
The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Location: Daravin
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Sat Apr 23, 2022 3:35 pm

Glade 11th, 4622

Another day at this shitty bar, and I couldn’t even get a decent night’s sleep. Was too busy thinking about Tiberius when I met him in the Reverie. It really shook me up, knowing what we had been through together and what had happened. I deserved the truth. He didn’t have to leave me hanging for all those years with nothing but a hefty anchor of thoughts, weighing me down into nothing but a broken husk. It felt like I was drowning, failing to keep up with my task.

Dahlia had hit us both hard. Bitch, I could think of so many names for her for what a truly evil woman she is. Although the truth is Entente were evil. Spiteful. I watch them every day at those parties, gambling away their life of something they call the Candor.

Candor, my ass.

As usual, I’d prepare my routine for those badlander gangs, serving them drinks and every goddamn need under the sun. I was minding my own business until my ass got swatted. Fucking pervert. What did you expect from a couple of lowlife bastards living in a fucking shithole. It wasn’t there fault though, it was either be a slave to the Entente for the rest of your life, or perish in the badlands. Even I knew that as a Daravinic citizen, who grew up in adverse conditions, scraping by for just a simple initiation.

I got what I wanted, but it was only out of spite. A Mark of Nightfall. Yet, I didn’t want to be a part of the big boy’s club. Fighting the way through the ranks like mad ravens, trying their best to get every scrap of power for themselves. No thanks.


I said as I bumped into another man, accidentally slopping some of the beer on his jacket. It didn’t matter that much. It was leather right? Not like some Entente male would actually come in begging for a beer? They’d probably end up dead with the rowdy gangs that infiltrate this area.

Derek, the bartender beckoned me over at the bar, with that usual perpetual smirk on his face. The kind where you would want to punch the guy in the face. I had to keep my cool though, he was paying me after all and I needed the money. Couldn’t turn down a good ol’ dime.

“Someone’s waiting for you in room 84.”


I wouldn’t get any customer’s at this time. Perhaps this was some sort of prank, or unless… Shit… Dahlia’s agents? That bitch was still hunting me for refusing to kill a fellow friend. I had nothing against Degare. I made a promise to return to him, but right now things were sticky. I had nowhere else to go other than this cesspit.

It was time to see what they wanted in room 84. I slowly made my way through the room, treading cautiously up the stairs, expecting someone to hurl themselves at me with a weapon. They were assassins after all, I had to be careful.

I turned the door knob, opened the door and I found someone unexpectedly laying there. Silver blonde hair, toned musculature and that shit-eating grin of disrespect when I walk into the room. I wanted to fucking punch the fucker for making me wait in anticipation.

“Tiberius, so you stay true to your word.”

“Haven’t I always?”

He did have a point, he always kept all of his promises and never made promises that he couldn’t keep. He was an honest man, earnest towards his friends. Sneaky and conniving towards his foes. He knew the Candor very well as he had served Dahlia’s will through Valranship. He was lucky in a way, since he had more control over the situation than I did. If only I knew what he knew, that way we would’ve been better partners.

I smiled, snickering at his mere intention to disrespect me once again. I knew it was only playful, but yet he brought me for the night. What other shit is going to go flying out of his mouth.

“I’m not surprised.”

“Well, I brought you for the night. Tonight, you’re my whore and tomorrow night you’re my lover once again.”

I rolled my eyes, I knew he would come up with something like that. Dirty scoundrel. I didn’t feel like anything amorous for the night though, just a simple peace and quiet. Alone time with him. It had been a long time since we were last together. A year had passed and it felt so lonely.

Here he is.


He was right in front of my eyes and I couldn’t help but shed a tear. It was a rare moment when I did that. I wasn’t much of a cryer, but when things did affect me that hard. I would. It was only natural to feel some sort of reaction of love once again.

I closed the door, removed my leather vest and popped it on the side, laying down gently amongst Tiberius’ warm embrace. I savoured the moment as I held him tight, kissing at his chest and squeezing him, like he was going to go away. The fact is, I didn’t know if he was going to disappear again.

Oh by Brazim’s fruits of labour.

