Mourning [Vassilios]

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:20 am

14th Ash, 4622

Salen had informed Hugo of his need for time and space, whilst dealing with a traumatic grieving of his late lover, Tiberius. He wanted answers onto his cause of death and it would be better if he returned to the hideout that Tiberius had been residing in, away from the political spotlight. Yet, Salen didn't understand why he had to live such a life of suffering when he could've helped him some how, but with his criminal background that Dahlia had enforced upon him, he had no hope. There was no backing for him to ascend his Veir bloodline and continue on the work his house once did. Whatever they did. He didn't know about House Auclair's affairs, only what Degare had told him. As he approached the hideout to find a chariot outside.

He narrowed his eyes as if there was an intruder, lurking in the hideout, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush him, only that they would suffer under his hand now. He was an particularly skillful Remnomancer now, but he had so much to learn. His limits, his expectations as a mage and most importantly, his capabilities. He had to test those, but he had already suffered the effects of Magithermal Entropy to severe extent. Perhaps now, he would realise that magic was an risky business in itself. He would walk into the cave, looking around and narrowing his eyes; there appeared to be a note on the desk as he took the piece of paper from the desk and eyed it. He frowned in a state of melancholy as he read it to himself. The last remnant of his former lover, before he had been showered in execution.

Dear Salen...

If you are reading this now, I would probably be dead.

Dahlia Senerite has betrayed our Corvo house and made a deal with the Brotherhood of Demarik for her own benefit. The truth is, she didn't tell you her plans because she had already wanted to make you the offer, turning you against me. I did not want that, I wanted to protect you from it but I couldn't, I almost feel like I have myself to blame for the way you have been brainwashed into her way of thinking, she wanted to play on your hatred for the Omen, the Entente, everything so that House Demarik would have a strong ally... The truth is, that is not the way, Salen.

You are much more of a Brother of Scaeva, a member of one of the most ancient houses dating back to the origins of our subrace. Our aim is to obtain Brazim's will through the use of beguile, charm and wit. We are potentially political pioneers and yet I have watched how you have grown. I felt somewhat envious and yet comforted by your ascension that you will go far in life and succeed through the art of seduction. I've seen the way you can bring a man to their knees with your voice, your words and your particularly great intelligence.

I did envy you, but heres another thing. I will still love you no matter what happens, even if I am resting in Muid...

Please take care of yourself, you're not alone, even in death my love is still strong for you.


After reading that note, it was confirmed...

He was dead, knowing that Dahlia had this agenda all along terrified him further, it was evident that he should look into the other Corvo brotherhoods and know if there are enemies or potential allies, either way it was going to be a political war, but he was still concerned about that intruder, whoever it might be...

He narrowed his eyes vigilantly as he looked around.

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Sat Sep 10, 2022 12:16 pm

Vassilios had been lying low since he had accomplished a life-long dream while attempting to process the loss of a new friend, Ironarm, and what he had of him in the memories of darts and even gaining his new chariot, Slugger. All the while, he did not know why Ironarm did what he did for Vass. But he had stolen a chariot from the Ironmoon gang, and a bounty was on his head. And he could handle any of that down in the dumps and hitting the bottle daily!

He had been on the road for two hours, basking in the sun with the wind blowing his hair as Slugger tore through the dunes like a butter knife slicing through butter. He had heard all his life from several of his regulars how great a good chariot could drive through the Badlands, but this was touching speeds he might not have seen in years. As Vass tore through the sand with no destination in sight, Vassilios had a real ramrod. He rode for at least 20 minutes until he spotted another chariot stopping at a nearby fort. Initially thinking it might be a rest stop, Vassilios slowed down before spotting the raider rubbing his palms as Vass managed to stop between a pair of large rocks that hid Slugger from view. Vassilios heard the thief talk about looting the place for all he had and that it would be more accessible now that it was abandoned.

