once they are triggered, expanding at a pace of about five feet per second.

Tar'haen: Pathfinder, aside from now appearing much more wood-like and terrestrial, winnows and becomes thinner and more agile. Its tail becomes a longer, spine-like construct with sharp edges, and its arms and legs seem to grow even more powerful and capable of maneuvering its weight. It will now fight mostly by making massive leaps, and will move at incredible speeds, refocusing itself entirely to become an agility-based fighter. Pathfinder becomes much less durable in this paradigm, instead focusing on taking down sensitive targets with overwhelming precision. Perhaps the most important change to its fighting style is the way it operates its tail: the spine-like bladed object becomes so long that it can use it effectively as a long-ranged lance, precisely stabbing at foes with speed that is difficult to react to. The Pathfinder's wings remain feathered and expansive, and these wings are used frequently in order to control its speed and adjust its movements.

Pathfinder retains all abilities as it evolves. Like most Vestiges, it follows a linear progression towards its zenith, keeping its retained knowledge along the way.

This Archetype, as a Vestige, is for Taelian's use only.

 ! Message from: Mystic
There you go, approved!

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:23 pm
by Riven


Soma are small plant-like Archetypes of a quite small size, varying from the size of small domestic cats to large dogs. Soma are quite bizarre looking Archetypes; they look like small, moss covered logs, with branch-like legs they use to trot around at a fairly fast speed. Their log bodies always have small cream-colored mushrooms sprouting from them; living in symbiosis, the Soma provide nourishment to the mushroom, and the mushrooms provide them with defense instead. Soma bodies have no particular directionality; they can walk forward as well as they can walk backwards... if it makes sense to say either. Having no head and no tail, both extremes of their logs are functionally the same. Their wooden body slowly grows along its length; when it reaches a certain size, the Soma splits up and becomes two young new spirits.

Given their lack of expressive organs, it's hard to discern what a Soma's feelings or intentions are. However, they tend to be energetic and excitable, trotting around in strange routes when summoned; when less stimulated, they tend to lay on the ground, retract their legs and sunbathe, pretending they're average broken pieces of wood. When threatened, or commanded to, their backs wiggle, shaking the mushrooms on them to release their spores.

Soma are Nahl Tar'haen, quite inexpensive. Their contracts last 12 hours, and they are easy and fast to Bind; Reminiscence doesn't really make a difference when it comes to them.

Soma utilize the mushrooms on their backs as a chemical weapon. In combat, they trot around the field while their mushrooms keep producing and releasing spores. These spores form a cloud over the area; the longer the Soma has been present or the more Soma there are, the more concentrated this cloud becomes, which speeds up the spores' effects. The spores act like irritants at first, causing affected people to sneeze. As time goes by, they cause itching in the respiratory system, and then inflammation, causing difficulty to breathe. When the spore cloud becomes thick enough, roughly an hour after one Soma has been deployed, its effects are akin to tear gas, causing eye and respiratory pain and lacrimation. When in the lungs, spores move on to the affected person's bloodstream. In the beginning, they have a numbing effect, making muscle movements heavier and clumsier. After a large dose has been inhaled, the spores are able to fully paralyze the affected person.

However, these spores affect the whole area the Soma are in. As such, Soma don't make differences between their Summoner and foes, affecting both equally. Because of this, Summoners must find a strategy to use them properly, like enduring the effect better than their opponents, mitigating their effect for themselves, or being far enough from the area of effect.

 ! Message from: Sovereign

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:48 pm
by Riven


Rybar are pretty typical Tar'haen. They're plant spirits with humanoid shapes; they're around 4 feet tall, with bodies reminiscent of small children's. They're fairly agile, with limber bodies capable of a wide range of movements. Their green dermis consists of several layers covering them, similar to early leaf growths, growing over one another. Over them, thorns grow all over their bodies, especially focused on their backs, knees and elbows. Similar to these thorns are their claws; Rybar sport sharp, thornlike claws in one of their arms and feet, four digits on each. Their remaining arm, usually the left, is substituted by a long, extensible vine-whip reaching 10 feet at its maximum length. The whip is covered in torns and is completely prehensile; Rybar use them to lash at their prey or bind them. Their head is probably the strangest part of their anatomy; it has the shape of a closed rosebud with a slight blue glow inside. One of their petals is reshaped to form a small mouth, though this is presumed to be little more than another weapon. In fact, they usually feed themselves by absorbing blood and thus don't need to eat. Rybar tend to hunt in small groups, as their whips are much more effective at binding prey together than individually.

