Spin of the Wheel(Vassilios)

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:31 pm

❊Frost 47 4621❊

The Creaky Window was a ramshackle metal warehouse from a bygone Age which had been converted to a tavern out in the Badlands. In this desert it was a common respite to see small outposts like Creaky Window. To no surprise, with a revolving door of clientele nothing was stopping anyone from robbing or pillaging. And yet these places were sometimes safe havens for gossip and exaltation. It was large inside and the latter half was collapsed, exposed to the elements. For the most part it was a bar but on the upper level you could see a mess hall of beds and storage compartments.

It was still early and yet the sun shone the last rays of light for the day on the tavern goers. The laughter coming from the closest table to the bar was the loudest in the room. They were playing party games, drinking beer and flipping dice while betting sums of gold. They appeared closed off despite the merry making, avoiding others in the bar and not making conversation with anyone other than their group. On the other side of the bar a man played darts alone. His battlements made him that of an elite but what really set him apart was the metal claw he used to throw the darts at the target. Bothering no one, simply playing his game, there he stayed. The bar is attended by a Rathor desert mouse who busies himself with the task of counting money. There are three unmarked barrels and few glasses along with bottles of liquor and cigars on the shelves. The mouse seems amicable and is quiet. For the most part while the bar is inhabited there is still plenty of seating. The smell of food will waft, something meaty and dark orange is served, juicy and oozing on a platter.

Vassillios can strike up a conversation with any of the people detailed in the bar. Those mentioned all have a place in the story but he can only talk to one in the next reply. Choose wisely and good luck!
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Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:34 am

To say he was ecstatic to see a place like The Creaky Window would be the understatement of the season. The place had the look and feel of an old metal warehouse from an age bygone reconstructed to a tavern, a common practice in the Badlands. Small outposts like these were a common respite and most welcome one at that to this troublemaker. Still, to him, not many places could compare to the Well Of Fortune. The revolving door with nobody guarding the place was a sight he was seeing too often during his excursions away from his home.

Clearly, this was not stopping a soul from pillaging and plundering, and yet these places were havens for gossip and exaltation. Stepping inside, he craned his head in curiosity, seeing it was large on the outside and yet, the latter half of it was exposed to the elements…

Catching some glimpses of the last rays of light for the day before, letting his eyes scope out the premises. He heard the laughter from the closest table to the bar, and louder than anyone within the bar. They were playing games, drinking beer and throwing dice and betting sums of gold. Large sums of gold but mostly keeping to their group. He was tempted to try and join them, but given his track record on throwing dice at home, that was gonna be a HARD, so HARD pass!

On the other side of the bar, was a solitary man playing darts by his lonesome. He was not bothering anybody, but just playing his game. From first glance, his armaments gave off the impression that he was not an easy mark, were someone looking to make a move. And something that truly caught his eye was that metal claw he used to throw the darts. How did he lose his hand? Did it get cut off or perhaps he had to cut it off himself for a fair reason?

And last but certainly not least, the bar was attended by a Rathor desert mouse who occupied himself with counting money. There were three unmarked barrels and a few glasses alongside bottles of liquor and cigars on the shelves. The mouse seemed pleasant enough, if not a little quiet. His nose flared for a brief moment, the scent of something meaty filling his nostrils. The bar itself was well occupied, but there was more than enough seating.

The group was off the table to him, but what of his other choices? The desert mouse seemed like all right company if not for the other guests at the bar, but then again, the lone dart player seemed to be well within his own world by now. As indecision began to creep in, he pulled a coin from his pocket. ‘Heads for the lone wolf, Tails for the mouse.’ He muttered to himself and flipping the coin into the air, watching it fall down close to him as he caught it in his teeth. Heads, and the lone dart player, it is. Vass sauntered over to the lone man as he was preparing to let another dart fly. He looked towards the dart board, seeing he was close to the bull’s eye. “Nice shots there. Mind if I join ya?”
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Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:57 pm


Dressed in a form fitting black spiked jacket and black leather studded pants, he radiated something different from the usual Wastes. It could have been his poise which gave an air of esteem and confidence, or the way his nicely trimmed silver hair contrasted his tanned and weathered skin. As Vassilios approaches the man does nothing, there is no acknowledgement to his presence or greeting at all. In fact the man simply throws darts until one doesn't stick and falls to the floor. It rolls not far from Vassilios. The man finally tips his hat to Vasillios with a clawed hand and then uses the same metal component to pick up the dart from Vassilios' feet.
"Name would be Ironarm. Do you reckon you want to play some darts?"
If Vassilios accepts he will play a silent round with Ironarm after which Ironarm will open up.

