
The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Location: Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Wed May 11, 2022 9:02 am

Glade 12th, 4622

The Remnomancer’s gaze was still for a moment as he was in elusive dreaming for a moment. It appeared that he awoke beside Tiberius who was sleeping. He smiled as he rubbed his hand across the man’s cheek “Tiberius…” He spoke low; the sorrow in his eyes could be seen as he laid there.

“Why don’t we lay here a while longer?” He said softly. Tiberius felt his hand as he opened his eyes, smiling “Sure, my love.” He said. Those such words that he hadn’t heard in a long time. The bittersweet moment they had as he laid against him smiling, reminiscing on the moments they had together “I know that this is only temporary…” He said, looking at him before he shook his head “I… I don’t remember most of our important moments, I wish I could, but… I had it robbed of me.”

“She’s done it to so many people, made so many lives a misery.”

“Including mine, Tibbers…”

Tiberius’ eyes saddened as he wrapped his arm around him and squeezed him tightly, trailing kisses down his neck as he comforted him. Salen stared at the ceiling as if it was a thousand yards away from him “I… I… It’s… been difficult without you. If I knew this would happen, I kinda wished we would’ve left Daravin and started a new life together…” He nodded, knowing that Salen had so much regret lingering within him.

At that moment, Tiberius would channel his ether, connecting a tether to Salen and began to cast Minstrel; however, it was no use. There wasn’t any joy for Tiberius to use; not yet atleast. The times were indeed difficult as the betrayal of Dahlia had left a mark on his soul “Sure, Dahlia has no power over me… Unless…” He thought as he narrowed his eyes towards Tiberius, before sitting up from the bed and looked back at him. “Wait… You were her Valran, that means you know something. She tried to dispose of you, didn't she?”

Tiberius appeared to be annoyed by the bring up of the situation as it was a tender moment, ruined by the application of politics in the conversation “I vowed no secrets from you, but I must say it’s extremely annoying that you bring up such a fact right in the middle of me, loving you up.” He sighed “I did vow not to keep secrets from you though, If you must know. I… Well, Dahlia is a scapegoat, not without her confidants supporting her every move.” He seemed even more agitated by the soured mood of their romantic expressions earlier, declared by the bitterness in his voice.

For him, it was a rightful thing to know and he had understood Salen’s pain.

Salen’s eyes furrowed and raised “You mean, she’s standing on a glass pedestal just because she commands a cult?”


The woman was merely a charlatan, a fraudster in Daravin’s court, relying on other people for her services. However, Salen knew that there were flaws in a system like that. Personal vendettas, changes of interest; they were all common in Daravin’s circle “I’m going to need some help…”

Tiberius smirked, “You’re going against the Black Orchid?”

“What’s that?”

“Dahlia’s syndicate, known for exchanging information towards Veir, connecting to other Veir’s secret lives and scandalous approaches. They expose blasphemers, criminals and those who break the Candor.” He simply stated, although it wasn’t difficult to know that all nobles in Daravin were scheming. Especially with Dahlia’s abuse of Remnant as a source of her findings, there was a complete disregard for whether she was credible or not. If she had evidence she would use it like a cheap journalist.

“This is dangerous, Salen… They are not to be meddled with.”

“I’m afraid I have my own agenda, Tiberius.” He said with a sigh “You know I don’t take no for an answer in this situation.”

The silver haired Sil’Norai sighed “What are you planning…”

“Destruction.” Salen bluntly stated “Since you know so much and have been handling Dahlia’s affairs, it’s up to you to tell me. No secrets, no lies…” He said coldly as he was focused on the task at hand, focused on the destruction of House Senerite.

“Salen, please…”

“I’m not changing my mind, Tiberius… What the fuck do you think I am, I’m going to give her everything she deserves. I’m going to take everything from her!” He heaved with anger as his rage blinded him from the fact that Tiberius was concerned.


