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Family NPC: Renfier

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:24 pm
by Taelian Edevane

N P C: R E N F I E R

Age: 38
Race: Human
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 188 lbs

Title: Valran of the Montien de Ciseperant
Relation to Taelian: Close Friend

Reaving (Master), Kinetics (Expert), Politics (Journeyman), Rhetoric (Journeyman), Semblance (Journeyman), Blades (Journeyman), Bodybuilding (Apprentice), Running (Apprentice), Mount (Apprentice)

Description: Ser Knight-Captain Valran Renfier de Neime deaux Ciseperant, Chevalier de Neime or simply Renfier, is a member of the Halamire and a Valran to the court of Montese Lierril Lorraine. Unlike many Valran, Renfier was not born to an already prominent family and he was not initiated at a young age by his parents. Instead, at the age of sixteen he decided that it was not in his interests to keep with his modest lifestyle, nor his parent's intended profession for him. Renfier bedded a ranking member of the Valran and persuaded him to initiate him into Kinetics, culminating in de Neime's first marriage.

After nearly a decade of tutelage under his Halamire-spouse, Renfier was elected into the ranks of the Valran by Lady Lierril, and not long after their divorce was finalized. The man proceeded to marry several young humans and Elves alike, using his newfound wealth as a method of sustaining his harem and the children he thereafter sired. Predictably, none of these relationships lasted and the Halamire sold each of his spouses -- effectively serfs -- into the administrative services of other Valran. Afterwards, the Halamire-Knight was said to have gone on a journey of self-discovery to Arlain for two years, during which time he re-married thrice more.

Renfier has... an incredibly peculiar reputation in Ciseperant, to say the least. He is even known in some of the adjacent Montiens as a lecher of impossible desires, made content by little more than physical intimacy. In truth, Renfier is deeply ambitious . . . and though he does not often participate in the Candor, his entry into it can only be interpreted as a threat whenever it comes.

Re: Family NPC: Renfier

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:35 am
by Paragon
This NPC is approved.