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True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:20 pm
by Velx

42nd of Frost, 4622


It had been a long trip. The hardships endured along the way sharpened her up for more obstacles, but she was pleasantly surprised. As much as she resented her brother for sending her on an errand to Amoren while she was mid her own quest in Radenor, she still went without hesitation. This was their bond, and it was not always to be a useful one.

All the momentum she’d gained by reaching the package she was supposed to deliver without a hitch was spent when the very same pack slipped from her hands, bounced on the street and got ran over by a carriage of all things. The unmistakable clink of metal breaking was a dangerous frequency, followed by the neighing of horses and the thump of the wheel as it was reintroduced to the packed road. Too shocked to resonate the burlap wrapped object out of harm’s way, she now clutched its broken bones to her chest as she would a child.

Moving away from the busy passage, she’d softly unwrap the package against her brother’s wishes. Whatever it was, she needed to see if it was still worth taking back. Even if it was against his wishes, it was still necessary. Her heart sank a few inches deeper into the breast as she could make out a compass of some sort, decidedly pointing away from what she knew was true north. Some kind of circular contraption was sitting atop it, likely to have once been a sundial of sorts. The compass glass showed a single crack, the needle no longer pointing north, and the once dial bent and twisted away from its once circular purpose. Disappointed with what she unwrapped, she realized that if she was to replace an item such as this, she could have and easily. Her brother wasn’t a fool, so this meant that the compass was more than a mere navigation tool and not as easily sourced.

She decided to try her best and put it back into working order. While the needle was decidedly not north bearing, it did have a constant direction to it. This part of the mechanism was perhaps poorly calibrated, but unlikely to have been significantly disrupted. The glass atop the needle was cracked, but not obstructing vision to it. What worried her the most was the bent shape of the supposed sundial. She needed a smith of sorts to take a look and give an evaluation of whether something like this could be fixed back to some extent. Going back to Valanox empty handed wasn’t a real option, and she wasn’t dealing in half-measures. Her inquiries led her to a door she knew to knock on. With impatience and disappointment, her only companions, she thumped the wood and waited for a response.

Re: True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 9:09 pm
by Vinsue

She felt torn about coming out here. Honestly she needed to be home helping make sure Moop was okay. Instead she was out here because she had received a very important message from an old friend. It said they had something important to show her and she needed a forge to craft something special in remembrance of a friend for a friend. Unfortunately her friend was out of town and she had no clue when they would be back. She simply left him a letter informing him of here location so he could get her when he got back.

The gnome had made a home out of the room. Her pack had been left laying against the wall but her bed was made. The mess was on the desk where she had been flipping through her books for the last few days. She had the basic design of the chakram beside her book on Divide. An old rusty gear was in her hand. Honestly she now had the abilities to use the easier magic in the book. The truth was it scared her. She saw what magelight could do and she wasn't ready to risk it. Vinsue put the gear back down on the table. 

She started to flip through the pages of her book when someone knocked on her door."Just a minute" she yelled. She honestly hoped it was her friend. Talking of her friend he did not know she had been initiated into any magic. Carefully she closed the book on Divide and put it in the drawer. She got up and washed her hands before she walked to the door. 

Carefully she opened the door to see a Arkanai lady on the other side. She was quick to notice the bundle in her hand. She noticed the worry in the lady and understood. "Come in." She would offer a seat and take the one at the desk. "What can I do for you?" She asked.

Re: True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 12:28 pm
by Velx

As the doors opened and she was ushered in, a faint hope appeared. Gnomes were a good omen when one had issues such as these. A Griscian would’ve likely been ideal, but given their political predilections, Gnomes were by far the safer choice. She’d take the seat offered across from the little one and slowly unwrap what was once a delicate thing.

The bends and the breakage were evident. It was the north malfunction which irritated her the most, but she wasn’t sure someone outside of her own line of work would give it too much thought. Presenting the damaged piece before the Gnome, Velx would readily accept that she’d indeed come to the right door as no awkward questions had been raised yet. It was her duty to bring the strange trinket back and by gods she would.

“Thank you for the hospitality” she’d nod towards the small as she continued “I was told that a skilled craftsman resides here. As you can see, the compass is broken and dial in misalignment. While the glass damage is possible to overlook, It’s the sundial portion which is beyond my skills to fix” as she explained she ran her hands across the damages. She kept her terms technical, assuming that they were both familiar.

Gently moving the burlap over to the Gnome, she’d realize the item might have further defects she simply wasn’t trained to notice. It was a strange gesture for her and one that felt a tad too trusting, but she needed help.

“Is the damage reversible?” she put all of her hope into it.

Re: True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:43 pm
by Vinsue

Vinsue would listen as she was told of the known problems. Which were important things to to know. Though with the type of damage that was done to the sundial compass, there were likely a few more unknown problems. When given the sundial compass she immediately started looking over each of its components. Though it looked bad it wouldn't be that hard to fix honestly. Though some parts would need to be replaced like the glass. 

It would seem that her name was starting to be known in the arena. This could be good but it would also be counter productive for her goals. She would feel bad when she leaves, but to find the strongest golems she would need to move on. She also needed to go back to check on Moop soon. It was also hard to learn when others think you're either better or came to take their work. But for now she had the opportunity to tinker and fix. Both things she likes to do. That said, her popularity was not something that was important right now. 

"With time and skill anything can be fixed." She responded. It was an automatic type response that she always gave. It was true. Anything could be fixed just not always by her and not always as simply as a little glue and polish. This one however was something she could fix.