Rybar are fairly aggressive beings, quick to jump to confrontation if necessarly. Otherwise they tend to gather strength in numbers and find privileged positions before attacking in order to ambush their foes. If no fighting is necessary they tend to be mischievous, with a strange sense of humor involving pranks like jumping on someone from a treetop just to scare them.

The Rybar are Nahl-class Archetypes, and thus are both cheap in terms of aether use, and weak. They tend to contract with a Summoner for 24 hours. After that time, they disappear into the ground, planting themselves like flowers. This also occurs if they withstand a lethal blow.

As Nahl, Rybar are fairly weak in strength. Their main ability is the ability to absorb blood from their opponents directly through the pores in their green skin. Usually, in order to do this, they use their single whip-like appendage to lash at them. Their hits aren't very strong, but thorns do cause surface scratches and cuts; they can cause more serious bleeding by lashing at a foe and pulling back over their skin, opening it easier by using that saw mechanism. Although it isn't as usual, can also attack using their claws or teeth. As they keep absorbing blood, the glowing within their heads slowly increases in intensity; when it reaches its maximum brightness, their flower bud suddenly opens and generates a blinding flash of light in the direction the Rybar is looking at. After that it closes, and the light in their heads loses its brightness; the Rybar has to absorb the same amount of blood to trigger that response again.

These are for public use

 ! Message from: Sovereign

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 2:48 am
by Kotoru

Nil-Vokun {Void Shadow}

The Nil-Vokun, known as the Void Shadow, appears as an emaciated, gangly humanoid entity. It stands roughly at 2.5ft tall, though from head to tail is about 6ft all together. Sporting two skeletal jaws, its head is that of a deep-sea eel, a translucent body with spindly clawed limbs. Protruding from its body is a variable number of twitching tentacles extending from its upper back and a long spindly tail. As time progresses, their summoner advancing in the art of the magic, the Nil-Vokun will transform in order to accommodate their liege and attune to the Patron's they connect with before blending harmoniously between all six at the apex of its evolution.


Apprentice: At the apprentice level the Nil-Vokun is suited for stealth and recon to allow it to spy on others, as due to its inherent size and fragile body, it would not last in a direct conflict long if at all. Where it lacks it combative capabilities it makes up for with support and tactical ones. As an apprentice Vestige, Nil-Vokun is able to cloak itself by employing an optical camouflage using the chemicals and aether of its translucent body.

This natural camouflage is able to render the user invisible, or nearly invisible, to the naked eye. This form of camouflage warps light around the Nil-Vokun's body in such a fashion that surfaces behind the creature are visible through the translucency of its body. The effect is not perfect, often leaving a visible silhouette similar to heat haze, but in certain environments or when the Vestige remains motionless, it can effectively help the Nil-Vokun to hide in plain sight. Camouflage use is very common during a "Hunt", due to stealth being a major facet of what it is capable of at this level.

Journeyman: At this level, Nil-Vokun doesn't really change much in terms of appearances, save for gaining 3ft in height, making it 5.5ft tall as well as allowing for its optical camouflage to allow it to be active while moving. Once its summoner reaches Journeyman in talent, Nil-Vokun gains an ability that draws from the favored patron of its summoner, Veravend, granting it combative capabilities. The Nil-Vokun can project and retract razor-sharp talons of abyssal energy around its claws. With these appendages, as the energy of the claws aren't weak but they aren't as powerful as a full-powered abyssal energy bolt. These abyssal claws can be used to slice, burn, injure, or even penetrate/stab the enemy. The power and force behind them are considerable though the wave of energy it slashes can only reach up to 40ft, and most can be deflected or shattered greater magical force.


