Academy of Atinaw

Completed or archived requests.

Moderators: Architect, Staff

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Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:54 am

Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:43 pm


While completing solos to meet the academy standards for degrees, how do you wish for the present day to play out? Just update as it goes?

For cost for the academy, how would that work in terms of funds in a memory thread? Will loans need to be taken out or scholarships applied? The play test grant to be used to cover this? Not sure if the parent would be willing to pay for the initial fees and other arrangements are made to cover the costs for the rest of the courses?
word count: 93
Posts: 323
Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:35 pm

Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:04 am

The academy still isn't complete yet, as we mods have yet to have a conversation regarding the balance of the academy compared to the rules set in place. Please refrain from using it at the current time.
word count: 38

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