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Family NPC: Éloise

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:29 pm
by Taelian Edevane

N P C: É L O I S E

Age: 56
Race: Half-Hytori, Half-Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 166 lbs

NPC Type: Family NPC
Relation to Taelian: Magical Mentor and Friend

Kinetics (Master), Transposition (Expert), Research (Expert), Politics (Expert), Law (Journeyman), Animus (Journeyman), Psychology (Journeyman), Etiquette (Journeyman), Deception (Apprentice), Spycraft (Apprentice), Sociology (Apprentice), Persuasion (Apprentice)

Description: Éloise Arrosa Val'Antonaris de Lyonesse is a Daravinic mage and the former leader of a somewhat well-renowned Daravinic faction, the Gilded Tribune. Known for her outward kindness and grace, and her lethal mastery of the Candor, the woman was primed to come into the role of an Entente before a plot to undermine a local Montese backfired and led her to be hunted from the Empire's grounds. Humbled by the experience, but still highly ambitious, Eloise has since moved to Atinaw where she serves as a court mage to a local Lord. Holding a tight grip on her surroundings, the woman eagerly awaits opportunities, and tends to create them where they were not previously found.

Personality: Eloise is charming and magnetizing to those around her, always known for her ability to compel the interest of others and carefully navigate their affections, political interests and emotional flaws. She tends to reveal little, if anything, and is never the first to propose a deal. Instead, Eloise draws the minds of others to her aims, carefully with each well-placed word. She tends to appear humorous and humble at times, and acts as if she is truly concerned for the wellbeing of others around her. In truth, Eloise is a fairly self-centered woman, though with a soft spot for some. Typically she truly does act maternal and loving to those she is closest to, and as leader of the Gilded Tribune she led many young and disenfranchised Elven mages to great heights.

Re: Family NPC: Éloise

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:12 am
by Paragon
This NPC is approved.