Expert: Upon its summoner reaching expertise in Summoning, the Nil-Vokun transforms into something new. Almost avian in appearance, if not alien in species, it takes on an otherworldly bird. Standing at 7' 3", with a wingspan of 10ft, its feathers reminiscent of tendrils, ones that match the tendril mouth that adorn its face. It retains the same iridescent translucency as its original form. Upon its back, is a large fin where most of its magical power is stored. The new form of the Nil-Vokun augments its abilities exponentially from its original form.

The changes that accompany this form are impressive for this Vestige, as it allows for a variety of combinations, making it a terror in the field. For starters, it is given the ability of flight, more so akin to levitation through manipulating aether with its tendril wings. This allows the vestige to glide and hover over the battlefield while raining death down upon its summoners enemies in coordinated strikes. With this form come a few new magical abilities. The first of its new powers is the ability to disperse abyssal bomblets across a radius of 80ft. The bomblets, disregarding accuracy and with no intent on actually hitting the enemy, scattered around the radius like a floating minefield. With efficient aether control, the multiple abyssal bomblets are set in the area covering the 80ft radius, nearly surrounding enemies. Finally, the Nil-Vokun can detonate the bombs, filling the designated space with explosions having a blast radius and force equivalent to that of hand grenades. The second ability comes in the form of the Nil-Vokun's capability to discharge powerful bolts of abyssal energy. This is don't by gathering aether into the large spine on its back to which it can fire from any part of its body; its wings, tentacle mouth, tail, eyes, etc. These bolts take the form of black electrical strikes, fast in nature.

Master: Though the appearance of Nil-Vokun never changes from its expert one, the abilities it obtains shift as from what has been bestowed up till now. These powers at the master level are heavily influenced by Veratelle and her Tar'haen children as that is among its summoner's top three patrons. The first ability revolves around the Vestige secreting an ooze that is corrosive to the touch. At first, it starts as merely a skin irritation if left alone for mere moments, though if the subject is ensnared in the goo for longer periods of time they suffer other health issues ranging from caustic burns, muscle spasms, etc.

The second ability comes in this form of allowing it to manipulate the very ooze it secrets, covering a wide radius of 100ft around it. The ooze that it releases is thick and vacuous in its consistency. With this, it is able to produce more dark energy constructs and also give him an upper edge in battle. Those stuck inside this sludge-like ooze are slowed and feel severe pressure from it that intensifies as they remain inside of it. Nil-Vokun is able to move through this ooze effortlessly while immobilizing those unfortunately in it.


Eidolon: Finally reaching this stage, the Nil-Vokun assumes its final incarnation, melding and attuning with all six patrons of the Elven Pantheon. Its form grows exponentially, making it bigger, far more durable, and more agile compared to its predecessor forms. Nil-Vokun's body gains an opaque hue though there are bioluminescent hues of blue and pale green running through it in intricate patterns periodically. It gains a beard of writhing tentacles and the wings double in size. its physique is muscular, yet squishy to the touch. In terms of stature, it stands as tall as most Eidolons that have reached the pinnacle of their evolution. Upon reaching this level of harmony with them, the Vestige is able to switch between shells that draw upon the power of each one of the Eldhan Weald, causing the Nil-Vokun shift in color to match the patron it's drawing from.

  • With the shell of the Vesj'vakar, Nil'Vokun takes on a pitch-black appearance, its eyes bright golden amber and glowing, and a large demonic eye at the center of its chest. In this shell, one that is favored by its summoner, Nil-Vokun is gifted with the ability to draw on the portals used by the Vesj'vakkar in order to destroy its master's enemies. With these portals, Nil'vokun can summon forth lances made of the energy of the void, with the only difference being the energy flowing off of each end in a fashion similar to flames, making it look more arrow-shaped. These lances can be launched from the portals as singular projectiles from floating portals midair around Nil-Vokun or burst out of the ground as a clustered patch from a portal. The void lances cost its summoner a fraction of their aether with each one fired or summoned. Even after they have been launched or sprouted from the ground they remain on the battlefield as barriers that limit its prey's movements, or until Nil-Vokun is dismissed. It can launch or erupt them with enough precision to skewer and disable opponents without killing them. Nil-Vokun can also wield these lances as a weapon if it wishes, these energy weapons have incredibly cutting/slicing potential.

