Title of Shop/Business - High Hopes
Business Type - Services
Items Sold -
Simple meals
Alcoholic drinks
Paid fights
Rooms for rent
Base Income - Inn keeper, 600 df/day
Skill Bonus - Business apprentice x1.5
Sales Bonus - 20 %
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - +5%, Hosting a legal fighting ring inside of the tavern. Where people can fight, earn money and gamble. All fights are put together and maintained by Rien.
Total Income - 1,125 df/day
Assets -
Tavern (simple) 100,000 df
Storage (simple) 25,000 df
Kitchen (simple) 80,000 df
2x Bedroom (simple) 70,000 df
2x Bath (simple) 40,000 df
Training room 100,000 df
Supplies 83,000 df
Debts - 498,000 df owed to the Greater House of Novalys. Handled by the Imperial Bank.
3% SIR (14,940 df)
Sales Bonus- Business owners receive an additional 20% to their wages simply for being a business owner.
Negative Modifier- Areas saturated with a particular business model or profession may incur a negative penalty. Additionally, specializing in a manner of business that is extremely niche with a very select audience may also incur a penalty.
Creativity Bonus- Businesses that display exceptional levels of creativity or ingenuity may be awarded a bonus of up to a 5% increase to wage earnings.
Business Type - Services
Items Sold -
Simple meals
Alcoholic drinks
Paid fights
Rooms for rent
Base Income - Inn keeper, 600 df/day
Skill Bonus - Business apprentice x1.5
Sales Bonus - 20 %
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - +5%, Hosting a legal fighting ring inside of the tavern. Where people can fight, earn money and gamble. All fights are put together and maintained by Rien.
Total Income - 1,125 df/day
Assets -
Tavern (simple) 100,000 df
Storage (simple) 25,000 df
Kitchen (simple) 80,000 df
2x Bedroom (simple) 70,000 df
2x Bath (simple) 40,000 df
Training room 100,000 df
Supplies 83,000 df
Debts - 498,000 df owed to the Greater House of Novalys. Handled by the Imperial Bank.
3% SIR (14,940 df)
Sales Bonus- Business owners receive an additional 20% to their wages simply for being a business owner.
Negative Modifier- Areas saturated with a particular business model or profession may incur a negative penalty. Additionally, specializing in a manner of business that is extremely niche with a very select audience may also incur a penalty.
Creativity Bonus- Businesses that display exceptional levels of creativity or ingenuity may be awarded a bonus of up to a 5% increase to wage earnings.