The Call of Danger (Group Collab Recruitment, Agenda)

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Hugo Abreo
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Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:42 pm

89th of Searing 4622

The sound of waves crashing upon the beaches was ever-present. The pushing and pulling of the waves, the eternal pattern, casting the smell of salt in the air for all to smell. The beach and the surrounding dunes were a solitary place, visited by Valran, priests or merchants on warm days or when they needed some time away from the nearby holy city of Carine. As waves were cast upon the pebbles of the beach, for once in a very long time, the sounds of man exceeded the volume of sound created by nature itself. Hundreds of individuals were gathered upon what was normally a solitary beach. A violation of the normal serenity that was present here. Armed, boisterous and with a breath of emotions as wide as the human experience in its entirety.

In a matter of months, the beach and its surroundings had been completely transformed. Behind the ridgeline of dunes that were scattered all across the coast, a large camp had been organized. A camp with dozens of tents scattered about the open plain behind the dunes, spreading around the centre of the camp where supplies were gathered and where the more veteran members of the expeditions were gathered. This centre had been organized with clear intent, but much of that intent faded away as one got further from the centre. The once neat and square lines and structures were replaced with different qualities of materials and organizations as different groups arrived. Between the various groups, there was a wide variety. The majority of the military forces gathered at this large camp consisted of veteran mercenaries, members of the Halamire. Those soldiers who had served under various superiors and survived at least several extended tours. Now they were motivated by piety and wealth (or a combination of the two) to join this great expedition to bring order to the seas and bring down Lothric and Tyrinac.

The second most common group were those with less experience. Those who were motivated by faith and a religious duty to help spread and bring forth Ulen's will. Many of these came from the local area as well, believing that by participating here they would maybe help bring forth the Prophecies and the arrival of paradise. Though in practice most of these men came so they could look upon Nydden, an Achra of Ulen, the closest that any man could come to god. This group often lacked the equipment of the veteran mercenaries, often still having basic military equipment and supplies but lacking the knowledge that years of experience bring with them. It was these men, especially that the gathering of Merchants outside the camp were taking advantage of. As many of this group realized at the last moment that they had forgotten to buy an essential piece of equipment in order to make sure they survived. That or they bought 'holy artefacts' from merchants. 'Blessed' version of the Oaths, or various symbols and trinkets that were said to be blessed by Praetors or Tribunes for protection and would make sure that one would survive the coming battles.

The third and (final Daravinic) group were the mages, those individuals who would be the backbone of this expeditions were to survive. These mostly consisted of various Valran who were seeking to prove themselves. or those who had served a long time in the Halamire. Gaining knowledge and experience from war and having fought across the various edges of Daravin. Perhaps some of them had fought monsters on the edge of civilization before, but most of them had fought on the fields of battle or the ballrooms of the Entente. (Even if some of them were the less prominent ballrooms) All of these aforementioned groups constituted the greatest force in this mustering of forces. They were led by Damien Berkley, a Tuatha of the Halamire who had brought in a large chunk of veteran forces and was in practice the highest authority for the Daravnic contingent of the expedition. In theory, the entirety of the expedition was led by the Holy most Blessed Nydden himself, but the Divine being interfered little with the daily running of the camp.

Finally, there was the Ameslari. These enigmatic followers of Kyrikain, one of the so-called dreaming gods. Though they were the ones to initiate the expedition they were the fewest in number. Little could be told about them as they stayed mostly isolated, interacting little with the Daravinic contingent. Rumours told that they were led by an individual known as Emrik, of which most individuals knew nothing. Some said that he was a great prophet, others a butcher and holy warrior, and others said that he was a crazed lunatic and a heretic. Most of these rumours were probably wrong since nothing was known about him and when nothing was known people created crazy theories. The majority of those present knew that the Ameslari would be those who would be most critical in the defeat of the vile Beings that dominated the Straits of Adena but how this would be done was not known.

