[Rustbucket] Along came a demon

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Fri May 06, 2022 5:01 pm


Salen was not one of Brazim’s chosen by choice, as he said. Arkash furrowed his brow; he didn’t know how the Corvo were made, but if it was anything akin to how Dranoch were made, then that made sense. “You’d be surprised,” he said in response. Some would love to take on the blessing of a Blight. Arkash, despite knowing the suffering of a Botchling for a year, would have willingly taken on the blood if it was his choice.

Even though Salen complained of his tiresome questions while Arkash held his throat, the Rath let him go and rolled his claws in the dark of that bedroom.

On the subject of Salen’s pursuers, What would you do? Asked the human, somewhat sarcastic in his delivery.

“Eat them,” Arkash answered bluntly.

He smiled a curl of his lips as he continued, wicked, burning teeth on display. “I’m in the business of making problems disappear. If that which ails you meets my criteria, I’ll even do it for free.”

Arkash had offered that service to a great number of people; there were many in the lower classes that had been wronged and scorned by people of power, people of power who met their dues in his jaws. As a result, Arkash quickly evolved in his Blight.

“My word?” He asked, uncertain. “Tell me more first, then I’ll decide.” Too many times had Arkash’s word been used against him, the most recent of which involved the complete loss of his magic. From then on, he would look before he leaped.

So came the story of how Salen knew Degare, and an explanation of the suspicious circumstances that surrounded his mention. Arkash furrowed his brow; hadn’t Averre been gone for some time? The press of his brows yielded when his eyes widened, and he briefly looked in shock before he stifled the tempest of emotion that brewed within. The human’s expression shifted in a way that almost mirrored his emotional turmoil. “I see,” Arkash began. “That’s unfortunate… Please send him my Regards if you see him soon.”

Dahlia, her name was. Arkash had briefly confused it with Daria, but such went unnoticed by the human, or so it seemed. So, he rolled with the correction. He nodded along to Salen’s explanation… Right up until he mentioned Degare’s mark. His blood magic? Did Salen know Degare was a Blood Mage?

“Right… Remnomancy, the mark that allows the manipulation of dreams and memories. I’m familiar,” he spoke with a nod. Indeed, Vesper was a wielder, the feline he’d met and given the eight-pointed star. Dahlia did sound like something of a problem, but was she perhaps an ordinary scheming noble? “Why is she after you? What has she done to earn your ire?” The questions continued.

“Oh, and what do you mean by Degare's Mark?” He asked with a furrow of his brow. “…Which one?” Arkash asked innocently. “Lord Socorro has more than one, I’m just not sure which one could get him executed.”


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Sat May 07, 2022 1:24 pm

As the mysterious fellow let go, he reflected on the time of his awakening as a Corvo as it was mentioned previously. He took blight as a chance for a better life; to live normally without avail. But it wasn't meant to be; the initator was far more cruel in her actions. It was obvious that she was abusing Brazim's gift as most Entente would. The need to accomplish their own ends and escalate the power balance that is heavily linked within Daravin's cruel society.

Upon Salen's response, he was shocked and in somewhat fear as he stared blankly, blinking at the bluntness of the other male's voice before he let out a nervous chuckle "Eat them?" He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. He didn't exactly want to be food for the lizard that was in front of him "That's a very bold claim you've made there" He simply added as he made eye contact "For free too? Why, that does make me feel guilty..." He would sigh as he looked back at Arkash once more as he would tilt his head in thought "Alright..." He retorted to him saying Tell me more first, then I'll decide.

As he had explained further, the emotional turmoil began to wreck within him once again as he sat down on the bed. It became very difficult for him to speak as he mirrored the exact thing that Arkash was going through. He took one look at him and gulped, knowing exactly what Degare and Salen cried about during the night of his initiation "I will give him my regards, next time I see him I just... I can't be around him for now... It's too dangerous." He exhaled through his nose, showing deep frustration.

When Arkash mentioned Remnomancy, Salen gulped as he looked over at Arkash "I... Actually gave him that mark so he could relive the memories of his lover..." as the questioning continued he sighed shaking his head "I was meant to be the one who carried out Degare's assassination." He admitted to the man; however it was extremely difficult considering that he could lash out at any point.