  • With the shell of the Irothar, Nil-Vokun turns ashen grey thermal cracks etched along its form like cooling lava, its eyes and wings becoming emblazoned with flames. In this shell, Nil-Vokun uses its summoner's aether as a fuel source as it erects multiple pendulums shaped shards of blazing obsidian glass around itself, orbiting the Eidolon. These shards are capable of creating burning glass orbs, making them akin to a chain of aetheric projectile explosives. Using its summoner's aether as a catalyst, the fiery glass bulges out and erupts the burning shrapnel. The impact of the blast is able to pierce most less dense bodies in the range of the explosion of 40ft, while not being able to outright blow out limbs. For reference, 1 blast would push the targets' body away, based on their position. 4 blasts chained together on Nil-Vokun's command would make limbs caught unusable or incapacitate the victim riddled with shards, were 8 or more would rip their limbs or even themselves to shreds.

  • With the shell of the Tar'haen, Nil-Vokun skin takes on the appearance of an aged and ancient tree, the bark of his skin a pale shade of green and withered. Sprouting from its back is a towering tree, one that resembles a large oak tree. By enrooting itself into the ground, Nil-Vokun release pollen from the large tree on its back, wafting it over an area of a 100ft radius. This pollen acts as a deterrent to those deemed as hostiles as it will cause a corrosive reaction to the exposed skin of those caught in it. Anyone deemed as an ally will find that this pollen heals minor to moderate wounds and cuts. To do this Nil-Vokun uses its summoner as a catalyst, drawing off their aether in order to stream the pollen within the area, last for as long as the summoner can manage to supply aether to it.

  • With the shell of the Mirdun, Nil-Vokun skin will become moldy and dingy, patches of the stuff sprouting all over its body. This shell grants the Eidolon the ability to hurl a sphere of spores{roughly the size of a small boulder} in the direction his opponent, that separates into a scattershot in hopes of covering the entire body or a limb if they dodge. These spores are coated in a sticky mold, and if these spores land on a living target there is no getting them off, not entirely anyway unless burned off. What makes these spores dangerous is that they release airborne toxins that when inhaled cause the victim to experience hallucinations. These vary in degree, of course, the worst and most severe cases coming from the prolonged exposure from the moldy spores.

  • With the shell of the Cordreyn, Nil-Vokun takes on a more avian appearance, feathers replacing the webbed membrane on its wings, and its tentacle beard sharpening and forming something akin to a birds beak. In this shell, Nil-Vokun is able to disperse its body into tiny parasites, afflicting itself on the wounded and assuming control of the body be they mortals or common animals. Those turned by the Eidolon will take on different characteristics of Nil-Vokun; tentacles from the mount, sickly pale skin, wings, etc. These hosts have no offensive capabilities, but allow Nil-Vokun to scout out locations at its summoner's request. Nil-Vokun can not handle a multitude of bodies as its consciousness is split between them and too many will cause the host bodies to go into disarray or force Nil-Vokun to eject from its host and reform.

  • With the shell of the Viddashan, Nil-Vokun appearance transitions into that of a more deep-sea aquatic creature. Hues of rich blue cover its body as the bioluminescent lights glow brighter now, and his legs turn into that of a mermaids tail as well as an angler's antenna forms on its head. While in this shell it is able to liquefy its own body in a variety of ways. By this, it causes any physical attack on the Eidolon virtually ineffective, save for attacks of magical origins. This essentially allows them to survive strikes or impacts that would easily dismiss most archetypes. Aside from the heightened defensive capabilities gained with this ability, Nil-Vokun's physical prowess can also be increased. By absorbing the moisture in the air around it, it can add additional water to its muscles, mainly the ones in its oversized right arm, allowing them to temporarily increase their physical strength. This allows for it to go toe-to-toe with opponents three times their size.

As it grows to the penacle of its growth, Nil-Vokun, like all Vestiges retains the abilities and experiences as it advances alongside Kotoru

As Koto's Vestige, this archetype is solely for his use.

