Safe Haven

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Asphodel Avarice
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Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:48 am


Frost 75th, Year 4621

It was easier to move around after the sun had dipped below the horizon line and the chill of a Badland's night had taken over. Arkash's movements were slower, the sluggish kind of stiffness expected of what she assumed to be some variation of reptilian rathor. Though, alongside that stiffness came a much slower trickle of blood. It had yet to fully clot given the size of the man's wounds, but that was something Asphodel had no doubts she could help handle. At least he wasn't actively bleeding out at a lethal rate. The ice and darkness also made it easier on Asphodel, though in a less direct manner. Her clothes were thick enough the cold was hardly a bother, but even then, she'd prefer being too cold to being too hot. Not just that but the nights in the Badlands were often dark with nothing more than the scant few pricks of starlight and moonlight to guide your path if you got lucky. Most would think of that as a detriment, but not Asphodel.

Given it was a bit harder to navigate in her human form with the night vision afforded to her by her breed. Even without that benefit though, the darkness of a comfort. Resting heavy like a cloak against her skin, guarding and protecting her. It reminder her much of her angel's wings from all those years ago, but, that wasn't a story to linger on when she had company.

Bearing a decent portion of Arkash's weight on her own shoulder, she managed to get them both home to her temporary 'den' without any major mishaps. Her locational memory was sharp, so even in the dim glow of the falling night it wasn't hard to make her way back. Tonight's den found her camped out in a deeper cave than usual, dug into a stiff stone wall at the bottom of a dipping valley of sand. There were plenty of jagged cracks in the wall, other potential dens, but she'd chosen the one she had with care. It was the only one large enough she could also stash away her Chariot at the back wall without fear of it being driven off by some stranger. After a quick inspection of all the caves it also proved to be the cleanliest of the lot. So she'd set up a quick firepit towards the back and called it home.

Of course, ever worried in a place like the Badlands, after getting her Chariot into the cave she'd pilled up sand at the entrance as high as she could to make the cave look smaller and far less appealing.

When they arrived she helped her new charge wiggle through the entrance first and then she quickly followed. "It's not much," she said, "but in a place like this? You can get stuck with a lot worse. An actual bed would be nice, but I tend to get in... scuffles, with the raider groups. So it's safer to just camp out in areas where they can be avoided for the most part," she explained, going towards her bag at the far wall and rummaging through it. Rations, extra water, not what she was looking for. Ah, there it was. It wasn't much, a good majority of the goods had already been used, but during her last run in with a group of bandits trying to keep their heads down in Anointed Territory she'd managed to scavenge some rudimentary medical supplies off the corpses.

She pulled off her outer cloak, allowing hood and veil alike to fall to the ground as she gathered up the medical supplies in her arms. She hadn't been given the time to change forms yet, but to be honest? Humans hands were probably better at this kind of things that fingers tipped with claws made to hunt. The biggest give away in this form were her eyes which no matter how much she'd practice as a child has always just seemed a bit too wild. "Alright. Lets see about those wounds," she said as she kneeled down in front of Arkash.

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Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:57 am


The cold was a curious thing for the young Rien Rathor. In many ways, it served as a boon, and in others, it had hindered and almost killed him. Lorien's frigid climate had contributed to his stalled growth at a young age, and when combined with malnourishment, assured he would never reach his full size. It left his body wrought with imperfections and blemishes he'd never thought to consider outside the nature of his scales, and it was what had bound him to the firepit for days and days at a time, just to survive. Arkash wasn't versed in social or physical development for this reason, and it showed in the silence of the journey to Asphodel's home.
In other ways, the cold was a boon to the Rath. In situations like the one he'd landed himself in, it meant he would bleed slower due to the slowed rhythm of his heartbeat, and the thickness of the cooled blood in his veins. It also meant that he was far from all-there, mentally. Images of their journey were all he could recount, general landmarks that stole his attention in a long, dark, senseless wander through the frigid desert night. He'd had the option to change to his humanoid form near the beginning of the journey, but decided against it to ensure that his bleeding stayed slowed.
That did mean that he was utterly dependent on the stranger he'd met, though. Not only to guide him through the desert in his frozen stupor but also to leech enough of her warmth to keep his heart active just enough to ensure that he didn't expire. His movements became rigid and slow, with less than a little bend to his arms and legs. His muscles stiffened and made everything feel the weight of led. Sifting through the sand with his claws was enough to ensure he didn't totally freeze, but it didn't mean that the meager warmth the movement of his muscles generated was by any stretch enough to sustain him.
Asphodel's warmth and that energy generated by his musculature was a workaround; a temporary solution. It was as he ducked his head and awkwardly clambered through the cave entrance that darkness began to creep around his senseless vision, and brumation dawned on him like a creeping chill.

