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Personal NPCs

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:43 pm
by Patrick


Hello! I figured I'd keep this easy and simple by putting the general request in this section here. :)

So for Patrick's story/plot line he has several NPC's that are going to be heavily involved as influences, and so I've come up with a generalized draft of where I'd like their skills to be. Nothing is absolutely concrete with the details on these of course, so any editing that needs to be done will gladly be revised and added into the mix.

Overall four of the NPC's are family members, however two of those four will actually be companions he travels around with. The third companion is more or less destined to join them, once the first actual archaeological discovery plot comes into play.

EDIT: Just to clarify, Reyna shall be the first legitimate companion to accompany Patrick!


Race: Human
DoB: Searing 25th, 53 AoS (66 Years old)
Relation: Father
NPC Type: Family (Stationary)

Biography: Albert's life was rather lonesome in the beginning due to being orphaned at a very young age, however that didn't stop him from striving to make a name for himself. At a native of Atinaw family and kinship was everything for him, but in order to make a name for himself; Albert had to leave the Kinless by joining the Order of the Brave. It was during that time he met Elinora, and the rest soon became history between them. Once the two married and founded their own Kin name, Albert retired from the Order in an effort to establish a business. That hope came to fruition the day he finally opened the doors to the Silver Lion Inn, where he and his beloved not only built a life around that business; but started their own with a growing family in time.

Combat Movement Supportive
Blades: Journeyman Mount: Apprentice Brewing: Journeyman
Ranged: Apprentice Business Management: Expert
Unarmed: Apprentice Caregiving: Journeyman
Cooking: Apprentice
Leadership: Apprentice
Mathematics: Apprentice
Negotiation: Journeyman
Tactics: Apprentice


Race: Mixed (1/2 Human, 1/2 Hytori)
DoB: Ash 51st, 59 AoS (60)
Relation: Mother
NPC Type: Family (Stationary)

Biography: Born to an undisclosed (for now) noble family of Atinaw, Elinora grew up yearning to learn and discover all she could in the world. Eventually she was enrolled at Atinaw's University, where she researched subjects that interested her diligently. She learned of skills and things she deemed appropriate, however her passion for learning remained focused on history at large. Elinora sought to study the history of the world, as well as uncover the parts which became lost to time. It wasn't until her first assignment she'd met a knight of the Order, and during the duration of that assignment, grew to appreciate the man who aided her and her fellow scholars. It wasn't long after that of course, that they spent more time together; until the day came the two of them were finally married. Now as the other founding proprietor of the Silver Inn, Elinora spends her time looking after the business and her grown children; although from time to time aids a research project when time is affordable.

Combat Movement Supportive
Unarmed: Novice Mount: Novice Brewing: Apprentice
Business Management: Journeyman
Caregiving: Journeyman
Cooking: Journeyman
Cryptography: Apprentice
Investigation: Journeyman
Logistics: Expert
Mathematics: Journeyman
Persuasion: Apprentice
Physics: Apprentice
Research: Expert
Tactics: Apprentice
Teaching: Apprentice


Race: Human
DoB: Winter 42nd, 85 AoS (34)
Relation: Older Brother
NPC Type: Family (Stationary)

Biography: The firstborn son of the trio. Dominek grew up learning mainly the responsibilities and duties that come with family, as well as the business in which the growing family lived within. While he came to understand his role in the unit, that didn't stop him from wanting to be like his parents. A father that protected and served those around him, and a mother who got to study and explore ancient sights within the world; both which made him yearn for a chance to venture out on his own one day. Of course with age came more responsibility, yet that didn't stop him from finding time to enjoy himself every now and then. Two younger siblings often kept him on his toes, but they helped shaped him into the protective and caring brother he is to this day.

Combat Movement Supportive
Blades: Novice (20) Acrobatics: Novice (15) Interrogation: Apprentice (25)
Ranged: Novice (10) Climbing: Novice (15) Intimidation: Novice (5)
Unarmed: Apprentice (25) Fishing: Apprentice (25) Leadership: Novice (10)
Mining: Novice (5) Navigation: Novice (15)
Mount: Novice (5) Research: Apprentice (25)
Stealth: Novice (5) Survival: Novice (20)
Tracking: Novice (5) Tactics: Novice (10)
Trap Making: Novice (10)


Race: Human
DoB: Searing 66th, 94 AoS (25)
Relation: Younger Brother
NPC Type: Family (Stationary)

Biography: The youngest sibling and certainly most troublesome to be sure, Connor's role became a bit more dynamic in comparison to the other two. Where Dominik is the more responsible, and Patrick the more lax in comparison; Connor proves to be the comical mischief of the bunch. He grew understanding the sentiments the parents passed onto him, however the temperamental nature of a free spirit demanded other things as well. While the family is aware of the few shameful things he's done (gambling, whoring, even drugs), they've done their best to support his lifestyle; while keeping the vices to a minimum for the sake of honor and duty.

