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Re: Every Rose Has It's Thorn [Degare]

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:54 pm
by Salen
Salen's ether channeled through as he closed his eyes and entered into the sleeping trance he initiates himself in as he finds himself within an alternative realm. He was use to traversing a number of mindscapes by now, including Dahlia's and Tiberius' when he was much younger. He sighed deeply as he looked around casting Guidance to locate the Engrams for Degare and activate them for him. Salen had to be careful, knowing that it was a huge risk to stay in the mindscape for long.

He followed Salen, channelling his ether as a guide to light up every Engram that he could possibly find for Degare; however, it was the initiate that knew his own mind very well, recognising a bundle of memories "Agreed, this is my first initiation, Degare... It's quite a challenging step to initiate someone with more than one hundred and two memories. I will do my ultimate best though" He simply nodded as he took the first stages into Degare's complex mindscape.

The first memory was the birth as he watched Degare reminsce about his birth; he casted Guidance to string the memories together for Degare to tap into in the future and sighed as he looked over at the dimmed Engrams that were colourless "Alright, guide me to the next one." Salen was ready for the next room, although he didn't access many of the memories that he had drawn to; his job was to guide the initiate, not to access any of his thoughts whilst in his mindscape.

However, when he entered the next room; his curiousity pondered. His parents were strangely human and he was Sil'Norai. How did that occur? Was he adopted? He knew that the Entente did not have a custom for adopting children for fear that they would take their family heirlooms and corrupt their bloodlines. It took a selfless act of desperation to adopt a child from an Entente; knowing that most of them were born through necromantic procedures, to preserve their beauty and health for a lifetime.

Salen's ether had started to wane when they had gotten to the concert room, knowing that Degare needed to be quick about the initiation he immediately casted Guidance again and looked around, noticing that the Engrams were jumbled up in a complicated and intricate pattern. The puzzle wasn't something that Salen as keen on solving, but he knew he needed to hurry up as this was the beginning of his early adulthood to his late forties where he began his career as a musician; he had witnessed the romanticism between Averre and Degare; the moment he shed a tear for he knew what loss felt like from the start. It was the time that Degare obtained his Bane mark from him.

Furthermore, he continued to follow Degare as this was the most active part of his life; his late forties up to his hundredth. The waning of his ether had put some strain on Salen, but he was able to hold on for sometime longer. The fact that he had witnessed everything; the murder of Lorenzo Auclair, the framing of Cordelia Senerite, Dahlia's sister and the day that Averre had asked Degare to initiate Dahlia into the forsaken art of Bane. Salen's eyes widen as he shook his head for a moment; he had just witnessed a grave event upon Degare's behalf but this was appearing to be emotionally taxing for Degare to deal with. He simply smiled and looked back at Degare "Let's go further... I'm sure we've got alot more to cover" He said as he followed the stone path to the next door with Degare, passing by the wall that mimicked the space around them.

The next part had deemed shocking to Salen; he knew that there were magical properties of Bane had begun to desecrate the gardens of the Boghadar estate. It looked dark, gothic and everything had been rotting in decay and pestilence, including the vines, the forestry and the debris. It was clear that this part of the palace had symbolised death, loneliness. Yet he had casted Guidance once again to fulfill the obligation of the initiation.

He had located most of the Engrams; it was now the timeline of Averre's death as they passed through the dead arborteum that he once tended to. His ether was waning to dangerous levels as he looked over at Degare, shaking his head "We have to move, faster... I can't hold it any longer; I may have to abandon you if I do..." He frowned at the thought of losing a friend "I'm not gonna give up though, please... Let's hurry." He pleaded to Degare.

They passed through a gate, now containing the shifted hues of crimson and black. He looked around and noticed he was back in the room they were in, similar to the time that they spent the night together; along with a gracious and sexual moment that they had. This appeared to be more of Degare's recent memories that he had collided together. The floor was indeed hardwood, stained with pathos, he looked over at the corner of his eye and noticed a large fountain. It spewed black and dark crimson liquid; Salen couldn't figure out what it was but he knew it was something to do with Degare being associated with Bane.

