Kinetic Quirks {Constantine}

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Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:22 am

MOTIF: The Controller


♅ The Rune of Kinetics that resides on Constantine intermingles with his soul in a domineering way. It causes him to revel in controlling any and all things that enter the domain of his magic. This allows Constantine to have constant control over the shifting flux around them. As it grows with Constantine the two become what he feels to be a "controller", a surveyor of the flux in order to dominate the ebb and flow of the aether around him, akin to a spider dominating all within his web. ♅

Amethyst Web - Apprentice
  • This quirk allows Constantine to control multiple small objects - or small weapons - at once. By releasing aether from his body over a radius of 30ft, that takes the appearance of a spider's web across the surface he is on. The web will cause inanimate small objects within this radius to levitate with Constantine himself as the center. This allows him to use kinetic abilities to move these objects along the web, attacking opponents from their blindside or surrounding them with objects, preventing them from escaping. The 30ft area of effect, as well as small objects that are manipulated in this way, are coated in a lavender glow and affect small objects with that radius on a horizontal plane.

    The downside to this is that this field of control only affects inanimate small objects, so living beings are unaffected by this.
Aether Threading - Journeyman
  • At this level of awakening, his control over the ebb and flow of the flux and objects around him increases and becomes far more precise in nature. from his fingertips, thin threads of aether can be summoned. These threads act as an extension of himself allowing him to manipulate objects as if they were puppets on a string. He can also use these threads to navigate around his surroundings, granting him a slight increase in movement speed and directional changes. The downside to these threads is that they are tangibly{physically} visible in the light, giving off a shimmering purple hue which means if someone sees them, they are able to sever them with ease.
Last edited by Etro on Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:05 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 390
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Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:53 pm

Hi there Constantine!

These are a great start to what could be a really cool adaptation on the magic of Kinetics. I am going to make a few suggestions to you in order to assist you in refining this concept to a more coherent degree.

The first thing that I want to point out is that Rune Magic is not a sentient thing in and of itself. So, the Rune is not molding itself to this manner, Constantine is. The idea behind a Quirk is one where the magic that the wizard has funneled through the aether of his soul has taken on traits that resonate with both the magic and the wizard's psyche. As a wizard grows in power with Personal Magic, they are actively unlocking different layers of their own soul and welcoming that power into the very core of their being so that it reflects both their personality and their view on how the magic should be used.


This is really neat! I'm going to point out a bit of a snag though, so bear with me. If anything caught within this orbital field is redirected upon nearing Constantine, that would include the ground, would it not? To that extent, I would add that when using his Kinetics due to this orbital field, Constantine levitates. The field isn't necessarily pushing the ground itself so much as it is redirecting where Constantine's feet are landing when he comes into contact with it. Sort of like slipping on ice. Fortunately for Constantine, ice skating is a real skill and he can push, pull and lift himself with his Kinetics if he so chooses!

My one recommendation is that his ability to manipulate other objects become limited. Most kinetics are able to manipulate more or less what is within their field of view. I would recommend putting a distance limiter on how far Constantine can project his kinetic magic as a result of this Quirk.

Flux Pressure

Hmm, this is an interesting one for sure! I'm not sure I grasp the overall intent of this particular Quirk but that's okay! I wouldn't recommend that this particular quirk be so broad. It means that whenever Constantine uses his kinetics that anything and everything he touches with it is essentially going to get face punched whether he intends for that to happen or not. It can make for manipulating simple objects etc. etc. rather counterproductive.

Do you mind giving me a bit of context on what you're hoping to achieve? We can work together to find something that works!

All the best,
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Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:36 pm

So i edited Orbital so let me know how that works or if I need to redo it.

as for Flux Pressure, I had the idea of the target experiencing like they had been hit by something with the kinetic abilities. It was supposed to be like an added umph with each use. Honestly, it was hard to come up with that one so I'm definitely open to ideas on it.
word count: 72
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Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:33 pm

Alright, this is great! Apprentice and Journeyman Quirks approved.

word count: 10
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