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Ascension: The Dreamwalker

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:38 pm
by Salen
Overview and Reasons for Choice.

I am requesting permission for Salen to undergo an ascension plot for Remnant. Indefinitely there are two branching ascensions for Remnant; I have delegated my choice towards the Dreamwalker due to Salen’s personal development and aesthetic qualities the character holds, as well as looking directly at the tools he already has, which will come to light once he has developed a strong grasp over Mentalism and Nightfall.

The reason why I have chosen Dreamwalker over Abyssal is because of the wide range of plot tools that can be useful to enrich Salen’s plots of manipulation, particularly as he is going to become more involved in Daravin’s politics. The concept would open many doors of character development for him, including the aspirations of becoming the advisor for the Emperor, to manipulate the Candor in his favor and also rarely, become a healing figure to a potential Abyssal who chooses to render minds into useless husks.

It is Salen’s qualities of subterfuge, cunning and intelligence that the Dreamwalker would be perfectly suited for the Remnomancer to ascend in as a magic that will benefit his deceptive nature and his flamboyant creativity within his illusions.

Situation and Premise

He is currently a mage with three marks of control, meaning that he has grasped the manipulation of Ether very well. However, his knowledge of magic is mostly self-taught, despite the warnings he has been given, he has not heeded them and continues to push himself in dire situations. Through his constant use of magic, he will eventually push his boundaries into severe overstepping, trapping him into another alternate reality of his own dimension, unable to navigate his mindscape on his own terms.

However, this may not be the case for Salen as his Mark of Remnant has begun to tell him to evolve. Instead of being trapped fully, Salen must navigate the bowels of his own Memory Prison and make it back to the ‘Enlightened Truth’ or ‘Paradise’ as some of the old chronicles of the first Dreamwalker had spoken off.

Once Salen has reached the location of his Enlightened Truth, he will begin to form the Bridge between the real world and the Reverie, eventually gaining the ability to transition between the two states of existence. Upon successfully building the bridge, he will complete his ascension and transform into a Dreamwalker, eventually gaining a refurbished set of mutations with his transition, which improves his cognition and illusory abilities, drawing on his Machiavellian mindset by initiating a concept in his mind called the ‘Game of Illusions’ (Please see the Master Mutation below).

NOTE: Salen will have achieved 100 lores and have been a Master of Remnant for atleast a season.


Re: Ascension: The Dreamwalker

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:42 pm
by Salen


The Mirror has evolved within Salen’s Mindscape into a foundation world of the present, but it has also broadened his mind in a state of strong will. Salen’s transition into a Dreamwalker intensifies his illusory applications, understanding the deeper concepts in his and others reality, creating illusions to either benefit allies or deceive and cull foes.

Illusions are merely a tool of cunning, subterfuge and espionage as the powers of a Dreamwalker are awakened, drawing on the concepts of the inner truth and fabricated reality. The games that an illusionist plays with the mind are of either mere benefit or spiteful malediction as the Ascended Remnomancer is able to draw on the elements of the game itself. A game that will alter the fabric of one's reality.

Mark Location: Salen’s Mark of Remnant is located on his scalp, hidden between his locks of hair.


The Spire of Dreams (Ascended) - Apprentice
Salen’s Memory Palace has evolved from a Hall of Mirrors into a city landscape that’s similar to the place of birth; where Salen was conceived in Cisperant, Bardona, this appears to be the foundation of the bridge as other mindscapes that he has become familiar with. The mindscapes in question will remain afloat in the air around his memory palace. Upon visiting Salen’s mindscape, the dreamer may find clonal versions of Salen performing various tasks in the city; they are seemingly false representations of Salen that protect the mindscape.

Salen’s domain in his memory palace is known as the Spire of Dreams; a large tower that sits in the middle of the city, which appears to be a combination of the palaces of Ardenserat and the fairytale castle that Brazim resides in within the realm, Amurlain. This is his domain where his deep and most protected memories are kept as a Remnomancer. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to get into the Spire of Dreams as they must go through various tests and trials to access the darkest secrets of Salen’s mind.

The Prodigy (Ascended) - Journeyman
The Prodigy is an advancement of the Connection, whilst he maintains his psychometric qualities, Salen is able to further influence minds around him, holding a strong presence over the mindscapes he is familiar with; this comes with the improvement to Salen’s cognition allowing him to obtain information easily from an autobiographical perspective, equipping him with the ability to become a quicker and stronger learner as well as being able to retain information at an esoteric level compared to any other Remnomancer.

The Decoy (Ascended) - Expert
The Decoy is an advanced trait of the Reflection, allowing Salen to conjure Clones of his own reflection by employing the use of the ability, Phantasmal Reckoning. These clones are able to copy Salen’s intellectual and mundane skills as well as his own physical appearance, including weaponry in hand.

The Clones are no longer created through the phantasmal split of the Mask, instead they are conjured straight from the memory palace that has mutated within Salen’s mind. These clones are designed to provide an illusory squad to deceive or utilize in battle. Salen’s Ascension allows him to summon more clones, depending on his ether reserves meaning the more clones that Salen conjures, the more difficult it is to control and maintain them.

Furthermore, Salen can increase his vision range and see through the eyes of his illusions by Voyaging into his mindscape and finding the clone that’s projected onto reality. The clone in question will have a glittery prismatic aura around them and their reality is completely changed.

Kyrikaric Transcendence (Ascended) - Master
Salen’s appearance greatly changes upon ascending; his skin becomes perfectly tanned and exotic, his eyes a dreamy turquoise blue and his hair turns from his dark roots to a shining celestial white that appear to show glints of prismatic light. The transition from Remnomancer to Dreamwalker is an almost god-like ascension as a glittery, prismatic aura is around Salen’s body at all times, meaning the only way of hiding it is through the application of the Mask.

The Game of Illusions becomes available as a tool of subterfuge and indirect manipulation. As Salen understands his newly fledged mind he will begin to gain new tools for manipulating the mind; a giant crystal globe followed by a chessboard with pieces that symbolize the illusory events that occur whilst playing the game.

The game can be played for both malevolent and beneficial reasons, either to protect or destroy a foe through the power of illusions. Firstly, the Remnomancer must be actively dreaming within their own memory palace, whilst the dreamer is mind merged to Salen’s mindscape through Mind Collision.

Once Salen has received the direct imprint to the mind, he will be able to manipulate the fabric of his or her reality by viewing using the chess pieces on the board to either construct an illusory narrative of events to come or altering the fabric of their reality for their benefit.

NOTE: These are an evolutionary change from Remnant to Dreamwalker Ascension, therefore I am quoting the previous mutations here

Re: Ascension: The Dreamwalker

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:13 pm
by Mimi Pidders
Hi Salen,

Please let us know when you return from hiatus and a member of staff will work with you on your Ascension application at that time.

Feel better,