When the fire became lit, Arkash's misty eyes darted to the flame, and his stiffened neck jaggedly moved his head to peer at the glowing ambers, constrained by stones. There was naught but a glimmer of consciousness in his gaze, those vacant eyes that stared through the human in his company. So much of his brain had shut down in the cold that he ran on almost nothing but instinct. There was only one thing on his primal brain's mind in those moments, staring at the glow across the room: Warmth.
Arkash began to shift right then and there, scales flipping like panels to reveal soft tan skin beneath. The structure of his face warped as his mouth receded close to his skull, and the tail that draped the stone he sat on withdrew into the base of his spine. His toe-claws reformed and his gaze adjusted and twisted as a human-like nose came to separate his eyes in place of a long muzzle. The hint of yellow beneath the mist in his vision turned dark brown in both eyes, and locks of curly matted hair sprouted from his scalp in thick natural braids.
It took a moment for his Endothermic body to catch on to the fact that he was actually hypothermic, as his brain took a few seconds to wake and affirm what was actually happening to him. Then, he began to shiver subtly, then aggressively. His stiffened, blue hands reached up to wrap around his chest as he began to undo the deep-laden cold within his muscles and bones. The intense shivering did well to stir up some warmth in his body, and he groaned in abject suffering while his body did its best to combat the ice in his veins. If it weren't for his meager dranoch regeneration, Arkash would have no doubt been in a lot of trouble those few minutes. But he found he bounced back a lot easier from seriously damning conditions, like hypothermia, exsanguination, infection, and starvation.
A shaky breath left his frigid lungs as he trembled tremors, and his eyes lifted to the girl across the cave from him beneath the burlap headwrap that had once been his shirt. His fingers were like ice against the thin skin that veiled his lean, bony frame, and though he tried to pull his shirt down for an extra layer of protection from the cold, his hands lacked the dexterity to do as cold as they were. Arkash was at least sensible enough to try.

"Fackin..." he started, still shivering up a storm. "Rabe's bludy beak!" he cried. "...Fank 'ew, Az," he spoke with little to no effort in maintaining his proper dialect or learned accent. His teeth clattered with his veiled jaw beneath the burlap rag that wrapped his head, and he groaned again. "Saved me propa', 'ew did," he returned. Though he had the sense to speak, he seemed to lack the foresight to imagine his genuine gratitude might have been construed as sarcasm given the circumstances.
"Woun's... Rite, yeah... A'm facked up, aren'I?" he recalled, blinking hazily to himself while he began to remember everything that had transpired. "Raph... That fackin... Twat!" he spat in rage as he peeled his hand away from the blood-caked gaping hole on his side.
Arkash appeared to have been impaled there, as the wound ran deep. The nature of the puncture was curious, as it looked to have only just caught him, but enough to pierce him all the way through as closer inspection would find an exit wound, too. What was likely the most interesting part about the injury, and perhaps the most troublesome, was how the puncture seemed to rip outward and tore a sort of slash through to his side. It was as though whatever had impaled him first ran him through, then ripped sharply to the left and tore the skin and tissue there apart on its way out of his body.
It was a terrible wound, something that should have been lethal to just about any mortal. But curiously, there were hardened patches of... something black... in the wound. It wasn't Umbralplasm, something almost metallic in nature, much like his sword. Whatever it was, it appeared to have held him together from any major rupturing of organs and the like. that unidentified black substance might have been the only thing that saved him.
The wounds on his arm and leg resembled that of the original implement to cause the injury but weren't nearly as severe as the wound to his stomach, just below the ribs. The muscle in his leg was damaged, which gave cause for the limp he'd displayed all the way to Asphodel's cave, but it wasn't hindering enough to prevent him from walking. Of course, the Rath-turned-human's side was a horror story in terms of mess. Sand clung to the dried bloods that caked his paling skin around the site. His clothes appeared completed drenched in his own lifeblood on that side, utterly ruined and stained forever, no doubt. Thankfully, they were about the same price as a potato sack and wouldn't set him back too much.

As Arkash began to warm up, so too did he begin to bleed again, but not nearly as severely as he should have given the chunk-sized tear in his midriff. His boney fingers clung to the grooves of his skin made by his ribs as he laid back against the wall. "...I's bad, rite?" he asked while he began to catch his breath. He'd bled so much that his heart was pumping just about the bare minimum to keep him stable. Shock was inbound if he bled too much more.
Even so, Arkash claimed to know his biology better than any medical professional would have recommended. "I jus... Need food..." he declared while he laid there, eyes half-shut. "I can heal, I'm jus'... I need..."
With more of his body waking up and more functions resuming, tremendous pain, discomfort, and exhaustion began to set in. "Please..." he pleaded pathetically with his eyes shut tight.


