[Guest Mod Aurelio] Fall's Summoning

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Sat Sep 03, 2022 5:27 pm


86th of Ash, 4622

Vivian stared at the letter for the hundredth time in his hands. Oh gods. He was supposed to go to a gala?! He looked down at his stomach. The small gentle swell at the beginning of Ash had grown into a softball-sized bulge that clearly advertised his condition. He had been stealing skin creme for weeks to keep his skin supple and free of stretchmarks. Now he somehow had to find clothing. Clothing! Nice clothing! He'd been wearing an unbuttoned shirt for days now, and had completely given up any concept of pants and had just been using wraps around his waist. How in the hell was he going to style this? He frowned and folded the letter, standing and sneaking toward the Veir's room. Emmett's clothing was out of the question but perhaps Anya would have something to fit him? If he asked politely?

After all, he was filling out in a strangely feminine way. Come to think of it, his nipples wouldn't rub quite so uncomfortably in a dress, especially if he could pad them out a bit. The Veir was out for the day, he was sure of it. He knocked at the door delicately, crossing his arms across his chest uncomfortably. Gods he was sore. He'd been bribing the cook for warm cloths to put on his chest.

He'd have to tell her about the Gala. He looked down at the letter in his hand, and the wax seal along one edge of it. It was proof of his claims to be sure. There wasn't a way he could forge it, not with his awful chickenscratch, and the letter had come so professionally there wasn't a way she could claim he was lying. He paced nervously outside of the room, waiting for her to answer the door. Hopefully this would all work out, Anya would give him a dress and he would be able to think up a makeup look that would match.

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Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:23 am

The large cacophony of chirping would sound as the door would knock. Anya was finishing an male garment to place within her shop window. A centerpiece for others to see. It was an black ensembled filled with silver and lace, embellished with flowery embroidery. She looked at the door and smiled "Come in." before continuing the work on the outfit until finally the finishing touches came in.

"What can I do for you, Vivian? I assume you're needing my help regarding an important matter..." She asked curiously before closing the door behind him "Emmett will tear me apart if he found out about what I did." He looked at the other male with a sigh as Felicity flew up towards Vivian and landed on his shoulders again, this time he appeared to snuggle into the neckline, as if feeling an embrace of affection against him. It appeared Felicity was empathised by Anya.

"Well, I spoke to Felicity about her behaviour aswell... She seems to have warmed up to you... That was fast, usually those things take progression." He said with a shrug "Still, Emmett is a ruthless man and would do anything to keep his corpse army in check." She said with a smile as her skin would become more snake-like as if she was using Therianthropy. She walked around freely smiling to herself "The truth is, Merona officialised our marriage and I became a Veir... However, that was not my agenda to be stuck with a corpse melding asshole... What he doesn't know is I have a venomous bite, I made contact with Merona asking that she would give you a chance, like she did with me when I married Emmett, only... Emmett's legal history is not exactly great." She paused. Her skin would turn scaley as her eyes' iris would form into an slit shape. It was obvious that she was using Therianthropy to turn herself into an venomous being "It is best to take a leaf out of my book, Malformer to Malformer... Everyone is an obstacle, including your lovers..."

She looked to the outfit and smiled "Such a great piece of work, although it would look good on someone who needs it... Take it and good luck, we may see each other soon, you may take Felicity with you. She will be your source of protection, shes actually gotten quite fond of you."

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Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:42 pm


Vivian winced at the loud screaming of birds. He didn’t understand Anya’s fixation with birds. Birds were for eating. The noise was insane, as was the stink. That was just far too many birds in one small area. Degare would have gone mad from the filth, feathers and smell. Vivian wasn’t sure he wanted to stand it. He walked inside, and hissed when the owl settled on his shoulder. Gods he hated that thing! The talons sliced through his thin shirt and his jaw tensed. Damned bird.

He kept his mouth shut. He didn’t want to insult the woman and she seemed to dote on the bird. It didn’t mean he had to sit here and get his shoulder punctured by a raptor. He shooed the bird off his shoulder as politely as he could, and looked at Anya. “You did this?” He asked, holding up the letter. Just because he was a Malformist? He nodded, obviously not used to charity and not willing to trust Anya quite yet. She had an alternative motivator for helping him become a Valran, but if he wanted to benefit from this he needed to stay her ally.

He nodded, and gathered up the clothing. Great. He was stuck with the god damn bird. He allowed it back on his shoulder long enough to get out of the room, with a bow toward Anya. Silence was the best medicine when it came to Veirs. Her issues with her husband wasn’t any of his concern. Emmett could die in a ditch.

Vivian walked back to his room and began packing a bag to go. He pushed the owl onto the desk. “Alright you. I’m only standing you because it would offend Anya.” Vivian told the owl. “But let’s get a few ground rules clear; don’t touch me. I hate your claws. Secondly, birds are for eating. Thirdly, if you threaten this child inside of me you’ll become food for it. Understood?” He eyed the owl, and hefted his bag.