Vassilios can;
  • Ask about his past
  • Ask about the people playing dice
  • Ask about the bartender
  • Ask about the hand
  • Ask two more questions of your choosing

The party rages on with the people playing games. It would seem someone won the jackpot. A round was making its way through the bar and Vassilios is offered one. A keen eye would see the bartender slip away as the house started to all say cheers to the crowd.
"Life and Longevity and Luck!"
Was the cry of the bar the night.

After talking to Ironarm Vassilios can;
  • Talk to the party crowd
  • Go to the bar -> there is no one there

You can choose not to ask a question or preform an action.
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Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:37 pm

Looking the man over properly, from the form fitting black spiked and black leather studded leather pants He watched as the man continued to throw darts until one did not stick and fell off the wall. It rolled not too far to Vassilios, and yet as he moved to pick it up, the man beat him to the punch, as he finally tipped his hat to him, with his clawed hands and then used his metallic hand to pick up that dart from his feet. He would not deny that he liked the look at that arm, but not enough to sever off one of his own willingly. He was curious to know more about him - and his arm.

As the man introduced himself, Vassilios spoke again, “ Nice to meet ya, Ironman. Name's Vassilios, but feel free to call me Vass. And Absolutely. I never actually played before… But I’m game!”

The raging party from the people on the table hits his ears rather hard, sounding rather familiar from the revelry that would occasionally take place in the Well Of Fortune. Needless to say, he nearly forgot what he was about to say. Oftentimes, when he takes the stage to tantalize their patrons with a teasing show. Enough to get the people going and even emptying their pockets. His attention was turned briefly towards the party as someone had won the pot, and a round was making its way across the bar, though as he realized he was offered one out of the round. Vass gladly took the drink while throwing a wink to the lucky sonovagun before returning his undivided attention to Ironarm, taking a small swig before he spoke again.

“By the way, mind telling a bit about yourself? And your arm looks fuckin’ cool. I have never seen anything like it anywhere. How did ya get it? Did somebody make it for you, or did you make it yourself?” He began to ask in earnest, looking at Ironarm iron-arm with curiosity. “Also, do you know anything about the kooks at the table playing dice, or the mouse bartender at the bar?”
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Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:57 am


Ironarm laughed,
"It's Ironarm, not Ironman but you were close enough."
The game that ensued ended with Ironarm, of course, winning but it seemed it was a matter of sheer years of skill rather than anything too competitive on Ironarm's part. He simply threw the darts with a lazy arm that betrayed the precision with which he threw. By the end he was many points ahead of Vass. When the questions started he rubbed his chin with the mechanical hand.
"You want to know about me? Well, I've been part of the Wastes since I was a young child. My parents were Entente and somewhere along the line failed and were faced with poverty. I am glad to have never grew up in Greater Daravin. You see, around these parts I'm not just known for my mean darts skills. I am the guy that can... get things. How I got the hand, well. That is an entire other story."
The rounds came and Ironarm took his free beer, drinking it slowly as he mulled over the next part of his story.
"I hate to say it but they chopped this hand off for stealin' back in Shitport when I was a lad. It was a hard lesson to learn but if you think this is incredible, well they are more common than you think here in the Wastes."

"The bartender? Nothing, he is new here. That group of lovely ladies at the table though? Well. That's the Iron Moon gang. You know, the gang of all women. Quite powerful out here. Say you aren't from around here are you. Have you got yourself a chariot yet? It just so happens I have one for sale, cheap too. Want to take a look?"