Just outside of this hubbub of humanity was a young dark-skinned Veir. Hugo Abreo, a Veir with no land to his name and little renown, was sitting on one of the dunes overlooking the large camp. He cast his eyes from the wealthy area where the elites had their elaborate and large tents, to the outskirts of the camp. At the final adventures who were arriving. Saying goodbye to the few family and friends who had joined them on this journey, but in most cases arriving by themselves and beginning to look for where to go. Sizing up the various people and groups, then being pulled towards various little gatherings and groups. Trying to join those more experienced than them, or gathering with those individuals who like them had not found a purpose yet. Hugo himself feared that in some way he could be counted amongst the ranks of those who still needed to find a group. For even though he was better in status and preparedness than most of those last arrivals, he himself was only part of a group of three (four if you counted Mule).

Even as Hugo stared off far into the distance, one solitary figure was walking towards his position. A figure who, similar to him, was wearing a set of chainmail armour. As he got closer more details could be made out. The figure's Hawkish face, his dark hair and the stern look that was on his face. After about a minute of walking uphill, the figure had arrived to sit next to Hugo. Momentarily gazing at the camp himself before responding. "You should be down there, not looking at everything that is going on from a distance. This was your idea in the first place after all. " Hugo let out a small groan before responding, a soft smile on his face. "Yes, and I do look forward to this expedition. But I had to take a moment. Come to terms with what we might face or what might happen." After this comment, Hugo felt a strong pat on his back. "Don't think about it too much, it'll just give you a headache. You could have died at any time in the past and yet you have already reached this far, maybe you can be happy with that ? I sure am at least. Also if you want to survive we could probably use a few more companions. Me, you and.... him... might not be enough."

Hugo chuckled at Bertrand's discomfort. "Well, I suppose that is true and I should not think about it too much. Let us make our way back to the camp then." With an even thread Hugo would then head down the dune, going towards the area where all the last arrivals came. The vast majority of those arrivals would be over-eager zealots, but perhaps there might be a few odd diamonds in the mix. Something that could make this expedition more successful and bring it to a potentially not-death-inducing event. As such Hugo folded his hands behind his body, and stood between two tents close to the arrival area. Keeping close eyes on all who approached.

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Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:23 pm

Salen gazed amongst the shorelines of the coast, looking out for a moment as he appeared to be daydreaming, gazing amongst the skies in distant. He had made a promise to assist Hugo as a penalty for his insolence at the recent soiree he had. Ultimately, causing a stir up at an lower Entente's party had driven most people in fear, perhaps thats what Salen wanted, for them to be reminded of the penalty that they face for becoming an undesirable of Daravin. Yet, he was also undesirable in many ways, mostly because of his carnal nature and deeply upsetting political views. It was something Salen had kept quiet about as it was better to have no opinion, especially in front of the military of Daravin, known as the Halamire.

He looked around and made his way to the tents, looking around for Hugo. He had no idea exactly what to expect from this expedition, but it would appear that it would be another leaf of danger that Salen is about to walk through; it wasn't just a simple matter of obscurity, subterfuge and dark corners, but an even bigger threat that was said to be haunting the coastlines of Daravin. The minions of Lotheric and Tyrnac, he had heard about these monstrous terrors before, but never exactly engaged in going to the coastline much. Infact, he had never been there. He took a deep exhale through his nose.

Why am I here? He asked himself. Why was he here? He could have gotten scot-free against him, his eyes would focus on the man passing by, but yet he could feel that strange psychic presence ringing in his head again. Was someone he visited before in the dreamscape nearby? It was ominous, but the slightest anxiety was enough to endure that someone whom he wasn't comfortable with was close by.

An enemy perhaps?

Who knew. He eventually made his way from the coast, back to the camp where he made his way towards Hugo's tent. It seemed he was deeply annoyed by his current situation, but it served him right for messing with the rules of the Entente. After all, people had to play their games and lose every once in a while. It was a price for causing fear to hundreds of Daravinic nobles who reveled in taking pleasure in dark activities, even if that did include sexual deviancy. Only, it was the sexual deviancy that was drawn without consent that Salen had killed for. It was Sylve that should have deserved somewhat of a darker ridicule, not him.

Scapegoats for the law as they say.

"I see you two appear to be ready... May I hear what this is all about, or are you just going to keep it from me? As per usual, that always seems to be the case doesnt it?" He smiled as he eyed the two, appearing to have an smirk upon his face.

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Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:03 am

89th of Searing, 4622
Travelling along the dusty & sandy path on the side of a wagon with many people of all various shapes and sizes. The amber-eyed thief was a long way from home, travelling for many days & nights, and the travel itself was not easy on the slightly sickening mage as crossing the seas & the change of scenery was a rather big surprise.