However, a finger tapped on his shoulder when the raider stepped in. As the raider turned around, he was sucker punched into the fort as Vassilios pounced on him. The raider tried to run away, but Vass tackled him to the floor. The foolish raider drew out a knife and hastily attempted to stab the imposing raider in his eye, but Vass grasped the raider’s hand, getting himself nicked on his face. He twisted the man’s hand as he dropped the knife. Vassilios kicked the knife away, cracked his knuckles and shoulder, and tackled the other raider as he tossed the fool outside. Vassilios approached the raider and shoved his face into his crotch. “Now, I can beat some sense into you, or you can get in your chariot and fuck off. Which will it be?” He pulled the man away with a toothsome grin as the raider muttered, “I’ll l-l-leave right now.” The raider felt Vass’ hold release him as he ran towards his chariot and drove away from the fort.

“Doesn’t he know stealing can get ya killed? Not that I can talk much…”
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Sat Sep 10, 2022 12:50 pm

Salen could hear the commotion outside, narrowing his eyes as if he had alarmed somebody. He hugged the wall and made his way towards the two men who appeared to be having an fight. Salen smirked in a devilishly feline way, watching the commotion settle onward from the distance it was at that point he eventually made his way behind him and grabbed him by both his neck and his hands, creating a metal collar, a leash and a set of handcuffs amongst him. He kicked him in his shins and pulled him by the hair with his dominant arm. It appeared to be stronger than usual as he looked into his eyes "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?" He said in a dark tone.

Salen was already pissed off by the commotion and the utter disrespect whilst he was mourning the loss of his lover, particularly when the news became so apparent and yet his aggression increases. He dragged Vassilios through the door of the hideout, not releasing his chains as he made him kneel before him. He crossed his arms and sighed "I'm going to ask again, what the fuck are you doing here..." He said as he knelted downwards, ensuring he had eye contact with the man "You better start talking this instant, or believe me I will wrack with every sense in your body... Start talking..." He said with aggression to his tone.

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Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:46 pm

The feeling of accomplishment after rescuing someone's home dashed once he felt his neck and hands grab him. And before he realized it, Vassilios was held by a metal collar, a leash, and a set of metal handcuffs on his hands as well. Being locked up like this might have been appealing in a different situation. But instead, as he spotted the shin kick, he took one but blocked the other with his shin. Vass gritted his teeth in pain as the man pulled Vass by his hair with his arm, feeling the strength in his arm.

Vass understood well that this man was infuriated by the struggle and the circumstances under his being here. Vassilios found himself dragged through the door and brought to kneel before this strange and angered man, ensuring that they had eye contact. He heard him ask this before, but he could see the aggression in his voice the second time he voiced his previous question. Vass took a sharp breath before he spoke at last "Since that is how it's going to be, the name's Vassilios. I was driving around on my Chariot and spotted that limp-dick jerk trying to loot your place. I don't know him, but I decided to stop and maybe wait until the owner returned. I guess that's you." Breathing once again, Vass spoke with matching aggression. "Now you know who the fuck I am, so how's about you tell me who you are…." He paused as he looked at the chains and collar. "And why don't you let me out of these cuffs? You're pissed off. Why don't you get it off your chest, eh?"
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Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:02 am

His eyes wondered towards the other male as he silently paced back and forth, keeping his eye on him. He eventually kneels down and stares deeply into his eyes for a moment, before moving his right hand towards his chin. His gaze lingered as his hand would unveil into a silvery grey claw with red arcane markings amongst it, he drags the tip of his sharp fingers amongst the other's neck "Hmm..." He lingered in thought as he stood up for a moment, stepping back as he channeled his ether to proceed to Voyage into Vassilios' mindscape. The truth had to be found out in many ways, including penetrating the mind and searching the Engrams within, he casted Junction on the recent one to see if he genuine.

He was watching the events which appeared to have been repeated outside of the Raider he had subdued; he was released upon his trance-like state and back into reality "Hmm..." He proceeded to release the man as he was searching around the place for Tiberius' old chariot. It turned out there was no sign of it when he realised there were tire tracks in the sand, indicating that it was stolen, or driven by Tiberius when he last died. He noticed bloodstains on the table, which appeared to trail towards where the tires were made. The last remaining thing was the tools on his desk.