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Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:32 am

The bird would tilt his head in confusion, instead he began rubbing his head along his neck in an affectionate way, appearing that he wanted skritches from his new master. Eventually, he would watch Vivian settle his bag off and prepare for the soiree. It seemed as if Merona was waiting for him, but if so he would have many trials and tribulations to face before he earns the trust of the Daravinic Entente. This was a rare opportunity, lent out by an arm's length of generosity, it was rare that such a Montese would bestow a moment, particularly when Merona was a tactical risk taker.

When VIvian arrives at the soiree he would find that there are guards everywhere, drawn by the many armies that Merona had; it was inevitable that her power was the greatest, but perhaps even greater than other Monteses and Veir that have set their foot in Daravin's politics. A red carpet had been laid out, welcoming the many prestigious Veir and Valran who had the invitation to Merona's private events.

This was the Fall's Summoning, an event of great importance, marking the execution of hundreds of Blood Mages almost three centuries ago. Today, Merona makes this a tradition, but only a rather tasteful excuse to endorse in conversation and practical use of the Candor, after all she had competition and other players to play against in this petty childish game, but yet it was the law of Daravin and it seemed to ensure that they are kept in line by bureaucracy, particularly when Merona has an even bigger problem on her hands.

The recent coronation of Brilan Ald, the first Sil'Norai in centuries to gain political power.

As Vivian would enter the ballroom further, he would find a large fountain of wine glasses, followed by a largely acquainted buffet. Many Entente would stare at Vivian with their fake chameleon smiles. This was indeed another den of wolves, a place where information appeared to be the goal for these hungry predators and yet some were also present from other Montiens. They were either enemies or friendly rivals, which appeared to mark the spirit of Daravin's militaristic nature.

At the furthest point of the room was a large golden throne. In the throne sat Merona Rafien, the Lady Montese of Verant, dressed in an golden gilded maroon padded dressed, followed by an incredibly distinctive butterfly mask, made for her by the finest of tailors in Daravin, She had everything including her father's riches for which she resented everything about her family, including her mother's weakness and her father's brash decisions. It was almost as if they had no faith in Merona for becoming the heir. However, she was the heir. To this day, she has ruled Verant focusing on her people, ensuring they are served; this offer appears to be one of the reasons why she has decided to inflict her generosity.

To benefit her own goal.

Merona's most trusted Valran takes a step up to her throne and whispers in her ear "Your Excellency, Vivian Kreine has arrived"

"Very well, let him enjoy the festivities for a while, I want to make him as comfortable as he can be." She spoke softly and well-mannered towards her Valran who relayed information to her through the use of Remnomancy. Her minions beside her appeared to be demonic looking, almost twisted thin bodies and without faces. They walked on blackened sharp stilt-like legs and arms, and they appeared to be taller than their master, standing at a staggering nine feet in length. It was obvious that they weren't exactly human.

They were otherworldly.

Perhaps too ominous to speak, knowing how much anti-summoning paranoia she has had to deal with in her years alive.

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Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:18 pm


Vivian knew he wasn’t about to get rid of the bird anytime soon. His Veir had sent the stupid thing, clearly she meant to keep an eye on him. Vivian did want to become a Valran but he wasn’t so stupid as to count Anya as an ally. He sighed as he went into the bathroom across the hall to bathe. For a special occasion like this he didn’t hesitate to steal some of the nicer things in the bathroom. Decent soap for one. He washed his hair, shaved, cleaned his nails and clipped them, and stepped out a clean man. When he walked back to his room, the damn owl was still there.

Vivian sighed and dressed himself, adding a little mica to his upper lids to mimic the silver in the clothing he wore, and ringing his eyes in his signature black. He rolled his eyes and offered an arm to the owl. “Come on then you white feather duster.” He muttered at the owl. Once the animal had grasped his arm again, he began to imprint the bird. He didn’t want to walk, and the last thing he wanted to do was put such a long trip on Bara’s shoulders. His beetle was too small to fly so far…so the bird was his only option. “You’re going to have to fly with me.” He said softly, spreading his fingers into the bird’s downy chest feathers. It took a few minutes to Imprint; he wasn’t used to birds.

He landed near the Castle, but thankfully he wasn’t the first nor last to arrive. There were enough people trailing up to the castle that he felt comfortable simply releasing the form and falling in line.

As he entered Castle Stonewater, he kept his back straight and his face unreadable. He used a little of his ether to layer a little bit of the flea’s armor around his eyes and over his nose in a mask. Vivian didn’t know how to act around these people, but they were monsters. The Entente were evil, and the last thing he wanted to do was be at this bloody party with the damn bird on his arm. He was incredibly uncomfortable.

