One map, Three gnomes, 4 beers and a bar

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:09 am


Ash 3rd
Vinsue could be found at a 'hole in the wall' kind
of a tavern. The sign was missing so she didn't know the name but a mug of something light was painted on the window. For Vinsue it had been a long day of working at a local forge. Mostly showing what she knew how to make. But that was all day and now was time to relax and not think about work.

Inside Vinsue found a table and ordered a black and tan. It was one of her favorite drinks after a long day. She then ordered the special. Once the server left vinsue took out her clockwork kit and a watch she had promised to fix for a place to sleep. It was a simple little gadget. Nothing special about it. So she took the screws out of the back and placed them on the table then removed the back. She began taking each little piece out and placed them so she knew exactly how to put it back together.

She finally found the problem: one of the gears was missing a few fingers. So she fished out a new one and put it back in place before slowly putting everything back where it goes. She had started tightening the screws when the waiter brought her food and drink.

"Lamb stew with a buttered roll, and you're black and tan. Would you like me to start you a tab?"She said

Vinsue smiled but declined. The waiter then left. Vinsue took the spoon and smelled the soup before taking a bite. She enjoyed the first bite but with it the hunger from hard labor all day set in. She tore pieces off the role and dunked it into the stew. She than eat the delicious food. In a few minutes the plate was empty leaving her to drink.

The mug had a lighter beer on the bottom and a darker one on top and a spoon laid across the top of the glass. She would put up her tools and the watch before taking the spoon to stir her drink.

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Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:11 pm


The sound of foreigners complaining could be heard as soon as they entered the building. It was Moop saying loudly in Kaedic as her sister chided her,
"I can't read Gentrevese."
"Now, Moop, there wasn't even a sign on the door."
Paying no mind to the bar themselves the pair continued their talk in Kaedic, not as loudly as before but within earshot of the other gnome as they seated themselves not far away but with their backs turned to her.
"Even worse, these people can't write or read. I'm wondering, maybe you're right, it may be time to head back home. I'm just so, defeated. They told me it was an impossible job, yet I took it on. I was so sure I would be the one but all of my attempts have failed. What will I do if CLUGS expels me or worse, I am not longer able to explore. That being said, it would be nice to return home to Dagrun, I miss mom's cooking."
Her head hurt and she was tearing up, under so much stress the woman couldn't hold back her tears. Still, only a few trickled out, indistinguishable after she wiped them away with the sleeve of her dress.

Today she wore her Daravin Everyday Wear and her Mask and Joop wore hers as well, a matching set only in pinks and a white mask. They both had their hair tied up in a bun at the top of their head. On the table in front of them was a map of Daravin, newly updated and ready for them to leave to Dagrun.
"We will have to go, it's been so long. I want to go home."
Joop's eyes were serious and filled with longing. There would be no more stalling. To the caves they would go. A bar maid came to take their order, that was when Moop turned around and spied another gnome not far. She wasn's sure if they had taken notice yet, so asked the bar maid to buy one for her too. The darkest, foamiest beer they had.

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Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:58 am

To the locals Kaedic words and gnomes were not normal. This is likely why Vinsue had looked up from her drink. Now why there were other gnomes in the bar was none of her concern.  But something about having others was comforting. Kinda like being back home in her mom's bar where she could usually understand the people around her. Well usually, but then again who can understand a drunk? Especially if they study logistics. She smirked at the thought. She couldn't remember his name but it was Dr something, Smith perhaps. He was a funny drunk who did and said the most random things. One of his biggest accomplishments was speaking in seven different languages every time he got drunk. He got up to nine once, including some lost languages.

Vinsue wasn't normally a nosy person. No, usually she stayed in her own headspace unless someone was talking to her.but she did start listening when she heard something about the CLUGS. Well about a CLUGS that thought she failed.

She downed the last of her black and tan about the time the barmaid gave her the dark beer. It had been awhile since the last time she had drunk 2 mugs of beer. So things may get a little interesting. But no need to worry about a hangover until tomorrow.

Vinsue took the mug and drank a good swallow of it before getting up as she did not want to chance spilling it. She than placed a tip and the coin to cover her food from earlier on the table before she walked over to where the nicely dressed gnomes were seated. "Mind if I sit with you?" She would ask in Kaedic. Before taking a seat. "First off, thanks for the drink." She would say putting the half empty mug in her lap since the table had a nicely drawn map. And she did not want to chance doing the map any harm. 

"Secondly, I'm Vinsue, also part of the CLUGS. You seemed worried about what will happen when you get back. Mind if I ask why you are worried? To me it looks like you did a good job of updating the map."

