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Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 11:15 pm
by Alleizha

Brawny’s body glistened to sweat as he was just about down to his trousers, his v-line— well, that’s enough of that. Alleizha began handing the Rathor’s clothes back to him as he was offered a ride on the Moroi’s chariot. All of a sudden, there was enough space for everyone on these damned chariots. Perhaps it was his own background, but Alleizha wasn’t too fond of the chariots. There was no particular reason, he just couldn’t imagine himself getting one anytime soon. “Well, you two were just a cloth away from seeing my dog’s goodies. And I don’t mean what’s in his pants.” Alleizha winked at the group.

There was a short moment where he felt a bit out of touch. The man and woman seemed to be very familiar with one another, but Alleizha knew that. He just didn’t expect the awkward feeling catching on as he listened to their short catch-up conversation. As a boy who grew up pretty isolated, he wondered what it felt like to have friends. Someone that wasn’t bound to him like Brawny, but a friend to tell stories and have the same sort of conversation the two were having.

“Yes, let’s get on that road. Miki, you’re only renting but so much of my time.” He clapped softly as he spoke. “Say, what’s the reason for looking so tough? You must be making a deal with a bandit. Why not take all he has? It’s much easier with such tall and rugged men on your side.”

Re: Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:24 pm
by Miki


Miki blanched when Ally threw the clothes at Brawny and shied her eyes away as he put his clothes back on, nodding to Vassilios and not missing the sarcasm.
"They say they call him Zero."
And that was all she said. They had made it outside of Traphole to the chariots and got on, Brawny with Miki and Ally with Vassilios. It was a quick ride, a little longer than what Miki said, about ten minutes on the chariots until they made it to the Stallion. A lone tumbleweed tossed itself by on the wind and the hinged saloon style double door swung open with a creak, then shut again with a loud bang. It was quiet inside the bar and there were a few other chariots lined up where the group had parked. It was midday now and the sun beat high in the sky, despite being Ash, it was hot as Bel. Miki waited impatiently for her entourage and headed in as the leader, with her gun still strapped on her back. The moment that she entered the building a shot ran out, though her first glance before ducking in cover was that the bar was empty and stank like fresh blood. Where did the shot come from?
"We come in peace!"
She shouted into the empty bar, cowering in the door with her hands over her head. The voice that came next was soft spoken and raspy.
"Y'ain't with the Anointed? Y'shure?"
She could hear the sound of metal tinkling on the floor as he replaced the bullets in his gun. She replied,
"Anointed, hell nah. I'm here lookin for Zero. You know him?"
A laugh.
"Lookin' for Zero? What business could you possibly have with him? With three men behind you? Naw, I know y'can't see me, but I have you right in my sights girl, the lotta ya. Say something smart or move on."

This had to be him, she decided. And he was likely in the rafters of the tiny shack that was the Stallion. She finally asked.
"You killed the bartender too?"
He laughed again, a soft dry laugh.
"Yep and looted the place. Like I'm going to do to yer bodies if you don't get a move on."
"Wait, this has to be bad timing. Where can I find Zero? I'm not part of the fucking Anointed, I'm here with Snake Eyes."
"Bad timing? Snake Eyes? Dammit girl what do you need him for? Fine, ya know what? Last I heard he was in Shoerlund, Radenor. If you can find him there, good luck to you. Naw, I've had enough to drink. I'm leaving. You four don't fucking move until you hear me drive away."

There was no sound of him leaving, but not long after the altercation Miki clearly heard the sound of wheels and the growl of a chariot start up and ride away.

Re: Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 8:33 pm
by Vassilios
The ride was short, more prolonged than Miki first said it would be - a solid ten minutes till they made it to the Stallion. A lone tumbleweed caught Vasslios’ attention as it rode along the wind, and the hinged saloon-style double door swung open with a creek and then shut with a loud bang, snapping him back to reality. Vassilios looked around at the barren land before taking in the bar's silence, which worried him a little. Or it might have been the blazing midday sun beating down on them all. Seeing Miki impatiently stride into the bar, Vassilios followed her, shifting his blade into arm’s reach. As Miki stepped in, a shot rang out in his ears. He ducked for cover, not even getting a chance to see what the bar looked like, but began to smell the aroma of fresh blood. Where did the shot come from, even?