From the temperate & ever-clear skies that scour the Alistian & Genteven to the constantly sunny, dry & warm temperatures that cover the Southern Marches. The petty thief made a few friends along his travel, as other men & women joined in the call to arms for an expedition that revolves around the elven gods: Lotheric and Tyrnac.

While all of this intrigues the skilled thief, his main goal is to assist in what he can and possibly get a reward out of it despite his selfish intent, but despite all of this, Jared isn’t unprepared for the most part. His trusty iron dagger, some leather armour & his innate skills are all things the little thief needs; also, his creative thinking will help him in difficult situations.

Arriving at the scene where the land meets the sea, Carine's coastlines are serene, with the pearly white sands that slowly become engulfed by the vivid cerulean blue seas that paint the landscape. Placing his feet on solid ground was probably one of the best things the thief missed throughout his travels; the bumpy ride and the lack of sleep made the alistian thief rather grouchy.

“Finally… Sweet solid ground….”

Jared couldn’t help but smile underneath his facecloth as he looked around to see if there were any notable faces around a crowd of many, attempting to distract himself from the dangers ahead in the unseeable future.

“Seems like I am alone for now…. That’s alright, though; I used to it anyways.”

Finding a suitable spot to make his spot of rest, The first thing the thief started to do was make something decent to eat after a bit of travel. The thief had a habit of carrying many foodstuffs such as hardtack, various bits of seasoning in tiny clay jars and essential staple items to make something to quell his stomach.

In reality, Jared is somewhat nervous about the situation at hand. The danger is a part of a thief’s life, but going into the direct threat is another thing & his minimal experience with fighting will be a detriment if he doesn’t react accordingly. His life solely depended on his creative mindset & natural reflexes to get himself out of a sticky situation.

“It's okay, Jared. If you can manage to stay alive just enough to help, things will go well.”

With a bit of pep talk to himself, the petty thief continues to make up a simple meal with some sweetened hardtack, honey & a sip of his waterskin. He was observing his surroundings and investigating the current situation that has brought everyone to these shores.

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Hugo Abreo
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Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:18 pm

As Hugo gazed upon the last few arrivals, he heard a voice to the side calling out to him and Bertrand. His gaze was immediately drawn towards the beautiful but oh-so frustrating visage of Salen. Hugo was still not sure if that was truly the name of this individual but he had as of yet found the enigma in front of him described by another name. As such Hugo had kept and would probably keep continuing to think of Salen as 'Salen'. Though for all he knew the man's name could be Percival Frederickstein von Mussel Kowalskdi de Rollo III. Or Bob. But that fact was of little consequence at this moment. What was more pressing was Salen's inquiry about what Bertrand and Hugo were speaking.

At Salen's voice Bertrand's hand instinctively crept towards his sword whilst Hugo focused on the verbal response. "We don't keep anything specific from you. It is just that I and Bertrand work together a lot for my work which is far from the home. Whilst have for the better part of the season been recovering so you just have not had an opportunity to listen in. But if you truly wish to know Bertrand and I were discussing the possibility of adding potential other members to our fellowship. As of this moment, we are quite weak in arms and abilities against some of the threats that could appear from the seas. So the possibility of an ally with Magical abilities would be quite useful."

After this reply, Hugo's gaze would go towards the slow trickle of people heading towards the camp. As he saw them Hugo frowned. With the equipment that lone Valran and Zaldunire wore being somewhat similar Hugo couldn't really make out who was a magical practitioner or not. Maybe Bertrand could see the distinction but Hugo could at this moment not ask Bertrand without giving a sign of weakness in the presence of Salen. As such he would have to resort to his own abilities to find any potential allies who could join them in this perilous and reckless journey.

Hugo carefully breathed in and out. Then he pulled raw Ether towards him. Letting it pass through his core, being refined into something else. From there the now Brand-aligned Ether would trickle from his core, up through his body only to finally arrive at Hugo's eyes. Hugo could feel a vague burning sensation and refocused his attention. Making his eyes absorb the energy rather than trying to resist it. And as such his vision shifted, or rather, a new colour could be seen. A brightness that was present in all individuals but burned far brighter in some than in others. From behind him, he could see tiny bits of spectral light coming from Bertrand but especially Salen. But his vision was focused most of all on those who approached the camp. The ragtag bunch of travellers. But quickly his gaze swept away from the crowd and towards a figure that was seated just off the main road and was seemingly by himself.

