Field of Whimsy

The Eastern Crown of Radenor.

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:29 pm

50th of Ash, Year 4622

Morning had been kind to him. He awoke with a stride he found almost uncanny, and entirely unfamiliar of late, driven by what he found to be the pure excitement that accompanied this foray he and Ford had been planning. For the rest of the forty-eighth, he focused on his own work, sequestering himself to his study in a state of prolonged isolation; on the forty-ninth, he allowed the other man to gather his bearings, settling into his role as the head of the Covenant's Norunn sociological research. On the fifty-first he'd probably lay down the fundamentals of what the faction actually expected of the Griscian man, but first, they had a day off to celebrate with, and it had been all Taelian had thought about the two nights before it.

He sat at the desk within his room, thumb scrolling over the sketch left in his journal by the other man, from that wonderful morning where they'd bonded over a nice brew. He had to remember to take that journal, because there was a lot he wanted to draw. On the corner of the page, not far from where Ford had added his own drawing, Taelian had etched out an image of two male hands lifting their mugs of coffee; a reminder of the sweetness of that moment. He loomed sentimentally for a while, before closing the journal and getting dressed. What he ended up wearing was minimalistic enough to be comfortable, but classy enough to taste wine with: one of those incredibly new fashions from the Commonwealth, known as a polo shirt. It was a gentleman's attire, and he'd wanted one for quite some time. The shirt ended up costing him a considerable amount, but to the man and his cutting-edge aspirations, it was worth it.

After getting dressed with that white shirt and a pair of beige slacks, as well as some derby shoes, the man met with Ford and ushered him along until they were at the marina, boarding a ferry that would take them north near Malevin within a few hours. They left early that morning, and arrived at the harbor of Port Vlachen shortly after noon. Taelian explained to the other that the vineyard was a short trek beyond a knoll, leading into a vast valley flanked on one side by trees, and another by the river Neid. The two launched their expedition towards Wickrund, the vineyard, and within another hour or two they loomed over the edge of that knoll, a narrow road guiding them down towards what appeared to be a villa, flanked by cypress and countless yards of wine bushes. Taelian already purchased a reservation, there, to both taste the vintner's work and stay a night in one of the nearby cabins, sprawled out near the edges of the forest that laid near the field.

With the sun still high, the two men stared over it all: all of the splendor below, the sight filling the larger man with a warming gleam.

"Here it is, Ford," he said, his voice as bright and relentlessly enthused as it had ever been. Turning to face the other man, Taelian offered him a forceful nod: they needed to get down there and taste what was on offer. Taelian began his slow descent down the small hill. "Were you as excited for this as I was?" he asked, grinning widely as he looked upon the mass of bushes and vines. "I took your chamomile and herb brew, and I... I dreamt, and I slept well. And you know what I dreamt about?" he asked, shaking his head.

"Those drinks I had in Daravin," Taelian said, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "And I remembered one of them, finally, after years... and it's here; I confirmed that in the little book they sent me. I won't spoil it, though: I'll draw it in my book once we drink it together."

By the time they met the foot of the hill, the man appeared almost dazed -- his chest expanded as he took in and let out large, deep breaths. "Thank you for coming. I mean it."
word count: 735
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:56 pm


At first, Ford thought he had upset the man with something he had said or asked about his life's magical aspect. He had an idea for it and wanted to work on it on and off the record. It was something that, when it had enough substantiality to it, he would share with Taelian so that he would be in the loop and guide it in a different direction if he felt so inclined. Either way, it was a full day or so before he spoke to Taelian again, and this time it was work-centered, which was important, especially if he was given little guidance in studying people's relationships with one another, especially with the involvement of the Covenant. It was interesting. Ford had never centered the ideas of his research around the involvement of magic before. Still, as he was doing the studies of magic, it was taking a unique shape and something he had not quite seen before, personally. Regardless, he still had planned to go to the wine tasting with Taelian and was trying to think what someone even planned to wear on a trip like that. Was it something like and comfortable, something heavier? Not that Ford had a huge closet, but he had some weather-appropriate clothing! Settling upon a button-down navy blue shirt and a pair of beige slacks with black oxfords on his feet. Maybe it was too simple? But then again, probably not, as he looked to Taelian when he arrived to get him, and soon they were off!

