Cat Gotcha Tongue? [Ulgan]

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Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:10 pm

25th Ash, 4622

Salen had some slight suspicions that he would be getting contracts in Boghadar whilst he was there; of course, what was the assassin to do with his spare time? Drink and gamble in unflinching debauchery? A cautious and yet avaricious stranger could only guess the essence of his blight and yet it is his identity now. It's everything he had asked for and yet he appeared to be preparing himself for the assignment, already the local Scaeva coven had given him enough notice to carry out the assassination. A man named Uriel De Santos, known for illegal sex trafficking and drug trading, also a Corvo of House Demarik. He had seen that name before, narrowing his eyes, he knew he had to be cautious as it appeared to be a level playing field for him.

Salen would eventually arrive at his place, knocking on the door smiling as the attractive male would approach, he can already smell the perfumery upon him, as if he was blessed by Brazim's existence, Salen would have to be careful when initiating eye contact, knowing he could completely fall for his desires. He had read that Uriel was a violent man who engaged in sadomasochistic pleasure, meaning that Salen would have to dismiss his desires for him completely, either through Remnant or by simply not engaging in much. The thoughts of going against such a foe was mind blowing, but yet he had experienced far worse from Dahlia's antics, claiming her to be as manic as the Treveyn who ruled Daravin.

The show was always about power and it appeared that Salen had none "I believe you've been expecting me." Salen asked as Uriel appeared to be in awe at his unusually dark appearance, tracing down from the silks he wore. Purple, gold and black velvet, mixed with silvery trims and a pair of boots with silvery laces. It was a casual look for Salen, but it appeared that Uriel was impressed by his appearance "Wow... I.. I must say I've never seen such an impressive beauty... Come with me..."

Salen entered the living room of the Daravinic Veir's apartment, it appeared to be empty. His Valran was out doing business and everything appeared to be quiet, just the way Salen liked it. He immediately sat on the couch, undoing his robe and revealing the dark purple and black regalia adorned with embroidered purple roses and sat down on the couch, watching Uriel bring in a bottle of the finest Gentevarese wine ever brought.

"So, where abouts are you from originally."

"Genteven originally, but... I've seen other places..."

"Oh really?" He asked unsure. "I figured you were from the capital."

"What makes you assume so?"

"All the boys are good looking, such as yourself." He smirked. Salen clearly saw an opportunity to kill at this rate, he watched as the other male would sit on the couch and put his hand amongst Salen's thigh, slowly moving upwards, before moving his hand over to his chin and turning his face towards him, making eye contact with his beguiling gaze "Why don't we go upstairs..."

Salen could see through the act of beguilement and chuckled to himself, playing coy as he moves on top of him in a seductive manner "Oh... That sounds like a promising proposition..." He unsheathes his dagger and drives the dagger with phallic force into his throat, ensuring that the spinal bridge was severed, killing the man instantly "I decline though... Sorry..." He removed the dagger and cleaned it, leaving a Phantasmal Reckoning behind that covers up all the blood stains and wounds from the man, looking as if he was sleeping.

He could hear distance mewling as he narrowed his eyes. He walked into the dining room to find a awfully large looking cat in a box cage, appearing to be struggling for it's life as it was inhumanely crushed. Salen felt some sympathy for the trapped being as he revealed his shaper and slashed at the lock, breaking it lose before picking up the fat cat curiously "What are you doing here..." He asked before sighing and putting him on his shoulders "I think its best if I take you with me..."

He eventually takes him outside of the manner, ensuring that there were no witnesses around. His mess had been covered up prior to the incident, but illusions only last long. It was a fool of him for sending his Valran out, especially if he would've known he was a target. His contract was complete, but what was he going to do with the giant fat cat he found? Give it a home? He had no home of his himself... He had to find some form of safety for him.

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Ulgan Vass
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Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:09 am

Somewhat weakened & wounded from the enduring period of being captured in the hands of Veir in Boghadar. The ashen grey cat could recall how his situation drastically changed from roaming the streets of the mountainous terrain that the Daravanic people call home. The capital of Verant was a rather surprisingly beautiful place with the encompassing waters falls & misty air that covered the city proper was rather enticing & the fact that Ulgan was most of the time a cat roaming through the pleasant streets at a fast speed.