Necromancy tools.

Salen didn't know how to use them, but they would be useful for the future as he proceeded to place them within his satchel "Fuck... It's gone..." He said with a sigh, before thinking to himself for a moment, he wondered if he could play the sympathy game with the strapping lad in front of him. There was only one way he could find out, he walked up to him "So, if you weren't stealing and protecting this land, then where you doing so? Part of a gang?" He asked curiously.

"What's your motives? And be honest... I can see through lies..." It was true, Salen's eyes would meet the taller's man as he crossed his arms as if he was trying to size him up, but it seemed less of a subtle attempt that he had imagined.

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Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:12 pm

Vass’ eyes wondered what was on his mind as he began to pace back and forth, while his eyes never left him. He eventually knelt as they made eye contact once more as his hand unveiled a silvery gray claw adorned with unusual red markings, eliciting an expression of concern as those sharp fingers dragged amongst the Vass’ neck. As the man stepped back as he was planning to do something, but to him, he suddenly stopped moving.

What exactly was this man trying to do? And WHY was he doing it in the first place? Was he about to kill him from the inside out? Was he about to make him explode? His thought stopped with relief as the man freed himself from his trance-like state and returned to reality. A simple ‘hmm’ and Vass’ looked at him with furrowed brows as he released while looking for something important. He did see what he was looking for until he noticed the tracks in the sand but acknowledged the blood stains on the table, a familiar sight on the desk, and something that put him slightly at ease.

Necromancy tools.

“I take it that you’re not a necromancer, are you?” Vass teased before the man approached and asked Vass what he was doing there. “As I said, I was driving around, spotted a looter, and ‘subdued’ him, as you put it.” He began with his brows furrowing from earlier as he placed his hands on his hips. “I’m in no gang. I’m a bartender and a prostitute at the Well of Fortune - a smoking bar & brothel that you should check out one of these days - I was stopping a looter. That’s the base of it. Unless you’re planning to do whatever you did earlier, I’ll hop on my Chariot and leave you in peace unless you want to get something off your chest and maybe do something. You seem pretty pissed off about something. I’m all ears, handsome.”
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Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:33 pm

Salen turned back around and began to rummaging around some old bits and pieces of Tiberius' until he stopped on his ring. He looked at it for a moment and realised it was the same ring that Dahlia had taken from him some time ago and threw it away out of abuse. He would pause for a moment in some kind of melancholic trance as he was reminiscing on the fact. He eventually began to channel his ether, pervading a memory into the ring, before wearing it and sighing. As the other male asked the question, he simply answered, not turning his back "No... I'm not a necromancer..." He responded, continuing to look around for any bits and pieces he can find that may be useful. He had already obtained the necromancy kit, but there had to be other things.

Salen listened to the rambling of the other male, until he mentioned he was no gang member but a bartender at a local hotspot, the Well of Fortune. His narrowed his eyes and smiled devilishly at the proposition, before he turned around "Perhaps I am pissed off... What is there to relieve me, will there be food, water, a hot bath aswell? Maybe something on the side aswell?" He spoke in a suave alluring tone, husky and baritone. He eventually circled the man like a shark, before making eye contact with him, this time Beguiler appeared to be stronger than ever.

"Would you take me there perhaps? And then bring me to the edge of the badlands, southwards... I need to get to Boghadar. A rest stop for now doesn't hurt..." He said with a smile "Does it, handsome?" He returned the compliment.

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Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:22 pm

Vassilios watched as the man rummaged around here and there about the place until he stumbled upon a ring. As the man paused for a moment, Vass picked up some unusual trance, like that ring had some significance to him. For a second there, Vassilios believed he had the man’s curiosity piqued with his proposition at the end of his endless search. He turned around and inquired about the Well of Fortune as Vassilios watched him circle like a shark. “Food and water are a guarantee. But we could work out a hot bath and more~ New patrons are always welcome to the Well. Maybe you’ll become a regular as well!” Vass answered in an enticing tone, watching the man circle him like a shark circling its prey. They made eye contact again, but soon a toothsome pulled on his lips.

