[Job Thread] Solace, First Steps

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Location: Boghadar, Verant, Daravin
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Mon May 23, 2022 7:11 am

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The entirety of Boghadar’s Glade had a tendency to be rainy, though in the early parts of Solace, that rain had often carried with it a rather dreary atmosphere. Most years, the Veir found this weather to be quite relaxing, but his headspace this time around had him feeling about as miserable as most other people considered the cold rain and Frost's dying gasps to be. A shame, really– early Glade and all of Ash were his favorite times of the year.

Much as he wanted to stay in and continue to wallow in the murky depths of his tumultuous emotions, he still had many obligations that he needed to attend to. During seasons in which his mental health was more stable, he’d run the storefront of his family’s business pretty much any day it was meant to be open, provided he had nowhere else he had to be. Degare was not a man who handled things like loss or grief well, though. During periods of mourning, he’d mostly just handle back end work and numbers, splitting running the storefront with a couple other members of his House.

For the past month or so, he’d done mostly this. While others of his House were more often than not quite happy to lend him their assistance, he felt intensely guilty about foisting jobs that were meant to be his onto the others, especially since each one of them still had their own work and so forth to take care of. And as such, he’d promised himself he’d do his best to get himself back onto his normal schedule at the dawning of Glade.

In an attempt to keep this promise, he dragged himself out of bed rather early and made his way through Boghadar’s foggy morning streets, his left hand, Valran Lucia, in tow. The moisture hung heavy in the cool Glade air as the two of them made their way through the elevated stone streets of the city. The walk from Socorro Estate to the heart of the city’s commerce district was only about a total of fifteen minutes and it was almost always a pleasant journey. Despite this, the two walked in silence along with the weighty company of Degare’s grief.

Once the two arrived at the door of the storefront, the taller elf pulled a key from within a pocket and unlocked it for the day. Stepping through the threshold of the building, he flipped over a sign in the window that would indicate that the business was now open. “I can do most of the talking today if it’ll be any easier for you,” Lucia offered. “Maybe. I think I should try to interact more as opposed to hiding away in the back, though,” he responded with soft laughter.

Though there were many within the city with irregular schedules, the morning was always host to some of the shop's slowest hours. That isn’t to say that nobody shows up– if such were the case, then there wouldn’t be a point in opening early in the morning at all. A few people came by in the earlier hours of the day; one woman bought a bow for a viola, a man came by requesting strings for a cello, another woman came in to just buy some rosin but ended up leaving with that and a few of the marionettes and so on and so forth.

The woman who’d stopped by for rosin was immediately captivated by the marionette of an orchid mantis and another of a crow. The mantis' soft pinks and insect anatomy contrasted sharply with the deep, reflective dark colors of the bird, yet both were beautiful in their craftsmanship and design. She was a young Veir, probably in her late twenties, and a rather talented musician preferring the double bass. Both Degare and Lucia were actually familiar with her as she and others of her family frequently would attend events hosted by House Socorro– though neither were especially close.

When she’d entered, Lucia greeted her in Raillen while Degare was fiddling around with some things on a shelf towards the back of the store. The woman expressed her interest in acquiring rosin, and the elven woman was happy to oblige. Despite the fact that the Veir had expressed interest in being more involved with the customers today, this was such an easy task it would just be easier to handle herself. Once she'd guided the younger woman over to where the rosin was, "Is there anything else you need?" Her tone was polite with a sort of comforting warmth to it; Lucia always tried to befriend and build rapport with clients…easier to sell them things that way.

At the question, the younger Veir pursed her lips in thought. Taking a few seconds to look around, something else appeared to have caught her eye. “Ooh! Those little wooden puppets are so cute– are those for sale, too?” The woman’s voice was bird-like and almost musical in her excitement. It’d actually been awhile since she’d come into the store herself; her family usually sent Valran to buy things as opposed to the Veir doing their shopping themselves– so it made sense that she was unaware of this semi-recent addition to the store’s repertoire of wares.

With a soft smile and a delicate bow, Lucia gestured over towards where the older elf was standing. “Of course! If you’re interested in them, I’d suggest asking him. Veir Socorro crafts them himself." The elven woman spoke with the same friendly warmth as before, directing the younger noble over to her Veir.

The Veir himself wasn't actually paying that much attention to what was going on around him. For the other customers that had come in before this girl, he had been alert enough to notice– however, it'd probably been about a half hour since anyone had come in and he'd chosen to distract himself with monotonous tasks. He didn't want to be idle for long, because if he was, he'd often find his thoughts drifting in the direction of a lover he'd recently learned was very likely dead. And if his mind did get stuck on this subject, it would spiral into an anxious sort of self blame; he genuinely believed that if he hadn't let the other man go alone, circumstances now would be different. So to avoid this line of thinking…he busied himself with whatever task he could find.

When Lucia approached him and gave a tap to his shoulder, the elven man startled a bit before turning around. After regaining his composure, "Yes? How may I help?" At this point, speaking to a customer was a welcome distraction.

"You make those? How lovely! I love all the different creatures you've recreated with such detail," spoke the younger Veir as she pointed in the direction of the wooden marionettes. The woman looked genuinely enchanted with the little things. She asked a few more questions about what kind of wood and paint he'd used to make them and Degare appeared to be genuinely happy to share; it's always flattering when somebody expresses interest in one's work.

The two continued this conversation for a bit before she asked what the prices for the specific ones she wanted were. Once the elven Veir gave his answer, she seemed pleased, almost, and delightfully exclaimed that she would be taking them both. Degare moved to process the women's payment while Lucia packed her purchases away to protect them on their journey to the young noble's home.

By the time she left, it was nearing midday and a consistent mix of Entente and Valran ebbed and flowed through the store. Most people that stopped by only wanted smaller things for upkeep and maintenance of instruments they already owned along with sheet music and cases and the like; these smaller sales would easily keep the shop profitable on its own.

Most interactions with customers were short and to the point given that the store was run by an Entente– others of Daravin's nobility as well as anyone of a lower class dared not tarnish their own reputation by making a fool out of themselves.

As the day went on, a few people that stopped by did end up making some larger purchases. One customer was a particularly large fan of a specific Luthier's work and would often pay a lot of money for her more unique looking models, another needed a viola for her son who had been learning on one of her old ones, but now she thought him skilled enough to deserve his own, and a third fell in love with the particular shade of wood used in crafting one of the cellos on display.

When the afternoon began to wane, the Veir and his Valran began to get everything ready for the next day. Once finished, they flipped the sign on the door to read as 'closed,' the two of them made their leave after locking everything up.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Raillen Tongue/Speech"
"Silvain Tongue/Speech"
word count: 1609
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:58 pm



Business Generic Lores 1-6

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 5

Great thread, let me know if you have any questions.

word count: 34
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