Arkash's NaNo Enchanted Weapon

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Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:10 am

One of the rewards I was awarded for first place in NaNo was a blight/Enchanted weapon, and I have decided to go with the enchanted weapon.


Sky Stealer

A weapon that, if traced, can be dated back to after the fall of the Unbroken Empire. A mage gun powered by Artificing and Sundered with Squall, which would not normally turn any heads, except for the design of the weapon, which appears to be something more commonly found in the Unbroken Empire. Arkash will discover the in an abandoned, hidden cave in the Badlands. He will take pause and rest against a crag in the desert and peer into a deep crack, where the makings of a handle can be seen at the far end. After reaching in and pulling the handle, a mechanism will trigger and a face of the crag will grind inward to itself, then slowly descend to reveal a derelict Sundering lab, with all the related tools and research long since destroyed by the passage of time, but the weapon preserved in a protective case.

Firing Pin:
A tri-crag core that can be alternated with the press of a button near the trigger of the firearm, much like a safety. One setting forces the bullet to spin when the explosive charge in the casing is detonated, leading it out of the barrel, red hot, with an effect similar to the rifling of the barrel. This increases the accuracy of the shot significantly and can be fired accurately on targets 160-200 meters away. The other setting will damage the bullet with a series of etheric cracks, so that just a meter or two out of the barrel, it shatters and sprays red-hot etheric shrapnel against his target, but is only extremely effective within ten meters of range, and quickly loses all accuracy after twelve meters.

Soft bore, standard throughout Atharen.

A glass lens that can be adjusted for different ranges, even beyond the effective range of the weapon, similar to binoculars; rare throughout Atharen

Revolving chamber, can hold up to six rounds before reload is required.

Rate of fire:
Structural integrity can be fully restored fifteen seconds after firing, meaning that the gun will not explode on its next shot. In stormy weather, the structural integrity of the rifle recovers within five seconds. A failsafe is implemented to prevent the firing of the weapon until the cooldown is complete, but this can be disabled in a pinch at the risk of destroying the weapon and the user in a violent etheric explosion.

.44, manageable recoil when shot from the shoulder.

An arc of lightning follows the bullet from the barrel. On the rifle setting, it will travel through the target's body like a current and force muscles to tense up and spasm involuntarily, heat conductive metals, and set combustibles on fire. On the buckshot setting, the lightning passes through every shard of shrapnel like a web, and will follow like chain lightning if it strikes multiple targets, or pass the current through a single target for every piece that lands.

Will electrocute the wielder if fired in wet conditions, rendering them paralyzed for ten seconds with minor burns.
Image source.
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Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:35 pm

Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:56 am

I see no major balance issues with this weapon so your request is approved! You can add this weapon to your character sheet alongside a link to the approved request.
word count: 30

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