Fresh off the ferry, they were making the short trek and had paused on a knoll, looking over the majestic view of what nature had to offer. Ford had seen his fair share of pretty scenery in his travels, but those were always alone. It was a unique experience to hear someone else's commentary on it. The words drew Ford from his reverie as he looked over the offered scene and glanced at Taelian, who was relaying his excitement. He didn't know how to answer it, so he spoke the truth. "....I didn't know how to feel. Part of me thought I said something to anger you... The other part of me was worried because I don't believe I've ever been wine tasting, officially." That much was true, and he didn't know what to expect. But so far, it was quite the ordeal. "See? What'd I tell you? Some chamomile and knocked you right out." Hearing about the dream, he chuckled and couldn't help but shake his head in reply. It was quite a bit of fun for him to see Taelian after having some good sleep. "Then I look forward to trying the drink!"

Down the hill, they went. Ford, although careful, almost tumbled down twice. Luckily, he made it down in one piece, only having successfully tripped once, which wound up with him catching himself on the hill instead of going completely down. Once at the bottom, Ford took a deep breath and let it out, glancing back up the knoll. "There is no way, in anyone's dreams, we are making it back up that hill if we are drunk. I barely made it down sober." Snorting as if to insult the hill, he looked to Taelian and waved his hand. "Thanks for inviting me. This is a first for me. I promise I'll try not to embarrass you too much." A sheepish grin, remembering their conversation a couple of days back, was combined with a clasp on the other male's shoulder. "And thanks for helping me not feel like the outsider in town... Or. Anywhere really." Some people kept him at arms reach, especially when they found out where he was from.

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Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:19 am


"Anger me?" he repeated, looking Ford in the eye before casting his gaze off towards the distant tree-line, a cool stare surveying out. Taelian shook his head, his chest tensing somewhat. It was never his intent to make the other feel that way, but he understood why he had. How could he have assumed anything else, when Taelian disappeared in a hurry, and didn't bother reaching out again all day? He suddenly felt very foolish, and very callous.

"No, that was the opposite of it. I felt... just, uh... disarmed, in a good way. In a new way. So much so that I was frightfully embarrassed, and I realized I couldn't handle it and... checked out. It was stupid of me, I know. I could have handled all of that much more like... a man."

He stopped himself there, letting his words linger for a while as he listened to the rest of what was on Ford's mind. The man continued to doubt himself, worrying of being an embarrassment, but his almost self-deprecating words were followed by a sweet gesture: he clasped Taelian's big shoulder, and thanked him for giving him some sense of belonging. Like back in the lounge in Leiden, he felt that warmth again. Taelian responded by smoothing his own arm across Ford's back, slowly running his hand across it until he found his shoulder, squeezing it firmly. It was difficult to even imagine giving the other a proper response -- he had no words for him that would suffice, and ultimately, Taelian stirred up whatever he could to reassure the Griscian that he was right; that he did belong.

"You do the same for me," the man said, quietly. "I can't even imagine going off to do something like this alone. I wanted to, but just didn't want to be the lonesome, contemplative traveler anymore. I've done that all of my life, you know?"

Taelian kept his arm on Ford's shoulder as they walked, the two men remaining side-by-side. After some time, they arrived at the face of the villa, the sun's light casting a mixture of bright spots and pleasant shadows over the frame of the building, which was covered marginally by the shade of trees. Taelian turned to face the other man and smiled, only to be met with the villa's owner: an elderly man who ridiculously preferred being called 'Ser Vint,' a title the nearby villagers attached to him. He was a connoisseur, so Taelian had no factual grievance with the title, though he did find it mildly absurd.

"Oh, you... you. Um..." Ser Vint began, his voice and gait equally unsteady, his hands trembling as he spoke, lingering in the doorway. "You are Lord Klade, y-yes?"