If Vass follows Ironarm he will be lead out a side door and to a row of chariots of various makes and sizes. They will walk down the line until reaching the very last one, it is in a secluded spot in the back near a pile of trash obviously used by the bar itself. For now, there is no one out there to listen to their conversation. The bike was rusted to all hell and bulky but Ironarm said,
"Don't let looks deceive you. This thing runs smoother than the finest whiskey you've ever knocked back. They called her "The Slugger", hard hitting, fast, and built like a bull. What do you say? Want to take her for a ride?"
Ironarm grinned and waved a hand towards the bike, it was ripe for the picking.
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Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:05 pm

Vassilios laughed alongside Ironarm.
“I’m close enough. I’ll take that.”
Vassilios gave it his best shot in the game that ensued, and it ended in Ironarm’s favor, and while Vass believed in the occasional ‘Beginner’s Luck’, Ironarm had the years worth of experience and skill in his bag. He really did wonder how Ironarm did it! He watched Ironarm close during a turn or two. He threw a dart with a lazy arm that to the untrained arm, belies the precision in his throws. Perhaps if he released the tension in his throwing arm, he could gain more points in the future.
“Hell yeah, I do.” He answered openly with his ears, instinctively perking up to hear the man’s tale - as a good bartender does. He scratched his chin as Ironarm spoke, though he widened a brow.
“The Wastes have been my home since I was a baby. But my parents were the slaves of some Entente, and they gave them quite the ultimatum: One stays and serve him. The other comes and takes me with them. My father chose to come here with me. My father never told me tales of Greater Daravin, but I’ll take your word for it.”
Vassilios took a slow swig from his beer with Ironarm before he continued, prepared to listen.

Vassilios soon turned around, giving the all girls gang at the table a sideways glance. 'Well shit…' He muttered to himself. Did his eyes deceive him? He could not believe it. And yet, all the evidence he needed was in front of his face. All gangs, and none of them too bad to look at besides. And Vassilios left it at that for good and all. He returned his attention to Ironarm, listening to him intently until the question regarding chariots Ironarm spoke on. “No, but I was going to ask if you knew someone selling one…” As Ironarm headed out the side door, Vassilios followed with his beer to gulp silently, as verdant hues glowed with intrigue. They came towards a pile of trash obviously used by the bar itself. Vass noticed it was just them for the time being. Though Ironarm mentioned he was selling a chariot cheap. Among the row of chariots of various makes and sizes, he could imagine which, oh which chariot could he be riding home. He walked closer to Ironarm, whistling with interest as they came toward the chariot in question: One rusted as hell and bulky, but as skepticism yet hopefulness began to play upon his face. He looked at Ironarm with furrowed brows. At first, he was tempted to believe this chariot belonged in the heap of trash… But he was somewhat swayed by Ironarm’s words for the time.
“I’ll be honest. I thought you were bullshitin’ me at first… Still, we could give ‘Slugger’ a fighting chance, eh?”
Topping up his beer before he hopped into the chariot seat, leaning back and putting his feet in place before reaching for the handles. "So, how do I turn her on?"
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Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:30 am


Ironarm gave Vassilios a key and instructed him on the finer points of how to ride the chariot.
"You can't even turn this on, oh boy. Key in the ignition,"
Ironarm tosses Vassilios a large, black iron key,
"Feet on the pedals. Left handle for stopping or slowing, right handle for acceleration. Keeping your balance is the most important thing, you're going to go fast and this is heavy. One wrong move and you'll lose, well,"
Ironarm showed his claw off again.
"--Or worse. Your life. Speeding bullets, chariots are an unliving beast which can and will kill the foolhardy."

With that, Ironarm let Vassilios take the chariot on its first test drive. As Vassilios drives away from the bar on his new chariot something terrible comes to pass. In plain view the bartender comes out from behind the rubbage pile. A pistol is plainly seen, a heated exchange passes, then a bullet rings out hitting Ironarm right in the chest. He bleeds and clutches the bloody wound for a few moments before telling Vassilios.
"Drive boy! As fast as you can--"
And then a bullet is put right between his eyes. He is dead. The mouse fires a shot at Vassilios but it misses, the second shot grazes his left arm and while it bleeds freely there is no mortal wound. From the bar the Iron Moon gather around the bikes, Vassilios can see everyone has their own bike except one. A woman with dreadlocks, dark skin, and a bone through her nose. She stares him down intently and stops the group from pursuing. Piercing, solid white eyes follow his escape into the Badlands and she stands there unmoving other than a subtle lick of the lips.

