Someone's in Wonderland [Degare]

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Mon Mar 28, 2022 11:49 am

65th Frost, 4621

Fashionable attire was the basis of a typical masquerade ball; especially within the highest players of the Candor; Dahlia's lessons on it appeared to be something that shaped him into a chameleon. Although, if she had succeeded in these teachings would depend on how the night would go. So far he had picked out a white regalia with the golden embroidery of a cobra, followed by a mixture of turquoise blue feathers, amongst the epaulets of the garment. He opted for white trousers and white buckled boots, which complimented the style. After all, the theme was light colours; an unusual homage to House Socorro's macabre nature.

Salen remains in wait for Dahlia to finish her dressing procedure; it was one of the reasons why Salen would remain waiting as it didn't take him long to arrived, However, he sympathised with her with a much harder way to keep up appearances within Daravinic fashion. The seasons changes, meaning changes in attire for women. She could hear the disgruntled from the room that Dahlia was in. Salen smirked with amusement, knowing how much her complaining could be heard from outside her room as he waited.

Suddenly she came out, wearing what appeared to be a veiled hood; her attire appeared to be a mix of gold and silver attire, similar to what Salen was wearing on his regalia, only that he didn't have to wear the other essentials for Daravinic flair. He wasn't fat enough to regulate the need for a corset, nor was he deemed "Right... We have important business to attend to, Salen. Very important, don't show me up and make sure you look your best. Comb back your hair a bit more, you look like a stray dog" He said.

Salen wanted to retort, but he could clearly see that Dahlia was not amused; Dahlia eventually opened a portal to the location outside of Degare's gothic manor house. It was out of place for a Daravinic settlement, but it had a certain charm to it. Salen made his way through the portal as Dahlia stepped in behind her, before it closed "If I should know Degare, he makes his guests look like idiots whilst he's pouncing about in white and black. Well, atleast he'd be happy laughing at us all." She said.

Salen rolled his eyes as he followed her toward the queue of people who were waiting to get into the party. It appeared that there were a bunch of prestigious Veir attending, but Dahlia appeared to be after one thing. Information. Since Degare had joined the brotherhood, there was a thorn in Dahlia's side, perhaps one that she wanted to remove before it could cause damage to her reputation. Salen watched the queue as he crossed his arms in wait as he noticed Dahlia getting impatient "Will you stop frowning, you'll break your face." Salen teased as Dahlia looked back at him and laughed "Salen, you are funny... Remember the name..." She said sternly as they would get closer to the line of entry.

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Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:48 am

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Somewhere within the main building of his house’s estate, the Veir wandered through the halls, watching the guests with a soft, amused expression. The dress code wasn’t actually his decision, it was that of another Veir in the house. Not wanting to be unfair to the desires of others in his family, he relented, though he chose to barely even try to obey it himself. The man doesn’t really own clothing of lighter colors; his wardrobe mostly consists of black with hues of red, purple and blue spread throughout. For tonight, the only lighter colored thing he wore was his shirt. A fine white dress shirt it was– made of matte silk with a flowing cravat ‘round his neck. Along with this, he wore he waisted black pants with six shiny silver buttons down the middle of his abdomen accompanied by fine leather boots. Atop this, the coat he wore was also, fittingly, black and made of rather lovely velvet.

Part of his reasoning for dressing like this was, genuinely, because his wardrobe was limited; however, other reasons included him simply being obstinate about wearing light colors along with the fact that he felt like standing out tonight.

Eventually, he found his way to the main hall directly beyond the doors within the entry foyer. Within this large room were a cluster of his family’s finer musicians along with large swathes of people doing anything from dancing to drinking to socializing. The Ferrier walked among them, steps languid as he wove through the sea of people. For the moment, he was aimless, just wandering to see if he’d find anything or anyone of interest.