From what he could remember, the Luten Spy was on his way to deliver a message to one of the many spy cells that hide within the populace. To most people, a one-eyed grey cat roaming the streets wasn’t needed; in fact, there were plenty of felines & canines roaming the streets as with the random native avian species such as desert sparrows & starlings drifting through the hot air.

As Ulgan’s feline form was more akin to a cat that may have put on a few pounds, people would often mistake him for being a pet as most cats scurry by then to be on the thinner side. Possibly a reason why his form was easier to pick out, but either case, it was during his trip to Ulgan got captured by a few men whose features were veiled by a mask.

In his current state, The Luten spy could only mewl weakly as the amount of damage sustained during his interrogation as if it were grunts of pain. Then, for a second, his feline ears pick up a brief conversation, his captor & another strange voice which seemed soothing in a sense.

Aloof to the situation upstairs, the chunky ashen cat merely lets out light cries as if it were calling for help. But, in his weakened state, the sensation of his body being picked somewhat gently caused Ulgan to purr softly though decrepitly.

Being escorted out of his prison, the cat of unknown origin could finally relax for a moment. His muscles relax and begin to melt into his unknown saviour's shoulders as his breathing stifles what noise he can make.

“Got tae thank this stranger whan A can, hope A dinnae scare him thouch.”

The Malformist ponders on that thought for a moment while his mental conversation ensues; Ulgan merely lets his savour carry him to where he is deemed safe; Only then will the Malformist be able to thank him properly.

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Sun Sep 18, 2022 5:05 am

He could feel the ball of fur melt into his lap, as if there was some sense of comfort from him, however he needed to get to true safety as he placed his hood up and hid him within his cloak, providing a warm place for the cat to snuggle. He wondered if the person had some sadistic tendency against cats, or whether he was fucked up. He eventually started at the fat bloated cat, before he tilted his head "How come you're so fat? Did he overfeed you and put you in that cage? Aww..." He proceeded to pet the cat, giving him strokes and belly rubs as he made his way to the alleyways, where the Scaeva coven had convened for their activities.

He walked in to find the mistress of the coven, Ala Drey who appeared to be cleaning up, she smiled at Salen with a seductive glint in her eyes "Did you fulfill your contract? My leader will know if you havent..." He smiled as he tilts his head "Of course I did... And he has a habit of torturing animals, so it seems..." He said as he strokes the kitty. Ala eventually tilts her head as she proceeds to pick up the kitty "D'aww... You poor thing... You must be... Well, you certainly are a fat kitty, he fattened you up quite a bit hasn't he... D'aww..." Salen chuckled as he smiled.

"Good boy, Salen... You may rest, feel free to sanctify one of our rooms, fellow brother..." She said as the kitty was placed on the bar stand by Ala where he would be able to observe the bar space of the area. It appeared to be some kind of brothel in the area. A hideout for Corvo, the smells of perfume would linger in the air as the cat would take in their fragrant smell, even before entering.

Salen went upstairs to a designated room, used for temporary use. Salen sat down amongst the dresser and looked at the mirror once again. The reflection of his own figure made him smile, but he wondered if this boon would be temporary. He frowned at the thought, knowing that such a gift could only be brought by desire. Whatever Salen's desire was is a mystery to others, but only he would know. After all, he could only know.

He eventually removed his leathers, showing the beautifully flawless skin of his body as he made his way to the bathtub, already filled with hot water. It was then he dunked himself inwards and relaxed, thinking about his recent experiences. The journey with Hugo, the experience with Vassilios, the meeting with Vivian once again but the most painful one of all, the loss of Tiberius, his lover. He frowned for a moment, knowing that something wasn't right. It wasn't like him to get into the wrong crowd all of a sudden, making more questions than answers.

He had to go back to his hideout once again.

word count: 513
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Ulgan Vass
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Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:31 am

Slightly lucid of his surroundings but exhausted from the extensive amount of time spent essentially being crushed & toyed with by the hands of a ruthless entente. The chonky ash-grey ragamuffin snuggles into Salen’s arm as the additional warmth provided by his saviour’s body heat & cloak that shelters him from the external weather offers a temporary haven for rest. One
of the few times the Malformist spy didn’t need to set up a haven for other members.