Of course there was a large buffet and plenty of wine. He ignored the second. He wasn’t getting drunk. He wasn’t even sure the food was safe. It was safer to touch nothing and get something from a street vendor afterward in the city. He trusted a humble man grilling meat over a fire before he did anyone working in the kitchens of the Entente. He eyed the owl. Where to park the bloody thing? He shooed it off onto a table. “You’re on your own.” He muttered at the owl, rubbing at his arm. Raptor talons weren’t exactly kind on the skin.

Vivian straightened himself and walked out into the ballroom properly, eyeing the golden throne at the far end of the room and the horrors protecting its occupant. He wasn’t entirely sure what to do with himself.

Vivian stood off to the side, and stood still. He didn’t trust any one of them but smiled politely back. It didn’t reach his eyes. He put his back to a pillar, defensively, and eyed around the room. What the hell did one do at these parties? If he wanted to keep his head straight and didn’t trust the food, what was one to do? He sighed. Great.

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Fri Sep 09, 2022 9:33 am

The long journey appeared to be quicker by imprinting Felicity's image into Vivian's mark, although it was even quicker for her to keep up with him as they both arrived into Castle Stonewater. At the soiree, Merona would get upon her seat, before speaking to her shambling minions beside her. She spoke in a strange and unknown language to them, something that appears to unknown to most of the Entente who weren't adequate summoners

"Oculi tui pro omni suspecta actione." They nodded as they appear to be looking around curiously, inspecting all her Entente peers. It appears her minions were her eyes and ears, the scouts which would pass information forward if they listen closely; none would know what these eldritch horrors would do except for a summoner of Merona's stature. She would walk over to the center, before taking a bell from her dress pocket and rang the bell, demanding the attention of her fellow Veirens, forcing them to gather around Merona in the center.

"Good evening, all of you... As you all know, this occasion marks an 'end of an era' for those who dared challenge Ulen's faith, particularly a rally of mages and heretics who dared anger our holy Surveying Eye, Ulen. He who sees all, he who knows all, he who judges all." She paused, taking a breath as she spoke again "His Achra blessed us with the courage and sacrifice that gave us the power to rid us of evil, because evil comes in the form of those hungry for power, those who worship the nebulous Living Gods and those who are too blind to accept Ulen's light into their lives. It is those who proceed to tarnish our greatness that's the true evil of this world, which is why such things must be laid to rest. I would like to offer us a moment of silence as we must perform a rite of prayer, to bless us all with the brilliance of perfection and that our internal destruction would one day rebirth us into beings of flawless beauty and morality..." She paused.

"Now, we will silently pray..." Merona would close her eyes as all her fellow Veiren would get on their knees and pray. She would appear in prayer standing up, until she opened one eye, finding Vivian still standing there. Her look was cold and stern as if he was doing something completely taboo.

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Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:02 am


Vivian might not have known where to put himself, but he knew where the wind was blowing. He heard the bell, and saw the other Veir’s gathering around Merona. There was a strange heavy feeling to the air, and conversation hushed around him. Vivian followed the others warily, and listened closely. Gods, he missed Alistair. The man would have known how to navigate this. At the same time, he didn’t want his handsome Griscian anywhere near this strange cult. It seemed to be the same cult that Degare had subscribed to; the lust for power in magic above all. Degare had mentioned Ulen once or twice. It reminded Vivian of the sermons had had to sit through before a priest would hand out a thin bowl of stew and a crust of cockroach-nibbled bread; full of self righteous platitudes.

Vivian saw his fellow Veirs crawl to their knees, and he slowly followed. Gods his dress. He hoped Anya wouldn’t mind if he stretched it about the knees a little. He closed his eyes and laid his forehead on the floor in prayer, but he didn’t pray to Ulen. He didn’t speak, nor did he indicate it, but he prayed to Azunath. God of change, transformation and decay. He prayed for the god’s guidance. He was changing by doing this. He was shedding the last of his poverty-stricken exterior and blooming into a proper Valran.
Hopefully Azunath would look on the Malformist faithfully.

Vivian listened closely to those around him, and in particular to Merona. This wasn’t just a prayer, this was an exercise in political plays. It was like servicing a brothel; you always wanted to be the last girl out of the room with a man who wanted several. It meant he would be first to remember you. He tried to do the same here, staying in prayer just a few seconds longer than his colleagues but not as long as Merona. Not upstaging her. Just making his presence known as a fellow zealot…albeit not to her god.
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Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:42 am

Merona smiled as if she was impressed with Vivian's perceived obedience to Ulen, it is then she turned around and kneeled to the floor with the others, synchronising herself with her own people, before taking a deep breath and opening her mouth to speak. She paused for a moment as she closed her eyes as the room was quiet, that was until Felicity started cawing as loud as she could. Merona sighed as if she was disturbed by the cacophonic screeching. She eventually looked up as she eventually channeled her ether and began to Replicate a throwing knife. She swiftly threw it at the direction of the owl as it would pierce through, almost slicing the owl's head off. The carcass would fall to the floor, shocking everyone before looking over at Vivian "In future... Learn to control your animals, it might be you next in line..." She said sternly, leaving a fatal reminder that Vivian should have kept watch of Felicity.

