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[Couronne] The meet and greet (Urs)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 7:12 pm
by Reima

Montien: Amoren
Location: Small pub near the city's heart
Time: Late afternoon

40th of Glade, 120 AS

One hand rested lightly on her cheek as Reima stared out the lightly tinted glass panels of the pub's window. Her golden eyes stared with a half glaze, something akin to tiredness written on her features as she idly stirred her drink with a finger of her other hand. She sighed and closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of the fading glow of sunlight that still peeked over the tops of the buildings around the city's center. People milled about in typical ant fashion, heading toward one destination or another with the silent urgency that the races of flesh always seemed to manifest. Few even bothered to pause and take in the beauty of the scene around them. Yes, Couronne was perhaps her favorite of all the domains of Daravin to visit. The colors of Ash never faded here, and at just the right time of day, the region almost seemed to burst into flame as the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in crimson to match the embers of the leaves below.

Perhaps I will request to be moved here permanently. the Fae mused, the thought making her smile. She raised the string finger to her lips, licking the sweet violet liquid before it could drop to the table and be wasted. The act made her grimace as she remembered that the drink was not, in fact, alcoholic in the slightest. Her legs kicked in irritation, which served only to sourer her mood further as she could not touch the ground from where she was seated. The owner of the pub had the audacity to deny her drink due to her apparent age, and as if to add insult to injury he had seated her at the bar near so that he could keep an eye on her until her company arrived to 'take her off his hands' as he has phrased it. It didn't matter how much she had tried to reason with the man, he simply could not see past her height and apparent youthful features.

Cracking one eye Reima could see the owner was still watching her from the corner of his eye, even as he spoke with customers and brought drinks to tables. It was no use really, and it wasn't like she wasn't used to it. At least Urs would be here soon. She would get him to buy her a proper drink, and not just this sweet juice. With the thought Reima glanced toward the window once more, measuring the time based on the sun's descent. He should be arriving soon.

His letter had come suddenly and without warning, just a few short sentences about traveling to Couronne and a brief timeline. Such was his way Reima mused, but she didn't dislike him for it. She had, of course, replied back and asked that he inform her when he arrived and where he was staying and she would find her way to meet with him. The Omen sent many of their numbers traveling to teach and spread the word of Ulendreaism, so it was not difficult to get permission to travel. Once all that tedious paperwork was completed she had joined a caravan and taken the 11-day trek to Ríoven. From there It took just one more letter for their meeting to be set, and thus here she was.

The sound of the door opening made Reima crack her eye once more, turning her head slightly to see if this was, at last, the person she had waited so long to see.

Re: [Couronne] The meet and greet (Urs)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:17 pm
by Urs Smith

Couronne never ceased to impress. Urs watched as the last of the late afternoon sunlight disappeared behind the stucco white buildings, the world inexplicably brighter for just a moment. The leaves on the trees seemed bolder, brighter, indulging in more delicious reds, lively oranges, and the yellows softening into gold. The sky blushed rose pink and wisteria purple at the city's spectacular display, no blue in sight.

Urs stood transfixed. Couronne, like Nivenhain, appeared stuck in time. However, in place on the never-ending snow and bitter winds, Couronne was blessed with good weather and vibrant colors. Everything seemed so much better here.

As afternoon transitioned to evening and later, the bright beauty of sunset collapsing into the dark of night, Urs realized he was late. He ran over the uneven cobblestone streets, careful of the awkward spaces in between the rocks and stones paved together. His leather boots clapped against the otherwise silent streets.

It didn't take him long to arrive at the meeting place. Urs had been the one to suggest it, after all. The Maven was one of his favorite taverns in the city, and apparently one of the older ones as well. The brown bricks and stones that made it up were chipped with age, and where they threatened to crumbled, had been covered with white plaster. Despite its appearance, The Maven offered delicious food and cheap drink, which was all Urs really cared for in a bar.

When Urs opened the door and saw Reima, green and floral, his lips curved until they broke into a wide smile, teeth and all. He offered her a wave as he made his way toward the table, signaling a waiter as he sat down.

"It's been a while hasn't it, Reima?" He said, peeking into her glass, "What'd you order? It smells....sweet," he grimaced a bit, the drink smelling a combination of too-much sugar and overly ripe fruit.