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NPC Request - Cordelia Senerite

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:39 am
by Salen

N P C: Cordelia Senerite

Race: Sil'Norai (Corvo)
Age: 137
Height: 5"6
Weight: 150 lbs

Occupation: Politician, Member of the Pact Covenant.
Relation to PC: Tutor
NPC Type: Faction
Influence: 4

The identical twin sister of Dahlia Senerite. She was one of the most powerful mages of her family and had the potential in growing even stronger if she could. Dahlia saw this as a threat and ultimately something had to be done. As she grew stronger and powerful, the more her sister envied her. Yet, she wasn't power hungry like the other Entente, yet she did not participate in the Candor very much. Unlike her sister, she preferred to live a reserved and quiet life as she was happy with her current status.

Ultimately, she was framed for killing her husband, Lorenzo Auclair and was eventually outcasted by her family, never to set foot in Daravin ever again. She travelled to Tyrclaid where she was introduced to a founding faction known as the Covenant. At this time, Cordelia had become already comfortable with Baptism; an antithesis to Dahlia's magic which brought a corruptive element to the world. At this stage in her political development she would take on students in her art at Mellitene and teach them how to control it and use magic for the good of the world.

This brought out her intense desire to help others, but to also the need to maintain the balance of power within political rights. For this reason, Brazim chose her as one of his agents and sought that she would guide Corvae with the same goals and ambitions as her. Since the new regime with the Pact, she has resided in Lorien to fulfill her purpose.

Baptism - Master
Remnant - Expert
Oath - Journeyman
Politics - Expert
Spycraft - Journeyman
Blades - Journeyman
Ettiquette - Journeyman
Psychology - Journeyman

Re: NPC Request - Cordelia Senerite

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:57 pm
by Ruin


Please note that the crime of mariticide, especially for a member of the entente, the penalty is usually death. There may have been some circumstances with Cordelia's case that gave her a lighter sentence and so we can proceed with approval despite this. Even so, it should be known that this is an irregularly light sentence.

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