Things Vassilios can infer from this thread:
  • He has stolen from the Iron Moon Gang
  • He knows he has a bounty of 5,000 df-- dead or alive.
  • Ironarm is dead
  • Ironarm stole the key and gave away Slugger to Vassilios, Vassilios does not know why or how.
  • Any member of the Ironmoon will try to kill him on sight.

You cannot play Val, contact me when you are ready to take on this NPC and I will mod your battle to the death. I expect to see some interaction in proceeding threads with either thwarting or getting beat up by the gang, we have spoken about story lines leading up to taking on the Ironmoon but if you have any more questions feel free to contact me. You may reply to this thread one more time and we are finished!

EDIT* Val and a link to this thread are both in your character secrets.
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Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:54 pm

Vassilios laughed once more at his question.
“I’ll admit. I’m better at turning people on!”

As he slides the key in the ignition, following Ironarm’s instruction on the finer points on how to ride a chariot. He listened intently while he was working, looking down well at Ironarm’s iron arm - nodding with understanding as he mentioned how chariots were beasts to handle or even cost their riders their life. Best not to be too foolhardy, then.

Once Ironarm gave him the go-ahead for his first test drive, he started to drive away from the bar but he was on the verge of circling back to surprise Ironarm. But as he began to make the turn he stopped dead in his tracks, as his ears perked wide. If there was one sound that Vassilios had known too well, it was the sound of a bullet ringing out, catching Ironarm bleeding from his chest through the corner of his eye. He did not utter a single word, and he began to turn back away from the bar as Ironarm told him to drive as fast he could, gritting his teeth in frustration as he caught him getting shot between his eyes by the bartender mouse. He did not bother looking back as he put the pedal to the metal as he heard two bullets being fired, not feeling the first and widening his eyes as he heard the second shot, but soon noted that the bullet had only grazed his left arm. Bleeding, but nothing he could shake off.

He dared to look back briefly as he was putting distance between him and the Creaky Window. He spotted the Ironmoon gathering from the bar and around their own bikes - All but one with a bike of their own. He can barely make out a woman with piercing, white eyes before he returns his gaze to the road before spotting the woman stopping the ground from beginning the pursuit.

He was well away from the Creaky Window, as he shouted, “WHAT THE FUCK?! Helluva deal, Ironarm! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! Sweaty, poison-tipped sandworm dick! FUCK!!!!” He screamed out as before he caught himself swerving and breathed hastily several times before he looked onward, going faster as he his eager-toothsome grin as he began to smile.
“Helluva deal, Ironarm! But for you, I’m taking Slugger places and you’ve given me some cards to play! The Ironmoon, eh? We’re gonna have some fun!”
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Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:29 pm

Spin of the Wheel


  • 8x Generic Lores

  • Slugger - Stolen Chariot;

Injuries: Light penetrating injury of Left Arm (Can be treated via medicine)

Points: 10 Non-magical exp;

Comments: The wheel of fate spins, drawing one's goal near with the enemy's spectre looming closer; With blood spilt and hours lost, where will Vassilios be as the hollowed gaze watches...

OOC: Interesting turn of events; someone is bound to get burned playing with fire. Consequences build in the shadows. Tread lightly as now enemies have been made.
  • I have given Generic Lores & Loot as been stated for the time being due to no proper Review Submission has been placed; if you wish to state some designated lores and/or adjustments to the Loot, Please PM so that I can adjust the rewards as noted.
  • Please make a note on your character sheet that Vassilios is an enemy of the Ironmoon Gang & Val'Taern (NPC) as well.


Reward: 8 Non-magical exp for any one of your characters for Moderating the Plot.

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