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Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:38 pm

It was Dahlia's turn to enter with the invitation as she dragged Salen, as she approached the front, saying her name "Dahlia Senerite, this is my protege, Julian." The usual name that she went. Clearly, Salen was uncomfortable letting Dahlia speak for him, but he insisted, knowing that it would be way easier as she is ruthlessly versed in the Candor. Salen however, wasn't but he learnt by observing and watching people, especially when it came to matters like this.

Parties. Ugh.

The boring acts of conversation; hair-flick here and hair flick-there. It was an evening about performance, although Salen didn't really need to do much to perform. His scent, his eyes and his intellect did that perfectly, although he knew that he had visited this 'old friend' of his years ago and it was an eventful, yet pleasurable night. A night that felt so sore, that he knew how all those poor noblemen felt after a night in the bedroom. His lecherous thoughts appeared to be something that Dahlia could read from a smile away as she smirked "Don't worry, you'll see an old friend soon" She followed on his debaucherous thoughts that lingered within his head.

Salen snickered, tilting his head in confusion; what exactly was she talking about? It was ominous yet the darkness arrived as the two were amongst the ballroom's floor. Dahlia smiled as her scent lingered into the room as she walked in. It was recognisable, the smell of raspberries, lillies, with a dash of orange blossom. It was a heavenly scent, although there she was. The centerpiece of the party as her eyes set on Degare for a moment. They turned from the pleasant smile to a lecherous glare "So I take it, the Black Dahlia is here to fulfill her needs tonight, I see?" He said as she turned towards Salen.

"As will do yours, darlin'"


An ominous word for him, yet it triggered so many emotions within him; like she was in control of everything. His life, his thoughts. Everything. He couldn't help but feel the essence of the thing that he had wanted. Was it fine to be truly unfulfilled? He lingered onto those thoughts that invaded his memories for such a time. If only he had the answer to the truth.

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Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:12 pm

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Among the rivers of people that flowed through his house at parties like these, there were many he knew as regular attendees, many he’d met on only limited occasions, and many that were completely unknown to him. When he reached the main hall and stopped moving, he caught the eye of many who passed by him. This was partially due to the fact that Daravin was vast majority made up of humans and he was quite tall even for a Sil’Norai, and partially because he was just barely adhering to the theme of the night at his own house. It must strike people, especially those who recognized him, as either funny or odd.

There were, however, two faces in the crowd that did strike him as odd. The first was Dahlia Senerite– not a Boghadar native, she wasn’t one to make the journey here that often. While not quite fondly, he’d always recognize her in a crowd due to the fact that she was the first person he’d ever initiated into Bane– or any Mark of Power, for that matter. That, and as he’d come to learn in the recent past, the striking nature of her beauty was from the fact that she, too, was Corvo.

The second face appeared to be bound to her side— a companion, Valran, vassal, date, well dressed slave…who could really say? The other’s identity wasn’t really his business aside from the fact that he wore a face the Veir recognized. Interesting. It would appear that his suspicions that night many years ago were onto something, at least. The man had come alone last time but Degare could tell from the way he appeared to be following Dahlia around that he was subordinate to her in some way and was thus not a Veir as he had claimed. Funny, that.

And so the Ferrier thought, why not poke at them? See if he can get either party to drop even a crumb of context as to why their interest in him had been piqued– and it was clear that it had. Else, why would she have sent her little pet out to play with him a few years ago? With a confidence just on the cusp of arrogance, he approaches the two of them with an overall amiable demeanor.

“My, my…Julian, funny to see you in present company,” he first addresses the man with a tauntingly friendly tone. Red-amber eyes now directed towards Dahlia, “...and you, Dahlia? Boghadar isn’t your usual haunt. What has brought you down to my lovely riverside home?” His tone is near to saccharine. Degare’s rendition of playing Candor always involved twisting and hiding his feelings, his true intent, by redirecting his emotions to behave fairly impishly in any situation. He would exaggerate and play up different things whether he actually meant them or not– kept people guessing.


