Broken Bones

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:44 am

21st of Glade, 4622

As the short hand of clock fell perfectly on the eleventh hour in tandem with the long hand on the twelfth, Arkash was just about done with his meticulous work.

Late in the Amoren Socorro estate, Salen and Arkash had captured an intruder; supposedly one of Dahlia’s spies. The injury to the man’s face bruised quickly, and some slight swelling indicated that a bone was broken in the young man’s cheek. His eyes were lidded above the puffy site of Arkash’s right cross, jaw hung agape while he idly breathed in the temperate lamplit darkness of the piano room.

He was slumped upon a chair with most of his clothing removed. Lacking any form of rope or chain with which to tie the intruder to the chair, Arkash improvised. With Sinew Thread, as created by his grafting needle, Arkash grafted the intruder’s skin to the wooden arms and backrest of the chair.

A vast web of interwoven skin and sinew melded the agent to his holding place, all along his forearm, tricep, shoulders, and back.

Of course, Arkash had considered weaving the boy’s nerves through the web of skin he’s created so that any attempt to break out would be excruciating, but instead settled for something easier. In the man’s blunt-force unconsciousness, Arkash opened his knees with a scalpel, and filled the gaps of his joints with Sinew foam, which hardened and became bone. Some manual testing revealed that the limbs could no longer bend, not without fracturing the bone itself.

Pleased with his work, Arkash exhaled, then set the Sinew gun down atop the grand piano and removed his bloodied gloves. “There,” Arkash declared with a glance at the human. “Unless he somehow learns to walk without knees, he’s not going anywhere,” the Rath assured with a grin.

Could the addendum be reversed? Of course it could, with time, skill and effort. Arkash wouldn’t be willing to undo such a thing without some form of payment, however.

Once his tools were packed away, he peeled his eyes from the work he’d done on the intruder’s back, and looked to Salen. “His gauntlet looks the same as yours,” he observed. “Is this something afforded to all Dahlia’s agents? A calling card of sorts?” His lips pursed in frustration. “It’s impossible to remove, so I imagine it must be Strickened in some way…”

He thought a moment longer while his eyes lingered on the limb, then with a sharp exhale from his nose, his attention returned to Salen, eyes shining in the low lamplight of the piano room. “What information are we trying to gather? Do you intend to let him live when we’re done or is the end for this troublemaker?”

He allowed time for Salen to answer, then asked his next thought-provoking question. “…What’s our strategy here? Beat the answers out of him? Bargain? A mixture of both?” Arkash hadn’t interrogated someone before, it wasn’t often that he needed answers and often brutalized his way through most situations. “I’ll follow your lead regardless of which you choose.”

Image source.
word count: 551
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Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:00 pm

It had been shorthand at that moment; the captive was still unconscious as Salen raised an eyebrow; One of Dahlia's spies had decided to be the foolish one to tread in a place where monsters lurk. His gaze looked at Arkash patiently as his eyes were lidded. Salen had great patience and was even curious of what he was doing.

Necromancy. It seemed to have been a talent that the other man has had, but for how long? Years? Decades? It was hard to distinguish age of other folk, but it appeared that there was another connection. However, he could fathom that the man was resourceful and intelligent. With nothing to tie the man, he watched him improvise, although grimaced at the sound of flesh being torn. Still, he looked curiously at what he was doing and smirked "You're a very clever man, Caro..." He complimented as he tilted his head with a glint of sadism. The chilling moment where he made eye contact for a moment, it was as if there was nothing there; a strange coldness would stand there for a moment as he exhaled through his nose.

Withdrawn and aloof, he sat down on the chair opposite and chose to light another cigarette; only this time a pungent and heavy dosage of drug could be smelt across the room. The heavy smell of marijuana intoxicated the air as he appeared to be in a much more calmer and relaxed mood. It was as if his head was in the clouds; it was the drug that kept his head from spinning into a violent rage as he watched. It was his answer for calmness, the dependence of the drugs. He appeared to be more focused than ever, whilst highly intoxicated on the drug. Another boon that was blessed upon him from the blight he had received from the Great Reveler himself.

