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Voyage to Natanis II

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:26 pm
by Oliver
30th Ash, 4612

“Hey’ho! Hey’ho! Ahhh! I’m not gonna set the world on fire today
But I’ll take the advice of a wife any day
Before you know it, oh before you know it there is a…”

Oliver rolled his eyes once again at the recurrent behavior of the crowd, singing tavern shanties and other shenanigans; he questioned whether they were actually prepared for sea, or they preferred to be entertainment for the sea creatures that delved within the deep ocean of the Courlan Sea.


“Another round of these singing drunken idiots and my brain would melt…” Giselle laughed joyously, spinning around as she would be grabbed by one of the sailors. They would dance as she would stare at Oliver for a moment.

“Oh, you look so fucking grumpy back there, come join the fun!”

“No thank you, if I danced, I might be the death of you… My big feet are known for sinking a dozen thousand ships…” Oliver declined politely as he was shy; not a man that would hang around in crowded places or even get involved in activities that are deemed social. The man was an introvert and preferred to be independent.

“Well, we might as well do so, if it’s going to be our last night together.” Giselle laughed as Oliver chuckled, giving it some thought.

“Fuck it… I’m off…”

The crowd cheered as he proceeded to get up on his chair and join them, Giselle seemed surprised by the sudden change of heart and shook her head once more “So you finally get up and join us? Since when?”

“Well, I thought it would be best if I… After all, they keep calling me a boring bastard.”

“You can be a boring bastard, Oliver.”

“Except I’m not a bastard, I may not be Gilded, but my family has shown great respect for the pillars, even though we’re broken apart by my father’s stupid choices… I… I have nothing now and maybe it’s time to experience everything from the very beginning, being with my family made me miserable.” Oliver spoke out to Giselle as he slipped her hands around her waist gently, before he glared over at the crowd, wolf whistling and catcalling. He exhaled through his nose and rolled his eyes, before he stopped dancing for a moment. Giselle halts him as she grabs Oliver gently by the chin and turns his head towards her.

“If that’s the case I suggest you let go of everything and let the world take you on a crash course, after all it’s the only way you’ll experience true bliss, if you are free from your responsibilities of the pillars then you’re practically a free man, nothing that will break down a man into such a fascist dictatorship…”

“Now now, lets not talk about our country like that, especially when there are fellow Griscians amongst us.”

“Who cares, I’m not Griscian, I’m Vendigese”

“I’m half Khadan.”

Oliver remained silent as there was a sudden longing in his eyes, he twirled Giselle slightly until she suddenly tumbled over the back of her heel, proceeding to fall to the side. Oliver sprung forward immediately and caught her, before lifting her back up on her feet. The Sil’Norai gasped as she was caught. She appeared to be frightened by the experience, but also bedazzled by the sudden help of Oliver’s embrace, catching her whenever she needed.

“My my, you’re quick on your toes…”

“You think I’d let you fall? No chance, anymore and… Well…” He flushed slightly.

Giselle chuckled, “I know, you don’t have to explain yourself.”

“You’re right…” He said, holding the smaller Sil’Norai against him tightly as he proceeded to dance in his arms.

“I should’ve warned you, I’m not the best dancer…”

“You did, although you're not sinking any ships so we’re easy breezy”

Oliver snickered under his breath as he proceeded to become more sensual in his dance moves, it eventually led Giselle more confused at the thought, beginning to understand Oliver’s protective and warm spirit that lies within him. The music was about to finish with a climax as the beats of the drums would rise, the Griscian saxophone player would be riffing their notes until bellowing a loud singular high note. He raised an eyebrow once again as he rolled his eyes at the drunken mess in front of him, knowing how it would remind him of Jean when she took to the stage.

Those were rare occasions, but going to the club with the other students was a night of unprepared drinking and swing dancing, particularly her favorite. The Griscian Charleston. He could remember the lessons he had to try and outmatch Jean’s skill, but it appeared he was too slow to learn a dance of multiple steps, swivels, angles and other acrobatic remedies. However, there were those erotic moments where No.17 came in.

The Spread Eagle.

Everyone stopped in the room as if it were musical statues with their partners in their hands. Oliver held Giselle diagonally as she was suspended in her arms. He hoisted her back up before she smiled to herself.