The man appeared was a friend of Degare's he would "I decided at that point, I didn't like working with Dahlia; it was Degare who offered me a way out, but since he knows too much of her dark past, it has made things even more complicated." His anxiety would increase as he was speaking, it was a sensitive subject to him and it bothered him that he was being asked questions about it. He chose to continue onward with the man's reveal "Now, hes a target and would eventually become an object of her meddling. She's a woman who sabotaged thousands of Veir in hopes that one day, she would be chosen as a Montese. Big dreams but very shrewd ways of obtaining it... If she can get rid of Degare, she can continue wiping out lives and destroying families and houses for her own gain. Degare is our only hope of getting rid of her and I would enjoy watching her fall from her glass pedestal."

Eventually, the questioning turned to Degare's mark as he looked back at Arkash for a moment. His voice became pointed, sharp in tone "Now, careful... Curiosity eventually kills the cat... Don't go there..." He sung in a musical tone with a narrow of his eyes "I know what you're doing and I don't like the sound of it, so refrain..." He asserted himself as he glared back at Arkash for a moment "I can see through that Candor bullshit." His voice didn't sound threatening, but more of a fair warning to Arkash as he was clearly annoyed.

Very annoyed.

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Sun May 08, 2022 5:00 am


He simply grinned at the accusation of his bold claim and crossed his arms. Did Salen doubt him? Probably. "It shouldn't," he offered in regards to the guilt. "A meal is its own reward, after all."

On the subject of Degare's grief, however, Arkash was almost completely quiet. Though he did soon regain his composure while Salen sat, his brow quirked at the claim that it was too dangerous to see him. Dangerous for who? He didn't ask.

Salen had initiated the noble in the Mark Dahlia possessed, which was to say that Degare carried four marks of control? The reason for the initiation made him look away, dark eyes glistening in the low light of the moon as it peeked through the gaps in the shutters. His gaze returned to the man when he claimed he was meant to assassinate Degare, and his brow rose with an exhale.

He'd apparently chickened out of the assigned task. Degare lived and sought to help Salen. Why? He could only imagine they were close.

That was apparently enough to set Degare in Dahlia's sights. Degare was in possession of an information hazard, but none of that sounded exceptional to the mundane life of a scheming noble. The candor was a dangerous thing that swallowed the lives of wealthy and poor, righteous and despicable. He did grin a little at the gesture that Degare was Salen's only hope; indeed, Degare was a powerful mage. It was hard to imagine the Veir as any sort of combatant though, he'd only known the softer side of the elf. The rathor seemed to smile at that, eyes staring a thousand yards while he thought wordlessly.

That thousand-yard stare snapped back to Salen at the gesture, and Arkash tilted his head.

"Oh?" He unfolded his arms, burning claws stark in the dark of the room.

At the end of Salen's melodious warning, Arkash took a slow step toward the sitting man. The claws of his wrapped feet dug into the floorboards with every step.

Though he tried to appear calm in his silent approach, there was something undeniably sinister in the glare of his blood-red eyes. He didn't answer any sort of warning or demand to keep his distance but did come to pause just a few feet from the bed Salen had come to sit upon.

Silence filled the room, and a quiet scraping noise filled the atmosphere while Arkash maintained his stare, like a predator waiting to pounce. The scraping noise was the claws of his feed as they carved through and dug into the woodwork.

Then, quick as a whip, Arkash bent just an inch at the knees and burst from where he stood like a tensed coil. His grip on the flooring served as a foundation for that explosion of force, which he hurtled directly at the human.

His hand swept in and took Salen by the shoulder as the full weight of his momentum crashed through the Corvo, and drove Salen to the bed as he landed atop him. The collision of his weight rattled the frame with such force that it creaked, jerked, and wobbled, ready to give out with another exchange of that caliber.

Arkash's strength was impossible, his speed near twice the velocity of any mortal man.

His legs came to straddle the human's body as his free hand lowered the covering of his mouth from where he perched. Arkash maintained eye contact with the man he'd pinned before he seized the human's wrist with his free hand and pinned it to the bedding above his head.

There, Arkash began to open his mouth, burning, serrated teeth to frame the blackened hole of his gullet as it extended out of view in the dark of the room. Completely inhuman, Arkash's jaws opened impossibly wide, the extension of his jaws was wider than the size of his and Salen's head, as though he prepared to bite through the human's skull. He could have, easily. Staring into his maw would leave that impression on any mortal.

Streaks of hot, sickly yellow venom bound the roof of his mouth to his lower jaw and hung like rope bridges as his gullet loomed above the human, his heated breath slow in those split seconds, woven with the foreboding reak of death and decay.