Taelian nodded. "I am. I was hoping dear Ford and I could taste the wine while sitting on the grass, on a mat of some sort -- would that be possible?"

"Yes," the man nodded eagerly. "It will be done. U-uh, I will load a bag for my p-pig, Wilka, to haul to you. A-any requests?"

Taelian's eyes widened, and he quickly leaned in to whisper the one vint he wanted to be certain they could taste. The man nodded, whispering something back about price, which Taelian accepted without second thought.

"V-very well," he said, pressing against the frame of the door to steady himself. "I will... quickly g-get the wine ready with my daughter."

"Thank you," Taelian said, before gesturing Ford to the side of the villa. They'd find a seat somewhere by the trees, under a thin layer of their shade. More and more, excitement pumped through him like blood, and he felt unrestrained.
word count: 639
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Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:52 am


Although he didn't show it, he had something to say, and it just wasn't the best time to say it. With the hand on his shoulder, the pair made off toward the villa. "Ever since I left home, I have kind of been on my own. Nobody to really share anything with. Once upon a time, I had a friend, someone I went to university with, who was a close friend. He did the proper Grisic thing and married off and worked to make his parents proud and all of that fun stuff. I saw him once or twice after that, but from what I know, he died a couple of years ago, and the only person I've had in my corner is my older brother. He was happy staying home and picking up with my father's studies and working with him while also marrying off and having kids." Ford didn't even know if he was an uncle or not. It didn't matter. The point was... "I got used to doing stuff on my own. The secret is to try to make yourself happy, or at least fake it long enough that you start to buy into it." It wasn't the best advice, but it was still advice, especially for those that couldn't have anyone with them for whatever reason that may have been. But now, they were faced with an elderly gentleman, one who Ford felt needed to reach out and hold up, a man he felt was about to topple over with one quick missed step. The back and forth between Taelian and Ser Vint had a brow raised, but it was nothing alarming. Carefully, Ford had a hand ready to catch the man, but luckily he had the doorframe to hold onto that wouldn't allow him to tumble down. Once Ford had peace of mind with the man returning to whatever he was doing, Ford followed Taelian to the trees and found a nice shaded spot to sit down.

Once the pair had been seated, Ford allowed a moment of silence before returning to something that had come up before they found themselves at the villa. When Taelian found some rest, Ford spoke, unable to keep the words back for much longer. "Don't do what you did earlier. Just because you fear a situation does not make you any less of a man. Every single living person has a fight-or-flight response. In many situations, I doubt you would throw yourself in front of a blade or jump into the fray to save someone you care about. I don't even have to know your past to know that you have done that, given how you have talked about certain people. It's a mortal feeling, you know. To be scared. You're allowed to be scared. The reaction to run and hide means you were saving your true self from being hurt or showing someone that you had been hurt at some point. I have not known you very long, Lord Taelian von Klade. And awkward social situations or not, I do not doubt your manhood or masculinity. And anyone who does judge you based on that can only do so because they know the same exact feeling you felt." He paused his talk, glanced up to the tree they had chosen to sit under, and continued speaking. "Every person has two parts to themselves. The part they emulate, what they feel is the person society needs them to be, the person that is socially acceptable. Then there is the true person, called the 'me.' That's your true self, your core being. Say, in a moment, someone shoves you when they are running away from someone. Your initial reaction, probably anger or to hurl curse words at them, is you allowing yourself to be angry..." At that moment, he realized he was socially analyzing and explaining the situation, and he laughed, looking from the trees to Taelian. "Sorry... Just... I never once thought any less of you just because you needed space in a conversation between friends."

word count: 700
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Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:11 am


As they found their place in the shade, Taelian let himself relax, his glutes and the heels of his feet planted against the grass. Beside him was Ford, inevitably so, and the man saw fit to try and make Taelian feel better about his departure the other day. It was undeniably endearing, of course, listening to him explain it all: dissect it the way a sociologist would, sure, but one who was also a caring friend. He thought back to what Ford said earlier; it seemed like Taelian was his only friend at the moment, and that meant he had quite a lot of care left to give. He felt honored to receive the kindness that his Griscian friend appeared to have in droves, and could only ponder to himself just how strange it was that he'd found his way into his life from an interview.

