Companion NPC: Sojin

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Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:33 am

Companion NPC: Sojin
蛇 Details
  • Age: 28
  • Race: Human
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 190 lbs
  • NPC Type: Companion NPC
  • Relation to Kotoru: Aid, Bodyguard, Advisor
蛇 Skills
  • Reaving: Journeyman| 60
  • Blades{Nodachi}: Journeyman| 50
  • Tactics: Apprentice| 25
  • Negotiation: Apprentice| 30
  • Acrobatics: Apprentice| 30
  • Stealth: Apprentice| 25
  • Elementalism: Apprentice| 30

蛇 Description:
  • Sojin found himself being orphaned at a very young age. Angry & alone he wandered the wilderness of Karnor struggling to survive. He was soon taken in by a couple passing through as they couldnt watch as he suffered. He lived in a small hut near the river with his new family.

    He was what some would say a problem child, always getting into fights, being with his fist or the closest thing he could get his hands on. He never really seemed to like authority figures but obeyed his parents. One day he saw a group of mercenaries in town and was lucky enough to pickpocket some money off of one.

    Unfortunately, the one he chose to steal from caught him and forced him to watch as his foster family was given his punishment for his acts, which was death. To add to Sojin's childhood trauma, the group used him as a slave whenever they were in town. He did everything he was told to do out of fear he suffer the same fate as his foster family. As luck would have it, one day while the mercenaries were fast asleep, He slipped away vowing to become stronger so that he would never suffer like that ever again.

    Fleeing he knew he couldnt return as had no choice but the brave the harshness of the countryside of Karnor. One night as he slept he was attacked by a wild beast. Frightened out of his mind he couldnt move and knew his death was imminent. Like a ray of hope a stranger happened to be in the area and quickly dispatched the creature before it had a chance to make Sojin a meal.

    The warrior could see the soul of a warrior in Sojin's eyes and saw potential in the young man. He took Sojin in and brought him under his wing, teaching him how to use a sword exceptionally well. In time Sojin had learned all the man he came to know as Kyofu had to offer. "I sense a burning desire in you. Whatever that desire is, the only way for you see it come to fruition is carving that destiny out with your own hands." It was those very words that coaxed him into becoming a mage and spellsword.

    With hard work and diligence, Sojin made a name for himself as a freelance mercenary and bounty hunter within the Karnor region, following in the footsteps of his mentor. It was a perfect fit for him. The thrill of battle and taking down dangerous criminals was what he did best and no one could ever argue that.
蛇 Personality:
  • Sojin in all sense of the word is a strong-willed individual, no matter what aspect of his life it comes to. Be it sex, battle, casual interactions, this domineering force of a man is always diving headfirst in whatever it is he does. Playfully charming, yet callously efficient, Sojin exudes an air of power only he can provide.

    His calm and carefree demeanor may seem unimposing, but Sojin's mind is a dangerous one. He sees any encounter, be it casual or conflict, as a game of war as he relishes bloodshed and enjoys the thrill of life and death situations. At times, he has been seen as being perceptive of other's thoughts.

    He either seeks to torment those who cross him with this knowledge or satirizes the ones he calls friend. Not a moment of guilt runs through him as he defeats people in his path, exhilarated in watching them fight to the bitter end. He has been conditioned to carry himself as a warmonger, more than ready to use his talents to force those foolish enough to cross him into submission or to their own deaths.

    Confident with his strengths, his egotism borderlines closely to being vanity. Sojin's methods of conduct are truly an enigma to all but himself. Those close to him may catch on to his thoughts, but even they can't completely unfurl his every pondering. He takes joy in his sly defiance of what others expect or project onto him, enjoying the untold frustration he inflicts on them. While he insists otherwise, he will be moved by their lingering kindness towards him.
Last edited by Kotoru on Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:51 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 766
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:05 am

Hi there!

Please review the Companion NPC rules regarding skills and make adjustments as necessary. I will continue my review following the adjustment.

Companion NPC
word count: 25
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Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:30 am

Sorry about that, but made edits as requested ^^
word count: 8
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:17 pm

This Companion NPC is approved.
word count: 5

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