A Memory For You

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Location: Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
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Mon May 16, 2022 4:30 pm

Continued from Through the Looking Glass

Tiberius took a moment from the playful wrestling that they had whistled, before he took his arms around Salen, who leaned on top him, playfully nuzzling along his neck as if he was so desperate. The tears in Salen’s eyes never seemed to settle, knowing that there was a sense of anxiety, perturbation and discomfort from when Tiberius moved away from him. The hands would cling even more desperately as if he was not wanting to let go for a moment. “Tiberius, just hold me close, hold me tight and do not ever let go.”

Tiberius’ could feel the shaking and cold shivers of his lover next to him as he wrapped his arms around him, kissing him on the forehead as he nuzzled into him “Salen… What’s wrong?” He asked. The moment he asked, he turned his head and nuzzled into him “Nothing… I’m just thinking…”

“Care to share?”

Tiberius chose to rest his chin on top of Salen’s, his hands lingered around his waist once more as he kissed his cheek once more. The strong hands would caress his side once more, suckling on his neck; Salen stared into space for a moment, as if he was in a trance “Can you… Pervade something for me…” His eyes were desperate as his plea for the request was desperate.

“She dimmed them… Those memories; the memories of us together… I can only remember certain parts of our relationship, but I wanna remember all of it.” He said. Tiberius’ eyes were widened with shock as the revelation was sickening to his stomach, it was almost as if he could feel the anguish and torture that he had face from years of service to the woman. It was only unlucky that Brazim had asked her to initiate him.

Perhaps everything happened for a reason.

“It’s torture… You don’t realise.”

Tiberius frowned as strokes his fingers through his silvery and brown locks of hair, nuzzling into his neck; the moment of heaven was drowning in Salen’s melancholy, for only Tiberius had the answers. The memories that were so precious to him were locked within the person who loved him.

Torment. Anguish. Fear. Perturbation.

The emotions that were created if Salen would try to remember were dark, grim and full of anger; yet, the guilt of trying to move on made him even more worried; it was certain that there was nothing but an empty void to fill deep inside; so, it would seem that the magic had gone from the relationship, but yet revived by a single meeting in the Reverie. A meeting which sparked curiosity and even more anguish for Salen, that it would be Tiberius who would have to pick up the pieces of a broken man; it wasn’t his fault but yet there was so much blame, so much animosity between himself that Salen couldn’t let go of what Dahlia had done.

He wanted revenge. He wanted justice. Will it be served cold?

“I may not know how it feels, Salen, but I can see that you’re in pain…” He answered.

The tears would turn into uncontrollable sobbing for a moment as he leaned into him; a shoulder to cry on was the thing that he needed right now; or so it would seem, the relationship was still healthy, but it wouldn’t be the same. The damage had already been done from Dahlia’s pathetic meddling and her cruel ways.

“I hate them all… The Entente, the Omen… Every living existence of them…” The pestilent venom in his voice was malignant as he spewed the words out with harsh, sharp undertones. Every word was punctuated as the baritone growl of his voice, gruffened the words. Tiberius could feel the sharpness in his voice and his heart sank; he hated seeing Salen in an emotional stupor of his own tears “They feed like leeches! Leeches that’ll find every opportunity to strike… Only if they fell, they wouldn’t like it… As long as it doesn’t affect them, they don’t care if they strike at the hearts of others…” He uttered, wiping his tears as he shook his head.

The emotional trauma appeared to be too much, Tiberius wrapped his arms and kissed along his neck before answering the plea that Salen had made before “I’d do anything for you, my love… Anything at all. Of course I’ll pervade my memories for you… Although, I’m not making any promises it’s going to work… You’re a stronger Remnomancer than I am, much more stronger.” He rubbed his cheek and kissed his cheek “If I asked you the same thing, you could probably do it in a flash… I believe in you, I trust in you and more importantly, I love you…”

Salen smiled as he looked back at him and smiled “I love you too… More than anything in this world, I… I just don’t want to leave you out here, alone…”

“I’ll be fine, Salen…”

Tiberius took off one of his claw necklaces that hung loose from his shirt and placed it upon the bed. Tiberius channeled his ether as he focused and maintained concentration in trying to remember the Engram that he is Pervading onto the necklace. However, the strain was too much for him, in which Salen shook him.

“Stop… Don’t strain…”

“But I need to do this, for you…”

“No, it’s ok… You’re not ready” Salen sighed.

There was a hint of sadness in his voice, a hint of dissatisfaction that appeared to linger on him, but he knew it wasn’t his fault. Tiberius was only a fledgling Remnomancer compared to him and a much more stronger mentalist. There was no way he could Pervade an item of his control.

“I’m sorry love… I tried.”

“It’s alright, instead… Why don’t you look after something for me?”

Salen took the necklace and channeled his ether, unlike Tiberius, the usage of Pervade appeared to be more successful. The object’s aura was surrounded by a cloudy effect, as if the item had been surrounded by the night of magic hour as the multiple Engrams that he remembered created a mnemonic trace within it. Tiberius looked at the item with awe; hinting Salen to put it around his neck as he looked deeply into his eyes.

“It’s to show I trust you… With this, my memories… If I lose some of them, I know I can find you, to get them back…”

“I… I’m honored, Salen…”

“So am I…”

Tiberius smirked as he tugged on the band of Salen’s pants and pulled him closer, groping his butt whilst he was at it “Well… We’ve got some time before we leave; enough time to make you scream in pleasure…” The carnal implication of his suggestive tone now lingered in Salen’s mind as he narrowed his eyes; giving him a feline gaze as he turned around and groped his pectorals.

“You better have a shirt then” He said before casually taking his shirt and ripped it from the front as Tiberius gasped, shaking his head as the mood changed. Once sadness, now it was playful provocative and extremely sexual in nature. Their scents collided with each other as the pheromones would linger now.

“So… Are you going to stand there and stare in shock, or are you going to fuck me; because you know how impatient I get when I’m horny...” Salen answered.

“I love it when you’re a demanding little brat.”

“You’ll love it when I’m in control.” Salen snickered.

Tiberius would tackle Salen as he yelped out in playful force; the playful laughter between the two men would continue before they kissed once again; it was sweet, tender and passionate, but yet Tiberius loved Salen aggressively and vice versa.

The question was, what would they get up to?

word count: 1347
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Sun May 22, 2022 3:14 am

☠ A Memory For You ☠
☠ Points awarded:
  • 5 - Can be used for magic
☠ Lores:
  • Remnant: Pervade - Imbuing an Object with a Mnemonic Trace.
    Remnant: Pervade - Choosing a Memory to Imbue with.
    Remnant: Pervade - A Form of Protection from Ill Intentioned Remnomancers.
    Remnant: Pervade - The Imbued Object is Activated by Touch.
    Seduction: Proposition
    Seduction: Bluntness can be sexy
☠ Loot:
  • +1 Imbued Necklace for Tiberius
☠ Injuries:
  • N/A
☠ Mage Blight:
  • N/A
☠ Notes:
  • Your thread has appeased the vengeful spirits and saved your soul from damnation, congratulations!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 156
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