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Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:35 am

Salen could feel the familiarity of the macabre structure inside the house from the wax dolls to the strange paintings on the walls. He would take a moment to admire some of the works as Dahlia strutted forward, there Salen furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. It appeared she was the center of attention as fellow Veir would smile towards her, knowing some have also asked for her services in information. Although, no one would know how much depth she would go to. Even if her ways were amoral she would still go through ahead.

Her head turned to Degare for a moment as she smiled chameleonly, before looking around the place as if she was slightly unimpressed by the decor. As she watched Degare approached she turned to him and curtsied in his presence. It was only polite to do so. If Dahlia was lead to a place, it could only mean one thing. She was gathering information for her political agendas "Degare... It's been a while indeed." She said as she circled him, like a shark. Salen watched and nodded, remaining passive aggressive about Dahlia's stance in the world. He felt an inner bitterness rise within him, knowing how much control she had over the fellow Veir. Her attitude irked him that badly that he nodded back, smiling politely at Degare "I've been busy, I've" Dahlia interrupted with a laugh, before he was about to reveal information again, knowing Salen wasn't well versed in the Candor, it was probably for the best.

Dahlia's mood changed for a moment as she hinted a glare towards him. Things were clearly tense between the 'couple.' They weren't a couple, it was a consequence of suddenly being within the same vicinity of a man that knows too much. Dahlia smiled back at Degare "Oh, the usual. Do you know anyone who's been slightly naughty lately? Hmm?" She said as she circled around him further; this was a technique to often freak people out in terms of revealing information. A technique that worked on the people who weren't so calm about their experiences. Her pleasant nature was also intimidating to most Veir, knowing how many families she has brought down to ruin.

"It would be easier if you told me now." She said as she turned towards Salen for a moment, unimpressed as Salen glared back at her. It was obvious there was tension between the two. Salen didn't approve of her attitude, neither did Dahlia approve of his ability and intellect to figure things out quickly. They were a sword in each other's back so it seemed "Julian... Mind fetching me a glass." She asked as Salen laughed "They are over by the table, you have legs." He laughed as she looked embarrassed for a moment, knowing most Valran would bow to their Veir.

"Fine... I'll leave you two to it..."

Dahlia would walk off, leaving Degare and Salen to converse, before he shook his head. He sighed, knowing there was alot on his shoulder's at this time. Strange, the fragrant smell filled the room as if he was in the presence of another of his kind. Degare? A Corvo now? He chose to keep quiet as he watched Dahlia, talk to fellow Veir in her performance of the Candor as she was fishing out gossip.

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Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:34 am

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Truth be told, the Ferrier was never Dahlia’s biggest fan. She spent far too much of her time with her nose stuck in other people’s affairs instead of working to make herself even a little less insufferable. Not allowing his annoyance to show, he barely even looked at her when she started to circle him. His expression was still overall amiable, though it was dampened a bit by his own lack of amusement. When she first spoke, she gave him nothing to respond to, so he stood there and didn’t reply to her– it was then when her companion attempted to speak, only to be swiftly silenced by the ring of her laughter. Unfortunate, truly.

Whatever their relationship was, it wasn’t that friendly given the cut of her glare. “Anything I know of others is not mine to share,” he spoke with a gentle smile and friendly voice; his timbre had somewhat playful undercurrents. “I see you still think more about others than you do yourself, dear Dahlia,” though he keeps up the friendly tone, his words are laced with venom. People like her were exhausting.

Remaining completely calm as she continued to try– and fail– to intimidate him, soft but musical laughter is pulled from the Sil’Norai’s lips when she next speaks. “Truly…I’ve learned nothing of note. My life has been quiet– dedicating a lot of my time to the arts, studying magic, self improvement and the like. Maybe you should try something like that?” He floats the suggestion with a sort of saccharine faux kindness.

The elven Veir stands in silence as the other two speak, regarding their interaction with a roll of his eyes and a soft sigh. When the woman walked off, he offered ‘Julian’ a warm smile that would appear to be genuine. Degare’s features would be brighter, colors more pearlescent in nature and his leaden veins slightly faded compared to the last time the two met. The scent of both Corvae would be twined to form something intoxicating, likely strong enough to be noticed by those standing around the two of them. Salen isn’t stupid– he’d connect the dots.

