Axel Opheim - Mannon's Personal NPC

Completed or archived requests.

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Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:56 am

N P C: Axel Opheim

Race: Human
Age: 33
Height: 178cm
Weight: 72kg

Occupation: Unemployed due to gambling and drug addiction
Relation to PC: First love, first heartbreak, abuser
NPC Type: Personal
Influence: 4

Description: Axel was the only son of a failing kinship of Opheim. He was due to uphold the family’s profession of monster slaying. It took Axel one such trip with his father when he was fifteen or sixteen to know that killing beasts was not his calling. Since then, he did anything he could to avoid it, earning nothing but growing scorn from his parents. At the threat of being made kinless, Axel joined his father for one more hunt. During the hunt, he witnessed his father being violently butchered and torn to shreds. Axel managed to barely escape with his own life. This harrowing experience left Axel marked for the rest of his life. He openly refused to carry on the profession and instead found his release from reality in gambling, drinking, drugs and women. It's unclear what happened to his mother whether she left or died. Axel certainly doesn't speak of his parents.

His attempt on signing a partnership contract with Mannon and her family was to elevate his status, but also to have access to resources that would allow the now addictions, to continue. The plan failed and about a year after, when Axel was 25, he suddenly disappeared.

For the past years, he has been presumed to be dead. But his body has never been found.

Not disclosed in character
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Deception [Master], Seduction [Expert], Persuasion [Expert], Apothecary [Journeyman], Botany [Journeyman], Chemistry [Journeyman], Law [Apprentice]

Last edited by Mannon on Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 414
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Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:16 pm


Hello, Mannon! Thank you for submitting this NPC! There's a point of clarification that's needed before we can proceed with the approval of Axel.

1. For the sake of lore integrity, the nature of his disappearence needs to be written-up somewhere on his sheet. You're most certainly allowed to have an air of mystery about your NPCs IC, but all the information available on them must be included in their write-ups. I'd like to propose a spoiler section with information that's not publicly known IC, somewhere in the description area of the write-up.

Let me know when this has been addressed, and we'll proceed to the next steps!

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Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:44 am


Approved! Thank you for making the adjustments necessary to proceed. I look forward to seeing this NPC in writing!

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word count: 30

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