Hugo had dismissed the individual from his thoughts earlier as just another peasant but now that he looked more closely he could see that the individual was shining with Etheric light. He also seemed to be preparing some kind of food, which admittedly did force Hugo's stomach to make itself known. The individual seemed odd, he wore the clothes and had the demeanour of a commoner and yet the figure seemed to at least be a decently powerful mage. Whilst looking at the stranger Hugo spoke to Salen. "And I think I see a potential new recruit. Or at least an interesting anomaly to pass the time."

With a slight gesture, Hugo signed Bertrand to follow him. He then walked toward the stranger who was preparing his food and put a friendly smile on his face. For those who did not know any better Hugo looked like a young Mercenary rather than a noble with status. The only sign of such things would be how his armour was too clean and new whilst an older and more experienced individual seemed to be following him. Several feet from where the cook/mage was preparing his food Hugo looked at him and asked. "Is it alright if we could join you? Me and my companion(s) are looking for a good place to sit and this seems as good a place as any."


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Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:22 am

89th of Searing, 4622

Despite all the little pep talk, the petty thief could give himself, the shaking sense of danger looming over the horizon doesn’t seem to settle his insecure & overly cautious nature. Yet, despite all of the events that will eventually transpire, a brief moment of stillness is accessible to the world as if the seconds become minutes which then become hours.

As much as Jared would be happy to eat his homemade hardtack, The journeyman cook would require a bit of cooking since it would boost the number of nutrients & calories for each foodstuff he was working with and in times where physical exertion is required. Getting as many calorie-dense foods is a must; from the looks of things, most people would not consider foods & beverages during expeditions.

“Seems like no one here is going to be cooking… Guess I can make a few friends here and there. Bland & tasteless food always weakens morale; luckily, I packed a few goodies away.”

With that being said, the thief takes a moment to make a small campfire, quickly bundling up a few nearby twigs, branches & dried reeds to make the kindling for his make-shift cooking station. Then, with a hunk of flint & a ‘C’ shaped piece of steel, the charcoal-hair man takes a moment to strike the flint to conjure up a few sparks, which cause the tinder bundle to smoke for a moment. Then, leaning toward the slightly smoking heap, Jared takes a moment to blow gently into the fuel, causing the smoke to become more intense and the heat to increase until Jared makes a fire.

As the fire continued to grow, the alistian thief added small branches to continue feeding the flames just enough to maintain the flame for cooking purposes. In the meantime, he took a moment to scour his surroundings again to find a few long branches which he could use to stand over the fire and allow a few cast-iron pots to hang over the fire.

“Hmmm… What should I make… Something simple should be enough.”

Jared's idea was to make some stew or soup to go along with his hardtack & tiles since the added savoury flavours would help make the long-lasting foodstuffs slightly more edible. Taking a moment to seek out some nearby supply merchants, the request for fresh water was simple enough to refill his waterskin & the pot he was planning to use to make his stew.

“Perfect, have all the necessary pieces to make a nice meal.”

The process was simple enough; Jared had a sufficient amount of powdered vegetable & meat broth that he had made back at Genteven in preparation for the Season of Frost, where food scarcity was more common & having essentially Glade, Searing & Ash to prepare for the long, cold winters was essential for any household to live.

Setting the pot over the heat source, the thief takes a moment to add his vegetable broth powder which is laced with a variety of herbs & alliaceous components to give the stew or soup quite a bit of body & flavour to soothe the soul.

As the minutes go by and the Nightfallen cooks breezes through the essential task of preparing what available foodstuffs he has on hand. The light aroma of mild citrus and warming spices lifts into the air before being whisked away into the ethereal distance.

While it did seem odd for a lone person to make up their camp away from the group's main body, solitude was the Alistian man's only friend when no one familiar was nearby. Often a common experience for someone whose work revolves around pilfering others and honing their skills to the best of their abilities.