“NO!” He shouted as he pulled away from Tiberius and pushed him back as he got up from the bed “I’m not… Letting a fucking tyrant wreck our lives as we kneel at the mercy of their magic, its either we take control… Or we’ll be in this mess forever. You’ll always be hiding, always on the run.” He simply stated as he looked at the man and shook his head “Who would want to live a life like that? Because, I don’t…”

Tiberius was shocked, had never seen Salen so angry before, possibly because of his separation and other things. It appeared to have worsened over time to the point where his stubbornness had increased. “You’re heading towards a death trap, Salen…”

“I can handle it. Are you doubting me?” He glared over in Tiberius’ direction “Because if you are, then why the hell are you in love with me?” Salen’s anger was sharp, aggressive as he stood up to the taller man’s stature, looking him deeply in the eyes “Answer me.” Tiberius simply felt provoked, narrowing his eyes, contemplating whether he should let Salen’s stubbornness get the better of him. To let him go and deal with the consequences. However, the thought came of turmoil within him, the tears he cried put him in general concern.

“I’m protecting you, Salen. You don’t know how difficult it’s been, I know it’s been a year… A year can be a long time, I had doubts that I’d ever see you again and yet here you are. Right in front of me.” His voice quivered in sadness as Salen’s stubbornness began to upset him even more.

“Protect me?” Salen snickered, shaking his head as he pretended to be shocked “Protect me from what? There’s no protection from it, Tibbers; I know she’s after me… What do you expect me to do, not be able to fight? To just stand there and take it? I’m no-one’s punching bag…”

“Again, Salen I can’t defend you…”

“I’m not asking you to, I’m asking you to believe in me and by protecting me, is that going to do anything? No, I have to deal with this”

“I’m not going to lose you again, the answer is no! You don’t have to do this alone.” Tiberius asserted.

“I will if I need to…” Salen said with a sigh.

“Remember what you told me all those years ago, when I was like this? Your burdens are my burdens…”

Salen’s eyes would water once again as the raw emotions circled around him, filling him with pain and doubt. If only he had a way of dealing with it. Tiberius spoke as he comforted him “Salen, after realising you were here in the dreamscape; when you willingly contacted me… You’re… Going to leave me again?”

The two would look distantly in their eyes as Tiberius wrapped his arms around Salen and squeezed him tight, nuzzling his nose into his neck and kissing along his jawline, as if desperate to plea to him. Salen was overrun with emotions as he said that as a tear drooped down his cheek once again, as he wiped his cheek. The warm embrace of the other man made him more comfortable “I… I don’t… I don’t wanna lose you, but I’m still going to stop them, Tiberius… I know you know something about them, you were her Valran after all.”

“Until she made that pathetic excuse of a lie.”

“And I wanna help you clear your name, you see… There's this old fellow named Degare, who’s in the same predicament as I am in. Only, he’s more protected than I am. I’m just an outsider, but with his help, he can help me elevate my family status.” He reiterated as if there was a beacon of hope shining upon him.

“Family status?”

“Yes! I’m apparently a descendant of House Auclair, there’s no doubt Dahlia destroyed my house and kept the spoils of it to herself... I realized that she was only trying to control me. She thinks I’m a threat because I’m the last surviving heir. I can bring that house back, I can put a stop to Dahlia’s lies… I… Could even ask you to be my Valran or even… Husband if that’s what you want” He asked.

“Salen… I… That’s too much to ask for.” Tiberius remained modest about the situation, knowing there was perhaps a lot to gain but also a lot to lose. Tiberius knew the cost of becoming a member of the Entente for he too had displayed mentality in the Candor.

“You mean all this time, you had Entente blood in you?”

“Yes, I didn’t know until Degare mentioned it…” He shrugged as Tiberius put his hand on his shoulder, smiling as he sighed “Alright, I’ll agree to help you…” He nodded in submission of his answer. Salen didn’t exactly have a plan in place but he needed to make one.


That’s the strategy.

word count: 1664
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Joined: Sat Mar 20, 2021 5:46 pm

Sun May 22, 2022 3:07 am

☠ Revelations ☠
☠ Points awarded:
  • 5
☠ Lores:
  • Spycraft: Subtlely Interrogating Someone.
    Spycraft: Forming an Alliance.
    Spycraft: Insider Knowledge is Important.
    Seduction: Tender kisses
    Seduction: Warm and Tender Remarks
    Seduction: Manipulating one's emotions
☠ Loot:
  • N/A
☠ Injuries:
  • N/A
☠ Mage Blight:
  • N/A
☠ Notes:
  • Your thread has appeased the vengeful spirits and saved your soul from damnation, congratulations!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 128
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