When Salen questions why Ulgan’s cat form was considered fat, the half-orkhai can only chalk it up to the fact that he was a really tall man with chunks of muscles. Still, his raw magic converts his muscles to fat in the case of being an adorable cat that could roam the streets. Still, being called fat didn’t make the Malformist any happier. To show his disdain for being called fat, the chunky ragamuffin gives off a glare before lightly meowing in a slightly lower pitch tone which quickly changes to soft purring & mewling as he receives scratches & pets.

As the two continue to make their way through the various alleyways that litter the streets of Genteven, his feline gaze takes a moment to take in the scene. From a run-down cobblestone street to entering an unknown place, Ulgan couldn’t help but start paying his dues by kneading some bread on Salen’s arm for a moment before his ears perk up to listen to the conversation as his saviour & this random woman merely chats for a moment.

With the discussions being more about contracts and removing said targets, The spy could only assume where he is; he is, in fact, at the heart of an assassin’s guild.

“Well, shit, whit kynd o mess did A get myself intae now?”

The malformist half-orkhai chatted to himself in his mind, yet it translated out as a variety of meows & frantic air-licking as Salen gave more chin scratches before being picked up Ala which caused the cat to freeze with its legs sticking out like a straight ruler that doesn’t bend by the slightest weight before being placed on the bar countertop.

As his greenish-yellow feline eyes watch Salen make his way to another section of the establishment, Ulgan takes a moment to scan the room for a moment before immediately spying on an item of interest; An empty box which he could sit in but judging the space, it would be a tight fit.

Nevertheless, the ash-grey ragamuffin hops off the countertop, which makes a rather loud thud as his thick legs make contact with the wooden floorboards and make his way over to the box, sitting on the ground for a moment before hopping into the box. As expected, the box was too small, so small that after a couple of seconds sitting inside his comfy box, one side of the box gave way and burst open at the seams where his fat feline body spilled over. Still, Ulgan didn’t care as he got his prize for the time being, and no box could contain his body of pure muscle.+

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Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:52 pm

After a while in the bathtub, Salen would get out as he wrapped a towel around himself, he stares at the cat who appears to be calmly cuddled in a box, he could watch it bellow and break due to the kitties' weight. Salen laughed not because it was funny, but because it seemed like the most cutest thing he had ever seen. He appeared to have a soft spot for the cat as he walked up to him and knelted down "You're wanting somewhere comfortable... Aren't you?" He said as he hoisted up the fat ragamuffin and cradled him gently in his arms, before he walked over to his bed and began to rub his belly "What did he do to you... Hmm? Did he overfeed you? Why you poor thing, I'm sure we'll get you back in shape no problem" He snickered, before giving him belly rubs."

Salen sighed as he looked at the cat for a moment, before sighing as he appeared to open himself up to him, he noticed that he had an eye missing, frowning in sympathy as he reflected on his own pain "I'm sorry this happened to you..." He said as he proceeded to cuddle the cat, massaging the plushness of it's belly "I know how it feels to suffer, but yet I don't feel sorry for myself... What's the point? But there are times when it's difficult... When you can't cope, when you're trapped in a vicious cycle" He said as he looked downwards at the cat "Don't worry, you're safe now... No one can hurt you here..." He gave him belly scratches as a source of reassurance.

Perhaps that will be the relief that the cat needed, for he had been in an extremely torturous situation. He then thought for a second. He knew a tad about Malformity from Vivian and yet only malformists could only change themselves into a form and the way the cat was caged, it was odd... Salen began to become much more vigilant over the cat as he places him back on the bed for a moment "However, they would not ordinarily torture a cat for no reason... You have to be something of great importance or a person... So... Mr Kitty, I'd reveal yourself from that very mold right now..." He said.

"Like I said to a friend of mine, I'd rather have a thief than a liar~" He spoke melodically.

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Ulgan Vass
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Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:01 am

As Ulgan contemplates what to do next, his stomach grumbles for a moment before suddenly seeing his saviour make his way into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Letting out a loud & prolonged meow as Salen lifted off his chonky body his broken box, the sounds of brief laughter was something the ragamuffin was not amused with as he was about to pay for the room service by serving biscuits on his flattened cardboard box.

Briefly letting out a few purring chirps as his fluffy stomach receives a nice belly rub, the Malformist orkhai couldn’t help but listen to Salen’s self-imposed questions, such as being overfed.