He chuckled lowly as he raised an eyebrow "Like a spider with her web, she creates a beautiful piece of artwork from her web; a weave of flesh to a chair that he bears imprisoned too, what a tragic tale this one has to face." He said, tilting his head with a snicker as if he enjoyed the sight. Who could tell? He grinned back and made eye contact with him once again; although his look was more predatory and feline as his eyes smiled at him. He chose not to say anything, as he got up, taking a pull of his cigarette as he paced back and forth, letting the cannaboid substances influence his mind. An audible 'ahhh' came from his lips as he was impressed.

He tilted his head at the question about the claw and shook his head "No... Dahlia doesnt have the resources for such decadent matters, and if so it would brand her as amoral; she's reliant on other people... A leech in society." He shrugged as he tilted his head "Perhaps, I shall reveal more once you have done your part in assisting me, but until then..."

"I need to know who Dahlia's biggest supporters are, he's bound to know..."

He paced further, lingering in thought on the question before raising an eyebrow, snickering beneath his breath "We shall cross that bridge when we come to it... Patience is a virtue, as they always say... Although a man can only have so much patience before they begin" He said, although it was not clear what Salen would do with the man, but he had considered alot of options.

"A concoction of all of the four, combined... Served cold as they say, after all, revenge is best served that way is it not?" A hint of suggestion lingered as he looked at Arkash with a lupine gaze. There was a certain suaveness to his voice, as if he was calm and collected about the issue, however he chose to glare back at the prisoner that had been undoubtedly skin-grafted to the chair "Do you like games, Caro?" He asked bluntly, looking into his eyes as he grinned; his eyes smiled at him, as if to relay sadistic and cruel intent for the husk of a man, grafted to that chair.

There was no hope, only pain and suffering as by the time he had woken up "Speaking of which; we may have had a rude awakening amongst us, fetch me some knives." He asked as he stared down at the captive intruder who was in delirium. He looked down and screamed, with Salen removing his leather glove and stuffing it into his mouth to silence him.

"I didn't say speak or scream did I?" The intruder was wide-eyed as he spit the glove out, only to become frantically fear. He tried to struggle from his bindings, but it appeared that they would cause him extremely excruciating pain "What... What did you do to me!" He exclaimed at Salen, his breathing remained heavy. Fear clouded his mind for all he could think about is if he would come out of this alive "Silence... The more you panic, the more you scream, the more you wriggle. The more agony you'll inflict on yourself~" He sung the last word, melodiously as he took a seat as he waited for Caro to bring him the knives that he requested.

Salen sat their calmly as he took a pull from his cigarette, before as he crossed his legs, chuckling at the site he had witnessed the predicament the intruder was in "Oh, you're such a fool, such a fool... I know what you are, what you do... Everything... It's too bad you're in some... Very complicated situation"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Of course you don't..." His sarcasm continued "Maybe I wouldn't know that you're some kind of agent for Dahlia..."

The agent remained silent, proceeding not to be broken by the male.

"No? Not willing to cooperate? Fine, stay that way... But you'll regret it..."

The agent shivered in fear as he hardened his resolve, but he desired to be free "It's your choice..." Salen offered to the agent, who was clearly shuddering; it was evident that he began wetting himself in fear; the predicament had dawned on him "Alright..." He said desperately whimpering in fear for his own life "I'll tell you everything, what do you need to know..."

"Dahlia doesn't run this show on her own, does she?" He asked as the agent shook with fear that he desperately tried to move his other arm, however he could only writhe in agony as he took one sudden move, snapping his arm as he screamed "Arrrghhh!" The male cried in pain, but Salen didn't feel sorry for him, only watched with the cold stare of nothingness in his eyes.

A stare without a reflection.

"I gave you a warning..." He said, hoping that Caro would bring him those knives he requested.

The true torture begins.

word count: 1181
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:04 pm


Nothing awarded as word count wasn't hit :( Sorry boo.
5x Generic Lores
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Points: 5 for Salen, 0 for Arkash
Comments: Sadly I don't think I can give Arkash full credit since he didn't hit word count. Since you hit at least 1100 (call it 1200) words, I can give you as much as I would a solo. We miss you Arkash.
word count: 81
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