However, Salen questioned the deep fetishes and kinks of Degare as he had witnessed a mixture of blood and sexual debauchery. It had been present in his Corvo initiation and the 'fun' time with his lover, Arkash. He could feel the genuine despair, yet the general disgust on Salen's face was disguised by a simple laugh. However, the grieving process wasn't fun; he knew that, there was no such thing as coping with loss. There were ways of dealing with it, but there was no true recovery.

After all, there was no way of bringing back a loved one once they had perished, unless by the work of a Divine being.

With one final cast of Guidance, Salen gasped as if he were gasping for air. The fear, the anxiety that trailed through him as he knew the initiation could've gone worse. He was so exhausted by the initation that he had difficulty speaking. However, he had questions, forcing him to compose himself.

"Oh, you're... Wait, you initiated Dahlia into Bane? Why?" He asked with annoyance "Was it a mistake? Did you work for her too? I want to know everything Degare... As you know by now, I'm used to walking around with a knife in my back. I'm surprised I even live to tell the tale, knowing that there are many people out there who wished to take advantage on uncommon folk such as me." He asserted himself strongly to Degare; he had enough of the lies, deceit and controlling nature of the Entente Veir's that were so desperate to get their claws into the political stature of Daravin and even claim the throne for themselves.

His features soften as he sounded harsh for a moment, knowing that Degare had just finished a gruelling initiation. It was more painful for Salen, given that he was just a Remnomancer-in-training. However, he had done well, getting an old man through an Remnant initiation was not the easiest of steps. He had proven himself to be a powerful ally "I'm sorry." He apologised.

"I've just... Seen alot, it's alot to take in."


Re: Every Rose Has It's Thorn [Degare]

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:43 pm
by Degare
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By now, both of the men were exhausted– though Salen in a more literal, physical sense from the sheer expenditure of ether. Degare is…near to depleted emotionally; while physically unharmed, the impact of stress has him feeling lightheaded and somewhat nauseous. He was honestly really pleased at the fact that he wouldn’t end up lost here.

While his head was reeling and relief slowly began to set in, Salen’s words about Dahlia’s initiation swam through the mire of his thoughts. “...why…? She…paid for it. The memories you saw were all that there was. Averre always was a shrewd businessman and the price she paid was more than generous. If I knew anything else, you’d have seen it.” The elf was trying to sound reassuring, but his voice was weak and fairly exasperated at the moment.

Closing his eyes for a second to breathe, Salen apologized for the force with which he spoke. “I know…my life is storied and long. You’re…perfectly justified in being taken aback, ah…especially by the very nature of some things. Unfortunate you had to see everything, truly.” The tone of his voice indicated that the last sentence was more of a joke in reference to some of the things that one would typically consider unpleasant for viewing.

“Nonetheless…I thank you. For this, the Mark. See? I was right to put my faith in you– your ambition will get you far.” At this point, the velvet of the Veir’s voice is much warmer than before. He genuinely does appreciate the effort on Salen’s end.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Raillen Tongue/Speech"
"Silvain Tongue/Speech"

Re: Every Rose Has It's Thorn [Degare]

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:43 pm
by Mimi Pidders
Every Rose Has Its Thorn

XP: 8 Magic XP, 2 XP
  • Remnant: Guidance - Guiding an Initiate
  • Remnant: Guidance - Finding Engrams in Another Memory Palace
  • Remnant: Guidance - Harder to Initiate someone of a century of age.
  • Remnant: The Kyrikaric Principle - The Dual Concepts of Dreams and Nightmares
  • Remnant: The Kyrikaric Principle - The Creation of Fear and Anxiety
  • Remnant: The Kyrikaric Principle - The Creation of Euphoria and Happiness
  • Remnant: Voyage - Degare's Mindscape
  • Nightfall: Confide - Using Shadow Images in Battle
  • Nightfall: Confide - Using Shadow Images to distract an enemy.
  • Nightfall: Confide - Generated from a Compass

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Oh, Salen. Looking for allies in the most unlikely places. If everything around you is shadowy and dark, it's hard to believe in light and truth.