“Well arenae ye rude tae assume A am fat...."

The chonky grey feline thought to himself for a moment, giving a slight glare as if it understood humanoid language. Still, the glaring moment suddenly shifts to something more akin to compassion as the mysterious man cuddles with him and massages his belly, on which Ulgan did have a soft spot.

Ulgan could understand what Salen said when he was talking about suffering, coping & it being a vicious cycle. The fact that this man said he would be safe where he is causing the cat to relax more, melting into Salen’s arms as the tension leaves his body.

It was only then Salen when spoke about how no average person would torture a cat for no apparent reason & which being of great importance; Ulgan couldn’t help but stare at Salen for a moment before raising his leg towards his head as if he was saluting to Salen taking a moment to breathe in the surrounding ether through his mark of control to invoke Chimerism to shift his larynx to his original form before speaking.

“Fair enouch friend, but dae say A warnit ye; A am a big man & micht neit some clothes gin ye can spare some wad ye.”

It was only then that the ashen grey cat moves out of Salen’s grasp and lands on the floor with a heavy thud as his thick, chonky body makes contact with the floor. Taking a moment to breathe in deeply, the cat begins to channel the ether around his form.

The grey fur begins to wrap & the tail starts to fold back into itself before being absorbed into the main body. The extra amount of fat that was initially the folds that the cat dragged about begins to shift into becoming muscle, and the main body starts to take a humanoid form. Over a few minutes, processing Molding back into his original condition does put a bit of pain but something bearable for the Malformist.

At the end of the process, a 6’9 tall naked, grey-toned man stands before Salen, with notable tusk which would immediately out him as an Orkhai yet holding the elegant features & lanceolate ears that a Sil'Norai. Briefly stretching his arms out wide, Ulgan makes no attempts to hide any part of his body as he can finally enjoy being back in his average body. An intricate pattern of a dreamcatcher running along the centre of his back & a gothic cross that rest on his right clavicle.

“Thare ye happy now? whit? dinnae juist stare, speak up friend.”

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Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:05 pm

Salen was astounded by the growth of the other male as he looked up at the giant half-Orkhai; the cutest chonkiest cat had transformed into a much more handsome and imposing figure; Salen couldn't help but leer at him with shock and surprise; he eventually chuckled nervously "So that's why the psycho shrew captured you... Because he was torturing you over some hold he has? I'm starting to wonder if everyone is a liar... I literally thought you were a cat." He said, completely speechless at the moment as he sighed with relief, that's until Mrs Drey had begun shouting.

"Salen! Who are you talking to?" He asked before he gulped as he shook his head "Well, what are you waiting for, get back in your cat form, shes coming!" He whispered with a scowl as the Orkhai wasn't safe in this part of town, especially within a Corvae Stronghold; he wasn't safe either and if they would've found out they would result Salen in strenuous questioning and interrogation. After all, Corvae were amongst the most secretive of revelers, for their ambition to spread social decay and fornication through society proved to be the cure for Brazim's vanity and perhaps keeps his presence known on Atharen.

He tried pushing the giant Orkhai into another space whilst he transformed, but he could not budge him; his might appeared to be too strong as was his naked form, brimming his need to sate and quench his hidden carnal desires.

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Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:07 pm

He took a moment to close his left eye not to disturb his new acquaintance & savour the particular hellhole that was his torture cage. Ulgan continued to stretch his arms & legs as wide as possible since his body felt stiff from being cramped into a tiny cell for his chunkiest form of a cat. The orange-eyed half-orkhai takes a moment to assess Salen’s disposition, showing off the most flirt grin he could muster in his exhausted state as his tusk briefly glints in the available light within the room as he could at least tell that the man in front of him was nervous about him in some shape or form.

“Ye coud saw thon; an asshole but thon is ma fault tae bear an A canae blame ye for no trustin i everyone. We aw wear masks whether we like it or no, but then again, must o enjoyit savin a handsome-lookin cat juist like yourself~ pleasin on the een.”

Ulgan continued to flirt with Salen as he wasn’t too shy about it & besides what is a little bit teasing going to him, but that was when Ulgan’s lanceolated ears picked up a faint voice from below; This lady that he encountered not too long ago prying into Salen’s conversation, asking who he was talking to in his room.