The part they emulate... the person that is socially acceptable...

Ford continued, and before long Taelian almost felt guilty for making him panic to try and assuage him. He wasn't sure the other man entirely understood why he'd become so flustered, or maybe he did. Either way, after it all, Taelian remained silent. Ford wanted him to be true to himself, and the honest part of him wanted to be quiet for a while: to just say nothing, to sit in the moments-after his friend let out everything he wanted to say.

He breathed out sharply through his nostrils, and before he knew it, he saw a black and white pig frolicking towards them, lugging a bag of wine. The sight made him, finally, laugh; he laughed for a short while, but it was pleasant to just let it all out. Wilka dropped off six bottles of red wine for them, accompanied by an old-fashioned corkscrew needle, before skittering back off to receive whatever snack it was they surely had for her, upon her return. The man sat upright, bending forward to grab both he and Ford a bottle of wine. One of them was branded Korbrand, 4558, while another had Leizig, 4567 written on it. The man worked to remove the corks from each bottle, clanking his against Ford's before taking a heavy swig of the red wine in his hand.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship. I really value you, Ford," he finally said, after what must have been minutes of sheer silence, a void of words. "Truth is, Ford... Riven was my fiancé, and you... really remind me of him. All the things I... loved about him. That's not to say you're just some copy of him in my mind: you're also so... different, in all these refreshing, exciting ways, but ways that still make me feel the way..." Taelian stopped, shaking his head and letting out a long, solemn sigh. "...he did. I'm sorry, Ford. I know that must sound disgusting. That is why I walked away: because it is wrong of me to feel this way. So morbid and wrong."
word count: 521
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Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:43 am


There were a lot of things that Ford had been exposed to over the years. This was something that was a very first for him. Ford was attentive in speaking to Taelian the entire time. He was happy the man had allowed him to say what he needed to, but also happy that the man at least knew he was comfortable to react whichever way he thought best for himself... But it was the frolicking pig that had put Taelian into that laugh, and following the gaze of the laughing man, Ford had been taken completely by surprise by the thicker animal delivering their wine. His eyes went wide as he rolled over, onto his side, and up to his knees when the pig arrived. While Taelian moved to retrieve the wine and corkscrew, Ford did nothing more than pet the darned animal. "You are by far, the best waiter and delivery person I have ever met." Ford was chuckling as he was able to give Wilka a few more appreciative pats before she was off to get her reward for being a good service... Pig. Snorting a laugh out, Ford had remained on his knees, watching the pig march off, and was handed an opened bottle of wine. Easing himself onto his backside, Ford's legs were outstretched in front of him with the clanking of the bottle to bottle.

Lifting the wine to his nose, he sniffed at it; that's what the snobbier people back home did when they drank wine. Something about taking in its essence before drinking it. After several sniffs, Ford looked awkwardly at the bottle, but he paused his investigation while Taelian was talking. "Ah, yeah... I had a feeling there was something more to the story." It didn't make him feel off or anything like that; in fact, it made him feel more open with Taelian with how open he was. "I could always leave. I'm not saying I want to. But you are far more valuable than I am, and I can find work elsewhere. No point in you being in such a state you feel you are perpetually caught in your emotions." Just about ready to take a swallow from the bottle of wine, Taelian said something Ford felt had had to correct. "Stop calling my friend disgusting. It is impossible to go through life without being reminded of your past. Just because you feel something does not make you disgusting in any capacity." There was something else he wanted to tack onto that. Resting the bottle of wine on his thigh, loosely holding the neck of it, he turned his head and leveled his gaze on Taelian's own. "I was engaged, once. She was nice, pretty enough, it was prearranged by my parents for me to marry her after I finished my studies. Once I had completed them, we were set to be married. But.., As a good member of the Empire's society, I kept my nose to the grindstone in my studies. She was impatient as I gave her little to no attention, and she was caught with someone who was not me... But I was the blame for it because it was my duty to care for my wife-to-be. My family shunned me, but my brother married some researcher's daughter and improved things. I've not been in a relationship since. Not a real one anyways." Glancing down at the wine, he smiled at it.

"I'm not trying to compare the situations. I'm showing you that we are who we are. We were dealt our hands, and we responded however, we saw fit. What about you? Did you ever remarry or find someone else after Riven?" It was an invasive question, he knew it was, but it was almost begged for at the time. Ford truly did have a reason for asking; hopefully, he would be able to connect point a to point b without anything being lost in translation.

And finally... He took in the scent of the wine in his bottle and made a face as if he knew what he was doing. Taking a swallow, he swished around his mouth before swallowing. A smacking of his lips and he looked back to the bottle's opening. This time, he took the bottle to his lips and slurped at it, almost to the point of taking in more air than wine, which only resulted in Ford coughing and swallowing the tidbit of wine he had gotten. "You always hear that is how wine is properly tasted. Just makes me want to burp." A slight shrug of a shoulder but then the bottle was returned to his lips, and he took a couple of heft swallows from the wine. "...Tastes like wine... It's pretty good." Leave it to Ford mid-conversation to slurp down wine. Smiling innocently at Taelian, he did give him room in case he wanted to say something.

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Sun Nov 27, 2022 2:10 am


If not for the adorable sight of Ford petting and fussing over the delivery-pig, Taelian might have receded into himself and collapsed into a spatial rift. The sight was enough to keep his mind honed in to some sense of the positive, like the fact that they were where they were, and Ford didn't seem to want to be anywhere else. That was reassuring, certainly. That his words did not seem to have a lasting impact on them -- he couldn't ask for anything better.

"I don't want you to leave," said Taelian. He reached out again to grab his shoulder once more, making it as clear as he could that he wanted him to stay. He did, fortunately, and he told the man his story about his wife, and how he failed to provide her with the things she wanted or required, and how that led them to ruin. It wasn't an unfamiliar story, in truth. In fact, it reminded him of his marriage to the person who bore his name that very moment. "...I did remarry, yes," he admitted. "To a man named Wendell, for political reasons. You see, I'm... not originally from Lorien, like I said, so me being a nobleman there would never have been possible without Wendell. We did try to make it work, but after a while, we decided to see other people. That's the official standing of our relationship right now: it's sort of... anything goes. I think that's fine, to be honest. The things at home... the things in Lorien, they sort of suffocate me. I'm starting to realize that I'm not sure I ever wanted all of this. My life in Radenor and Tyrclaid, living in forests and beneath waterfalls, spending my summer nights in cabins and tents? I miss those times; striving to experience the beauty of this world, instead of just... mulling over documents and planning out the political warfront. It's all such repetition."

He shook his head, laying on his own back and chugging down some wine himself. After emptying a quarter of the bottle, give-or-take, he looked over at Ford with a quirked brow, hearing him slurp at his Korbrand like a beast. Taelian laughed warmly, reaching over to take the wine from him. He exchanged their bottles, handing the other man his Leizig, before gulping down the rest of the bottle that Ford seemed to enjoy so much.

"It is pretty good," he commented, grinning like he hadn't in a long time. "Finish that bottle, then I'll show you the special one. And Ford... thank you for being so gracious about all of this. You're really a wonderful bloke, and... whoever you do find after it all, they'll be an incredibly fortunate soul." He said this with a stifled grin, but he meant it nonetheless.