The extension of the void at the back of his throat seemed to go on forever and threatened to swallow the human whole with its depth alone. As it dilated and widened to take up more of Salen's vision, a monstrous rumbling vibrated in the depths of the human's chest; something caught between a predatory hiss, a growl, and a roar of unnatural bass.

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Mon May 09, 2022 3:01 pm

A meal? What was he? A strange man from the unknown made him unnerved even further; for the more he got to know the lizard that stood before him, the more disturbed he was. As he continued his rambling about his initiation and the reasoning for it. He could feel a sense of emotional turmoil. Those eyes glistening, were they tears? Did he have something to do with him? He didn't know nor either did he want to entertain that fact.

The guilt on his face was obvious as the man would see him looking down as if looking wayward with sorrow. He could only imagine how Degare must've been feeling with an old enemy on his case; the woman who wished to sabotage him along the lines of the Candor.

There wasn't any notion of chickening out of the assigned task, but more his interests weren't aligned with Dahlia's. This was common amongst Corvo; everyone has different ambitions that are questioned and challenged by other people. Salen's wasn't invested in bringing a tyrant to power, but much more of the opposite. Still, the worry was more around Degare's emotional state, weither he could perform the Candor whilst in this difficult time. It appeared Entente may have had hardened exteriors but internally one slip up could have had him bound for revealing too much and losing as a price. Salen could only worry more, for he saw comfort in the man. A friend whom has the same interests as he.

Arkash's test of the Candor agitated him further. The Corvo couldn't help but feel the thousand yard stare on him; as if he was targeted for something. At that point, Salen heard the wooden splinters of the floorboards, squealing with every step as they scraped against the floor.

Salen could only imagine that he was about to lunge at him as he turned around and felt the creature pounce on him. This time, Salen seemed to struggle as he was taken by the shoulder. The full weight of his momentum surprised him. He could feel the violent rattling of the bed as it creaked ominously, releasing a cacophonic sinister sound within it's vicinity. Salen could feel his legs straddle around his body, locking him down. Before he could scream, the hand clasped his mouth.

The eye contact was intense, but furthermore the grip of the human's wrist. That was the moment where Salen was in complete paralytic shock. He couldn't move, nor speak as he stared deeply into the abyssal hole that was in front of him. It was as if the void was sucking him in-between those sharp serrated teeth and the smell of rotting flesh and carrion that reeked of death. The sickly venom that tripped from his teeth as he was blindsided with the threat of opportunity. However, Salen would've easily thought back but something stopped him.

The monstrous rumble? The predatory hiss that came? The widening of his jaw as it threatened to swallow him whole with every breath? No. Salen eventually regained his composure as the hand that Arkash had pinned transformed into something monstrous and deadly. The Shaper. The razor sharp claws would show from finger to knuckle; the black and shifting grey hues of the indestructible arm would show, followed by the red arcane markings that hung down them.

"Fuck off!"

He slapped the arm away and with his Shaper, he punched Arkash in the throat, hoping the winding force would give him time to get away from the lizard as he backed away. He eventually used Devise before creating his Obscura with it. His fear quivered as he needed to create a distraction; he went to the other side of the room and began knocking things over to create a sound distraction. The smash of vases, lightbulbs and other things to divert the attention of the creature.

Once he had done that, he ran for the door and attempted to escape, before he tripped and fell. The umbraplasm appeared to have disappated from the fall, dispelling his Obscura effect as he scrambled up on the floor again and tried to open the door to escape.

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Wed May 11, 2022 4:46 am


With his mouth so wide, Arkash's vision was obstructed by his own nose. He couldn't see whether or not his ploy to frighten the human had worked, but he was soon to discover that it had worked almost too well.

The exact same instant that Salen cried out in rage was the moment Arkash's jaws snapped shut with a distinct pop to herald the force of his tremendous bite. The air shifted and the bed rocked just at the slam of his jaws, which were undoubtedly strong enough to completely crush any regular human skull in just that one movement.

He wore a cruel smile , maw just an inch or two from Salen's face while he held himself above the trapped man, who wrestled his arm free of Arkash's grip with surprising ease. Arkash caught a glance of the limb and found the attributes of Shaper, much like Degare's own gauntlet. Instantly, the Rath swung his head back and threw his upper body from the human to push his body just out of reach of the punch that followed, then kicked off one leg to let the human go.

Salen shot up and began to wreck the room as Arkash sat there on the bedding.

While Arkash was unaware of just how terrifying his display was, he couldn't help but wonder if it was really enough to force that sort of reaction in a human by itself. Was there something else he'd done? Despite Salen's attempt to obscure himself with Umbralplasm, Arkash saw him with perfect clarity; the Cardinal could not be blinded by anything.