Once Dahlia appeared out of earshot, the elf speaks, “So, care to share what you’ve been up to, now? Or will you keep your silence to please your mistress?” This question is phrased in an amiable tone, light and friendly– but his words are pointed, baiting.


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Fri Apr 15, 2022 7:59 am

As Dahlia circled around the male, she could hear his musical laughter. It was intimidating and yet slightly annoying; perhaps her strategy hadn't worked, although it was no good using the facets of her Remnomancy as it would be highly noticable in public. Brand mages appeared to be adept at finding out those who were using their magic. For what reason? She had to find a way to do it as discretely as possible "Hmm?" She pretended as she further listened onto her ramblings about arts, music and finding hobbies. Dahlia had an agenda to fill "Oh, Degare... Come on, I know that's a lie. A Veir like you's life is never quiet. Everyone has their secrets, especially dark ones. Never lie to the Black Dahlia as they say..." She uttered in reply as cocky as ever as she used her nickname as a way of asserting her stance to the Entente community. She understood that it was better to be feared than loved and that it brought everyone to her whims, including those who wanted their husbands dead by a sheer act of gaslighting, collecting evidence and the application of the Candor.

As she left to get the wine, Salen could feel her eyes upon her as if they were staring into his soul, it wasn't until she was standing at the window, pretending to drink wine as he felt his mind pull into Dahlia's dreamscape for a moment. She had casted Mind Collision on him as she wondered around the very engramic structure of his thoughts "He's a danger to us and our operations, I want you to kill him; before you set out I placed a vial of poison in your pocket. Remember, obstacles are better off dead, make sure he gets every last drop." He felt himself being pulled back into reality for a moment. He blinked, trying not to make it obvious. He feigned his worry in front of Degare.

He had now been in a very uncomfortable situation. Salen had nothing against Degare, nor would he choose to enact such a killing blow upon him. As Degare spoke, he only obtained half of the sentence that he had gained after being initiated into the mind of a narcissist.

Quite an ugly mind.

"I haven't been up to much, since we last met, and no." He uttered as there was a sharp tone to his voice, reminiscent of anger as he tried his best to keep his tongue. Clearly, he was at his breaking point. "I don't tend to let other people influence my decisions, unlike some folk" He appeared to be uncomfortable as the glaring eyes watched over his shoulder. Dahlia would eventually take a glass from the drinks fountain laid out and remain poised, smiling at the odd Entente folk that walked past. Salen was about to break from his years of serving Dahlia, when he should've been serving himself.

Why didn't he?

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Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:00 pm

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Dahlia accused him of lying– which, to be entirely fair, he definitely was. However, he definitely wasn’t about to admit to laying with a peasant-Rathor-Dranoch-Blood Mage directly to Dahlia nor was he going to say that in public to anyone. That would invite his death fairly swiftly, for certain. So instead, he maintained his faux cheery disposition and gave away nothing. “My, my…so nosy! I assure you, I’ve done naught but focus on myself these past few weeks, my dear Dahlia. It’s rather freeing for the mind to not worry so much about others’ affairs, I do think. I’ve been happier, at the very least! Again, I think you should try it sometime. Maybe you’d look younger, face less stressed and aged by all the duress you put yourself through.” The last sentiment is a false insult– she looks fine, but clawing at her vanity would ruffle her feathers and the Ferrier was annoyed. Despite his annoyance, though, his voice would come across as perfectly cordial. He doesn’t care much for the woman at this point and he had his own outstanding reputation in the Entente community to crutch on; the two of them, politically, were roughly equals. Thus her attempts to intimidate him fell flat the vast majority of the time, now included.

When the woman walked away and appeared to mind her own business, the male Veir knew better. He knew which marks she possessed and from the spacey look on her companion’s face he could hazard a guess that she was communicating with him. To what end, he couldn’t tell…but some little threads of his empathy were pulled by the concept. The two of them obviously weren’t fans of one another but it was clear that ‘Julien’ wasn’t the one with any power. Patiently, he waits for the man’s consciousness to return to the reflection behind his eyes.