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Asphodel Avarice
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Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:24 am


Asphodel knew the very basics of how to ensure someone stayed alive in a place like this. It wouldn't be pretty but she could stitch a wound and knew what plants would stall bleeding and force the blood to clot faster whenever she had the foresight to wander out of the Badlands to collect some more, hardly trusting the taint leeching flora of this hellscape. This though... this was something else entirely. She could do some basic stitching, but an injury like this? She damn well knew it would be fatal on any normal person. That made Arkash distinctly abnormal, but it wasn't her place to ask questions. That was assuming it didn't get infected! She wanted to clean the wound but she hardly had an idea of where to start everything considered. It was a careful balance to strike between helping or making things worse. Well, she supposed she had one place to start.

"What do you eat?" She asked, flitting about as she tried to do what she could for him. Anything that might have seemed like sarcasm she instead chocked up to his accent or his near delirium. Seeing as she wasn't a medical professional and the fact he was still alive was testament to the degrees in which he was nowhere near a regular person, she decided to trust his assessment that all he needed was food. The question then came down to what kind of food. "Rabbit? Do you want cooked rabbit?" She asked nervously, offering up the product of her last hunt. She'd already cooked and cleaned it earlier that day when the sun was too high to hunt. It'd been her intention to try and bring back something more substantial she could preserve for her next longer bout of travel, but she was used to plans completely falling through before.

Her worry was that he might have some kind of special diet, or that he might be referring to something in particular. If it was something she could hunt, then she'd be out the door the next minute. She could at least fuss and try to coax a little more water into him bit by bit to bring him back down from the edge of dehydration. She was a bit worried but less so about the concept of frost bite since it didn't seem like he was too far along. Dry heat like the fire could be dangerous if it was that bad, but he was far enough away from the fire.

In the meantime while figuring out what he could eat all she could really do was keep an eye on the progression of the Umbralplasm in his body. She kept trying to push and pull on it, and while she'd discovered she could help circulate which organs it was in to make sure it wasn't congealing too heavily in one spot, she couldn't pull it out of him. Trust her, she'd tried. Oh how she'd tried. She pushed her scant few abilities as far as they could go, trying to pull the umbralplasm out of Arkash's body and drawing it into a compass but it clung. Thick and viscous on his insides it settled in thing layers inside of his organs, making the prospects of keeping him alive all that much harder when every once in a while she could see a thin trail of blackened ooze coming out alongside the blood from the gaping wound. The most worrying place of all was where it felt centralized. Somewhere she had no capabilities to reach. She had no doubts it was his soul. All things considered, that probably meant he had the Mark. It was just blocked off alongside any other marks in his body, unreachable by merit of there being too much Umbralplasm for his body and soul to absorb properly, creating a thick coating layer over the top.

Her angel had warned her this was a possibility. Her angel had also told her it was possible to undo, but only by someone of a grandiose skill set. Asphodel didn't know if that meant a master or someone even beyond that, but she supposed she knew her future was set now. If Arkash lived she was going to do everything in her power to remove the layer of Umbralplasm cradling his soul.

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Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:52 pm


What sort of food did he eat? Blood, marrow, eyes... "Meat..." he answered with a hard swallow. Entrails, arteries, keratin claws... "Jus'... Any meat," he answered, mouth hung open while he breathed and tried to steady the pain. He always healed just a bit faster after feeding, and considering everywhere he'd run and swam with the horrific wound in his side, Arkash was in a hurry to ensure his regeneration began quickly, lest infection took root. Then again, wasn't that what led to his blight in the first place?
"Fresh..." he answered again. Running, fighting, screaming... "Raw... Raw meat," he clarified when she asked for specifics. "Anyfin', any raw meat..." Preferably still alive... Much like she was. Arkash's pained gaze only lingered on her for a moment before his misty eyes shut again, and he breathed a pained sigh. He couldn't, even in his current state. All he wanted in those moments was to live, to sink his teeth into a fresh cadaver and let his body heal, but he wouldn't bring himself to feed upon her. He wouldn't allow it.