Rolling over, the man placed his elbow gently against the corner of Ford's chest, and smiled while looming over him. "So -- how do you get when you're drunk, eh?"
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Sun Nov 27, 2022 2:40 am


Ford felt Elation when Taelian told him he didn't want him to leave. Political marriages. If Ford had a bit more wine, he would have made a face of discontent at the idea of political marriages. "Regardless of it being political or not, you found some way of moving forward. You didn't stay stuck. And that was what my point was going to be. You found a way to compartmentalize your pain and still think of your future." Speaking of discontent, there was a grumble as his bottle was just snatched away and replaced with the other. "Well, now I have to do it all over again." There was a swishing around of the wine and sniffing at the mouth of the bottle. Instead of slurping at it, he just popped the wine bottle in his mouth and polished off the red wine. On the final swallow, he pulled the bottle away and used the back of his hand to wipe at his mouth from a stray droplet of wine.

"Tyrclaid was the first place I stopped to learn about people outside the Empire... I stopped over in Alfsos and learned quite a bit. It was the first time I experienced culture shock." Smiling as he remembered that from all of those years ago, he was laying back and glanced over to Taelian who was rolling over and resting his elbow on his chest. The question had many layers, and he could only start initially. "The friend I had mentioned died. We were dormmates when we were going to University. I used to drink then because I was free from my parent's eyes, and nobody else would judge me. Well, except for my friend at the time." Pausing, he glanced at his empty bottle and tipped it upside down, opening his mouth to have a remaining drop of wine drip once or twice to his tongue before he closed his mouth and set the bottle aside. "Partying was an easy way to forget about the strictness of our lives back then. And if I wanted strictness, I had my dormmate in his suits, dressing fancy and staring at me with his disapproving stares." A flourish of his hand in some apparently meaningful gesture, and he turned his head to face Taelian more cordially. "I bring him up only because he was the first to ever see it. I just... Forget my morals. I stop caring what people think... And I'm pretty certain I've gone home wearing random clothes that didn't even belong to me. Not saying I did anything, but I can't confirm or deny how crazy I get." He laughed, closed his eyes, and turned his head to look up at the trees. "But, Oliver went off to get married and looked to have babies... After some stuff happened, he apparently died, and I never heard from him. It's been so long since it all happened. I don't really think about it anymore." Pausing, realizing how much he had just dumped out on Taelian, he chuckled and brought his knees up, planting the heels of his feet against his backside. "So, what about this special drink you keep promising me, hm?" Clearly, the wine was already starting to affect his sense of self.

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Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:33 am


He stared with a pensive, soft smile as the other relayed his story -- about Tyrclaid and how strange it was as a traveler, about the friend he'd mentioned from before... Oliver, was his name. Taelian pondered for a moment, recalling that he'd met a Griscian named Oliver just the other day, but he dismissed the possibility that they might be the same. There were over a hundred and twenty million people from the Empire -- Oliver wasn't such an uncommon name, and Ford said he was dead. So, he was dead. Taelian just accepted that at face value.

His brows lifted as he tried to visualize what Ford might be like as a drunk -- he couldn't imagine him completely untethered from expectations; he had always been so soft, and polite, and conscious of every perceived wrongdoing. Imagining him without any of those reservations and focused purely on... whatever it was the animal part of his brain wanted to do, it was a strange thought. Still, it made him all the more excited to see the man sloshed; he was sure they'd have stories to tell after it all. He changed, too, when he was free from his cognitive chains.

"I've always wanted children," he said coolly, as the other returned his focus to Oliver. "Not enough to have a wife, but... it's something that has loomed on my mind. I'm sorry, though, about your friend. It seems he was important to you, and... I know you can't really replace that. Not with anything."

Taelian reached into the cloth bag left behind by Wilka, sliding out two bottles of the same vint. On both of them was a ribbon and a label that read: Vatillier. 4508. Given the name, it was clearly a Daravinic brew, which meant...

"This is the one," he whispered. "I had it, the first time, with Renfier, a Knight of Lieril Lorraine, some powerful Lady of the Entente. He was a ridiculous man, but he saved my life from the desert. I was so much different back then; it four years ago, on the day, but somehow that brief flicker of time has been enough to change my entire world. I remember it being incredible, though; so much so that I asked him for a second bottle, got drunk off my rocker, and then ran towards the savannah in hopes of... hunting an elephant. I don't know -- I lost my damn mind," he let out with a bright, brimming laugh.