It was only then that Jared's senses tensed up for a moment as the sounds of heavy footsteps loomed closer by the second. Then, briefly looking up, the thief seemed curious to note why two male figures approached his makeshift campsite.

"Hmmm? Two armed men are approaching…. Play it cool & nothing terrible should happen… why would they want to speak with a commoner anyways?..."

It wasn’t at this point that Jared knew that the two men approaching him could tell he was a magic practitioner. From what Jared knew, he did not present any typical mark of control that most mages would get. Still, from his limited knowledge about the arcane arts, his entire body would emit a light visible to specific individuals, especially those affected by the various stages of Mageblight.

“Ummm… Can I help?”

Jared spoke up with a slightly curious yet defensive tone as his nature of meeting new people was often met with some resistance due to his past experiences living in the streets of Alistian.

Hearing the darker skin man speak while his companion standby by, the tone of his voice immediately catches the thief’s attention, a slightly tense feeling in his body as his muscles contract. The specific ways that he structures his sentence or maybe the air that this young man gives off tells of one who lived by military code or the various rules that did not apply to a highborn.

“Uhhh… I don’t mind; if you want to make yourself comfortable, be my guest. There isn't much I can offer compared to other bands of men & women that have come along today. If you don't mind me asking.... Why did you decide to come here instead of the other groups? I'm just a lone guy, nothing too special other than what I am currently cooking....”

The thief takes a moment to refocus his attention on the stew/soup he was making, still trying to decide on what would be best for today’s meal. Jared needed a distraction as interacting with people was never his strong suit & the presence of those that could swing a sword with proficiency didn’t calm his nerves. After all, thieves and steel generally don’t mesh well, depending on the context.

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Sat Sep 17, 2022 3:35 pm

Salen could see the various mages that were fighting for their own goal of protection, he'll eventually become another competitor in this game to prove themselves, of course it was Hugo who brought him upon this journey, perhaps because he sensed he was more powerful than he was. It wasn't natural that someone from outside of the Entente's bureaucratic system that a man like Salen would have the chance to prove himself, but it appeared that he was given it from the day he was bestowed his mark. He survived three initiations in total, an accomplishment for someone who had defied Ulen's code of order.

He took a glance at Bertrand as he observed the hawk-faced man. He knew he could sense tension from the man driven by the zealous possibility of war; the military types were always the ones to watch out to him, knowing that every Valran was for themselves, even within the circle of Veir he was serving. He exhaled through his nose, appearing to be frustrated by the mere act of kindness he had displaced in exchange for his own life and freedom. Salen's strong will was against this ideology, but he knew he wasn't going to get away with the crime if he had run away from the killing of a Veir. Whether it was right or wrong, the consequences were too dire for him. His eyes would linger on Hugo at the moment he watched him use his Ethersight.


"Interesting recruit?" He questioned before he tilts his head, recognising the boy that he had brought into the dark element. He gritted his teeth, realising that he had seen that boy before. A boy that he had set on fire with illusions; lucky it wasn't real, but he needed an opportunity at the time.

Salen's ruthless and calculating nature already proved to be a byproduct of his cynical nature. As they made their way towards the camp, he eyed Hugo once more before taking a look at the raven-haired boy. He appeared to be cooking an assortment of culinary dishes. The smell of good food was almost gastronomical and would provide the smaller male with a good sense of income, should his talents be arranged.

"Lone guy who can cook? Well isn't that more special." He spoke suavely as if to tease the male. After all, a compliment here and there was enough to comfort a conversation, especially when dealing with two armored 'idiots' like Hugo and Bertrand. Salen would stare at Hugo once again, blinking as he tilted his head once again "I'm sorry, we shouldn't be rude... Why don't we introduce ourselves, at least engage in some form of polite conversation other than the bare silence I hear at most of your soirees... Trust me, it's like crickets and it's utter boring that way, so lets start with you." He said nodding over at Bertrand, knowing he hadn't introduced himself to him at all.

