Unbroken with Ambition

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Location: Daravin
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Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:27 pm

51st Glade, 4622

Days went by, supply depot after supply depot, followed by the tender loving care of Salen’s injuries that he endured. Still, he was in no good state; Tiberius had wished that he had taken his kit with him whilst spying all those years. He had been worried for his well being, like any lover would be; his love for him was strong, yet there was something that Salen didn’t feel. He never felt it all, only because of the tragic dimming of his memories, breaking the connection between the feeling of love. Neurologically, he had to find other ways of feeling it, for it was difficult to return such memories without a skillful Remnomancer, one which could reverse the damage done by the use of Junction.

It was the worst thing someone could possibly do, take away their engramic functions to perceive love, to perceive the stimulants that the brain could encounter. It only strengthened the rolling chorus of melancholy, self-doubt and cynicism that Salen had felt. Was he doubting that he loved Tiberius? Was he doubting that he would run off with someone else? He couldn’t answer those questions, but only linger on the deep thoughts of abandonment that he felt. He had felt it before, when he was taken away from him and now he chooses to return into his life? For what purpose did he do this? To torture him or to actually commit his life to him? All those emotions circled in Salen’s thoughts as he was being carried by him.

The next thing, would he stay, or would he go?

They raced across the shifting dunes of the corrupted desert away from Amoren and all the political wars of the Entente’s schemes. There was no other way for Salen and Tiberius to go, other than the badlands. The Sil’Norai had a bounty against his head, for someone he was falsely accused of a crime which Dahlia had fabricated against him.

The ride was long, tiring and tedious, that Salen held on as fast as he could; it was lucky he wasn’t in a bad state, but he was still in pain; the bruised ribs from a week ago after escaping had starting to take effect, yet the posture on the chariot wasn’t helping as he straddled tightly against Tiberius.

“Hang on, it won’t take long…”

“How do you know?” Salen asked.

“Trust me, I know the badlands…”

“Seems like we’re just going around in circles…”

Tiberius sighed at Salen’s relentless whining, it was obvious he was in pain, but there was nothing he could do in terms of his treatment. “I’m doing the best I can…” Tiberius stopped for a moment, right in the middle of the desert; his body language changed as he stiffened up, appearing to be in a flux of anguish and sorrow. His lover appeared ungrateful at the times he had gotten him out of trouble.

“How come, everytime you get yourself in trouble, you act like you’re so badly done to, when it was you who instigated it in the first place.”

Salen gave him a hostile glare at the way Tiberius had conducted himself “Do you think I had asked for this? Do you think I asked to be hunted? Do you think I instigated this?” He lashed out intensely, before Tiberius shook his head “I just wished you’d be a bit more careful, you’re gonna get yourself killed one day, or someone else hurt…” The consideration of his actions was all Tiberius had asked for, for he had been constantly worrying about Salen’s downward spiral.

It was true, he was downward spiralling.

He was so oblivious that it was a clueless concept; it had been a dark time for Salen in the darkest times of his life. Tiberius’ attacks did not help, even though he was trying to knock some sense into Salen’s mind, it still didn’t change the fact that he had no trust for anyone.

“I think it’s best if we find the hideout fast before we get lost in a corruption storm… I don’t want the Madness…” Tiberius uttered.

“Splendid idea…” Salen responded as he waited for Tiberius to climb on and held him tight. He started the engine of the chariot and drove as fast as he could through the desert dunes.

Moments later, they could see a giant broken down Dimp in the distance, it appeared to have clockwork architecture and ancient advanced technological structures. Salen was intrigued by it for a moment, but didn’t stop Tiberius, instead he watched in the distance as they noticed him walking around the place.

Badlanders, anarchists and ruffians.

Tiberius’ eyes narrowed as he continued to drive through their area as Salen appeared to be alarmed for a moment “Wait? Are you sure?”

“There's a storm in the distance, we have no time.”


The engine of the chariot roared louder with each passing breath as Salen looked behind, they zoomed past the badlanders amongst their chariots, who appeared to be hurrying into the dimp as shelter against the storm. Tiberius put his foot on the accelerator as fast as he could, making Salen panic.

“Shit… The storm, it looks like it’s gaining…”

“Yeah, we need to make it to the shelter on time, I’m going as fast as I can!” Tiberius uttered with panic in his voice.

At last, they were close to the hideout as he put the foot further down on the accelerator. Salen gripped on tightly around Tiberius as they made it towards a cave in which he skidded the chariot into. He sighed with relief as he looked at Salen who appeared to be terrified from the risks that Tiberius took to get them to safety.

“You see Salen, I take necessary risks, you take risks that are beyond the reason of logic.”

Salen knew he was right, but he didn’t want to argue about it, instead he kept quiet for a moment, taking in the sounds of whistling coming from outside the cave. They had to wait for the corruption storm to pass. Tiberius had brought out his necromancy tools and lifted Salen’s shirt up, inspecting the bruises he had acquired from the fight.

He prodded to check if there were signs of swelling or broken bones, but it appeared that he was clean. He sighed with relief as he shook his head, knowing that he didn’t need to perform any kind of necro-surgery on him “Salen… Please… Don’t get yourself in any danger like that again…”

“I don’t make promises I can’t keep, Tiberius… But I’ll try.”

“I mean it, I don’t wanna see you die in my arms…”

“I already felt like I’ve seen that once.” Salen sighed.

He knew how he felt when he lost Tiberius the first time, imagine if it was him this time; how would Tiberius have felt? Devastated, gutted and maybe even as he felt; it was the love that felt like a body part or vital organ had been severed right from the place that hurts the most. The heart. It ached harshly for Salen when he first lost him, but he couldn’t imagine the worry that Tiberius would feel, knowing he was much different now.

Salen had been more prone to risk-taking behaviour ever since the day he had lost him and the memories that held his response to love together. It seemed that Salen had given up on that option. He was selfish, but he wasn’t cruel; only to his enemies that he brought scorn forth to them.

“Salen… Look at me…”

The eye contact was intense for a moment as there was still a hint of worry on his face. Perhaps the worry hadn’t settled after all. It was still there, festering inside of him, for one day he may have to fill a certain responsibility.

A certain oath.

“Please… Don’t do anything stupid.”

As time passed, all they could do now was wait for the corruption storm to pass and decide their next course of action.

“If you need to hide, Leverin is safe… Dahlia has alot of enemies there, she once slipped up on one of her cases and undermined a few Veir. Ever since, she has never been welcome in Rallion. I suggest you head there.”

Salen’s eyes widened for a moment. “What about you?”

“No, I’m not prepared to let you live the life I have to live… Leverin it is, don’t worry about me…”



“I promise I will clear your name…”

word count: 1471
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Mimi Pidders
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Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:52 am

Unbroken with Ambition

XP: 6 XP
Lores: None (are you sure you don't want any?)
Loot: No shinies
Injuries: Those sustained from prior thread carry over
I'm not sure Tiberius and Salen are right for each other, because I think Salen is going to keep taking risks in order to accomplish his aims. Maybe it'll work out, though.
word count: 113
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