Silver Lion Inn

Players requesting to own and operate a business should post their business sheets here.

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Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:06 pm


Title of Shop/Business - Silver Lion Inn
Business Type - Services
Items Sold -
Rental Rooms
Meals (General and Specific)

Base Income -900 df/day
Skill Bonus - Business Management (Novice)
Sales Bonus - +20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - +5% for coming up with a full list of imports in alcoholic beverages and wines, and the elaborately planned out routine for meals per day/season.

Total Income - 1134 df/day

Assets - This is a list of all structures and items that are either sold or used in the foundation/operation of the business including their costs. Employee cost is also included here.

2 Bath (Simple) 40,000 df
2 Bedroom (Simple) 70,000 df
6 Bedroom (Elaborate) 1,200,000 df
1 Master Bedroom (Elaborate) 250,000 df
1 Common Area (Elaborate) 150,000 df
1 Dining Hall (Elaborate) 500,000 df
1 Ice House 50,000 df
1 Kitchen (Elaborate) 180,000 df
1 Office (Elaborate) 150,000 df
1 Storage (Elaborate) 100,000 df
1 Tavern (Elaborate) 250,000 df

Debts - 2,940,000 df owed to the Imperial Bank.
2.5% SIR (73,500 df)

Sales Bonus- Business owners receive an additional 20% to their wages simply for being a business owner.
Negative Modifier- Areas saturated with a particular business model or profession may incur a negative penalty. Additionally, specializing in a manner of business that is extremely niche with a very select audience may also incur a penalty.
Creativity Bonus- Businesses that display exceptional levels of creativity or ingenuity may be awarded a bonus of up to a 5% increase to wage earnings.

Last edited by Patrick on Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:34 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 286
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Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:12 pm

This business is approved!
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