NPC Request Alecto

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=155&t=2332

Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:33 pm

N P C - Alecto

Age: 120 (roughtly)
Race: human
Sex: female
Height: 4’10
Weight: 85 lbs

Occupation: Necromancer, thief
Title: n/a
NPC Type: Plot NPC (controlled by Andros)


SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Flight 30/100 Apprentice
Psychology 30/100Apprentice
Torture 40/100Apprentice
Hunting 20/100Novice
Necromancy 75/100 Expert
Grave 50/100 Journeyman

History: Alecto showed a talent for necromancy at an early age, nurtured by a grandmother who was the healer for the estate to which the family was enserfed. In early adolescence she developed her skills in secret, far beyond those of her mentor. This served her well when she was forced by the lord of the manor into marriage at age 15. Her husband - she calls him her “first corpse” if you ask about him, which you shouldn’t - was a much older alcoholic who beat her on a weekly basis. She gave him two sons before she made her move, or rather she lent them to him and then she took them back.

You can treat your wife like a slave, but it’s a bad idea if she’s a powerful necromancer. Alecto continued to develop her skills in secret, experimenting on captured mice and birds, then on herself, then on her sons. She gave one of them, only five, the strength of several grown men by grafting the muscles of a mountain lion to his own. He was convinced to rip apart his father - not a hard sell. The other son was given skin as impenetrable as a turtle shell and made to burn down the noble family’s house, killing them in their beds while he survived unharmed.

Oh, and she gave herself enormous bat-like wings too, and the strength to use them. It was painful, especially for the dozens of living bats whose flesh she stole. But it was worth it for the ability to literally lift her sons to safety. She can still do it, but as they are.

WIth her enemies dispatched, she flew off and took to the road beginning life as a bandit. She has kept herself and her boys alive and fit far beyond their normal lifespan through her abilities. She also got herself initiated into Grave to aid in her pursuits.

Now she and the boys work together like a pack of wild dogs to catch wealthy travelers. They rob and kill their victims or hold them for ransom. It’s kept them comfortably fed and housed for a century.

Personality: Alecto is a tiny waif of a woman who wouldn’t hurt a fly. She would, however, certainly hurt a human being if it could profit or entertain her, ir she simply felt like it. Not a cruel person in her youth, she has hardened to the point that she is unable to see anyone but herself and her boys as a real human being. Her victims might as well be animals, and her tortures might as well be pulling the wings off a fly.

Her sons are the only people she has any feeling towards. Those feelings aren’t quite maternal. She’s no longer able to see them as separate from herself, but views then as extensions of her person. She does love them, in her way. She protects then and heals them, but also uses her abilities to keep them doing her bidding.

Appearance: Alecto is not especially vain, but she knows that a pretty face can lure in potential victims. And she has the skill to give herself a very pretty face, grafting on the elements she likes best. Striking red hair makes her stand out even more, a fact that is often used as a strategic ploy. Even at more than 100, she looks not a day older than 22. The wings do somewhat distract from the beautiful exterior, or course. But if you’re seeing Alecto approach from above, it’s already too late for you anyway.

Associates: Alecto lives a solitary life save for her sons, Lukos and Lagoniko. Those are nicknames, of course. They’ve long since shed the names their father gave them. Lukos the Wolf is adept at combat, as strong as ten men. He doesn’t need a knife to take down his human prey. His bare hands will suffice. And Lagoniko the Bloodhound can track their victims at great distance through any terrain. He still has his tough skin too. It will take more than a simple blade to bring him down.
word count: 777
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Mimi Pidders
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Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:48 am

Approved. I will copy a version of Alecto and put her with the Plot she is tied to. Good job!
word count: 20

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