When it does and the other man speaks, the Veir smiles politely back. He had meant to be playful, but his joke appears to have struck a bit of a nerve. “Mmm, good. You don’t look like the type of man that wants to live under another’s yoke. I’ll give you some advice…you don’t have to. Regardless of whatever circumstances you’re stuck under, if you’re flexible enough…there’s always a way to bend out of your binds without breaking in Daravin,” he speaks softly, almost sweetly and punctuates that sentence with a wink from bright amber eyes. This much was true– the tables of power were rapidly flipped as each day passed among the Entente.


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Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:38 am

He listened to Degare, knowing how persuasive his words were beyond him as his expression saddened "I would prefer to discuss in private, where there aren't any prying eyes" He simply stated. He knew that he didn't have any power or flexibility in Daravin, despite passing his initiation in Nightfall all those years ago. He somehow ended up in the whims of Dahlia Senerite when he was selected as one of Brazim's chosen. However, he knew that he had always been a slave to the system.

Not anymore.

He has had enough.

The smell caught Salen's nose, making him smirk as he listened to Degare's beautiful words; they were seductive in quality with every vowel accounted for. Perhaps he was in a playful mood like last night? Who knew. Salen would eventually catch the fragrance of him and realise that he could recognise what he was. A fellow brother. A Corvo.

"I can reveal my secrets to a fellow brother, as long as we have the same agenda." He said; his eyes shifted towards him coyly, his smirk turned into a grin not long after the discovery. He had hoped he knew exactly what he meant by his sudden advances "Theres much to discuss, perhaps you can be the one to help me remove this... thorn in my side" He said, discretely shifting his eyes towards Dahlia as she had her back turned, going through the various minds of Veir that were at the party.

Of course, it was a competition.

The Candor played well had very lethal consequences for the bunch of Veir that stood amongst her. However, Salen could feel the slight discomfort, knowing that he was about to do something that'll probably jeopardise him "Shall we go to your tower or anywhere else, private?" He said as he would watch Dahlia circle around the Veir like a shark, reading their thoughts and processing anything that she could find. Whilst under the mask, it was very difficult to tell if she was using magic, knowing that it was her trademark way of keeping herself hidden from view.

However, Salen knew her well. She was narcissistic, scheming and slightly delusional when it came to affairs around power. The question is, what made such a woman crave for the thing in the first place? Loss, greed or was it the pressures of being an Entente?

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Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:05 am

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Upon being recognized as a fellow Corvo, the Veir smiled along with a soft exhale through his nose. “I had my assumptions about you after I was initiated myself. Fitting, to be honest. I’ve not spent much time in Amoren’s little den– too much to do and I prefer my own estate here.” He speaks warmly, finding some small comfort in the fact that most Corvo were genuinely willing to share their information with each other. At the comment of removing the thorn in his side, Degare’s brow perked. He was definitely interested in getting rid of that little thorn.

At Salen’s request to go off somewhere more private, he canted his head in consideration. “Mmm…we can certainly wander off somewhere away from prying ears and eyes, but…probably not my quarters this time. Not really in the mood for a setting that intimate today. Do come with me, though,” With those words, he beckoned the other man to follow him.

The two wandered through the seas and rivers of people that flowed into one another through his manor, steps languid and slow. Eventually, the pair arrived at the front door of the estate and passed the threshold into the cool night air. Winding their way through the gardens, the Veir led his companion over to a small greenhouse on the edge of the grounds. One Valran kept fairly niche botanicals in there– it would be as private a place as any.

Once both were inside and the door closed, the silver elf spoke. “So…tell me then, why did we need to be alone to have this conversation?” His words are inquisitive, prying, but he still sounds more friendly than anything else.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Raillen Tongue/Speech"
"Silvain Tongue/Speech"
word count: 358
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