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Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:02 pm
by Miki

Ash 27, 4622¤

"Zero, they call him..."
Miki was sitting in a bar in Traphole drinking her fill of liquor after a hard day in the forges. She had been working as a clockwork smelter for awhile now and enjoyed the job even more. She liked the technical work that this came with, it was much less mind numbing than making something like wrenches, metal sheets, or bolts. Not to mention she got to work with the golems which she found intriguing and quaint. Shooting her last shot of whiskey for the afteroon.
"...Because he never misses a shot and when he's done, no one's left."
Local myths, there was always rumors in Traphole. The people here gossiped like old women.
"Heard he's lookin' for work, holed up in the Stallion not far from Traphole, you know the ole waterin' hole."
This time though, Miki's interest was piqued. She still didn't have enough men even with Hector, Izul, and Vassilios doing outreach and gathering men for Snake Eyes. Yet, she knew one day she would be ready to bring the fight to the Wastelander and become them herself.

A heavy thump interrupted the people she was eavesdropping on as well as jarred her from her thoughts.
"Any help with these boxes?"
Asked the workers, who were unloading a massively filled cart.
"Lazy asses."
Said the group she was eavesdropping on as they paid their tab by slamming their money on the table and left. The workers looked at Miki a little too expectantly. She growled but got up to help. This was going to take awhile without some others pitching in to help.

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Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 4:32 pm
by Alleizha

“Ally, I think you should return home.” At a table in the middle of the bar sat a tall, handsome Rathor and a pretty redhead that almost matched his companion in height, but could never compare in regards to muscle mass. The Rathor, who sported only a pair of slacks and a cropped shirt, looked at the redhead with much concern. Usually, Brawny didn’t care too much about what his master and friend decided on next in this little adventure, however, the Rathor believed the nobleman was too irrational at times. Alleizha had been spending their money irresponsibly and refused to look after himself properly. It has caused Brawny great trouble and the Rathor was tired of being on guard all the time. If their relationship wasn’t on good terms, and the Rathor didn’t feel he owed the redhead his life, who’s to say Alleizha wouldn’t be on his own?

“Are you troubled, Brawny?” The young man asked as he kicked his feet like a toddler and looked around the room at no one in particular. “I thought you’d enjoy this as much as I! No one here to tell us what to do, you and I are equals in this land too. Although I do prefer myself in a much higher position still.” The boy had such a thick Gentevarese, some words in common were a bit harder to understand.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah… true and all, I’m just tired of saving you and supporting your schemes.” Brawny rubbed his chest where a small patch of dog fur showed proudly. He was somewhat happy to hear Alleizha call them equals. That meant he could speak freely and tell the young man how he truly felt. “I have to constantly use this form to fight. I just want to stay true to myself.” Brawny raised his hands as he referred to his humanoid form. It's been so long since he’s seen himself in that very form and he wasn’t yet comfortable using it.

“Okay, okay. Why don’t we make a deal, yeah? Me and you.” Alleizha continued to look around the room as he spoke. “Why don’t we—”

He stopped speaking as a group of men walked by, hollering at each other about some boxes. Alleizha wasn’t too sure as to how that caught his attention, but it did. What boxes? What’s in it? Can I get anything out of this? A million questions ran through his head.

“Why don’t we help those nice men with those boxes? Let's see what we can get out of that.” Alleizha stood up, practically running after the group.

“No!” Brawny reached for Alleizha, but he was a little too late.

“I can help with those boxes,” he placed a hand on his hip as he expected an answer from the rough ‘n tough group.

“Never mind him.” Brawny snarled as he started taking boxes. “I’ll carry the load. Don’t touch anything, please.” He spoke mainly to Alleizha, scowling as he too followed the group.

Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:16 am
by Miki


She was joined by two others then from the bar who helped unload the boxes. It was long, hard work without much time for talking but she noticed how the one man wasn't helping as much as the others, it would seem the man he was with was doing all the work.
'He must be some kind of hot shot...'
She thought as she profiled them, the other man had bright red curly hair which would be easy to pick out in a crowd. His clothing was nice, but proper, not too out there she thought-- just not dirty like some of these scumbags in the wastes. That said, he looked slightly... frail. Maybe bookish, while the one man who was actually doing the work had the body for work. Still, she wondered if they were affiliated with any gangs. If they were willing to work she would have to talk to them.

When the boxes were finally unloaded from the cart they were told they were allowed one item from the boxes. Inside was some wine, empty tankards, food stuff, and other random kitchen essentials-- like matches. Miki took a jar of honey and stuffed it in her pack, but waited around to see what the others who showed up chose. When they were done going for spoils she asked the bigger man,
"That was good work you put in, been in Traphole for long? That is to say, you looking for more work? 100 farthings to split between you both if you come with me to the Stallion, I need men in short notice. You don't look like mercs, but I'm not expecting trouble. If you want the whole scoop, I'm trying to make a good first impression. Just come and look tough and I'll do the talking, get paid to walk out Traphole's front door...?"

Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:36 pm
by Vassilios
Despite being grabbed for outreach and gathering fresh bodies for Snake Eyes, Vassilios might have had his work cut out. However, Hector and Izul have increased their speed since he started working with Snake Eyes. After that, a powerful stranger spared him from losing his life.

To the trained eye, anyone might have noticed that Vassilios was more hands-on with his training. And most unexpectedly, Vassilios was getting into less trouble of late, kept at least 80 percent of his clothes on, and his conduct had also improved somewhat. As much as he hated to admit it, even Hector was asking if something had happened to him. And all he told was that his adoptive father, Lykos, broke through his hard head with enough lecturing.

As the search was dying, Izul bade Vass leave the rest to them and reported five new bodies to Miki. Speeding back to Traphole, Vassilios joined back with Miki as he seemed to catch the tail end of unloading, but hearing that, they were allowed one item from the boxes - From wine to tankards to foodstuffs and other kitchen essentials. Though he had hoped to get back sooner to help out, Vass stuffed some dried meat in his pack and finally approached Miki from her side; his eagerness caused him to miss the larger male she was chatting up.
“Heya. I realized I had some wine with me. Feel like splitting it while hearing a positive report?” It was then blood red hues glimpsed at the bigger man, his eyes widening with shock. “Sake’s alive! I didn’t even see you there. Name’s Vassilios. And you are?” He offered his hand to the bigger man, offering to shake his hand.

Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 2:36 pm
by Alleizha

Alleizha has spent a great amount of time trying to fit into the badlands and not stand out too much. Truly, he tried to be less noticeable at first even when he was trying to get one over on people. However, there weren’t too many with his unique complexion or curly red hair that would touch his buttocks whenever touched by water. There were also his clothes that were of a dark color, but made of silk and embroidered with red thread. If not for his clothing, Alleizha truly showed he was an entente with his personality at times.

You can take the boy out of Ciseperant, but you cannot take the class that he so represented there out of him. Or however, the saying goes.

Alleizha stood alongside Brawny as he carried multiple boxes, behaving as if he was exhausted from all the moving back and forth. It was quite the show he was putting on and he was acting on behalf of his dog who was unphased the entire time. Brawny wouldn’t let him touch not one box anyway so Alleizha didn’t have a choice. Anyone that wanted to speak on Alleizha’s behavior couldn’t if they tried either. Brawny is quick to anger and as a dog that could pick up on the sound of a pin dropping, he noticed when people were staring and (like a dog) let out a low growl.

The task was eventually completed and a bored Alleizha couldn’t help but feel like it went on for too long. He felt they deserved more than a couple of slim pickings from the items offered— so he took more than necessary. A box of matches, a bottle of wine despite his lack of interest in it, and jerky for the dog. The Rathor rolled his eyes and dared anyone to challenge him. Alleizha walked off pretty satisfied, skipping like a child until they were both stopped by a creature that favored his nanny.

