Mourning [Vassilios]

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Location: Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:30 pm

Salen started to judge the other male heavily as he watched him do some kind of barbaric dance in front of him. He was clueless, completely clueless. It seemed that he thought the rounds of seduction would work on every man, but even Salen wasn't a fool to strip off like that, despite his carnal nature as a Corvo. He sighed once again as he shook his head once more, before they immediately armed themselves again, eventually Salen began to manipulate the light photons around him as he proceeded to conjure up compasses in place.

The raiders would ready their weapons in front of Vassilios as he chuckled further "Nice try... But that pretty boy ass isn't going to work." They appear to charge at Vassilios further. Salen would roll his eyes at the situation, knowing how much of an idiot he was for getting himself in the predicament of violence. Eventually, Salen would approach them with his Compasses floating beside him; he could feel himself levitating through holding them, knowing that he felt their gravitational pull.

He glared further at the raiders, before unleashing a compass and channelling more Ether to make it disperse into a volley of sharp piercing shadow arrows. They would slowly impale any raider within their radius. He juggled the two remaining compasses he had left and threw another at another hoard of bandits, in which they would disperse into another volley of shadow bolts, this time they were blunt in force, enough to cause bludgeoning injuries or even death that so many raiders screamed in agony when they were hit with bone-breaking momentum.

"Wait... It's one of those from the mainland! E-e-entente! Fuck this, I'm out of here!" Salen sighed as he appeared to be the one they feared. After all, they did view the poorer side as heretics. Salen eventually dragged his gaze back to Vassilios and smirked "Are you scared too? Are you just gonna run off?"

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Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:46 pm

Vass had his strings of success at the Well of Fortune. But it wasn't destined for success. Nevertheless, he often believed it was worth it.

In seconds, the raiders were drawing their weapons once again. It was slowly sinking in that the act was not working one bit. Hearing the man's comment about the pretty boy act was not working elicited Vass's silent, wry laugh. He should have just drawn his ax from the beginning and started hacking away, but he might have been full of holes in minutes. At the same time, he might have gotten through and bought his new friend a chance to escape. As they began to charge at him, he was poised to sweep their legs but caught the strange man jumping ahead of him.

To his horror, the man unleashed a strange power as it dispersed into a volley of sharp, piercing arrows before his eyes. The bolts slowly impaled any raider within the radius. But the onslaught was not over as the man sent another volley of shadow bolts against another hoard of bandits with blunt force to cause more severe injuries or death, eliciting a cacophony of screams from the bone-shattering momentum. The remaining raiders were scared shitless as one uttered the word "Entente" as they finally left, which made fear tighten its icy grip on Vassilios. Feeling this Entente's gaze on him again, his mind roamed towards hearing words.

"Vassilios. I urge you to see Daravin one of these days."

"But Pops, you always told me to stay away from that place."

"I know. But it would never hurt to see the world with your own eyes. But be careful in Daravin. The hierarchy can be callous and uncaring, with many rules and regulations. Their taboos were punishable by death. But when you do, beware your mother. Never seek her out. She is out of your league."

As Salen's words rang out, he felt the onset of a headache. He looked towards the dead Raiders and smiled back at Salen. "I agreed to drive you to Boghadar. Wait right here." Vassilios darted out of the hideout and onto his Chariot. Revving up Slugger, he drove up to the base of the refuge as he revved up for the Entente to come out. "Time for a road trip!"
word count: 392
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Wed Sep 21, 2022 7:18 am

Salen made his way towards Slugger for a moment as if unbothered by the chain of events. They were annoying bandits, anyway, knowing the fuss they could cause. It was the direct paranoia of magic that seemed to scare them, and perhaps has wrought fear into his friend. He smiled reassuringly as he tilts his head, leaning against his chariot "Well, you've also got a nice ride, those seem like rich boy riches... Unless you stole it..." He narrowed his eyes curiously as he continued to probe him for information, like he was. It became increasingly annoying to Salen, knowing that some things were better left as 'nobody's business' but sometimes curiousity gets the best of folk, dragging them into early graves or making promises that they can't keep.

Sometimes the mystery was the way to draw people into a conversation, to gain their trust and to open them up to possibilities of becoming something. For now, it was always a single game that he would play to test people, to ensure that they are worthy of his trust. A subtle way he had developed ever since the conflict with Moop, perhaps he regrets that moment of not being calm, particularly when he was under a lot of pressure. He sighed as he straddled onto the back of Vassilios' chariot, wrapping his arms and letting his fragrant scent unravel.

The smell of citrus fragrance accompanied with leather...

What could that possibly mean?

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Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:39 am



Nightfall: Volley - Altering Umbraplasm to create Sharp arrows
Nightfall: Volley - Altering Umbraplasm to inflict Blunt Force
Remnant: Voyage - Can be used on waking targets.
Remnant: Voyage - Trance-like state when used.
Remnant: Falsification - Altering small details of a memory.
Remnant: Falsification - Requires a consistent cause-effect chain in the narrative of the memory.
Remnant: Falsification - Used to erase a particular part of a memory,
Necromancy: A necromancer kit
Necromancy: Used to perform healing surgeries.

Loot: A Necromancy Kit for Salen, originally the property of Tiberius Ela'Dallis.
Injuries: N/A

Points 4 magic XP 6 non magic XP




- Pretty Boy Act
- Pretty Boy Act - A Time and a Place
- Dancing with Danger
- Free Riding
- Driving with Friends
Unarmed Comat
- Right Hook, Left Jab
- Jab & Cross
- Strong Axe Kick
- Reflection - Better with a Friend

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 10 XP non magical

Comments: message me for edits to your lores!
word count: 188
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