She looked up at the other person. "This is something I have the ability to fix," She said. She began taking her stuff off the table to have it cleared for the project she was taking on. As a clean table kept pieces from getting lost. Vinsue went and grabbed her clockwork kit. She set it on the right hand side of the desk and carefully opened her kit. 

"Unless you would rather me not, I would like to get a better look by disassembling it?"


Re: True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:20 am
by Velx

When the Gnome asked for the trinket to work on it further, she gestured permission without a second thought. She was here because the tinkerer here was supposed to be very good at their job. It wouldn’t be rational of her to interrupt such acumen. The small one’s antics were a good indication of someone who could fix things for a living. Everything could be fixed indeed – it was likely just a matter of cost effectiveness. Unfortunately, with this specific item she didn’t have the luxury of such an analysis. This had to be fixed. Valanox needed it, and she needed him to succeed.

“Break it as you must, master” she gave direct permission moving her hands completely off the object and to her end of the table. The thought gnawed at her, so she had to pour it out lest it corrode her insides. “If the original functionality isn’t restorable” she erred on the side of caution, unsure how much she could or would ever reveal “Would it be possible for you to recreate the mechanism?” her chest felt lighter as the thoughts verbalized.

As the Gnome worked on the delusional compass, she sat and waited in the best silence she could muster. If anything was needed, she would do her best to assist. Out of respect, she did the same thing she wanted people to do when she was going about her own business, keep their tongues tied and their hands to themselves. Work was best done alone, but if someone had to be there, it was best to be the shadow of the fly on the wall.

Re: True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:55 am
by Vinsue

Given permission the gnome got to work. Carefully taking the sundial portion apart and laying it down on the table. The brake in the measuring area made it much easier to take apart than a perfectly functional one would have been. Taking the glass out was a little more tricky but not different from a clock. A small flat head screwdriver easily popped the metal casing off of the top. She flipped over the top to drop the glass on the table then carefully looked over the legs of the device. A small art mark was stamped in the side revealed to Vinsue its maker.

Recreate the mechanism? “I could but it's not something I specialize in. Ramsay is who I would ask as he made this one. But it is fixable.” She took a magnet out of her bag and rubbed the compass needle. After a few good strokes she put the magnet back up and took out her compass. She carefully put the compass mechanism back together. She then placed her compass beside it to see if she truly fixed that part. Both compass faced in the same direction indicating north unless there was some anomaly that she had no need to worry about. But that was unlikely.

Vinsue picked up the glass. Not completely broken but definitely cracked. She found herself curious as to exactly how bad the crack was just to end up using her divide mark of controle. More specifically parse. The ability to read the materials that make up the glass. It was dark and fuzzy like sand but a clear crack like a lightning streak could be seen. She carefully put the glass down to end the connection. She then grabbed a small sack to put the glass and broken metal in.

“I’m going to half to visit the forge to fix the rest of it.” she said as she got up. “You can come.” She then led the way out of the door and locked it beyond them. She then began the short walk to a glass blowers place. Class is one of the few things that were more temperamental than metal and so she would rather get a master to work on it. She did not mind conversation but was not the best at starting it.


Re: True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 1:00 am
by Velx

She watched the gnome work without interrupting. Focus was important for an artisan. The dismantling process was much like watching doctors work on those you cared for. Each movement was necessary but brought forward unnecessary restlessness. When the gnome voiced the name of the device’s creator, Velx would commit it to memory. Ramsay would surely have her patronage in the days to come – after all, it was his hand which was involved in the events of her journey. Perhaps he would be more loose-lipped than Valanox was and be her way into the knowledge thus far withheld.

When the gnome led them out and extended an invitation to join her on a trip to the forge, Velx realized she never considered the option of parting with the compass. Naturally, she accepted immediately and let the little one lead the way. She was used to being taller than a lot of people, but the degree was greatly exaggerated in this case, as she did her best to conjure conversation.

“I appreciate your help, master Gnome. When they advertised your services, they clearly sent me to the right person” she shared her positive impression up to that point. The service thus far had been quick and efficient. While she had no idea if this would be a worthwhile endeavor in the end, she did appreciate the attitude thus far.

“I am Velx” she gestured to her chest in habit, before extending it towards the smaller woman. “What is your name, master?” her voice kept the deference one was to show those of significant skill.

Re: True north (Vinsue)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:56 pm
by Vinsue

"Names Vinsue. Vinsue Tecknick." She responded to the name inquiry. She had originally came to this town season's ago as a student. But yet still it was more of a challenge to hide talent than she anticipated. But it comes with upsides. Like the occasional job and less of a fight to get in the forges.

As they approached the glass shop she went in. Shelves of all kinds of glass work were displayed. But Vinsue was too focused to appreciate the hard work put into the various pieces. She walked to the pay counter and claimed up on a stool. Sometimes being away frome home made her fill short. This was one of those times.

"Greg, I need your help." She said, The person behind the counter looked up from his book. He gave a slight smile. "Anything for you love. What is it this time?" He said. As much as she wanted to roll her eyes she simply smiled back. "I have something I need replaced." She said, pulling the broken glass from her bag and placing it on the counter. The two would begin to haggle a price. After a few unsatisfactory answers she minted a different glass worker. They then debated some more. After an I owe you agreement he took the glass and went to the back of his shop.

"Got approximately 30 minutes before it will be done." She said as she jumped off the stool and again started walking. "So what brings you all the way out here." She finally said. As she thought about it. The device she was fixing was used on the open sea to get the object's exact location. "I mean that device doesn't work very well on land." She said.
