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Kayleth Plot Request

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:26 pm
by kayleth
Why I would like the plot: Kayleth needs some driving forward way to being to help implement Fragmenting and artificing in Nurin the NPC town that provides supplies to landbridge. Until fragmenting is a bit more defined in terms of stones ect I will focus on artificing. Kayleth's back story already has him connected to this town through his dead grandfather who seems to be known by several town NPC. He has had several interactions with the town baker for potential credibility.

Basic overview:

The first Thread would be talking to the NPC reeves of Nurin played by [Luna]. If sponsored by this reeves there will be a contract ect of how Kayleth will pay things back and what kind of things he will be obligated to do once graduated.

The second thread would be at the artificing school that doesn't see many patrons but still exists. Introducing and maybe covering a few days of class perhaps. Some basics.

The third thread I thought potential would be a notice of an end of course practical where they would need to present a build Lanbridge or some other outlying city to benefit it. They will then have to procure raw materials and survey ect

The fourth thread is Potentially building the thing and graduation.

Re: Kayleth Plot Request

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:13 pm
by Mimi Pidders
Claimed. Initial request for revision made.

Re: Kayleth Plot Request

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:24 am
by kayleth
P L O T - R E Q U E S T

This will be a string of threads for Kayleth to learn more about artificing and get practical experiance. As well as how to balance using it within Radenor and the politics that go with that. I want to increase his lores in artificing, runic scripting, and pick up some other craft skills for town building and house building if there is enough points left over. He will spend his time in Nurin and the surrounding area figuring out ways to help the village to increase their productivity and quality of life. Which I hope translates to a foot in the door with lower level gentry. Additionaly, utalizing the NPC i created from Dagrun it will lead to a recommendation to the academy there for further study if he so choose.

Firstly, a conversation with the Reeves of Nurin about him being open to using artificing to help with the quality of his villageers and their work. Secondly, a meeting with the new NPC James to be evaluated for aptitude in artifing. Then one or two threads will be spent learning and building things with James. His graduation from James apprenticship will be building the town a grain mill where James will give him a written recomendation for the academy to use when he wants.

Requested Rewards:
Ideally, outside of lore and exp Kayleth will be rewarded with an academy recommendation and a chunk of change towards an artificer's set.

Plot Moderation:
Luna has agreed to RP the NPC's for me.

Community Benefit:
If they are wanting to persue artificing or have a craft skill in building, logging, agriculture ect Kayleth would like to learn from them. Otherwise, I don't see others wanting to join.

Effect on Atharen:
Nurin will gain a grain mill golem which not only will it save labor for them. They also will not have to export straight grain to be milled somewhere else potentially increasing profit of the town as well as product margins.

Plot NPCs:

The Reeves of Nurin. Below the mentor.

James Schmidt

Race: Human
Age: 40
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 230 lb

Occupation: Instructor
Relation to PC: None
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: James is a man who commands respect and attention in any room he enters. Despite his large, heavy-set frame, he moves with grace and confidence that belies his size. His long hair is a wild and unruly mane that he keeps tied back in a ponytail, with uneven ends that are the result of countless mishaps on the job. His arms are covered in a multitude of scars, a testament to the dangerous nature of his work. But it's the scar on his neck that draws the most attention. A jagged, white line that runs from just below his ear to the base of his throat, it's a constant reminder of a near-fatal accident that occurred early in his career. He keeps it covered with a high collar, but it's still visible, a testament to his resilience and determination.
James is a man of simple taste, and his wardrobe reflects that. He's often seen in a white shirt and black pants, a combination that is practical and functional but also exudes a sense of authority. The clothes are often worn and torn, the result of his students' mishaps, but he wears them with a sense of pride.
There's one feature of his physique that stands out as particularly unusual. On his otherwise hairy chest, there's a large hairless spot that looks out of place. It's rumored that this is the result of a bad injury that permanently damaged the area, and sometimes when he works and affects that area, he winces. But he never speaks of it, and it's a mystery that's only known to a select few.
Despite all the scars and injuries, James is a man who's seen it all. He's a master of his craft, and his reputation precedes him. He's a force to be reckoned with. James has only been in Radinor for eight seasons and in that time he has quietly become reputable among the gentry as an artisan. Often commissioned to develop creature comforts for their lavish homes that are foreign to this land but, not to others in the world of Atharen.

James grew up in Grisic to parents that did not have much in way of title. His Father was a jewel-smith and his Mother a researcher who focused on geology. They instilled a deep respect for knowledge in James in him and that of his fellow man. When he showed interest in artificing they were over joyed and lobbied to get him a spot in the illustrious Academy within Dagrun.. Once there he quickly adopted the ideology there and the CORE's Tenents around techonogy and the seekers knowledge. There he honed his skills and learned techniques that he discovered did not exist in many corners of Atharen or are forgotten by the normal citizens. Ideologically, the man appreciates how Dagrun society is run but understands that it would not work in the outside world. Through his time at Dagrun he felt compelled to share the knowledge he gathered there and help the world heal. Wars would not bring about peace nor would they fix anything. What Atharen needed was infrastructure and quality of life to flourish. Much like how many of the basic needs were met there in Dagrun. He was well-respected among his peers and while his word does carry weight, it is only a tip in the favor of anyone he was to give his referral to. With an inscrutable eye James looks for particular types of assistants and students: those who want to improve the world with the craft and not wage war. He pairs a fair wage to those who can help him and offers lessons for 500df/season.

The stout man travels around Radenor aligned with no one Kyngdom serving the gentry and searching for students He makes a living by showing the world once more the beauty of artificing. Doing his best to change the stigma that it is aligned with on the surface. He has a very large transport wagon pulled by two horses that are bred for the work. Everything he needs to perform his craft is neatly contained within several varying size crates. When needed he will park in a quiet area and the cart mechanically opens up to form a makeshift workshop complete with anything he might need or has prepared in advance.

Clockwork: Journeyman
Artificing: Journyman
Jewel smithing: Apprentice
Appraisal: Expert
Research: Journyman
Intimidation: Apprentice
Teaching: Expert

Re: Kayleth Plot Request

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:28 pm
by Mimi Pidders
I think the plot works well as written, and the next part (Kayleth goes to the school where James learned Artificing) would be a good sequel. The plot is conditionally approved -- once James is approved, it is, too. I think an artificing tool kit is too lucrative a reward, however, so I'm going to ask that Kayleth receive a cash payment instead. Maybe he can put the df reward toward a discounted Artificer's Kit in a subsequent thread reward.

For your NPC:
  • It would be unusual for him to be born in Dagrun; most humans move there from elsewhere. I edited his backstory to say simply that he was from Grisic and emigrated to Dagrun in his adoelscence to pursue Artificing. If you wish to revert it, that's fine -- please provide a sentence or two about what his parents do, what his life was like there, etc.
  • CORE does not give people a life's purpose in this way, and for James to believe this would be a delusion on his part that other people in Dagrun would view as quite eccentric, to say the last. Is this deliberate? If no, I'd recommend that he merely felt called to spread his knowledge of Artificing to places that had been left behind, and moved to Radenor for this purpose.
The concept of your NPC is approved, however. Please just resolve the two above points and let me know which direction you have decided to go.

Re: Kayleth Plot Request

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 1:32 pm
by kayleth
Hello! I have edited both things and added what was asked!

excited to get this train rolling finally!

Please review once more.

Re: Kayleth Plot Request

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:46 pm
by Mimi Pidders