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Family NPCs Request
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:37 pm
by Alyssum Crow
Requesting two family NPCs for use in memory threads. Partially migratory. Isra focuses on survival skills which allow her to camp outside and hunt on her own. Essentially a hermit of sorts. Rúnar travels occasionally while also being stationary half the time. When stationary he's a smith and sells the items he creates to fund himself. While traveling, usually he traveled between Towers so that he could use their laboratories to create goods to sell. When not doing that, he would instead work alongside local blacksmiths or those with suitable laboratories to earn the proper funds.
Isra (Female, Human?)
Unknown DoB
Rúnar (Male, Rathari, Neoalt Wolf)
Unknown DoB
I don't know what else I should add.
Re: Family NPCs Request
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:36 am
by Paragon
Hi there Alyssum,
You should formulate the NPC's that are to serve as your family as you would any normal NPC. That means you provide a listing of their relevant skills (with associated mastery level), a biographical synopsis of the character that lends insight into their achievements, personality, etc. and where their current location and status is. I've compiled a helpful guide for you to fill out.
Family NPC's don't have a limit on their skills or the levels they possess in terms of mastery in them. However, it is advised to keep things realistic. A dedicated farmer is likely to have very earthly skills focused on his trade.
Code: Select all
Name: (What is their full name?)
DoB: (They might not know it, but you do.)
Location: (Where are they?)
Status: (Alive or Deceased?)
Skills: (List of all relevant skills.)
Bio: (Tell us about them!)
Re: Family NPCs Request
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:42 am
by Alyssum Crow
Name: Rúnar Crow
DoB: 5th of Ash, Year 20, Age of Sundering
Location: Mostly Atinaw, partially migrant
Status: Deceased
Alchemy (Master)
Artificing (Journeyman)
Biology (Apprentice)
Business (Apprentice)
Chemistry (Apprentice)
Medicine (Novice)
Research (Novice)
Runeforging (Journeyman)
Scrivening (Journeyman)
Semblance (Expert)
Smithing (Master)
Bio: Rúnar was once part of a very old and powerful kinship with forged powerful weapons and used their skills to enchant these weapons. Rúnar was born sometime during the very early part of the Sundering, though he wasn't yet alive for the exact events. Like the rest of Atinaw, his family dug in their roots and fought against the onslaught of chaos and madness, though it was a considerably difficult task. A great many of the members of his Kinship perished long before Rúnar himself started reaching into adulthood. It got to the point where a lot of the important ceremonies in the young Rathari's life needed to be conducted by other Rathari in the area he lived. By the time he reached 30, he was the last member of his Kinship left alive. As such, the Crow name fell on his shoulders alone. At the very least, he'd had the time to learn a lot of the family trade screts and he still had the books which instructed him very carefull on what to do and what no to do. That being said, it was still a very lonely life. He was never able to find a partnership contract, not an afordable one that he could recieve a child from. This difficulty followed him into his late life and had him resigned to the idea there wouldn't be anymore members of the Crow family. Then Isra brought him Alyssum.
Rúnar was a very large and powerful Neoalt Rathari. Despite his family name, he was in fact a simple wolf Rathari who was perhaps a bit larger than the average wolf. In his true form he was known for being a fairly attractive man with a broad chest and strength to spare from the years of forging high quality equpiment. He dedicated the majority of his life to the craft, embuing it with magical affects through Alchemy and Dustforge. He had short brown hair and very sharp dark brown eyes which bordered on black.
Name: Isra
DoB: 3rd of Frost, Year 35, Age of Steel
Location: Mostly Atinaw, partially migrant
Status: Assumed dead after going missing
Deception (Master)
Law (Apprentice)
Linguistics (Journeyman)
Navigation (Apprentice)
Politics (Apprentice)
Ranged Combat (Journeyman)
Stealth (Expert)
Survival (Expert)
Tactics (Apprentice)
Bio: Isra, as far as she'd tell anyone else, didn't have a very interesting childhood. She was just a normal woman born to a pair of middle class people and she never felt much attachment to the family business. With a number of siblings who could take the family name, she abandoned it and set out on a grand journey to explore the world. During this time, she became very devoute to the Goddess Naori, preaching her gosspel whenever she couldn't avoid cities. For the most part, she tried to avoid cities, sticking to areas where the world was the most chaotic and wild, completely free of constraint and unabashedly feral. That was the world she enjoyed the most, the kind of life she adored submerging herself in. She could find the beauty in organized settlements, sure, but they just didn't sit right with her. At a very young age, probably only in her 20s, she discovered the baby Alyssum and took her in, which eventually led to the events of Alyssum's story in turn. At some point she went missing, and thanks to how old Alyssum is, Isra is currently assumed to be dead or at least very old.
Isra in her prime was a beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair that she usually had plaited down to her waist. She tended to wear tinted glasses which hid her eyes which were always a curosity to other people. They were a strange shade of white, light enough that others often assumed her to be blind. Sometimes she acted like it, and other times, not so much. The truth was never revealed and Isra isn't around to ask anymore. While she's a solitary creature, it doesn't very much seem to be by choice.
Re: Family NPCs Request
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:32 am
by Paragon
Hi there Alyssum,
These NPC's have been approved. Please be advised that this is approval for the concept as a Migrant Family only. Be sure to coordinate with the local moderation teams of the cities you visit in order to work out the details of relevant plots involved in those locations. Have fun!
Here is the link to your Character Secrets Thread:
Please post this on your Character Sheet for the time being until such time as we make the character secrets field available through the User Control Panel.
All the best,