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Location Request: Artificing Academy, Landbridge, Tilema

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:48 pm
by kayleth

Re: Landbridge Building and Local NPC

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:13 pm
by Mimi Pidders
Unfortunately, I do not see a way forward for the Artificing Academy as written. The idea of an academy of this sort being in Landbridge, in Tilema, or really anywhere within Radenor does not seem lore congruent. Radenor's tech level does not allow for Artificing at a large scale, and as a World Magic, it would be seen as suspicious by the locals. This does not preclude individual Artificers from existing and practicing their craft, but an entire school of this nature does not pass muster. Most university students in the Four Kingdoms would be the children of nobles or or rich merchants, and they would correspondingly have a fair degree of interest in maintaining social order and the status quo, so if they were attending university in their native land, they are presumably more interested in attaining skills and prestige for their family than they are in learning something considered transgressive and suspect.

Aspects of the physical plant of the building also do not make sense within the context of the Four Kingdoms' tech level, but this is more of a minor quibble. I am merely noting this for future location development: buildings in Radenor would be unlikely to have toilets, as that necessitates either a septic tank system or a centralized sewer system, and Radenor is not at a tech level where either of these things are feasible or likely. The weightlifting area would also be unlikely, given the tech level. Functional exercise would be more likely to be limited to training or drilling for combat or military exercises.

I think something like this could exist elsewhere within Atharen, but not in the Four Kingdoms. If you wish to continue developing it as a location, I'd encourage you to relocate it to Dagrun, read the lore for Dagrun, and redevelop it with its new home in mind. There are lots of Artificers there, and schooling that is specialized and privatized that people have to pay tuition to attend is congruent with Dagrun's educational system.

If the place itself was more of a backdrop for what was being learned, and learning the skills is more important, and Dagrun does not seem like the way forward, Artificing is also very common in Lorien. There are large departments for Artificing at any Rienese university, as the Lustrians are Artificiers and the Rienese economy is dependent upon Lustrians to function. This academy as proposed would not make sense in that context, as it would not be a private school affiliated with the university, but certainly the skills the academy was offering could be learned all throughout Lorien. The main reason why I would say a place like this would not be found in Lorien is the education system there: attending university is free for any Rienese citizen, so private schools for niche skills like Artificing would not exist in this way due to lack of demand. If a foreigner wished to attend a Rienese university to learn Artificing, however, it would be possible... just expensive (1000 df/season, minimum), and they'd be Nameless in Lorien while they did so, which can be dangerous if they are not careful.

If you still wish for me to review the NPC, I am happy to. I think with a few tweaks, he could be approved to be in Landbridge. As stated, there are Artificers in Radenor, there just would not be sufficient demand for an Artificing school. The NPC could even have been educated by the academy, should you wish to develop it further, and that could be how the PCs learn of its existence after he has helped them as much as he is able.

Re: Landbridge Building and Local NPC

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:06 am
by kayleth
Thank you Mimi for the constructive help! I am going to move forward with the NPC and work in a Dagrun background. I have updated it to just be James and hopefully, this will get Kayleth access to a teacher as well as future options for travel to Dagrun.