“Maybe one day, we’d have a proper dance.” Oliver smiled as the night appeared to be ending smoothly with a rowdy night. The responsible man was always the one to help drunk patrons into their cabins, including Giselle herself who appeared to have had quite the amount to drink. Oliver sighed and crossed his arms, shaking his head “Looks like you’ve had too much fun, but I think it’s time to be a lady… Behave yourself…”

“There goes the Griscian logic, always wanting a woman to be ladylike” She said, slumping on the bed in a manner as she stares at Oliver with the innocent glint in her eyes, appearing to be somewhat happy about the night that she had endured. However, Oliver was uptight and extremely annoyed by Giselle’s reckless behavior, particularly with the way she was completely intoxicated by the amount of alcohol she had consumed.

Oliver’s thoughts immediately resume over to the seemingly confrontational way that Giselle was communicating, not to mention she had too much to drink and she was completely tired

“No, that’s not what it means… I think a person of great importance should keep their dignity intact at least…” Oliver sighed as he spoke his feelings towards her, although his stance in the matter proved to be much more argumentative.

“Great Importance? Well I’ve never been flattered”

Oliver sighed as he appeared agitated for a moment “You say that like that’s a bad thing…”

“No, it’s just… The way you said it…” Giselle retorted as she watched before getting up and stumbling slightly. “You know there are other possibilities of threats, I’ve known the crew for a while, I know they won’t hurt me.”

“I know, I’m just… I’m not great with words, look… Sleep it off.”

“What?” She asked.

“We have a ship coming towards us, prepare ourselves, it looks threatening”

Oliver stared at Giselle for a moment as he rolled his eyes at the timing of the situation “What would they want with a group of adventurers?”

Samuel clutched his shoulder for a moment as he looked into Oliver’s eyes “Never underestimate a threat, we may look like ordinary merchants but they’ll plunder and pillage if they desire.”

“Right, that’s comforting…” Oliver glanced at Giselle “Well, what do you know… A group of drunk sailors fighting pirates and I’m the only sober one…”

“I didn’t know this was going to happen!”

“Haven’t you forgotten the first rule of going on any expedition, Giselle? Preparation; in other words, always be prepared for the worst!”

“This is not the time for a lecture, Mr Philosopher Pimbridge!” Giselle shouted, expressing her disapproval for Oliver’s patronizing ways.

“Why is it the perfect time…” He would lift Giselle up with both of his arms as she appears to be protesting.

“What are you doing!” The Sil’Norai gasped at Oliver’s strength as he effortlessly lifted her up upon his shoulder and carried her “Oliver! Unhand me at once!” She growled and kicked in protest as he tried to find a safe place to place Giselle “I can handle myself! Just put me down!”

“Oww… Stop kicking, you’ll make the pain of being carried worse, what if I swing with motion sickness!”

“Man up, pussy!” She retorted once again as Oliver placed her down, sighing as he went to his cabin and grabbed his gun, slotting Giselle down and loading an extra rifle for Giselle “Right, listen… Stay here, if any attacker comes at you, well you’re armed…”

“Wait… Oliver! You’re not leaving me here…” She said as she hugged the rifle in fear “I didn’t mean the whole ‘man up’ thing.” She said, looking around as she shivered in fear, hearing the pirates outside, followed by a smash of a window, she screeched and aimed the gun, shooting the pirate that tried to break in “Great…”

“Oliver!” Giselle screamed as she was left in the room to fend for herself.


Re: Voyage to Natanis II

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:59 am
by Alexander Cross


Magical XP: N/A

Skill Debt XP: -5 (Total remaining skill debt: 37)

Mageblight: N/A

Pieces of Knowledge:
  • Etiquette: Going with the Flow
  • Etiquette: Knowing your Alcohol Limit
  • Etiquette: Being gracious to dance
  • Dancing: Going with the Flow
  • Gunslinging: Preparing the firearm
  • Gunslinging: Handling a rifle
Loot: N/A

Injuries/Ailments: N/A

Was looking forward to the next part of the voyage, and man I wasn’t disappointed. Love to see more of this Griscian Charleston. Swing dancing while fighting pirates. That sounds fun. Looking forward to the next part! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!