Conflict weighed heavy in his eyes whenever he had the sense to meet her gaze... And then the rabbit was offered. It certainly wasn't enough, but it was something. "Please..." he asked, reaching out a hand to the offered catch. When she did give it to him, his pitiful, wounded demeanor would suddenly shift. Much unlike his prior state, he unfurled like an animal. Sharp teeth showed through in his human mouth and carelessly bit through the wrapping of his head to get to the rabbit in his clenched fists.
There was almost no chewing in his feeding, just the clasp of his jaws on a piece of meat, the rip and turn of his head, and the stuffing of the food further into his mouth by claim of another bite. He chomped through bone and rent massive chunks of what was once the beast with incredible ease. It was as though he was designed to eat, and he did so remarkably well. The lean, stringy meat of the hare didn't stand a chance. Given how quickly he'd mauled the rabbit to pieces, one might expect to find his stomach even the least bit distended, but the creature never seemed to touch the sides, let alone touch the bottom of his sunken stomach. It was just gone, the only trace of it left was the juices that painted his hands.
Evidently, not even the juices in the rabbit's tender, stringy meat could escape the 'guised rath, who began to lick his digits clean and suckled every bit of the rabbit's flavor from his fingers, then fell back against the wall with lidded eyes. There he breathed easier than he had been, but even seconds after the visage of him brutally mauling his dinner, signifiers of his week and feeble condition returned quickly. He held his arms to his chest and wheezed through pain in his side, as though he'd not just sprung to life and viciously mauled a cooked rabbit.

Regardless, the meal appeared to have worked, at least a little. Some color returned to his skin, and his wheezing, shaky breath improved substantially. "Thank you..." he spoke at last. It wasn't nearly enough and did little more than alleviate his pain and discomfort rather than actually treat his wounds, but it was appreciated nonetheless.
his eyes opened in time to see her practicing her magic on him once more. She reached within, and he could feel her influence around his heart, his lungs. He shut his eyes tight and bared his teeth as strain and discomfort wormed their way to the surface of his perception, and the aching pain in his chest was all he knew. "S-stop..." he pleaded. "it hurts... A lot..."
That was right, Asphodel was Nightfallen. She'd undergone the same initiation, and she even had two magics. Arkash realized that she'd passed through the same situation he had, and he'd convinced himself he was just having trouble with the initiation, that his condition would pass and his blood magic would return soon. The question clung to his lips, but in asking, the safety of the reality he'd convinced himself into believing, would be lost.

Even so, he found his tongue moving without his will to guide it. "...Is" he started, then paused when he caught himself. His foot was in the door, he'd already taken the most important step toward the truth... if she had it. "Is this normal?" he asked with some semblance of a refined accent in his voice.
"It feels wrong..." he clarified. 'it's all... in m'chest..." His features strained again, and he bared his sharpened teeth. "...I failed, didn'I?"


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Asphodel Avarice
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Mon Jan 31, 2022 11:29 am


The moment the question was through Arkash's lips the other rath had to suppress her urge to flinch. She only just barely managed, her eyes crinkling up at the corners while her lips twisted with a frown. "I..." she started, but really, that had already said it all hadn't it? There wasn't anything that could really be done now. So she decided to be honest. "I believe whoever initiated you might have been intending for you to fail. The job feels... shoddy? Yeah, that's a good word for it. The umbralplasm you ingested feels wrong almost. Too dense even. Meaning it clumped all together in the wrong spots. So, yeah, you've already failed. I apologize," Asphodel said, toying with her own fingers for a moment. His wounds were terrifying enough but this on top of it made her stress. It made her worry and fret like a mother hen, a thing she was most certainly never meant to be. She cared, oh, she cared enough to choke herself but she'd never been all too good at the act of caring.

"Hold still," she whispered, finally pulling out a piece of cloth and wetting it. Fast healer or not he'd die if an injury like this got infected and there were already clumps of debris and sand settled into the creases of flesh. Now that she'd actually settled her wits enough to get them back under her, her focus was still on making sure he didn't die. Carefully, gentle as the touch of feathery snow against a child's cheek, she pressed the rag to the worst of the injuries and began to try and remove the grit that'd made a home there. She chewed on her lip as she watched for his reaction to the new information. He was lucky to be alive, but most people who failed an initiation in nightfall were consider themselves luckier to be dead. Surviving a failed initiation was a curse as a much as it was luck to still be alive. The mark still made its home, curled up safely in your chest, but you couldn't reach it. Fingers always too far out of grasp, brushing senselessly through a slew of darkness that they weren't skilled enough to pierce. Terrifying, hallowing, deserving of pity.

At least to most.

Her angel had known better.