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:53 pm
by Riven


Faen'Kor are ancient spirits. Partially taking the appearance and shape of wolves, Faen'Kor are actually distant relatives of the Fae'Norai race. Originating from the same otherworldly seeds Veratelle discovered, Faen'Kor belonged to a species that, while still highly intelligent, didn't harbor the potential to grow and develop into a sentient race. Even after realizing so, Veratelle still took them in and showed them the ways of the world. She raised them to live among wildlife, teaching them abilities similar to the Fae'Norai Carapace that allowed them to take an appearance they had grown to like: the wolves that roamed around their Patron's forests. Becoming valuable inhabitants of the Goddess' entourage, she turned them into Archetypes.

Faen'Kor are quadruped, canine-like plant beings, somewhat bigger than common wolves. They display the face and paws of a wolf, sometimes their fur coat extending towards their chest as well. The rest is a surface of verdant leaves and vines, and it's not rare to see them lose a few leaves as they run. They behave mostly like wolves do, running around forests and hunting. They tend to form small groups or be solitary though. Also, their shapeshifting body can alter their proportions or be used for defense in different ways.

Faen'Kor are friendly archetypes with a calm and collected demeanor. They will rarely question one of their summoner's commands, and carry them dutifully. When provoked or in a combat situation, they will study their opponent before attacking, rarely committing the same mistake twice. While usually appearning proud and elegant, Summoners gaining their trust get to know a more playful side, loving and loyal.

Faen'Kor are Vrannik-class archetypes and thus they cost a modest amount of aether.

Given their specific physiology, but also their adopted shape, Faen'Kor exhibit a diverse array of abilities. For starters, they have amazing senses of smell and hearing and can detect a recognizable target anywhere up to a distance of two miles. They can run at fast speeds and are fairly agile, able to quickly react to danger. They fight by biting and clawing at their foes with decent strength.

Their plant physiology give them a series of advantages as well. They can curl into a ball and and make their animal traits disappear, looking like an ordinary bush. Their plant skin is really adaptive as well; as well as white fur, Faen'Kor are able to create defensive wooden plating on their backs, though this mildly slows them down. They're also able to create short vine whips to lash at their foes, using their vegetal tail for this purpose as well. Lastly, Faen'Kor possess a strange ability. when injured or wounded, they lose plant biomass. However, their body quickly redistributes itself, healing the damage. As a result they end up becoming smaller and weaker; in order to be defeated, they have to lose around 50% of their body mass.

These are for public use.

Re: Archetype Submissions

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:42 am
by Kotoru


Standing around the average height of a two year old, the Goki have a head of flames, with two glowing beads as eyes. Their body is slim and compact with glass shards connecting their feet to the rest of their abdomen. Their hands are detached and float next to their body with small embers burning within the arm sockets. Long pauldrons ack as shoulders to this tiny fire spirits, as well as a flame tipped tail.

Impish is the best way to describe the temperament of Goki spirits. Obtaining a childlike glee when causing mischief around their summoner the Goki are known to be pranksters to summoners who use Irothar. Like most of their archetypal family, the Goki are aggressive, in battle, or in play with their summoner or those around them. They also display a curious nature, always peeking around corners or floating above groups of people when the common folk are around, watching and observing them. When communicating with them, the summoner can ask them yes or no questions or issue orders of simple tasks, the Goki answering with a tone of a child no older than 3 to 4 years old.

The Goki are Nahl types and require little aether to contract with as they are upon the weaker side of the archetype spectrum. They are able to contract with a Summoner for 20 hours. Once the allotted time has been reached, they vanish in a burst of fire.

The main ability of the Goki Revolves them being able to fire a fireball{the size of a basketball} at enemies. Unlike what one would think of a fireball, these fireballs do not cause an impact, but instead coat the intended target in light flames. The flames can easily be stamped out by normal means and act more as a distraction more than seeking a harmful effect. Other than being fire these fireballs every so often during a battle, the Goki exhibit the ability to launch their detached hands at things, be it to grab and hold or deflect and block. The strength behind these hands is enough to stop one attack before being overpowered by repeated strikes.

These are for public use