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Hugo Abreo
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Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:43 pm

As Hugo, Bertrand and Salen went into the direction of the strange, singular mage Hugo began to carefully inspect the youth in front of him. He seemed skittish and mostly comfortable in his solitude. He was seemingly preferring some distance from the rest of the various groups that were present in this camp. Hugo would have to be very careful of how he interacted with this person. He would have to find a balance between putting on enough pressure that the stranger would not feel comfortable asking them to leave and making sure that he didn't bolt away from the small group like a deer caught in the torchlight. Before he headed further toward the individual, Hugo looked at Salen's question and give an affirmative nod. He then elaborated further in a somewhat quiet tone. "Indeed. He seems to be a mage of some sort and yet does not behave or dress like one of noble breeding. " After this quick exchange of words Hugo would finish approaching the man. After the initial round of questions and answers, Hugo would begin to sit down on the ground. "Thank you for your hospitality. Many of these gathered around here have already formed their own cliques and would scarcely welcome a stranger to join them. I thought our party of three-" Hugo nodded towards Bertrand and Salen. "-could use some new company. At least for some variety, so the same joke isn't always repeated."At this statement Hugo sent a look in Bernard's direction who mostly seemed to be unfazed.

Then Salen seemed to gain more initiative in the conversation. Being far too quick to reveal Hugo's identity as a noble and putting the pressure to talk on Bertrand. The person in the party who was the least enthusiastic about being there. Hugo kept his smile on his face but he could feel his frustration mounting as it seemed like Salen wanted to spook the lone magical stranger. Being partially forced Bertrand introduced himself first. "The name's Bertrand. I am a fighter with a decent amount of skill with the sword and shield and with some minor talents to supplement my fighting style. Not much more to say about me." Bernard shuffled a little on his feet, clearly feeling quite uncomfortable. If Hugo did not like the way this conversation was going Bertrand liked it even less.
"I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Hugo Abreo, a minor cog in the dealings of the Entente but I like to think of myself more as an entrepreneur at heart." Hugo then let out a minor sigh and went with his hand over his short hair. "I am sorry if I brought you discomfort, I truly did come here for new company. Though I admit the food was pretty appealing." As he spoke, Hugo kept his hands behind his back and tensely let his fingers intermingle.

"Ah but the last member of our group should introduce themselves as well. What can you tell of yourself to....... our newly met acquaintance here. I truly don't know your name so forgive me for the impropriety."


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Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:10 am

Salen's eyes narrow for a moment as the response from Bertrand was somewhat suspicious, like he was trying to hide something. He kept his eyes on him, for a moment as he tries to unfold any insincerity from the other male, but it appears that most Entente were also gifted with the ability to act like social chameleons.

He listened to the way Hugo rambled on about his dealings as an entrepreneur. It only made him smile how such a young man could be so naive about what's to come and yet Salen is left picking up the pieces of 'what would be' a conversation of a lifetime. His gaze turned to Jared for a moment, a small and yet seemingly intelligent man with the ability to cook, he found some form of charm within that ability and perhaps proved to be a useful skill if it were to entail survival skills.

Salen eventually chuckled as the frame was turned to him once more. It only seemed fair if he introduced himself for a moment as he appears to be honest about his work "Well, I'm Salen. Salen Auclair, I..." He paused for a moment as he appeared to try and find another excuse other than 'Oh my house was destroyed by a maniacal bitch.'

That would not go down so well with Hugo and Bertrand, knowing that they would probably perceive him as a potential threat to their political regimes. It was common to have rivals and enemies on the same boat, but it presented a deep upsetting factor to them. So, he revealed his full name, but he never knew exactly how he got the name, only that it appeared to be a perfect excuse to blag, only it wasn't a blag it was more of a way for Hugo to degrade him further, or so he thought. "My trade is a private investigator and other sorts..." He said, glaring awkwardly at Hugo for a moment before sighing, as if ashamed.

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Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:08 am


For a moment, the thief couldn't help but briefly furrow his brows as another male made his way towards his makeshift campsite. Only upon focusing on his vision did he realise that a month before. This particularly handsome-looking man that he briefly encountered is now here of all places.

“What the fuck… Why is he here all of a sudden????”

A brief look of surprise reveals itself on the amber-eyed thief’s face before quickly shifting his gaze over to his two new strangers to whom he was briefly talking. Of course, it didn’t help that Hugo & Bertrand were armoured men, which he could only assume had a reasonable amount of expertise regarding combat.

“Ummmm…. You’re welcome; it is true that everyone that comes here is already an established group or knows it each; being an outsider to all of this is understandable….”