"Most who fail an initiation like this end up dead. You'd best consider yourself lucky for the fact you're breathing. The umbralplasm tends to clump too thickly in the important parts. Clogging the lungs and overworking the heart just so it can pump enough blood to a brain that's already too inundated too function. You're lucky if you live and lucky if you die. Funny how that works. No matter what, the outcome of a failure is never kind. Sure, someone like me can always keep you alive. You're still 'dying' in a sense but I can make sure you don't keel before the umbralplasm clears out of your system. Your marks are gone though. With a one in a million chance of ever being able to get them back," she said, pausing for a reaction.

Before Arkash could sink too deeply into whatever his natural reaction was though, she cut back in, eyes glinting against the firelight. "One in a million, but never impossible," she said carefully, hands pausing for a moment from their work. "I don't know all the details. All I really know is that it's a priest's chance in bel you'll actually pull it off. Some nightfall though? Some of us get strong enough we can fix it. Dislodge the umbralplasm from the wrong spots. You find someone that strong? You'll have whatever magics you had before back alongside Nightfall. It'd be as though you never failed to begin with."

It was a fleeting hope because it was just a story her angel has told her once, wings wrapped around Asphodel's shoulders to try and drive off the chill. It could be a fairytale for all she knew. Arkash though, there was such a deep seeping misery about him. She wanted to give him even the barest scrap of hope. "It's hard. So, so hard to find one of us that's strong enough. But it's possible. So you better fucking live," she said, voice curling ferociously like the words were almost an order as she stood up. "I set some traps the other night. Some big some small. If need be, I woke up only a couple hours ago, so I can hunt through the night." It would be annoying but she could probably make some good distance in her faunis form. Not to mention her pelt would keep her warm. Worst came to worst she could spend the night hunting small prey. Best case scenario one of her larger snares caught a larger beast. Or perhaps even a person to rob.

"It shouldn't take me long. If you want to find a nightfallen that's strong enough to fix your initiation, then you should sleep. You're going to need all the strength you can get."

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Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:17 pm


The quickened mouth breathing that had filled the silence of the cave came to a stop. Tired eyes fixed solely on Asphodel from where he sat, still trembling lightly while he recovered his lost heat. "...What?" He begged at last.

His whole body was utterly still in wake of the revelation, his tired gaze gathered focus enough to fix his eyes on the disguised Rathor. Though his lips remained parted, he didn't speak a word. The look he bared, of recognition piled on dread, woven beneath the physical and emotional pain he'd already displayed, was abundant in his gaze. Hee shut his eyes and leaned back against the wall, breathing quickened while she worked on cleaning the injury.

His crimson-caked fingers tightened on the rock formations as that rag met his wound, and he bared his teeth beneath the burlap wrap as he straightened his legs. An intense growl steadily built in his throat before it paused with the halt of his breath. In a second or two, he broke with an aggressive grunt and began to tremble again while he pressed the back of his head into the wall.

The wound itself was something of a shitshow. All sorts of unidentified gunk clung to the lining of his skin, tattered pieces of ruptured... something laid deep beneath the glistening layers of torn flesh and muscle. To get all of the sand, especially when one considered how the coagulation of his blood would make it sticky and more clingy to the granules, was almost impossible. Light swipes would most certainly not be enough to fully clean the wound either, but any degree of roughness would surely break up the miracle that was the coagulation of his opened side.

Despite all his writhing and complaining, he didn't once ask her to stop or even cry out in pain. There was just the quiet fight to maintain his composure in wake of the harm, the resolve not to break.

The will to survive.

When at last he'd adjusted to the sensation, Arkash was breathing heavily, wiping tears from his watery eyes and smearing his features with the dried blood that covered his fingers. "...Can 'ew get it out?" He asked at last and swallowed hard. His voice came quietly with no shortage of constrained pain in his tone. His teary eyes settled upon her again while he waited for her answer.

His magic was gone then, by Raphael's will or not. He drew a deep breath through his nose, then brought his hand to cover his eyes while they welled with tears. "Fuck..." he began, voice strained by a burn in his throat. "Fuckin'... Prick..." he continued and drew another deep breath through his sniffly nose. Weakly, he moved the makeshift turban to wipe at his eyes, then reached beneath the fabric to hold the back of his head while he stared on, absorbing what it was that she said.

"...Thank you," he said at last, then swallowed hard to be rid of the mess in his throat. "Thank you so much for helpin' me, Az..." he spoke again. "...I'm ...Really tired, so I might..." he continued on the subject of sleep, accent completely different to what he'd assumed before.

"...I'm ...I promise I'll-" Was all he managed as a reply before his eyes drifted shut, and he fell limp against the wall that supported him. There, he breathed shallowly, otherwise still in his drained, pale features.


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