“Well, ainae she a kill joy now... Alricht alricht.... sheesh; it isnae easy tae change intae a cat ye know thon… Juist lay on the bit for me will ye now.”

As Salen tries to push Ulgan, the orkhai takes a moment to lift his right arm & gently push Salen onto his bed; Once the manages to do so, the Malformist takes a moment to make a light leap into the air as if he was going to land on Salen but during the jump, the half-orkhai, half sil’ norai man uses Embodying by suffusing ether into his body, draining a bit more ether than he would like as his form rapidly changes into his chonkiest ashen cat form & landing directly on to Salen’s chest as if a cat pounces onto its prey with a significant amount of weight before letting out a prolong purr as he loosens his muscles and spreads his weight all over Salen’s body.

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Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:44 am

"Oh no..." Salen said as he watched the cat transform as quickly as possible through embodying, the flirtatious moment he had with the giant Orkhai was almost pristine that was until Ala Drey came into the room. He eventually sat on the bed as he let Ulgan on his chest. He grunted due to the amount of weight he was putting on him as he pretended to be comfortable. The mistress of the home smiled at the kitty "D'aww... Well, I'm sure Salen here has entertained you, but I think it's time for a..." As she tried to lift him, she paused for a moment as she raised an eyebrow "Oh god, he is awfully heavy and fat..." She said as Salen looked at her nervously.

"This cannot be a cat, it's clearly too heavy... Unless..." She gasps at him as she shakes her head "He's a spy!" She proceeds to try and grab the cat and strangle him from out of her form. Salen watched as he didn't want to get involved with the situation, especially since it will denounce his credibility "Salen! Get me some rope..." She said as she pinned the cat down before he looked nervously "Run..." He whispered as he went to the closet to find a piece of rope to allegedly tie Ulgan down. However, he wasn't going to do that. He might've saved the cats life, but he had other agendas to follow.

Especially when it come to building a portfolio of allies.

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Sun Nov 20, 2022 4:05 am

What Ulgan thought was a sound idea of quickly changing back to a cat & acting the part didn’t go quite as planned. While the Orkhai Malformist liked to be handled softly in his usual fat form of a cat, the mistress of this strange place had to ruin the moment by essentially holding onto his feline form. Letting out a loud hiss & rearing his fangs, The fat ragamuffin immediately brings its fangs onto the mistress before pulling out his claws and swatting at the woman’s hand & face.

Not wanting to get his body crushed as Ulgan knew he was pretty vulnerable with such a small body; speckles of white & black smoke began to emit out the cat’s paws; Using Winnow to siphon the Vitescence off of his assailant with each swipe until the mistress of the establishment could no longer keep her hold as their muscles & skin quickly atrophy. The cat would not be able to use the siphoned life force of his assailant as he could not risk losing his Nighttorch in this critical moment.

Taking a moment to scan the room; the chunky cat begins to leap over the various platforms that he could reach from the surface of a drawer to a shelf; knocking every trinket & bauble off the ledge as if a regular cat was panicking around the room before his feline gaze looms over a window that he could escape.

Briefly taking a moment to look back at Salen, the feline’s eyes seem to glimmer for a moment before the creature begins to make its dash & leap out of the window, only to get half its body outside while the other half struggles to push itself out of the room. Ulgan’s weight made it difficult to escape as he was stuck in the window for a moment or two. Finally, his rear paws managed to get some leverage and pushed the other half of his body out the window.

Quickly realising that he was about to fall a considerable distance as Ulgan essentially leapt out of the second-story building, the Radenor Malformist quickly used his innate feline reflexes to help him land on the ground with minimal damage. Sustain some minor injuries from the fall, and the Ashen Cat could recover when he could escape. With that in mind, The chunky cat began to quickly scurry away from the scene as his large body jiggled & rolls whilst the tail was raised high up in the air for additional balance.

“A shame thon things haed tae turn oot like this; he seems like a guid fellow, but hopefully faith has plans tae make a possible reunion.”

And just like that, the once-captive Radenor Spy is able to retreat from his faith of being tortured once more; As to where the Half Orkhai/Sil’Norai Malformist will end up will depend on whether he could get a good’s night rest & travel to a safe-haven to rest his weary body.

word count: 508
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