Eventually, everyone resumed into their stances and Merona began to pray once again "Ulen, please bless us on the day we fight, for the day we've begun an eternal war with ourselves to find peace in this cruel world... May you honor are trials and tribulations and help us seek guidance to the thing we love most. The need for total perfection... May you watch over us with your Surveying Eye..." She paused

"He who watches all, He who sees all, he who knows all, give us our blessings in our struggles for we are not perfect and seek that we rid ourselves of any impurities brought onto us by our humanity. Ensure you keep us safe from those who wish to tarnish us from within and sunder our armor."

You will be our armor, you will be our guide, you will be our light." She spoke every word with detailed emotion, as if she was giving a detailed eulogy.

"To Ulen!" Everyone repeated out loud as the prayer would finish.

The prayers were finished as Merona would turn around towards Vivian for a moment, she chuckled before giving a speech to everyone "Now, everyone... Dance to your heart's content." She made her way towards Vivian and smiled "Come, we need to talk..." She said as she beckoned Vivian over with her finger, before making her way behind the throne to her private quarters. There were a number of chaises in there, followed by a small dining room and her office space. Further into the complex, there was a circular library surrounded by books that appeared to be drizzled with knowledge. Perhaps Vivian can find another book on Malformity, if he chooses.

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Sat Sep 10, 2022 3:01 pm


The god damned owl started screaming. Vivian tensed, watching as Merona killed the poor thing, but he felt little aside from a twinge of regret that he'd not left the stupid thing outside. The Veir wasn't going to be happy with him, and he did feel sorry for the owl. Usually they were quiet birds that would have tried to escape before making any sort of noise, but clearly this one had chosen to voice its displeasure. More importantly, the owl gave him an important little foothold. Vivian shook his head.

"Anything that disgraces our prayers to Ulen doesn't deserve to draw breath. I would have been shamed to carry it. Thank you. for relieving my burden." he said calmly. The prayer resumed, though Vivian didn't feel a moment of it. This wasn't his god or really his ritual, but he wasn't stupid enough to argue with zealots. Zealots couldn't be reasoned with or argued with, and would twist everything around to suit their worldview. It was nearly impossible to rehabilitate one, especially one that resorted to violence. He waited patiently, taking his part in the ritual, and woodenly following what everyone else was doing. He wanted to keep breathing.

The Malformist was relieved when it was over, and followed Merona behind the throne to her private quarters. He kept his arms crossed, his lips tightened. She needed to speak to him? He didn't let himself get distracted, though the books were tempting and his eyes slid over her collection. His wasn't nearly this big.

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Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:39 pm

Merona smiled at Vivian as he spoke of his owl being an pest to prayer, although it's not the first time she has invoked such an act of malice over an Ulenic interruption. It was blasphemous to interrupt such an important prayer and yet, highly disrespectful to the Oaths of Carine. She knew this and was educated into it as were her brother and her father before her.

She made her way through her office, before smiling at Vivian "I trust you know why I am here, Anya has given you a recommendation of the routes to becoming an militant of the Entente. She mentioned you are quite the powerful mage and have sent me an valuable ally." She said with a chameleon smile as she would sit on the couch for a moment, appearing to lounge casually amongst it "Have a seat, there's no need for formalities with what I am about to discuss, those are far too overrated in terms of just becoming mere acquaintances. I hope one day we can become great friends, allies even..." She reiterated her promise, furrowing her eyebrows in thought, she turned her head towards Vivian

"I have invited you here, because I want to make you an offer, but you must do something for me in return, before I grant you this boon..." She smiled, appearing wellspoken to the Veir. She would chuckle to herself as she looked deeply into her eyes "I need you to head to Rallion and uncover some financial documents from my cousin, Elias Narvaez, the local Montese at that place. He has not been behaving at his best, I fear for him... I want to help him, but I need to understand the reality of his situation..." She appeared to be concerned for him, as if using manipulation tactics, but little does Vivian know that she has kept Elias close for years. But for what reason.

"If you perform this task, I shall see that the emperor offers you Valranship, but..." Her voice darkened.

"If you fail me, I will charge you for crimes of heresy and you will be sentenced to exile... Never to return to Daravin." She appeared to become serious at that moment, Vivian had already been pulled into a trap, if he doesnt conform to Merona's demands there will be consequences.

"Do I have your ultimate understanding, Vivian..."

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