He has returned.

In my arms once again. I was scared of letting him go. It was then I curled up into a fetal position and squeezed him so hard, crying and whimpering like a child. I had never cried so much in my life, for if I continued I would’ve probably flooded Daravin with my own reign of salty tears. At least that was one way of getting rid of the god damn population of mages who were exploitative in their methods of politics.

“I missed you…”

I’d feel his warm hand grab mine as he felt somewhat suffocated by my presence. It wasn’t my fault I was so needy all this time. It was just the way I was, knowing how addicted I became to him when he first set eyes on me, during my initiation day. The day I passed my test of magical strength and the day I became an agent of Brazim’s will.

Only it wasn’t Brazim’s will.

It was Dahlia’s will.

He chuckled at my response as he tuffled my hair, I’d lean into his hand like a kitten begging for scritches “I missed you too, Salen.” He would respond in his low masculine husk.

It sent shivers down my spine, that I could feel the lust build up.

“I wanna give you something, Salen.”

“What is it?”

“My Mark… For you to remember me by.”

Was he for real? Did he know the risks of giving me such a mark? What could’ve possibly gone through his entire head.

“Your mark?”

“My Mark of Mentalism.”

I knew he was serious, his eyes were fixated on me, like they were staring into my soul. He was serious about this and yet I was scared. What if I become a husk? I knew the risks very well of a Mentalism initiation as I saw so many fail under my master’s care.

I loved him.

I’d do anything for him.


Was I sure? No. I was frightened, knowing that any magical initiation could go wrong. I had a bad experience during my Nightfall Initiation after I succeeded. There were so many complications with this one however. Was I able to control my emotions? There was only one way to find out.

Tiberius drew the mark on the back of my neck as a purple aura engulfed my face. A holographic picture of a face appeared in front of me, making eye contact. It smiled at me, but it was taunting me to smile back. I refused to give in. Why would I give in? The temptation to smile back was there, but yet I didn’t. I would recognise this Reverie as the Reverie of Happiness, Joy and Elation.


The hologram morphed into a weeping woman, who appeared to be crying. I could feel the melancholy build up, but yet the urge to cry was there. I kept myself poised at all times, even though I was in a state of bad emotions myself. I had to push through, fighting the Reverie of Sadness, Melancholy and Sorrow.


The hologram would morph into a man who was angry, full of rage, who wanted me to feel the same thing. I did not let my emotions get the better of me, for I knew how painful they were. Still I had to beat this as my emotions were in control, they took down the Reverie of Anger, Wrath and Madness.


After that Reverie was defeated, the hologram morphed into a screaming banshee. This was the difficult test, to see whether he would succumb to fear. Most aspiring mentalists would actually fail on this test, because fears are irrational. Even I knew that. I stared into the woman’s eyes as she screamed further, revealing her horrific gestures. I didn’t let it scare me, for I knew this was the Reverie of Fear, Torment and Nightmares.


The final test was revealed, perhaps the most difficult one since it had involved the last Reverie. The Reverie in which all Corvo couldn’t resist as my body would feel an sense of urgency, tingling. I would choose to ignore every moment in my body, no matter how much I wanted to stroke myself. It was the feeling of complete desire. The final reverie which I had began to resist. The Reverie of Lust, Love and Desire.


At that point my Neurocrux had formed and my mural was complete.

“Congratulations, you are now a Mentalist, like me.”

“Does that mean I can invite you into my mind, and let you see all those dirty thoughts I’ve been having about you?”

“Maybe?” Tiberius snickered as he kissed me, holding me down.

Perhaps we should close the curtains at this moment.

word count: 1725
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Posts: 63
Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:06 pm

Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:02 am


Points awarded:
  • +5 Mentalism

  • Mentalism: The Initiation
  • Mentalism: The Mural
  • Mentalism: The Tethers
  • Mentalism: The Five Reveries
  • Mentalism: The Weave
  • Mentalism: Maintaining Emotional Control

  • N/A

  • +2 Mageblight

This thread is certified Very GayTM and wholesome, I enjoyed it!
word count: 167
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