Nonetheless, he watched as Salen did his best to obstruct his path, then exhaled through his nose and covered his eyes with a palm as the man fell over.

"There's only one mark that can get someone executed here," said Arkash as he dropped his facepalm. "You and I both know that."

"If you ever imply that Lord Socorro is in possession of it again, I'll kill you," he warned as he stood and the human scrambled for the door. He spoke calmly, flatly, clearly, and loudly as Salen's body went into overdrive; it was entirely possible that Salen didn't hear a thing Arkash had said, but he didn't care.

Without another word, he proceeded to the window, lifted the latch, then lifted his apparently weightless frame out with remarkable ease. He lowered his body, fingers clutching the windowsill before he let himself drop from the second floor and caught his weight in a low crouch. After dusting himself off in the cooler desert air, he proceeded on the search for supplies through Rustbucket's market.


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Thu May 12, 2022 4:58 am

The mouth was so wide that frightened the human, but it appeared something was triggered; the fact his flight or fight response furthered his danger. The bone crushing force of his grip is what frightened him the most; as if he was being held against his will to witness such a fear, but what could've caused such a thing?

The extreme panic, the desperation caused him to fight back as he noticed the cruel smile on his face; it's as if it had a hint of sadistic pleasure from scaring the man. Who was this creature? What was he? Salen didn't have time with a launch of the punch, Arkash swung his head back, dodging the blow of his fist as he would escape the grasp of the sinister being. He noticed him watching him, as if he was gone out, throwing things on the floor out of desperation. At that point he tripped and scrambled to the door. He stopped, before looking back at him, listening to him.

The warning he spoke with deep malice only made Salen realise something; the links between Lord Socorro and the lizard. He couldn't tell if he had saw him in the dream but it was definitely something that he hadn't recognised. However, he understood mages evolve and gain mutations during magic. Maybe it could've been a development in that? A malformist perhaps?

Salen appeared to have made himself look a fool and he realised that, but what can you expect from a creature who threatens to swallow a man whole like that? His nerves shivered as he calmed himself down, before watching him leave the room through the windowsill. Salen watched the moonlight clash as he got up from the window, watching the man walk off in the distance as the human retorted one time "YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE!" His last breath as he heaved from the hard time he had.

He knew he'd meet him again at some point.

He could feel it.

Sense it even.


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Sun May 22, 2022 3:04 am

☠ Along came a demon ☠
☠ Points awarded:
  • Arkash - 8
    Salen - 8 {Can be used for magic}
☠ Lores:


Acting: Friendly and cordial
Acting: Interested in others
Acting: Impatience
Intimidation: Open your mouth
Intimidation: Restrain your target
Intimidation: Resistance is futile
Intimidation: That which is unknown can be jarring
Navigation: The direction of the stars
Navigation: Desert terrain
Navigation: Arid terrain
Navigation: Lights and landmarks indicate civilization
Seduction: Proposition
Seduction: Implication
[PC] Salen: A human man hiding in the Badlands
[PC] Salen: Afraid of someone called Dahlia
[PC] Salen: Probably important to Degare
[PC] Salen: Probably knows Degare has Blood Magic
[PC] Salen: Cannot perform the Candor
[PC] Salen: A corvo
[PC] Salen: In possession of Remnomancy
[PC] Salen: Might be a hooker


Psychology: Flight or Fight Response
Psychology: Knowing Societial Cues
Psychology: Dealing with Fear and anxiety
Psychology: Venting once the fear had subsided
Psychology: Reawakening of Past Trauma
Unarmed Combat: Delivering a blow
Unarmed Combat: Utilising the Shaper
Spycraft: Dealing with Interrogators
Spycraft: Persuading the opposition
Spycraft: Don't reveal too much information
Spycraft: Establishing Friend or Foe
Deception: Feigning Interest
Seduction: Choosing your words carefully to impress
PC: Arkash - Scared you
PC: Arkash - Strange creature
PC: Arkash - A fucking asshole
PC: Arkash - Degare's lover?
PC: Arkash - A potential ally?
PC Arkash - Will kill you if you imply Degare's Mark.
☠ Loot:
  • N/A
☠ Injuries:
  • N/A
☠New Mage Blight:
  • N/A
☠ Notes:
  • Your thread has appeased the vengeful spirits and saved your soul from damnation, congratulations!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 321
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