Vass listened intently to the man needing to get to the edge of the Badlands, naming the place Boghadar. “Boghadar, huh? My memory is cloudy, but I hear that the place is wonderful. But before that,” Vassilios narrowed his gaze at the man. ” I have a few burning questions before I even let you on my Chariot. Who the heck are you? Second, what is up with your hand? And third of all, what the fuck did you do to me back there? You held that hand and just froze in place? What did you do?” He asked with a curious glare at the man. “You know my angle here. What’s yours?”
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Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:51 pm

Salen wasn't a fan of answering lingering questions of doubt that occured from another man, maybe Beguiler had only partically worked. He laughed as he narrowed his eyes at him "Burning questions? Those will have to wait, after all, don't you like surprises?" He said with a suave note to his voice, he moved closer to the other male, placing one hand upon the male's chest as Salen chose to dreamdive in his Reverie once again, only this time he would dive deeper, he would eventually cast Junction to activate the Engram, followed by Falsification to alter the events and narratives of the engram that was recently created in Vassilios' memory palace, ensuring that Vassilios would never remember the Shaper or any of his Corvo traits.

Perhaps it would be best if he didn't know about any of his Corvo tendencies, to protect the remainder of his brethen in the Scaeva covens of Daravin. Salen would proceed to continue to seduce Vassilios "Are we clear on that thought?" He asked the other male. Suddenly, they appeared to be cornered by the raiders who had taken liberty to clean out the place, Vassilios and Salen would find themselves cornered by another gang in the Badlands.

"Well well, it appears that we have some company already, why don't you fuck off! Clear out, or we'll make you..." Salen would appear to remain expressionless for a moment as he observed their weapons, some of them were armed with guns and rifles, some with axes and machetes. They appeared to have lethal weapons, so it may have been better to escape whilst he could, but what would Vassilios do in this situation?

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Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:11 pm

The man's laughter did not ease Vassilios' mind about questions. Instead, his concerns proceeded as the man placed his hand on his chest as he chose; he did something unusual again. In a moment, what he thought he saw just seconds ago seemed to play out differently than what he had just witnessed. His head felt fuzzy briefly like he was in the middle of something. But for the moment, he was trying to profess his innocence against the looter from a moment ago. And he was hopeful that this man was close to believing him.

As the pieces put themselves together, this man was seducing him, which brought a slight smile to his face. "Just about-" He managed to work out before he realized that a group of raiders had taken the liberty of cleaning out the place and concerned them. Both he and this new guy were already cornered by another gang while trying to set one another straight. "Well, shit," Vassilios muttered under his breath. Vassilios kept up a straight face for a split second while observing their weapons, some armed with axes, guns, and rifles. Each of them was armed to kill.

If he had a smoke bomb, they could bum rush their way to the door with decent cover, run to Slugger and clear off. But he didn't have a smoke bomb. So, unfortunately, Vassilios looked at his strange new friend and thought to do something he was not known for doing: Thinking. So Vassilios looked to his eccentric new friend, looked to the door, and whispered, "I am about to try something crazy. If this doesn't work, let's fight our way to my chariot."

He took a deep breath and finally piped up. "Come now. I'll bet we can avoid a loss of limbs today." He spoke with a sophisticated note to his voice. He began strolling closer to the gang members. As the sturdy fabric slowly shook off, Vassilios revealed only bare skin. His sturdy shoulders and broad chest were covered with a tasteful covering of dark hair. Underneath his collarbone was the eponymous tattoo of his work, 'Play Nice' on the left and 'Play Rough' on the right. "Here's your chance for a little fun with a fellow Raider." He grinned as he flexed his pectorals. "If it pleases you, I'll see to it that each of you is satisfied. Any takers?"
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