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Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:41 pm


Looking the other gnome up and down she was surprised to see she was without a mod. Subconsciously moving she flipped her hair behind her ear, showing clearly the mechanical hand and arm. Joop nodded, dangling her mechanical legs off the chair,
"Yes, you may sit with us. Tell me, when did you leave? Have you traveled far? A sight for sore eyes, I must say. Excuse my sister's outburst. She's a Seeker sent on the infamous quest of finding lost cities. Surely you understand what this means."
What was left unsaid was the fact that those who were sent by CLUGS on this task have never succeeded and some never returned. Somehow Moop had gotten it in her head that she would be the one, but so far had failed at every turn. She had met many brilliant but frightening people on her travels, each promising her things, each never bringing their end of the bargain. All mages. While she was a mage herself she used her powers with dignity or for honor. These people around her were sleazey and even though she had fought it for so long she decided then...
"I must return to CORE's College and check their maps again. Surely there's something even CORE's great eye may have missed that my own may find. You're right, this map is quite updated with Badlands information, something I believe there was a blank spot in the archives for. Tell me, have you been there before? The Badlands I mean. My name is Moop Rynbii, this is Joop, a Gatherer. You're welcome for the drink and I also apologize for my outburst, this time outside of Dagrun has turned up nothing. Though Joop has found and mailed back home many flowers."

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Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:35 pm


Vinsue had noticed the mods the other gnomes had but thought nothing of them. They were normal for her race after all. She of course should get one but she has been too busy and sidetracked to get one.

"Just left a few days ago actually, so I haven't traveled far yet but I will soon. Was going to get some notes and stay here for a while before actually traveling farther." She would reply and nod at the explanation given. The lost city was a legend and myth. To go after it was almost certain failure and yet Moop had decided it was possible. But it was obviously something the sisters had been over so she decided to be more supportive than stating the obvious. "But before she could speak one of the others soon began. Moop seemed to decide not to give up and that was good. Or, well, it was dangerous but it also seemed to take away the worry from earlier.

"Well nice to meet you two" She said. "No, I haven't been to the badlands. But I will someday. I want to go everywhere and learn as much as I can about how each culture defines and uses Golems. Well that and I want to discover magic artifacts." She downed a little more of the dark deer before continuing. Honestly magic people scared her. But perhaps magic would be less scary to her if it was an object rather than a person. And then hopefully she could be braver as she would then have magic too without the huge odds of dying if she tried to get a mark of control.

"Sometimes the biggest goals put up the biggest fights. If you give up you lose a bit of the hope you hold. But if you keep looking, the reward will be even better. I'm sure you'll find maps to the lost cities or perhaps even the city itself. I'll let you know if I find anything" she shrugged. Honestly looking for the lost cities and finding unknown golems and magic were probably on the same level of unlikely.

“So how far have you two traveled? What has been your favorite trip?” she asked.
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Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:08 pm


Vinsue looked familiar, it was something about the way she moved and that's when it struck Moop, they were initiates together. She listened to Vinsue tell her own story of searching for golems and wondered aloud,
"What faction of CLUGS are you in?"
Vinsue gave a heartfelt token to Moop with her words, something about how odd it was to meet a fresh out of Dagrun gnome during the time when she finally buckled down and decided to go home. It was almost too good to be true.
"Thank you, Vinsue."
She said in Kaedic, proud to speak her native language with an equal. Joop said,
And bowed her head slightly to show her gratitude.
"My favorite trip so far?"
Joop spoke up,
"Although we met that man, I think when the meteor fell down in the sky right in front of us. They say the Gods walk Atharen now. While I hail only CORE as my own, the raw power these beings posses is terrifying."
Moop took a deep sip of her beer and agreed.
"Yes, what this means for the world at large I can't say. Though, I'm sure it doesn't bode well if these sort of creatures would break a silence and come back to make themselves known. Thankfully I'm speaking in my native tongue, as surely someone would have my head for this. Vinsue! Will you really drink TWO of those, I am sorry. I didn't realise you had your own beer else I would have gotten a platter instead. My apologies.. Though, no judgement if you drink them both, maybe I will match your pace!"

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Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:00 pm


"I'm a Gatherer." Vinsue responded. As they talked Vinsue realized she had seen the other two before. They weren't best friends from school but she'd bet her last coin that they went to the CLUGS Academy during the same year. "But I have been slacking lately. But for now I'm trying to hone my mental smiting availability. And learn the local terms for the different parts of the process" She shrugged 

"Anytime" She responded to the thanks. Honestly it would be kinda cool to help discover one of the lost cities. 