Combat Movement Supportive
Blades: Novice (15) Acrobatics: Novice (10) Cooking: Apprentice (25)
Ranged: Novice (5) Climbing: Apprentice (25) Lock Picking: Novice (5)
Unarmed: Novice (5) Mount: Novice (5) Medicine: Novice (5)
Thrown: Novice (10) Stealth: Novice (15) Negotiation: Apprentice (25)
Pickpocketing: Novice (5)
Research: Novice (15)
Rhetoric: Apprentice (30)
Seduction: Apprentice (25)
Storytelling: Apprentice (25)


Race: Human
DoB: Searing 8th, 90 AoS (29)
Relation: Strangers
NPC Type: Companion

Biography: A promising journalist hopeful to leave her own legacy for the world, Reyna started out as a young apprentice for a publisher in Alfsos. However just learning how to operate the printing presses wasn't enough, she wanted to one day print her own articles for the world to see. Her potential remains to be seen but her passion quite obvious, therefore she's worked hard to hopefully get her first project in line; unaware of the sort of affairs she'd be brought into.

Combat Movement Supportive
Blades: Novice (5) Acrobatics: Novice (10) Caregiving: Novice (5)
Ranged: Novice (5) Climbing: Novice (5) Cooking: Novice (10)
Unarmed: Novice (15) Mount: Novice (5) Disguise: Novice (5)
Stealth: Novice (15) Etiquette: Apprentice (25)
Intelligence: Apprentice (25)
Investigation: Novice (15)
Linguistics: Apprentice (25)
Persuasion: Apprentice (25)
Research: Apprentice (25)
Writing: Apprentice (30)

Re: Personal NPCs

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:46 pm
by Paragon
Hello Patrick!

Thank you for submitting these NPC's in bulk. Your enthusiasm for story progression is appreciated. However, at this time you are only authorized a single Companion NPC. Among the NPC's submitted here, please select only one of them to be part of this approval process. We understand the desire to make things convenient and that is very much appreciated! But, having not embarked upon the stories, plots and adventures with your other Companion NPC's yet they must be submitted at another time. This is done so that the staff can evaluate the impact those characters have had or may have on your plot progression and to otherwise avoid handing over a small army to players unwisely.

Your thoughtfulness is very much welcome and you have our thanks for it! Please return to the Support Forum with a request ticket for your other Companion NPC's at a later time.

Some additional notes:

Dominik- 195/250 XP, please even out to the allotted 250 XP.
Connor- 265/250 XP, please even out to the allotted 250 XP.
Reyna- 240/250 XP, please even out to the allotted 250 XP.

Elinora- While her family might not be disclosed to those closest to her in her life, you as the player are aware of that family. Please coordinate with Nyx to determine what family Elinora comes from and place it here as part of the submission process or have Nyx validate that you have spoken with her and made the determination privately if you do not wish it to be public knowledge.

Best Regards,

Re: Personal NPCs

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:47 pm
by Patrick
I was so excited to see this that I felt the need to go ahead and respond with the necessary elements first, and then wrap up this request with the finalized edits once everything adds up!

Firstly, whoa, I had no idea what the skill point ratio was for NPC companions so the 250 mark helps in that regard! In terms of starting with just one that's actually quite dandy, as it fits with the dynamic of unlocking the other two NPC's as actual followers. :) Already love the approach on this, yet the only thing I needed to clarify on was their status as a Stationary NPC. With the first plot being developed for the family, and pardon me for being cryptic as I do not wish to spoil, are they allowed to travel for short instances of time or required to stick to one place? Let's just say that the idea in mind involves whisking one NPC away, and involves a bit of search and rescue for Patrick down the line; is it perfectly feasible to allow this or does that stretch the rules too much?

As for Elinora and her backstory, that matter was discussed for a bit at Pat's early stages of creation. I've poked Nyx as she is able to confirm this, but if necessary I can backtrack through DM logs just to copy/paste them in a spoiler here. (Only reason I haven't right away is for privacy purposes of course)

Well, that checks out on what to respond on for me; so thanks so much for your swift response! I'll be working on the skills of these NPC's, and make it clear which one will be started with once the skill revisions have been made. -EDIT: Done!

Re: Personal NPCs

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:22 pm
by Paragon
Approved. Please enter the following link either in the User Profile space provided or on your Character Sheet. This is the link to your Character Secrets and Permissions thread:


All the best,