He had to admit, she was somewhat pretty for a non-human kind of creature. Fiery red-colored skin and all. The young man thought she would be even prettier if she had both horns. He couldn’t help but stare her down for a good minute even after she already made her offer. The Moroi was probably expecting an answer from the Rathor. What she didn’t know is that Brawny is a loyal dog and most of his decisions had to be co-signed by the noble. The question somewhat unphased Brawny. It only prompted Alleizha to move closer and stare her down better. The red lady’s accessories certainly caught his attention, there were only a few inches between them as he ducked low to slowly examine it all.

“I think you know he’s worth more than that,” Alleizha ignored her questions, “you haven’t even seen my talents yet either. Strength is a weakness when compared to intellect.” Alleizha shrugged before standing up straight and catching a man approaching the group just in time. He ignored Alleizha and Brawny for a minute— chatting with the red creature in front of him. So you know each other? He thought.

“Brawny.” Alleizha answered on behalf of his Rathor to the man who was genuinely impressed by the dog’s physique. He stared up at the man for a moment, taking him in. “He is almost as big as you, good sir. You seem to know the lady here as well so she may not lack the same old, tired strength necessary for whatever mission she’s trying to recruit us for.” He was hoping he was assuming something right. If she were looking for muscle, then the man could have something to do with it too. He was taking a gamble. Spewing words in hopes that he’ll land something to increase the price.

He faced the red woman again after speaking to the new guy.

“I’ll tell you what miss…” he hung on his last word to give her a chance to introduce herself. “You give us 250 farthings as a down payment. I say we’re worth it. Then we’ll discuss our closing price some other time. Of course, depending on our work. Otherwise, we’ll move on and bid you a good day.” Alleizha linked arms with his dog. Brawny was like a mountain, but he moved when Alleizha moved. The two slowly began walking off to give the Moroi a chance to accept his offer.

Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:11 am
by Miki


Vassilios may have very well been improving in many ways, yet he still found someway to interrupt her conversation. In any case, the other man with red hair spoke up rather than the tough-looking one. She noted then the fine embroidery on his clothing and raised a brow at that while his words made a smile creep across her face. Vassilios introduced herself and she did the same,
"My name is Miki. I heard you Vass, what do you reckon? 250 for the both of them, he says he's capable. Ah, fuck it, you know what? Deal, but if you're not worth your spit you can shove talk of the "down payment" business."
Having landed that promotion a few seasons ago she was much better off and had the money to burn. The other man didn't speak once, the red head had done all the talking, but introduced the other-- Brawny. Brawny was the one who was doing all the work, while the red head claimed to be smart. Like the brains of the operation she guessed, with how he haggled her up in price she believed it.

"Didn't catch your name, friend. Look, with that settled, you two ride? Hope you have a chariot, else I don't know we're going to get far. I got room for one but with Vassilios here we may have to just walk, it's not far from Traphole, about twenty minutes walk, five riding."

Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:25 am
by Vassilios
Vassilios takes a solid note of the man with red hair and the tougher-looking man and looks them down intently. The redhead doing the talking introduced his fellow - Brawny. He looked and seemed as strong as Vass. He immediately wondered if he might even be more robust than him. But there was a better time to pick a sparring match. The red-haired man seemed to be the smart one of their operation: the muscle and the brains, a classic that never went wrong. However, as he made up his mind, Miki declared to take them to their deal. “Guess you were reading my mind.” He shot back while he started to fix the crick in his neck as Miki inquired as if they were riding to their destination. While she had room for one more but brought up that since he had arrived, they may need to walk instead.