Vass stayed down for the time being as Miki tried to talk in a soft and raspy voice. He crawled back up to his feet as he could see Miki talking to someone he could not see, but Vass did make out the figure replacing the bullets in their gun. Their conversation continued as the man mentioned that this ‘Zero’ was last in Shoerlund, Radenor. He heard nothing until the sounds of wheels and the growl of a chariot start-up and rode away.

Until the sound was no longer in his ears, Vassilios finally spoke up. “Well… That went well….” He sighed with contentment that the drunken fool didn’t try to light them up. “So our mystery sniper is in Shoerlund, eh? As much as I wanna loot the place for intact bottles and dough, we could easily make a trip back after we find Zero.”

Re: Too Many Parts [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:28 pm
by Alleizha

Alle’s head was pressed against Vassilios’ back as they rode. Although he was very good at keeping his cool, he didn’t care for the vehicle too much. Pressing his head against the man’s cool backside helped, he didn’t feel too queasy as long as he didn’t pay too much attention to the scenery. When the ride came to a slow stop, he got off and said something about Vassilios having a back that felt just as nice as his dog’s, Brawny. He would rather have the man believe he liked the feeling of being nuzzled against him than reveal that he was somewhat scared of the monster machinery he possessed.

Alleizha took a good look at the land around him. Just as he suspected— U-G-L-Y. The Badlands wasn’t a pretty place and although he had a clue of where they were heading, Alle liked to hold out some hope that it would be a little different than the place before. However, the Badlands was a culture of its own with the same appeal no matter where you go.

Alleizha and Brawny followed slowly behind the other two and when that first shot rang out, Brawny was quick to grab the young man and take shelter somewhere in the bar. Alleizha didn’t have a good look at who or what did it. Matter of fact, he didn’t get a good look at the scenery either. He kept his head down and watched a pool of blood in the distance. It somewhat excited him.

He didn’t hear too many of the words exchanged between the red woman and the shooter since there was still a loud ringing in his ear. At some point, Brawny slowly rose and he followed.

“That was exciting! I’m sure if we had a better plan, we could’ve taken him out.” The pale man clapped his hands as he looked around the room to see if the man had disappeared.

Re: Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:10 pm
by Miki


Vassilios was right. Miki wasn't interested in looting this bar, it was quite a shame. The Stallion was a good bar. Some unlucky fuckers would come from Traphole, discover the bodies, and clean the place up back to working conditions. As sad as it may be dead bodies were just a constant in the Badlands. She did pick through the pockets of a few of the dead, looking for bullets, but left their worldly affects as a sign respect for the dead. Before the new guys could start looting she warned,
"Bad luck to fuck with the innocent dead. I would leave their bodies in tact. Need the bullets though and they're better in my pocket than anyone else's, ya ken?"

Alleizha seemed invigorated by the shooting which was a good sign, maybe he could hang around for awhile.
"Shoerlund. Alleizha, Brawny? You in or you out? I dunno if you have any social obligations and this will be dangerous. I guess I can come clean. Vassilios and I are Snake Eyes. I need this man Zero to join my gang, period. I'm seeking him out, he won't get a shot at me like that again. Coming clean, that was him. Not sure why he told me his whereabouts but he seems slightly less than sane, it could be a trap,a wild goose chase, but I am going there because my future depends on it. We're taking the chariots but it will be difficult in Radenor with them, people on the outskirts of Daravin are wary at best of Badlanders, but likely people from Radenor have never seen chariots before. Let's not get our shit stolen."

Whoever joined would come along, Miki left the bar with a few new bullets for her rifle and got on her chariot. If the trio came with her they would ride the same way they did before, Brawny with Miki and Allei with Vass. It was time for the show.

Re: Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:55 pm
by Miki

10 generic

Loot: jar of honey
Injuries: N/A

Points 8 nonmagic XP

Comments: Great thread!



8 generic

Loot: dried meat
Injuries: N/A

Points 8 XP non magic

Had a great time with Vass, as usual!


10 generic

Loot: A box of matches, a bottle of wine, and jerky for the dog.
Injuries: N/A

Points 8 XP non magic

Hope to see you around again boo! :lol: