[Guest Mod Aurelio] House Socorro Falls

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Mon Aug 29, 2022 4:51 pm


5th of Searing

Recovering from attempting to copy what he remembered of Degare's eyes had taken days. Vivian had floated in and out, and he still thought he could see flecks of red floating across his vision every once in a while. The headache had lasted three days, and he'd been lucky Degare's private bathroom had been there. He'd had to crawl into the tub and sip water from the tap. Even keeping water down had been difficult the first two days. By the third he could sit up, though a persistent headache still emerged from the depths to drive hot needles behind his eyes.

When he finally emerged on the fourth day from the bedroom, he'd gotten a loud dressing down from the head of household about sneaking into Degare's room. Unsurpisingly, a rolled rug was stuffed under the doorjamb to prevent him from slipping inside again. That was fine; Vivian didn't intend to go into the man's room ever again.

He sat at the breakfast table nursing a cup of tea, nibbling at some zucchini bread the cook had given him. The man had taken pity on him, and added a little butter to the bread. Vivian made a note to give him a good lay later. He rubbed at his eyes and chewed the bread. It must have been good by the moist texture, but mageblight made it taste like gravel.

"Note to self; stealing faces isn't for the fainthearted." he mumbled, washing down the bread with his tea. He'd slept in and out of consciousness for almost three days just for attempting to copy eyes. Gods, he feared what would happen when he got enough experience to change himself into another man. He moaned pathetically and put his cheek on the table. The cool mahogany smelled faintly of lemon oil and was cool to the touch.

The sound that came from the door sounded like it wanted to cleave his skull in twain. He whimpered, covering his ears. The knocking sounded like the gods were ringing on his soul! Who the hell could it be? It was still morning. Ye gods, was it Degare? Would he know what he'd tried to do? He shrank in his chair, trying to curl up around his breakfast and teacup.

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Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:34 pm

Thud thud thud!

A woman appeared to be waiting with all kinds of colourful birds chirping all over her, excited to know that her services had been recognised by Merona Rafien, the Montese that ruled the land of Boghadar and a summoner who achieved nebulous goals through her chosen patrons; the Choir of Fog. The sinister orators of Bel who are confined to the depths of the hellish territory, ravaged by the Endless War of the Corrupted Ones. They were 'wannabe' gods according to Ulen and worshipping them appeared to be a bigger sin, but this strange woman with a variety of birds, they appeared to have some sort of affinity to her, like they are involved in her companionship.

They straddled on her shoulder more often as she waited, it would appear that she was the Veir who ascended recently and has accumulated riches to purchase her first home in Daravin "This place is... Rather gothic, don't you think." She turned around as her what appeared to be her husband approached her "I think it's beautiful..."

"Where is Felicity going to sit?" She asked pointing at the white owl perched on her left shoulder as it looked at him, seemingly annoyed by the way the male handled the situation.

"We'll find a place, let's get settled in and we'll worry about that later, sweetheart." He smiled as she rolled her eyes at the place, it seemed like Merona's blessing for Veir and marriage had lead the man into buying a home, moving out of their family estate to start their own line. Her husband was the first to enter the house as she followed onwards as he noticed another an unfamiliar male at the table, appearing to be scarred by some impromptu necromancy procedure or some form of mageblight induced affliction; whatever it was it seemed to have left an imprint on Vivian's body somewhere.

The male crossed his arms as he tilted his head "Well, I wasn't expecting visitors..." He said, seemingly suspicious as the way the other man dressed described someone from a vagrant background within Daravin's underbelly. It was evident that he appeared to be some kind of squatter or employee of the house, but either way the new Veir of the household was about to give a clearout of employees, through a ruthless act.


Some he would allow to keep their post whilst others he would let Ulen decide their fate, particularly the fate of the so-called squatter in the room.

"State your name, please..." The male asked as the woman wondered into the room.

"Oh good, Ulen's graces! What on earth is that thing... It looks... Ghastly!" She winced at the sight of his face, before taking another glimpse at the mirror "Even I look ten times better like that in the morning... What is it failed necromancy..."

"Quiet Anya..." He sighed, already bothered by the lack of communication "If I don't get a straight answer, I'll ask the staff and if you find out to be lying... I have other consequences for you."

"I would tell him the truth." She warned.

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Tue Aug 30, 2022 9:14 am


Ye gods he was going to have Bara step on whomever was knocking so viciously.

“Straighten up!” The maid hissed at him as she rushed past to open the door.

Straighten up? He felt like he had a millstone on his head. Vivian groaned and pulled his head up off the table, blinking blearily. The cook came by to get his empty plate and put a glass and pitcher of water in front of him. Vivian caught his hand and kissed his fingers in thanks. The water felt cool and sweet down his throat.

He eyed the couple coming through the door. Did they know Degare? He gave the woman a sour look. Alright, so he wasn’t wearing makeup and he looked terrible. Did she really have to call him a failed necromancy experiment? Even as bedraggled as he was, Vivian had never felt so healthy in his life. A condition like the one he was in would have likely been fatal in the streets. Once again, the house had saved his life.

“Excuse me, woman, you’re not ill.” He grumbled grouchily. “I should be asking you who you are. I live here.”

The maid who had opened the door shot him a look. “This is Vivian Kreine. The Veir who used to own this home, Degare Socorro, took him in as an apprentice. Gods know why.”

“Thank you for that glowing review.” Vivian sighed, and sucked down another glass of water. He felt a little better after food, and studied the pair. So it was true. The house had been sold. The new masters were here, at the worst possible time. He rubbed a hand down his face and used some of the water from the pitcher to splash himself in the face a bit. It made his aching eyes feel better.

“Vivian Kreine, Malformation mage, at your service.” He said wearily. They didn’t really need to know he had started as Degare’s bedwarmer. Not yet.

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Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:49 am


The male seemed to inspect the other male as the female would tilt her head for a moment; the woman's eyes would glow a strange crystalline blue as she looked at her pet; she seemingly had an empathy with animals and as she commanded, Felicity, the owl would fly onto Vivian's shoulder and stare at him with perpetual anger, as if he was trying to stare him out "Felicity doesnt like you..." She said as the owl chose to pec at Vivian wildly amongst the other birds. The chaotic chirping and cawwing would presume that they were calling other birds from further away.

The man immediately started to use his mentalism weave to go and spin him around as if insightfully inspecting the other male. It appeared that his weave was even more stronger than his Apprentice "So... Vivian... If you're a mage... How come you're not dressed like us? Were you promised something by the previous owner and never got it? Did he give you your mark and keep you for ransom hmm? I must say that is a crime against Ulen, and yet also you seem to fit the description of a... How should I pronounce it. An undesirable of Daravin?" People pay good money to dispose of your kind and yet, I'm fair in my ways, I will not report you but I will advise you get some form of protection." He paused as he walked backwards and forth "You'd be useful to the Daravinic Entente, if you wish to have your own empire and glory, I can simply make it happen... But you must accept the terms."

"And that means cleaning yourself up for one..." The woman sighed as she tilted her head.

"Actually, you're suffering from mageblight... It would be illegal for us to intervene in your situation, but if you accept the offer, I would gladly alleviate any symptoms you may be suffering. I, myself, am a capable druid and malformist and it appears you may be suffering from a form of severe overstepping" She uttered to the squatting vagabond "It is quite nasty"

"No need for the details, Anya..." He interrupted. "As for your master, well if he isn't deemed to return... Merona Rafien, the ruler of Verant and our great saviour in life has simply offered us the place for our service to the Empire. Perhaps greatness lies within you if you were simply to announce yourself as an receiver of Ulen's blessing."

"The choice is yours... Meanwhile, lets get to know each other for you could be serving me any time soon" He chuckled as he spun the Half-Sil'Norai fast with his weave, giving him the ride of his life as he placed Vivian to his feet again. "I am Emmett Syngari, this is my wife, Anya... This house is our new chapter in life, and maybe you will begin your chapter, if you announce yourself to our Lady Montese, Merona Rafien, but before I disclose the terms... I want to know about the house, the previous owner. Are there any dark secrets I need to know about?"

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Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:24 am


Vivian felt the bird settle on his shoulder, the furry talons gripping him through his coat, and peck at him. He growled, and grabbed the bird by the feet. Moving quickly made his stomach lurch, but he wasn’t about to sit here and get pecked by an animal. He swung the owl upside down, not hurting the insolent little thing but throwing it into a bit of a confused torpor. Owls didn’t often find themselves dangling in such a way, and lacked the flexibility to bend up and bite him owing to the synsacrum stabilizing their backs.

“Felicity…needs to learn some god damn manners.” Vivian grumbled.

Weave wound around him. It was a surprisingly familiar feeling, and Vivian was yanked up out of his chair and spun. Oh. Oh no. The hapless owl was spun along with him, making an undignified squawk. The touch of the Weave…gods he hadn’t felt it since Degare had left. It was alien, yet he yearned for it. He missed it, even if it was meant to hold him captive here. The man was asking him questions. He heard them dimly, from far away. Vivian dropped the owl, letting the ruffled animal drop to the floor and sort itself out. He touched the Weave, greeting it. It didn’t feel like Degare’s, not unyielding and commanding.

He couldn’t help it. Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes. Their harsh questions were so god damn difficult to answer like this!