The nightfallen magus takes a moment to scope up a few bowls of soup that he prepared along with some slightly sweetened hardtack that made for the long winter season. It didn’t seem like much at first, but the journeyman chef knew that looks could be deceiving, and in the case of his cooking, It had a large sum of flavour and nutrients & hearty enough to fuel a couple of hours of strenuous work.

“I would make something more elaborate if I could, but being where we are now, Kind of hard to make a filling & functional meal without the proper equipment... Also, don’t mind the various baubles scattered about; Just my little creations for long travels such as these.”

The thief briefly glances over the clay jars scattered about on the campsite, referring to the various spices, sweetening agents, broth powders & other unfamiliar foodstuffs that he thought of during his spare time. As the thief planted his rear on the sandy loam soil, he sighed. Immediately the lowborn’s muscles tense up at the mention of Soirees. A term that is not often used by people but rather someone who was higher in terms of social hierarchy. His knuckles turn paler as his grip on his wooden spoon begins to bend slightly.

“Ah…. A pleasure to meet you…. Hugo…. Bertrand…. Salen…. Call me Jared….”

As much as the thief tries to hide his disposition, it is very much apparent how uncomfortable he was in as he was in front of people that he believes didn’t or wouldn’t want to know about the life of an ordinary citizen, let alone a street rat that manages to get by through desperate means.

It is reasonable to say that Jared was rather conservative in the conversation, and the way he positioned his body away from the three men suggests that he was keeping a bit of a distance after passing a few meals over as if he was extremely wary of them. The thief takes a moment to turn his head away from the group, briefly pulling his face cloth down to take a sip out of his bowl of soup before pulling the piece of fabric up; in an attempt to reveal tiny details about his face.

“If you are wondering…. I am just here to get some work…. Nothing too special; many folks are willing to risk their heads out to make something & my skills aren’t too special. Compared to you lot, I have very little to.”

The nightfallen scoundrel was being very cautious about what information he was willing to disclose; the fact that he could use magic was something he was keeping close to his chest; preferring to rely on his innate physical skills and creative mindset to solve any issues at hand before resorting to his Nightfallen abilities.

His skills as a thief would warrant an immediate execution if he spoke of it lightly, especially at an Entente, as he had witnessed in the past what treatments non-magical thieves got when they were caught hence the utter silence the thief gave off from his brief movements & how he handled his utensils, a keen observer would be able to tell that Jared was a somewhat dexterous & quiet person.

word count: 718
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Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:37 pm


red hot sparks flew past Vinsue’s face and yet the only two thoughts in her head were the hammer and anvil song and what angle to pull the blade. Honestly she did not realize how many types of bladed weapons there were going to be in this camp. She stopped pumping the grander and felt the blade to test its sharpness. Perfect. She put the weapon back in its sheath and handed it to another blacksmith who in turn handed her another to be sharpened. She walked back over to the grinder wheel and started pumping the pedal. She again started to sharpen the sword. The first side was no issue but when she flipped it and started to sharpen the other side the entire blade caught fire. Vinsue immediately stepped back, dropping the sword. Her hand immediately began to blister and she began to curse. Others in the tent immediately erupted into laughter. She immediately got pissed. She grabbed her things and left the tent.

She didn't need them, or any of this. Now of all things she had a burnt hand to deal with. So she grumbled to herself as she looked for water or something to help her hand. She stopped of course when she realized two of the guys were yelling at one another. It really didn't matter what they were fighting about, what mattered was they were fighting. Which is why multicultural war camps were a bad idea. Vinsue immediately put down her bag and staff as she watched hoping they would cool down. The second weapon were handed off. She knew they were about to fight so she did what a superior officer should have and broke it up. She walked between them quickly grabbing a hand and tossing one onto his back before doing the same with the other person.

"Now I don't know nor care what you two are fighting about, but it will not be tolerated. You both are on the same side. If someone ticks you off, hold that rage to use against the enemy. Do not use it to lessen your team." She would yell at the two as they recovered. "If you two are caught fighting again I personally will let the entire camp know a little girl put you on your ass. Got that."

After her speech she got her stuff and continued her search for something to stop the burn from hurting and itching. Seeing a small group around some kind of food she decided to stop and ask. "Any chance you all got water or something for a burn"
word count: 439
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