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Seeker's Creed [Boghadar] (CLOSED)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 5:08 pm
by Moop
Searing 14 4622¤

Even for Searing this day was hot, not to mention it was only the first few weeks of the season. For someone like Moop though, this was nothing against the heat of the cavern of Dagrun's main hub, the Dyn. Moop sat in her Daravinic everyday wear on the edge of a fountain within a respite like nook of Boghadar. It was a paradise in Moop's eyes. Not necessarily a park, it was more a small resting area for foot travel and this time she had it all to herself. She had convinced Joop to stay here until Ash and the pair had gotten together to write a letter in Kaedic to their family as well as CLUGS, these two letters had been sent in Glade and it would seem Moop had the joy of reading their replies all to herself first. There were three different pieces of mail, a small package and two letters. One letter was sent from CLUGS, the other two were sent from her mother. Shaking the box no sound was made, it must have been packed tightly. Deciding to save the best for last, Moop extended her mechanical fingers and ripped open the letter from her mother.

The first thing she did was sniff the paper, trying to find the smells of her home city in its fibers. The paper smelled like she remembered, as it was made from mushrooms grown within the caverns beneath the city. In a well of emotions she was transported back to the Dyn with all the commotion, the robots meandering the streets and others doing their duties to society. The steam rising up from the exhaust pipes and man holes littered in the city proper. As well as the lights and sounds of the all the businesses. Opening her eyes to the bright sun she was transported immediately back to Boghadar, the instance as if it never happened. She began reading its contents and found her mother had been worried sick. As well, she was happy to hear from the girls. There was trite talk about the home life and some local gossip, but at the bottom there was a warning for her specifically.
'Moop, mentalism is a hard burden to bare, you know this, but tell no one. It is your greatest ally and secret. Take to your meditations, mental clarity will guide you true.'
And that was all it said, signed by her mother.

Moop reflected on this, heeding her mother's word. It was true, she felt stronger recently. Like she could do literally whatever she put her mind to. In fact, her magic had been becoming something of a compulsion and a nuisance, doing compel and impel at all hours tossing rocks and sometimes breaking things-- which made her sister not only nervous but angry. More than one heated debate had been between them about the necessary secrecy of the art. Moop told her she was being outrageous but in private could not deny the compulsory nature the magic had over her psyche. On some level it frightened her. Doing as she had been instructed before, she sat as still and silent as possible for a few minutes before her mind started wandering. She was off thinking about her personal life and its troubles before she realised she was no longer meditating, guiding her thoughts back, she tried again. It was not easy. Again she tried yet her mind stirred from the goal of absolute silence, listening to the birds sign she found herself picking out each song and following along waiting. Meditation was not easy to achieve. After a few tries with this Moop was bored and having given up she then opened the package her mother sent with the letter. It was filled with bits of paper, but once dug through she found sacks of native dried mushrooms and bedim root. Taking a sample of the raw root she was pleased to have the flavors of her home bless her mouth in abundance. It was hot and made her eyes water as it had been a long time since she had tasted something so spicy. Then she sampled her favorite mushroom of the bunch, it was one that naturally glowed a bright pink in the caverns, a common mushroom, but once dried it lost all its luster and simply was a dull pink. It tasted like fish did outside of Dagrun. Smooth and pungent at the same time. It was hard, but there wasn't much so she stopped herself from eating too much at once.

Grateful for the gift, she set the box aside on the fountain with the letter on beneath it, assuring it wouldn't blow away in any wind. Taking a deep breath she shook her head and stared down at the letter from her brothers and sister.
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Moop was shocked and insulted, they had made no effort at all to mention Moop other than her reinstatement. They were well aware of the lack of communication meaning they were MIA in CLUGS eyes yet continued on their path and acted as if they were full fledged members. It was almost a slap in the face that the letter was so impersonal but in reality what did she expect. Businesses was business and no one, nota single soul, had found any lost gnome cities-- they likely doubted her prowess. Moop resisted the urge to crumple the paper, saving it for her sister... but what about the call for Joop to return? She couldn't make the trek alone and would expect Moop to join her. Things were too interesting in Boghadar. While she missed home she would not be leaving for Dagrun empty handed. That was when she decided to hide the letter from her sister. Folding it up she placed it in her pocket. It was a solemn decision but she felt no dignity in the act. It was important she complete what she had set out to do, but betraying her sister's trust came at a heavy cost to her heart. Even against their differences she loved her sister and knew none would ever feel the kinsmanship of being her twin.

No, Joop wouldn't ruin her chances at glory. Not this time and not ever. Going back empty handed would be like a bad dog returning to its master with its tail between its legs. She refused. Something would give, and soon. She was sure of it. With that, she collected her things and snuck back into the inn where they shared a room. Joop was luckily nowhere to be found, so Moop was able to hide the letter from her just as she had set out to do. She settled for throwing stones out the window until she was sure one had hit a passerby, and then quickly shut the window and went to bed. Joop came back back late and simply went to bed. Though nothing was said Moop laid awake that night guilty and unsure, but she had one thing right in her head, she could not let her sister go back to Dagrun, and she would not be going with her. With nothing else to do she poured herself back into an attempt of meditation to sleep. It was harder now than earlier to quell her restless mind, but eventually she was counting the knots in the wood above her until she was sound asleep. The meditation she would find did its job in calming her mind, even though she would have to deal with her feelings of lying to her sister later.

Re: Seeker's Creed [Boghadar] (CLOSED)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:00 am
by Mimi Pidders
Seeker's Creed

XP: 6
Lores: Please see DM on Discord; do not take lores as a thread reward until then
  • Meditation- steadying the mind
  • Meditation- reconnecting with yourself after stirred thoughts
  • Meditation- silence in the mind
  • Meditation- trying to keep your thoughts on nothing at all
  • Meditation- music is a distraction
  • Meditation- calming a restless mind to sleep
  • Neatly wrapped package of herbs and mushrooms
  • Correspondence from home, from both family and CLUGS
Injuries: N/A
An extremely relatable thread. Even in a different galaxy, on a planet far far away, we feel the need to impress our families and to have something to show for our efforts.