“Maybe I don’t want to be dressed like you.” Vivian sniffed. As hard as he tried, tears rolled down his cheeks. He was so sick, and exhausted. He might have been able to keep his composure if not for the Weave. More questions were thrown his way. How could he explain the situation? It was easy enough to say he was Degare’s apprentice. His stomach twisted violently again at all the forced movement. Clearly, no matter what sort of show they wanted to put on, it was useless trying to press Vivian when he was this sick.

Something that became eminently more clear when he vomited all over the owl attempting to regain its composure on the floor. “Sorry.” Vivian muttered to it. “Guess we’re even for the pecking.”

Gods, his head was spinning. When the man put him back on his feet he grabbed the dining table, narrowly avoiding the traumatized owl and flopping onto his back on the floor. He curled up on his side. Well, at least the floor was cool.

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Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:18 pm


As soon as the Owl was grabbed, the birds would chirp at the male, including the derpy looking one eyed parakeet and the rainbow macaw as they were screeching their signal for attack, a trick that had been trained into them by their owner for security purposes "Attack! Attack! Attack! Nee Naw! Nee Naw!" Anya would watch as the owl was vomited on and violently thrown about. The moment Emmett had lifted him up, Anya appeared to be disgusted with Vivian's behaviour towards the situation "Felicity! Aww you poor thing... Ulen's graces."

Emmett was unamused by Vivian's conduct as an member of the Entente, he was very reluctant to give the young man an opportunity to ascend to citizenship as it were. It was natural that newly-initiated mages were given the opportunity to become paragons of Daravinic society and if so it would be unfitting for a man like him to become an privileged member of society, especially when he lacked one thing. The perfection of Ulen that he had allegedly blessed those with when assigning a mark of control from them. He indeed looked like a blasphemer in society but yet, people change. Atleast that's what Anya thought.

"Well, you can say sorry to Felicity, I have to clean her up" She said as the owl flew to her shoulder, cawwing wildly, the other birds reigned in their cacophonic chirping once again as an kookaburra waddled towards the edge. Emmett began to get pissed with Vivian.

"Alright! Anya, get your birds out!" He said seemingly angry.

"Since I'm not going to get an answer out of you..." He flipped the table in anger.

"Emmett! What are you doing!" He stopped himself and paused "He can't talk like this, he's been afflicted with mageblight, he requires medical attention."

Emmett calmed himself down, before he glared frostily at the young catamite "I will give you a month to recover, by then... I want to know if Ulen will truely bless you again... You shall receive a mark from me..." He said with a sigh, before looking back at Anya.

"Take him to the room, he may have one month in this house... He may begone or he'll accept my offer... I must know if Ulen is true to his word, for this is a mark of a blasphemer!" He cussed out, leaving Anya and Emmett alone. Anya gulped as she didn't want to upset her husband, but before she did she pulled Vivian up from his stupor and gave him the night of bedrest in what seemed like Degare's old room in the tower. A place of memories and fondness, she left him quietly there to recover.

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Thu Sep 01, 2022 1:18 pm


Vivian heard the table crash, and cringed on the floor. He wasn't able to defend himself, magically or otherwise like this. He covered his head with his arms, shaking. What the hell did the Veir think he was going to accomplish with this? He was mageblighted! There was not a creature on earth that could pull answers out of a man while ether was draining his soul. He could only lay there and listen to them, the birds screeching feeling like needles in his ears. Gods, he hated birds. Insufferable little featherdusters.

Thank the gods, the woman intervened, but the news afterward wasn't encouraging at all. He was to receive a Mark, against his will...again. He had a month to recover, then he would be railroaded into whatever new magic this man Emmett was intent on carving into him. To run would make him an exile. He would never be able to return home, regardless of whether Arkash or Degare returned. If he submitted, he would be taking on yet another strange magic. He groaned when Anya pulled him up, and whimpered feebly when he was left in the tower.


No not here.

Not here!

He covered his head again, writhing on the bed, trapped by Degare's scent and bedsheets. He scrambled off of it, tumbling to the floor and laying on the wood. He couldn't be in that bed. He couldn't have red eyes following him again. He retched but nothing came out of his stomach, and he curled up on the rug. He had to try and sleep, and assess the situation later. He was useless with the mageblight and overstepping tearing through him.

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Sat Sep 03, 2022 3:04 pm



Malformation: Doppelganger: Stealing faces is expensive ethereally
Malformation: Depersonalization: Stay away from the thing that triggered the overstep.
Malformation: Depersonalization: Nausea, the loss of a sense of self, nightmares of yourself living in another man's head.
5 x General lores.

None for Salen (Hes being outted as a Guest Modster.
Heres his Sheet. viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657&p=7149#p7149

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8 each

Comments: I will start the Merona Thread.

word count: 89
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