Their destination would be twenty minutes on foot, five by chariot. Hearing that, Vassilios stretched his arms and gave an eager chuckle before he spoke up, “Yeah, about that!” His tone grew more excited as he continued, “It just so happens that I got my hands on a real beast. Of course, she’s not brand new, but she is durable and cuts through the sand like a knife through butter. I have been having loads of fun with her. And I’ll bet I’ve got plenty of room for one more.”

Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 12:34 pm
by Alleizha

A familiar mischievous smile spread across Alleizha face. He kept his back to his new acquaintances for a moment, looking up at his friend with an expression that said, see? I’m not dead weight after all. Brawny responded with a heavy sigh. Tucking a strand of hair behind his ear and turning back around to face the Moroi again, Alleizha relaxed his face so as not to express much like usual.

“We’ll get our money,” Alleizha told her. It wasn’t a statement that neither assured their worth nor denied it. Rather one that let her know that they would somehow get her money no matter how this turned out. “I’m capable of many things. And I do it all in the name of fun.” He let out a low laugh that didn’t exactly look like one. But he wasn’t exactly telling a lie. The mixed blood could return home and have all the riches he could carry. Somehow, this was much more fun though. Earning money was something the locals did to survive. For him? It was a test of his competence and survival in this cold world.

“Ally.” He answered the woman. She talked of some travel and suggested that they have a chariot. Alleizha enjoyed hitching rides and traveling afoot, so he never thought of having one of those. For the first time since this conversation had started, he was thinking about being truthful with Miki. Then that Vass guy butt in and mentioned he had room for one more on his chariot.

“Perfect. That’s all that’s needed. Brawny is capable of keeping up. He may be five minutes late, but he can keep up.” Alleizha answered as the Rathor next to him began stripping out of his clothes, handing each layer to his master. Soon nothing would cover his body.

Re: Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 1:49 pm
by Miki


Miki smirked at the exclamation of doing it in the "name of fun". But who was she to tell who what dogma was right or wrong, so long as he kept up for 250 farthings worth of work it wasn't any business of her who or what he believed in. The was the Badlands, pure freedom, and the only thing she cared about. As long as she could do whatever she wanted so could anyone else so far as they left her shit alone and her out of it. Their own business and her own business was what freedom ran on, and why she started Snake Eyes to begin with.
"Alright, Ally, an apt name, you'll ride with Vassilios. I guess your uh--"
That was when she noticed the man stripping and shied away her eyes.
"Pardner can either ride with me or continue getting, well, naked for whatever reason."

She didn't miss a beat with Vassilios though and when her attention turned to him it was on him in full,
"I see, you have a chariot now. How'd you go and get that? Pocket money from side jobs I suspect, you look fitter, maybe stronger? Can't reckon, it's been some time since I have seen you."
She smiled warmly and clearly had her guard down around Vassilios. A touch of a foreign language could be heard in her voice when she spoke to him. She waved her hand out and touched his shoulder in a slight, friendly gesture before quickly removing it. A smile was on her face.

Re: Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 4:22 pm
by Vassilios
Vassilios raised a brow at the exclamation of doing it in the ‘name of fun.’ Regardless, he reasoned they would do what they needed for the 250 farthings worth of work, but it was something to believe in. Better than believing in nothing or that you just came out of thin air. They lived in the Badlands, and after hanging with Miki a few times, he sought his freedom and business. The red-haired ones introduced themselves as Ally. And Ally would be riding along with him. Not that he minded.

That was when he began to realize Brawny was stripping bare and retaining a straight face. He did work at a brothel, after all. He just brought his chariot around for Ally to hop on. He couldn’t help but grin as Miki turned her attention toward him.
“Nothing gets past you, huh? I had saved up for a good while. Saving every last coin since I was 13. I’ll tell you more later.” He answered before catching a bit of a foreign tongue when she spoke. Soon enough, her hand was on his shoulder, eliciting a look of shock from his eyes as she removed it. Vassilios caught the smile on her face and smiled back. “We oughta get on the road, shouldn’t we?”