Valenbrech Academy

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Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:46 am


Title of Business: Valenbrech Academy
Goods Sold: Military Training

Base Income: Soldier, 800 df/day. (Approved by Paragon; will increase with rank in the Knighthood.)
Skill Bonus - Apprentice Zweihander: 1.5x
Sales Bonus - +20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - +5% for being the only Military Academy in Dresden willing to mentor Koltoskans, as well as other non-Argent or Celebrants, and for teaching commoners how to handle and defeat Hollows in the case of incursions.

Those attending the Academy are given basic lessons on combat, self-defense and the usage of simple weaponry, as well as the specifics on Hollow physiology and how they can be killed or otherwise subdued in the case of an emergency. This services are offered to non-Knights from a member of the Knighthood, and so are highly sought by mid-level income earners outside of the upper tier of classes.

Total Income - 1,500 df/day

Assets - This is a list of all structures and items that are either sold or used in the foundation/operation of the business including their costs. Employee cost is also included here.

Armory (Simple): 50,000 df
Common Area (Simple): 25,000 df
Courtyard (Simple): 50,000 df
Bedroom (Simple): 35,000 df
Office (Simple): 20,000 df
Barracks: 80,000 df

Debts - 260,000 df owed to the Imperial Bank.
3% SIR (7,800 df)

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Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:44 pm


This business is approved with full bonuses due to it offering its services to a broader range of customers outside of just the upper classes of the area. This is further reinforced by the willingness to enroll Koltoskan students.
word count: 48
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