Taelian undid the cork, and immediately began to drink it, faster than he should have. It was the best flavor he'd ever had; rich, sweet, and it somehow warmed his chest.

He continued to drink, and to ponder, and before he knew it he felt submerged by that familiar, old feeling: the influence of the bottle reigned over him, and his world grew wonkier, distorted. The man began to blink. "Shit... that's me drunk, or getting there," he muttered, rotating his body and laying the back of his head onto Ford's lap. Taelian yawned, quietly looking up at the other man; his features, his stubble, and then the bright-colored sky.

"Has anyone ever told you how wonderful you are, Ford?" he said, still mostly lucid, though with a very faint slur to his words. He was clearly the affectionate sort of drunk.
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2269

Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:22 am


"I gave up on the notion of children a long time ago. Once I realized who I was and what I had to offer society, I kind of figured that children were not in my future." Not to say he wouldn't care of children had any come under his care; it just wasn't something he was expecting." Ford's thoughts lingered on children for a while, even remembering his own childhood and one or two of the things that stood out regarding it. Pulled from his thoughts with his apologies about Oliver, he shrugged his shoulders once more and smiled at the other. "No need to apologize about him. I had to get over his death a long time ago. Besides, if he were here today, he would just apologize for inconveniencing me or try to avoid a social interaction that would make me or his family think any less about him. That or he would start rambling because he couldn't figure out the next step." Luckily for Ford, he was distracted by the appearance of a new bottle of wine. With the Vatillier brought out, it was popped open, and he took a couple of healthy swallows from it. The warmth from the alcohol bled through his body, warming him from the inside, and he smiled as he swallowed the last mouthful and breathed in. "That is a mighty fine wine if I say so myself..."

Silence is what came next from him. Looking down at the head in his lap, it was apparent that something crossed his mind, and things he had previously thought but kept to himself floated dangerously close to the surface. "I'm sorry about Riven. I don't know the whole story, but your face gets soft whenever you speak of him, and you look almost happy. Happier than I see you when you are talking about work or something happening in the world. I don't know your pain, and I am sorry you've had to carry it alone for such a long time." A simple gesture, but a gesture nonetheless, as Ford lifted a hand to gently place on the top of Taelian's head. At first, he gently cupped the hand against the top of his head, but after a moment, fingers stroked through the hair and against his scalp from the front down to the back of it. "Like Oliver... Nobody will ever know that I was his secret. In University, it only happened once or twice... But when it did, he would always say, 'Your secret is safe with me.'" Snorting a laugh, he picked the bottle of wine up and began drinking more from it. Silent swallows, draining nearly two-thirds of the bottle before he pulled it from his lips with a soft sound of suction from his mouth. "Even after his wife died... I was his secret then, too. A friend was there to help make him feel better, then left behind. Nobody in the world knows about that except for him and me... Er..." Glancing down, he chuckled, the wine affecting him as he combed his fingers through the other's hair. "...and you. So don't tell anyone. Sh."

Again, the alcohol was talking, or at least it seemed that it was lessening the filter Ford normally had in place. "Forgive my wordtions." His brows furrowed as he looked up. No, that wasn't the correct word at all. "Words and actions..." He mused more to himself and glanced down, his free hand stilled at the top of Taelian's head. "It was very daunting to be interviewed by you, you know..." Slurring a few his words. "I try to keep my own emotions in check when it comes to working. But it was very difficult not to look at your face. Erm. Not to stare too much when answering your questions. I know we have a dynamic of you being my..." Well, it was never completely laid out in stone what was what in terms of chain of command. "...You're who I report to, and I'm your... Twice removed subordinate. But right now, under this tree in the middle of..." Where were they again? He looked up and couldn't remember. "A pig's vineyard... You are very handsome." Once he finished talking, he realized his mouth had been running, and his brain was just then catching up. He hadn't said anything too damaging and instead took that moment to close his eyes and allow the sensations of the world around him to soak in.

word count: 776
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