She listened as they told of their favorite adventure. They told of a meteor falling from the sky. And beings so powerful that they might be gods walking among us. Seemed the two events were linked. This was a frightening thought to her. But she too bereaved in CORE first, and simply hoped that if she did actually run into any of these beings that they would be in a good non destructive mood. She nodded in understanding as Joop explained how dangerous those words were. "I wouldn't want to mess with anyone that fell from the sky. They could be extremely dangerous I'm sure." She visibly shivered at the thought. It was actually kinda funny how much the thought of magic people scared her. Yet magic trinkets and golems didn't faze her a bit. 

As of the beer she smiled. "No worries, my limit is three. Or well it was back home. It's stronger there." She said then took a good swallow of the dark beer. "No need to be sorry. I honestly don't think one could go wrong ordering me a drink. I basically grew up in a bar." She thought for a second, she had some funny bar stories. She hid a quick laugh at the thought of some of them. 

"Once, I out drunk the publican. That was a grand time but I quickly regretted it. I was so sick the next day but it was fun. Can't drink apple cider to this day." 
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Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:00 pm


"Gathering is important, but CLUGS has always said learning from the outsiders is important too!"
Joop smiled and drank her own beer, which was just delivered to her. She said,
"Well, if we are drinking I ought to have one!"
Moop snickered and confided in Vinsue,
"She is a lightweight--"
"I am not! I just know my limits."
Moop rolled her eyes and smiled at Vinsue.

Conversation turned on and the twins let the conversation die down about the frightening Gods of the Big People. Moop was of the mind that her and Salen's meeting was an omen, that she would find what she sought even if that lost and crazy bastard couldn't help her. And there was a grudge there, he complained the entire trip and made her uncomfortable with insults, saying the "Entente" taught him this, when in her experience the Entente were quiet but very glamorous individuals. It was no wonder he was cast out of their ranks. Or whatever happened to him.

Moop was relieved she didn't send too much alcohol to Vinsue.
"This is true, I am missing my favorite beer "Truly Dark". That one I could only drink one and a half before I knew finishing meant I would be loopy! And those were our sized cups. You said you grew up in a bar? What was that like?"
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Wed Nov 02, 2022 8:30 pm


She was right, learning was very important and most of her goals would be made easier by learning what she could. Doing the different things would also help her understand any book she ends up trying to read. "True and that's why I'm not that worried." She sad

"Well since we all have a drink now then I shall propose a toast." She said, "Here's to CLUGS, to CORE, and to new friends and our journeys." She raised her glass clinking it with whomever else decided to join her. She then took a good swallow of it.

She looked at the mug that may as well have been a tankard back home. Which also meant that her estimated drink capacity was a little off. Good thing the beer was not that strong here.

She smiled at the memories of growing up. "Well I was more of a bookworm growing up so I often sat under the counter or in the back. Though there was usually some music playing. Some great some" She did a back and forth hand tilt. "Only sound partly okay if you're drunk. Then there was also Uncle Rover. He wasn't actually an uncle but he had been everywhere. He was always telling me and Sam stories of his adventures. He was a funny drunk." She said with a smile. "Though sometimes some of the drunks got into fights. BJ always took care of the fights. He taught me how to put a tall person on their back. Just in case someone tries to kidnap me." She continued the conversation Well past the bottom of her 2nd glass. She knew that they would soon part ways as she had work in the morning and a repaired mini clock to trade for a safe bed.

At the end of the night she would bid farewell to Moop and Joop. As she hoped the person was still awake otherwise she would be stuck in her tent again.

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Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:22 pm


Clinking their glasses together in toast, Moop and Joop drank a full gulp before both revealing a foamy mustache on their faces. The reddened and giggled, then wiped it off with their sleeves. The listened to Vinsue talk about home and Moop felt deep inside the pull the was a gnome-feeling, the feeling of wanting to be underground.
"Your life sounded so quaint. Our parents were mushroom farmers, we spent a lot of time with the beetles down below the city. It's where we learned to fight."

The conversation turned to more talks of Dagrunian things and the twins started playing cards while the talked with Vinsue. Moop felt better, much better than she had in a long time, to be having civilized conversation in her native language with a friendly stranger. It was heart warming and made her yearn to be home. They would have to catch the mail in Boghadar before they left, the last package they said they would send before the ladies returned. Moop hoped the letter would be brief and not mention her, she also hoped her mother would send some mushrooms again. She probably wouldn't, the twins would send a letter to their parents letting them know they are returning and then quickly head over the mountain from Boghadar home. How would she feel after lying to Joop for so long and coming back with nothing anyway, when she got "home"?
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